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09-04 投稿



fulcrums 发音

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fulcrums 中文意思翻译



fulcrums 短语词组

1、fulcrums of change ─── 变化的支点

2、fulcrums classifications ─── 支点分类

3、fulcrums for sale ─── 支点出售

4、fulcrums pendulum ─── 支点摆

5、fulcrums in spanish ─── 西班牙语支点

fulcrums 词性/词形变化,fulcrums变形

名词复数: fulcrums |

fulcrums 相似词语短语

1、fulcra ─── n.支骨;棘状鳞

2、alarums ─── n.警报;惊慌(等于alarm)

3、ngultrums ─── n.努扎姆(不丹货币单位)

4、doldrums ─── n.忧郁;赤道无风带

5、-crums ─── crums公司

6、fulvous ─── adj.黄褐色的

7、forums ─── n.论坛(forum的复数);讨论会

8、fulcrate ─── fulcrate公司

9、fulcrum ─── n.[机][力]支点;叶附属物

fulcrums 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Technical expertise for the fulcrum for more progress. ─── 以技术特长为支点,争取更多进步。

2、the application of technology is the fulcrum; ─── 以科技应用为支点;

3、Effectively Boosting the Construction of Important Strategic Fulcrum ─── 卓有成效地推进重要战略支点建设

4、The approaches of undergraduate research and enquiry-based learning are the Archimedes' fulcrums to implementing these principles. ─── 本科生研究和研究性教学则是实现这些原则的“阿基米德支点”。

5、three fulcrums ─── 三支点

6、The Goods of a Well - known Brand Is Important Fulcrum in Modern Industry Marketing ─── 强势品牌是现代企业营销的重要支点

7、One of his theory fulcrums is Dichotomy of politics and administration. ─── 其理论支点之一是“政治与行政二分法”。

8、On the pit plane, this paper uses Coulomb抯 earth pressure theory to calculate active soil pressure.At the same time, the fulcrum is considered as elastic node. ─── 在基坑平面以上,采用库仑土压力理论计算主动土压力,将支点处看作是施加了一个外力和一个单支点进行分析计算。

9、Seeking the "Archimedes Fulcrum" of Building Up Harmonious Society ─── 寻找构建和谐社会的"阿基米德支点"

10、It has the properties of art, technology, and merchandise, and the external embodiments of which are the three important fulcra of TV packaging: aesthetic fulcrum, technological fulcrum and original fulcrum. ─── 它具有艺术、科技和商品3种属性,而这3种属性的外在体现,就是电视包装的3个重要支点:美学的、技术的和创意的支点。

11、Efforts to Enable Hubei Province to become an Important Strategic Fulcrum to Boost the Development of the Central Region ─── 努力使湖北成为促进中部地区崛起的重要战略支点

12、dead lever fulcrum bracket ─── 固定杠杆支点托架

13、Scientific system of crime prevention must have three fulcrums, advanced nature, correspondence and complexity. ─── 科学的犯罪预防体系应当具备超前性、对应性和复合性三个支点。

14、Artificial Fulcrum in the Treatment of Horizontal Impacted Incisor in Orthodontics ─── 人工支点在矫治水平阻生上颌切牙的应用

15、How to find out the fulcrum to balance the two lawsuits and coordinate the relation is unavoidable in building a harmonious society. ─── 如何才能找到其中的阿基米德支点,平衡这两种诉讼,协调二者的关系是转型中的中国不能忽视的,也是建设和谐社会所不能回避的问题。

16、As such, he is the fulcrum of what may be the best Argentina side since the Maradona-led World Cup winners of 1986, the player most cherished and, some think, most indulged by the coach Jose Pekerman. ─── 因此他也很自然的成为继马拉多纳之后阿根廷的另一个足球灵魂,他有着自己的想法在场上完全随心所愿甚至连主教练佩克尔曼都对其非常之纵容。

17、a device attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing ─── 作为划船支点的把桨固定住的在船舷上缘的装置

18、But with the growth of economy, China will be asked to accept the whole frame of right and duty of WTO that is the real fulcrum of balance. ─── 但随着我国经济实力的增强,我国将被要求接纳WTO较为完整的权利与义务框架,而这才是权利与义务平衡的真正支点。

