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09-04 投稿



gammon 发音

英:[?ɡ?m?n]  美:[?ɡ?m?n]

英:  美:

gammon 中文意思翻译







gammon 网络释义

n. 腌猪后腿;胡说vi. 胡说;作假vt. 欺骗;腌int. 胡说八道!n. (Gammon)人名;(英)甘蒙

gammon 短语词组

1、gammon and patter ─── 俗套, 行话

2、bach gammon n. ─── 托卡塔曲(古典乐曲)

gammon 反义词


gammon 词性/词形变化,gammon变形

动词现在分词: gammoning |名词: gammoner |动词第三人称单数: gammons |动词过去式: gammoned |动词过去分词: gammoned |

gammon 同义词

gammon 相似词语短语

1、gammock ─── 旧的

2、Hammond ─── n.哈蒙德(美国城市)

3、Mammon ─── n.钱财(作为偶像或罪恶根源看的,常为贬义);财神;贪欲(等于mammon)

4、game on ─── 游戏开始

5、gamming ─── n.鲸鱼群;(尤指海边,滩上的)社交,交谈;腿(尤指妇女漂亮的腿);v.社交,与……联欢;闲聊以消磨时光;(鲸鱼)聚集成群;n.(Gam)(美、丹)加姆(人名)

6、psammon ─── n.沙栖生物

7、gammoner ─── n.腌猪后腿;胡说(gammon的变形)

8、gammoned ─── n.腌猪后腿;胡说;(双陆棋的)全胜;保守派人士(尤指中年男性,英国“脱欧”支持者);vi.胡说;作假;vt.欺骗;腌;(双陆棋中)获全胜;int.胡说八道!;n.(Gammon)(美、英、加)甘蒙(人名)

9、gammons ─── n.(Gammons)人名;(英)甘蒙斯

gammon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Really, not that big of a stumbling block though - and I do love James Gammon no matter what he's doing on screen. ─── 真的,虽然不是一个大败笔。当然,我还是很喜欢詹姆斯·盖蒙的,无论他在屏幕上是什么样子。

2、The Noordin Committee spent several months interviewing BBMB staff and going through all the loan-related papers including the valuation report on Gammon House. ─── 诺丁委员会花了多个月时间,接见过许多位裕民银行的职员,也翻查过贷款的相关文件,包括金门大厦的估价报告。

3、Gammon team takes part in the annual Sedan Chair Race. ─── 金门队每年均参与慈善抬轿大赛。

4、players often use gammon, role transformation, recourse, provocation, weakness and so on. ─── 运用的策略主要有欺骗、角色转换、求助、挑衅、示弱等。

5、Good communication is vital to Gammon Skanska and its vendors. ─── 良好的沟通对金门与分判商及供应商的合作关系至关重要。

6、Play Cloning Gammon for a prize. ─── 克隆十五子游戏。

7、All right, but what's the matter, Mr. Gammon? ─── 可以,是怎么回事,葛曼先生?

8、Hello, this is Mark Gammon speaking. ─── 你好。我是马克?葛曼。

9、Gammon wrote: "Heaven has gained an angel." ─── 金门写道:“天堂有了一个天使。”

10、To defeat in backgammon by scoring a gammon. ─── 在十五子棋中全胜对方

11、Established in Hong Kong in 1977, Gammon Iron Gate Co., Ltd (GIG) was engaged in the manufacturing and sale of various types of metal gates. ─── 起源于1977年,金门铁闸有限公司批发及零售各种类型的铁、钢及铝门。

12、Well, that Sunday Albert was home, they had a hot gammon, ─── 对,那个礼拜天艾伯特在家,他们做了熏火腿请我到场

13、Martin Gammon, of Bonhams, said the sale price could be $2m "based on market history" . ─── 邦汉姆拍卖行的马丁·盖蒙说,按照这个市场行情,这次拍卖的成交价格达到200万美元不成问题。

14、gammon and patter ─── n. 废话, 行话

15、More rarely duck, goose, gammon, Turkey or game are eaten. ─── 更很少鸭,鹅,金门,火鸡或游戏也吃。

16、And also, Mrs. Gammon called just before you came back. ─── 还有,格曼夫人在您刚回来之前打电话来,

17、It's all gammon and spinach. ─── 那完全是胡说八道。

18、It's much more versatile than beef, and has a salty, mineral taste rather like gammon. ─── 烹调的方式比牛肉更广,加点盐,油做起的味道就像火腿。

19、give someone in gammon ─── 把某人注意力吸引过来好让同伙偷窃

20、a gammon steak ─── 一厚片火腿

21、Successively with Gammon Construction (listed companies), new construction pipes, TPV Electronics, Huawei and other domestic and foreign large enterprises import and export agency contract signed. ─── 先后同金门建筑(上市公司)、新兴筑管、冠捷电子、华为等国内外大型企业签订了进出口代理合同。

22、he cried, 'it's us must break the treaty when the time comes; and till then I'll gammon that doctor, if I have to ile his boots with brandy.' ─── 他嚷道,“时机一到,我们自然会撕毁协议,但在那之前,我还得哄着那大夫,哪怕用白兰地给他擦靴子也行。”

23、If you need further enquiries, please contact Mr.P.K.Tai of Gammon Construction Ltd. at 2346 0760. ─── 如需要进一步查询,请致电2346 0760与金门建筑有限公司戴栢基先生联络。

24、Glazed Gammon Ham with chutney and Dijon mustard ─── 腌猪腿配酸辣酱和法式芥末

25、Nielsen-Gammon says much of the Texas wheat crop has already been damaged by the drought and that food prices are likely to rise. ─── 尼尔森·盖蒙说,德州很多地区的小麦已经受到干旱影响,粮食价格可能会上涨。

26、Derek Smyth is an Executive Director with Gammon Construction Limited who, after working in the Middle East and Africa, went to Hong Kong 26 years ago. ─── 施万富先生现任香港金门建筑有限公司执行董事,此前26年他在中东和非洲地区工作。

27、It's all gammon. ─── 那完全是胡说八道骗人。

28、Workers undergo training at one of the Gammon Workers Registration Centres. ─── 建筑工人于金门工人注册中心内参与培训课程。

29、For breakfast the next day, it was gammon steak and red capsicum ragout. ─── 早餐吃的是腌肉排和红辣椒蔬菜炖肉片。

30、Honey baked gammon ham with sweet mustard dressing ─── 蜜汁局火腿配甜芥末酱

31、gammon steaks ─── 熏猪排

32、For breakfast the next day, it was gammon steak (think jambon) and red capsicum ragout or an excellent warm smoked salmon crepe with asparagus, or the usual eggs to order. ─── 次日早餐吃的是腌肉排、红辣椒蔬菜炖肉片,或者可选美味的热烟熏三文鱼饼配芦笋,还可要家常的鸡蛋。

33、gammon and spinach ─── 胡说八道

34、Play Cloning Gammon for a prize . ─── 克隆十五子游戏。

35、Gammon is an Asian-based construction services group committed to finding innovative solutions for our clients. ─── 金门是以亚洲为基地的一家建筑服务公司,致力于为客户提供革新性的建筑方案。

36、To defeat in backgammon by scoringa gammon. ─── 在十五子棋中全胜对方。

37、Bowsprit Gammoning: Shows the bowsprit cleats, gammon cleats, gammoning knee, gammoning, wooldings, and bowsprit fairlead saddle. ─── 船首斜桁猪腿:斜桅夹板,猪腿夹板,猪腿膝关节,猪腿,绞扎绳索,及鞍状的导索器。

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