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columniation 中文意思翻译



columniation 反义词


columniation 短语词组

1、columniation definition ─── 列定义

2、columniation meaning ─── 列式意义

columniation 同义词

columniation 相似词语短语

1、columniations ─── n.列柱;列柱式

2、calumniating ─── vt.诽谤;中伤;诬蔑

3、intercolumniation ─── n.分柱法;柱子间距

4、colonisation ─── n.定殖;殖民地化;集群现象

5、calumniator ─── n.诽谤者;中伤者

6、colonization ─── n.殖民;殖民地化

7、columnistic ─── 专栏作家

8、calumniation ─── n.中伤;诽谤

9、columniated ─── 柱状

columniation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、related theory of adsorptive isotherm was studied about columniation layer analyse in the last of thesis. ─── 论文最后对柱层析的有关吸附等温线理论进行了探讨。

2、the growth formation of all the films are like columniation, the average size and the surface roughness decreased gradually with increasing Ta2O5 content; ─── 退火前后所有薄膜都呈柱状生长结构,随着Ta2O5含量的增加,颗粒的平均尺寸逐渐减小,粗糙度逐渐降低,表面更平滑;

3、The Evolvement of Center- columniation Cave and the Center- columniation Caves in Matisi Grottoes ─── 浅谈中心柱窟的演变及马蹄寺石窟群的中心柱窟

4、The Calculating Bending Strength Study of Steel Reinforced Light Weight Concrete Columniation with No Reinforced Bar ─── 无受力配筋轻骨料型钢混凝土柱正截面计算理论探讨

5、The Simply Studying about the Abnormity Columniation Frame ─── 浅析异形柱框架结构

6、If every pixel in an image is regarded as column and the image can be a columniation, then the image face can be calculated by a simple, accurate method. ─── 摘要针对数字图像的特点,提出了一种计算图像表面积的简单方法。在此基础上,根据分形布朗运动理论,提出基于图像表面积的分数维计算方法。

7、Having columniation completely circling an area of the structure. ─── 有一种完全环绕建筑物的某一区域的列柱法。

8、The inner standing columniation can be adjusted from front to back as per different request, and the layer plate can be adjusted fluctuated to fix easily. ─── 内立柱可根据需要前后调节移动,层板可上下自由调节,便于安装;

9、two Three-Columniation End moment Equations at neighbor points, moved out sidesway, it is Three-span moment Equation of frame that be relationship moments in three spans with load. ─── 在连续两个结点上的三柱端弯矩方程,消去侧移分量产生刚架连续三跨的柱端弯矩与荷载关系的三跨弯矩方程。

10、Traditional coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) with Cartesian coordinate system, columniation coordinate system and other coordinate systems are widely used. ─── 传统的坐标测量机大都基于一种几何坐标系,如笛卡儿坐标系,柱坐标系等。

11、The inner standing columniation can be adjusted from front to back as per different request, and the layer plate can be adjusted fluctuated to fix easily. ─── 内立柱可根据需要前后调节移动,层板可上下自由调节,便于安装;

12、According to this situation,a new method namely used silica gem columniation was researched,the clear and colorless tea seed oil was attained and the content of oleic acid was up to 83.36%. ─── 本文针对这一情况,采用了一种新型的方法即硅胶柱层析法脱除茶油中的色素,得到了清亮透明无色的茶油并将茶油中油酸的含量提高到了83.63%。

13、Radar Non-destructive Identifying and Strengthening Design for Columniation of Workshop ─── 某厂房柱的雷达无损检测鉴定及加固设计

14、marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure. ─── 以一种建筑物的列柱法为特点,即在两端或者两侧门廊有大量的圆柱。

15、Application of CSAMT method on cave-in columniation exploration of 402 side of Sitai mineral deposit.Progress of Geophysics, 1996, 11(2): 137-147. ─── CSAMT法在四台矿402盘区陷落柱构造探测中的应用,地球物理学进展,1996,11(2):137-147.

16、marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure ─── 以一种建筑物的列柱法为特点,即在两端或者两侧门廊有大量的圆柱

17、silica gem columniation ─── 硅胶柱

18、The Digit Display Renovation and Error Analysis Countermeasure of Two Columniation Jig Borer ─── 双柱坐标镗床数显改造及其误差分析与对策

19、Radar Non-destructive Identifying and Strengthening Design for Columniation of Workshop ─── 某厂房柱的雷达无损检测鉴定及加固设计

20、The upper soft layer is creepping, which are the basis of dangerous rockmass and rock columniation in the cliff. ─── 上部软弱层为蠕滑层,悬崖壁存在的众多危岩体及岩柱以软弱层为基底。

21、Keywords The Reverse Construction Method;diaphragm;mid-maintain columniation;construction inspection;economic efficiency; ─── 逆作法;地下连续墙;中间支撑柱;施工监测;经济效益;

22、The influence of the stiffness of the contact face between the standing columniation and the base on the modal of the machine tool was analyzed. ─── 重点分析了机床固定立柱和底座结合面的刚度对机床模态的影响,为机床的下一步设计提供了参考。

23、marked by columniation having free columns in a portico only across the opening to the structure ─── 以只在建筑物入口的门廊处有大量圆柱的列柱法为特点

24、-light columniation display ─── 光柱显示

25、marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure. ─── 以一种建筑物的列柱法为特点,即在两端或者两侧门廊有大量的圆柱。

26、steel reinforced light weight concrete columniation ─── 轻骨料型钢混凝土柱

27、The Dynamic Error Analyse About the Copper Columniation Measuring Pressure Equipment in Interior Ballistics ─── 铜柱测定膛压装置动态误差分析

28、marked by columniation having free columns in a portico only across the opening to the structure. ─── 以只在建筑物入口的门廊处有大量圆柱的列柱法为特点。

29、Mixed chromatogram columniation ─── 混合色谱柱

30、The Dynamic Error Analyse About the Copper Columniation Measuring Pressure Equipment in Interior Ballistics ─── 铜柱测定膛压装置动态误差分析

31、The Digit Display Renovation and Error Analysis Countermeasure of Two Columniation Jig Borer ─── 双柱坐标镗床数显改造及其误差分析与对策

32、marked by columniation having free columns in a portico only across the opening to the structure. ─── 以只在建筑物入口的门廊处有大量圆柱的列柱法为特点。

33、The Calculating Bending Strength Study of Steel Reinforced Light Weight Concrete Columniation with No Reinforced Bar ─── 无受力配筋轻骨料型钢混凝土柱正截面计算理论探讨

34、This is a columniation which is for locating purpose. ─── 这个柱子是用于定位的.

35、Keywords coal;pressure swing adsorption;methane;fractal dimension of surface;surface modification;breakthrough curve;the columniation of kinetic model; ─── 煤;变压吸附;甲烷;表面分形;表面改性;穿透曲线;柱动力学模型;

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