19、anteroposterior fulcrum line ─── 前后向支点连线

20、Why is the woman always more coxcombry than the man?We want to spread out from a flank, cosmetic is the fulcrum of the problem. ─── 女人为什么总是比男人更爱妆扮?我们想从一个侧面来展开,化妆品是问题的支点。

21、When Keane was at his peak, his quick winning of the ball, bringing it forward from defence and pinging counter-attacking balls forward to the breaking midfielders was the fulcrum off the team. ─── 在基恩在他的巅峰时期,他快速地抢下球,从后防向前带球,发动反击把球向前传给突破的中场球员,这是球队的支点。

22、Since l000 B.C. when the oar and fulcrum were developed, rowing has been a means of transportation.It actually developed into a sport in the early 19th century. ─── 从公元前1000年起,当桨以杠杆支点方式固定在船两边,划船便成为一种交通运输方式,到19世纪初发展成为一项体育运动。

23、Three fulcrums lack a can't. ─── 三个支点缺一不可。

24、adjustable fulcrum ─── 可调整支点的活动装置

25、caudal fulcrum V-shaped, spine-like scale at front of caudal fin. ─── 尾部棘状鳞在尾鳍的前面的V形棘状的鳞片。

26、One of his theory fulcrums is Dichotomy of politics and administration. ─── 其理论支点之一是“政治与行政二分法”。

27、Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region.If it behaved responsibly, the world would naturally look to it as the local power.Instead it meddles, often malevolently, with its neighbours. ─── 伊朗是一个不稳定地区的杠杆支点,如果他表现的负责任,世界自然会把他作为一方势力,相反,通常他对他的邻国进行恶意的捣乱。

28、At the same press bending angle, the cross section distortion of the tubes decreases by increasing the distance between the die fulcrums. ─── 在相同的压弯弯曲角度下,增大凹模支点的间距可以减小管坯截面的畸变。

29、The lower fulcrum of each hydraulic cylinder is fixed with the transverse walk frame;the top of the hydraulic cylinder is connected with the bottom plane of the bearing frame. ─── 各液压缸的下支点与横向行走机架固定,液压缸的顶端与承重架底平面连接。

30、spring rigging fulcrum ─── 弹簧装置支点

31、The education that you receive is the fulcrum taking action in your career, but expect to win fierce job hunting competition only according to receiving too good education, that is unrealistic. ─── 你所受的教育是你职业生涯中行动的支点,但指望仅凭受过良好教育便在激烈的求职竞争中取胜,那是不现实的。

32、The board is supported at positions -1.5 and +1.5 by two equal fulcrums, both two meters tall and standing on a flat floor. ─── 假设在平板座标-1.5与+1.5的位置,各有一个支点在下支撑,它们高2公尺,而且放置在平坦的地面上。

33、This paper analyses adult thought and children thought, scientific factor and magical color, two logical fulcrums, in which one is inside and the other is outside in Wu Yan's science fiction. ─── 并证明“消逝”的“童年”正在当代儿童科幻小说这一文体中回归。从吴岩作品中,既可以看到中国科幻的某些模式化,亦可见其微妙的嬗变。

34、a device attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing. ─── 作为划船支点的把桨固定住的在船舷上缘的装置。

35、The notion of an indefinite and unlimited “war on terror” became the fulcrum of US foreign policy. ─── 一种定义模糊、不受限制的“反恐战争”概念,成为了美国外交政策的支点。

36、The proposal and establishment of state responsibility will help promote the development of China's Constitution, and become a new theory fulcrum to the development of our Constitution. ─── 国家责任的提出与构建,必将促进中国宪法的发展,成为当前我国宪法发展的新的理论支点。

37、Hypogastric is the fulcrum of breath and can not be maintained out, otherwise the root will lose gas. ─── 丹田是呼气的支点,不能懈掉,否则,气就失去根了。

38、To the requirement of the chair: Need not too comfortable, also need not too beautiful, it is a proper ornament, it is the fulcrum when a need is helped. ─── 对椅子的要求:不必太舒适,也不必太漂亮,它是一个恰到好处的点缀,是一个需要帮助时的支点。

39、The city library is a new fulcrum in building urban culture,and the paper expounds the interactive effects on both urban culture and libraries. ─── 城市图书馆是城市文化建设的一个新的支点,文章论述了城市文化与图书馆的互动效应。

40、This paper concerns the Calculation of radical function with single limited fulcrum or with multiple limited fulcrums. ─── 主要研究根式函数在具有一个有限支点和多个有限支点的情况下,其函数值的计算方法。

41、"Give me a fulcrum, I can the entire planet. ─── “给我一个支点,我可以撬起整个地球”。

42、Saw him, he was not really know how to find a sensible balance and emotional fulcrum. ─── 别怪他,他是真的不知道如何找到理智和情感的平衡支点。

43、The numbering of Rotary Fulcrum bearing (The StandardJB2300-84) ─── 回转支承代号编制方法(JB2300-84)

44、Week earth that saving is not passive consumption savings, but savings initiative is a higher standard of living without wasteful consumption patterns is an important building-saving social fulcrum. ─── 周大地认为,节约型消费不是被动节约,而是主动节约,是有着较高生活水平而又不浪费的消费模式,是建设节约型社会的一个重要支点。

45、lower guide fulcrum ─── 下导丝咀

46、The center of mass will immediately produce a force that swings the aircraft back to its position directly below the fulcrum, just as a pendulum or keel would. ─── 大规模的中心会立即产生波动的力量,飞机回到自己的立场正下方的支点,就像一个钟摆或龙骨会。

47、Abstract: Broadcasting media is always considered to be an inferior media.However, its inferiority lies in its lack of fulcrum. ─── 内容摘要:广播媒体被认为是“弱势媒体”,然而,“弱势”就弱在缺少一个“支点”。

48、The notion of an indefinite and unlimited“ war on terror” became the fulcrum of US foreign policy. ─── 一种定义模糊、受限制的“反恐战争”概念,成为了美国外交政策的支点。

49、Once they lock in (which I see in about 3-4 years), as we reach the fulcrum in the precessional cycle, they will then seek a rooting, and there will be a period of equalization or balance. ─── 以前它们是锁闭的(我们进入尚需3-4年),当我们到达岁差周期运动的支点的时候,它们开始寻找固定的场所,将有平等和平衡的一段时期。

50、He is the fulcrum of the Arsenal team, turning defence into attack and keeping the Gunners' passing game ticking over from midfield. ─── 他是阿森纳的场上支撑点,能够转守为攻并保证阿森纳中场开始流畅的传球。

51、Ethics Spirit: the Balanced Fulcrum to Carry Out Social Equity and Efficiency ─── 伦理精神:实现社会公平与效率均衡的支点

52、brake beam fulcrum ─── 制动梁支点

53、we keep on seizing the five fulcrums of fund industry's growth in a deeper lever which allows the company's characteristics and performance reach a better highlight. ─── 2007年,我们继续寻求到长城基金快速发展的5个支点,从更深的层次,使得公司的特点和业绩得到了更好的突出。

54、Never leave your leg extended as the bike slides out or the handlebars will leverage your upper thigh (with your knee as the fulcrum point). ─── 二是与摩托车形成一个直角伸脚踩踏在地面上,努力保持车身稳定。

55、brake lever fulcrum ─── 制动杠杆支点制动梁支柱

56、The Life of the Land Service System and the Law of Real Right--In Search of a New Fulcrum for the Law of Real Right ─── 地役权制度与物权法之生命--为活跃物权法寻找新支点

57、At the same time in the research methods, we should adopt the way of positive analysis so that we can get the more richly legislative fulcrum than from simple theoretical research. ─── 同时在研究方法上,也应采用实证分析的方式,从而得到比单纯理论研究更为丰富的立法支点。

58、Calculation on Horizontal Displacement of Single Fulcrum Pile- anchor Retaining Structure ─── 单支点桩锚支护结构的侧移计算

59、When turned to the limited position, lesion segment was taken as the pulling fulcrum and just given a short and delicate push. ─── 当腰部转到限制位时,病变节段处于扳动的支点,给予一短促轻巧的推冲力即可。

60、The development of human potential and protection of human instincts are the two important fulcrums for quality-oriented education. ─── 开发人的潜能与保护人的天性,是素质教育的两个重要支点。

61、Actually, this level fulcrum is also a confidence pivot. ─── 其实,这个杠杆支点也是一个信心支点。

62、"Rotary fulcrum bearings are large-sized bearings which can be subjected to combined axial, radial loads and tipping moment." ─── 回转支承是一种能够承受综合负荷的大型支承,可同时承受较大的轴向负荷,径向负荷和倾翻力矩。

63、equalizer fulcrum ─── 均衡梁支点

64、Main features: Shake arms and body parts for the fulcrum to do circular motion, power with the whip movement when soft, hard, long or short. ─── 主要特点:它以手臂的摇动和身体各部位为支点做圆周运动。其鞭走顺劲,时软时硬,可长可短。

65、Mold opening/closing mechanism: double fulcrums and single toggle pneumatic + mechanical clamping device. ─── 4.开合模机构:采用双支点单曲肘的气动+机械式合模装置。

66、In fact, the economy could show sees a fulcrum tourism estate. ─── 其实,展会经济大可看做旅游地产的一个支点。

67、For broadcasting management, a brand is just such a fulcrum. ─── 对于广播经营来说,品牌就是它的一个支点。

68、fulcrum foot ─── 中枢脚轴心脚

69、Become soon fork fulcrum stud bolt. ─── 变速叉支点螺栓。

70、The Forming of the Thought of Keeping "Strategic Fulcrum" and "Armed Fall Back" ─── 保持"战略支点"与"武装退却"思想的形成

71、It is with spic HongKong and Macow those who include delta of whole Pearl River is fulcrum, burgeoning " golden triangle " economy is encircled nowadays already figuration. ─── 以穗港澳为支点、包含整个珠江三角洲的新兴“金三角”经济圈如今已经成形。

72、It was peripheral to the development of Link as striking a balance between price and performance in the best fulcrum. ─── 因此,中环线周边的大部分地区都出现了房价大幅上涨的情况。

73、"a member, such as a beam, that projects beyond a fulcrum and is supported by a balancing member or a downward force behind the fulcrum." ─── 伸在支点之外的一个构件,如一段横梁,由与其持平衡的或向下的在支点后面的一个力支撑.

74、a rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum. ─── 围绕支点转动的硬金属条。

75、The development of human potential and protection of human instincts are the two important fulcrums for quality-oriented education. ─── 开发人的潜能与保护人的天性,是素质教育的两个重要支点。

76、He continued to make attempts and innovations only because he wanted to seek the fulcrum of life and because he persisted in the mental value of human. ─── 他不停地尝试,不停地创新,只为找寻生命的支点,只是出于对人的心灵本质价值的执着信念。

77、"double fulcrum" hydroelectric generator ─── “两支点”水轮发电机组

78、Fulcrum of Starting Countryside Reformation --General Description of Farming Field Regulation Innovation Research ─── 启动农村改革的支点--农地制度创新研究综述

79、"We may have hotel and airline ticket to book 2 fulcrum only previously, now at least 4 fulcrum. ─── “以前我们可能只有酒店和机票预订2个支点,现在至少4个支点。”

80、distance of hanging point and fulcrum ─── 吊距

81、It can be said that the logistics industry is the fulcrum of e-commerce. ─── 可以说,物流业是电子商务的支点。

82、dead lever fulcrum ─── 固定杠杆支点

83、A pair of chopsticks, must have a fulcrum. ─── 一双筷子,必须有一个支点。

84、flexible fulcrum method ─── 弹性支点法

85、A wedge of metal used as a low - friction fulcrum for a balancing beam or lever. ─── 刃形支承一种楔形金属,用作平衡木或杠杆的摩擦小的支撑物

86、Person condition: I can give a fulcrum when overworked, to me when need is relied on one is propped up, I give a seat when get ready, at this moment I can feel the home is so perfect. ─── 人物状态:能在劳累时给我一个支点,在需要依靠的时候给我一个支撑,在整装的时候给我一个座位,这时我会觉得家是这么完美。

87、Theory Fulcrums and Policy Choices of Chinese Government Function on Ensuring Peasantry's Health ─── 政府承担农民健康职能的理论支点及政策选择

88、M i d e d l The element known as Fulcrum (p i v o t). ─── m i d d l e中的元素被称为支点( p i v o t )。

89、If any "Fulcrums" saw combat, their Numbers were extremely small. ─── 如果有任何“支点”看到作战,他们的人数极少。

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