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09-04 投稿



interpose 发音

英:[??nt?r?po?z]  美:[??nt??p??z]

英:  美:

interpose 中文意思翻译



interpose 网络释义

vt. 提出(异议等);使插入;使干涉vi. 干预;插入;调停

interpose 短语词组

1、interpose a remark ─── 插话, ─── 插嘴

2、interpose oneself ─── 干预自己

interpose 词性/词形变化,interpose变形


interpose 相似词语短语

1、interposed ─── adj.插入的;v.插入(interpose的过去分词)

2、interposes ─── v.提出(异议等);使插入;使干涉;干预;调停

3、interphone ─── n.对讲机;[通信]互通机

4、interposal ─── n.介入;插入;干预

5、interposer ─── n.插入器;插入式选样

6、interphase ─── n.界面;(细胞的)间期;中间相;adj.相间的;界间的

7、interpones ─── 国际刑警组织

8、interpone ─── 插入子

9、interponed ─── 插话

interpose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Will they interpose their veto again ? ─── 他们还会再次否决吗?

2、At any point in the project where you don't interpose your own judgment, your people are more likely to make a mistake. So what? ─── 在项目中任何你没有提出自己看法的地方,你的手下都更容易犯错。

3、I kept in the background, as you wished, and waited, not for the decision of your heart or my own, but hoping that providence would graciously interpose in our behalf, and order events in our favor. ─── 好,我自愿留在幕后,等待着,并不是等待我自己或你的决定,而是等待上帝的吩咐, 而在这其间,你爱我,怜悯我,并坦白地告诉了我。

4、Study on risk factors of recurrent stroke and interpose measurement ─── 再发性脑卒中危险因素探讨及干预措施

5、interpose an object ─── 提出异议

6、The duty of an historian does not call upon himto interpose his private judgment in this niceand important controversy; ─── 一个历史家的职责并不要求他在这场微妙而重要的争论中夹入他自己的见解;

7、Does network community have really arouse medium " does the bag a just judge " the function of interpose vicious power? ─── 网络社区真有激发传媒“包青天”干预恶势力的功能?

8、Hence, she starts worrying that the children come behind again meeting carelessly the blunder interpose into. ─── 于是,她又开始担心孩子们回来时会不小心误闯进来。

9、" it is 24 years old, the Wu Jian that works in firm of ad of a day endowment (sound) leaf through magazine of marriage interpose news to groan at the same time at the same time. ─── 现年24岁,在一家日资广告公司工作的吴键(音)一边翻看婚介信息杂志一边唉声叹气。

10、The child says: Sacred interpose ignore between Yu Nan's person and woman! ─── 小孩说:上帝介忽于男人与女人之间!

11、She tried to interpose between her husband and son. ─── 她想调解丈夫和儿子之间的争吵。

12、But as a result of Kuomintang Jiang interpose Shi Ji is betrayed roundly, destiny of this one change moves come a howler. ─── 但由于国民党蒋介石集团的背叛 ,这一革命运动遭到失败。

13、Any government is not promised to interpose any other country interior. ─── 任何政府都不应干涉别国内政。

14、Our Ministers dare not interpose with dignity or effect. ─── 我们的众位部长却不敢严正有力地出面干涉。

15、Let none interpose between thee and thy wrestling angel! ─── 不让一个人来插入你和天使的摔跤!

16、Interpose at advocate the makeup between bedroom and bathroom area. Bed of the anadem on the beautiful group of carpet, wall, sofa and other adornment are repeating same thematic style. ─── 介于主卧室和浴室之间的化妆区。地毯的花团、墙上的花环、沙发床及其它装饰都重复着相同的主题风格。

17、to interpose a question ─── 插进一个问题

18、They are the bright consummate essences of things, and ‘he who knows of these delights to taste and interpose them oft, is not unwise!’ ─── 画者,博采万物精华之大成也,故有云:“识之有趣,尝之非鲜,智者也!”

19、to interpose one's authority ─── 利用自己的职权干涉

20、Those who in quarrel interpose must often wipe a bloody nose. ─── 去劝架的人,常常搞到要抹自己的鼻血。

21、Yet, uttering his long-restrained emotions so vehemently as he did, his words here offered her the very point of circumstances in which to interpose what she came to say. ─── 不过,他如此激烈地说出长期压抑的情感,这番话倒给了她一个机会,正好借以说出她来此想谈的事。

22、After lone man logs onto marriage interpose page, can see such word: "The countryside villager that this website loses a hope for those pairs of love is numerous and build. ─── 单身男性登录婚介页面后,能看到这样的话:“这个网站为那些对恋爱失去希望的乡村民众而建。

23、Bennet the compliment of requesting you to interpose your authority in my behalf. ─── 亲爱的太太,我这样收回了对令嫒的求婚,希望你别以为这是对您老人家和班纳特先生不恭敬的表示,别怪我没要求你们出面代我调停一下。

24、A character must tap a psionic tattoo, swing a sword, interpose a shield to deflect a blow in combat, wear a mask, or don a psychoactive skin. ─── 如果使用激活物品不用额外时间(如挥舞内含增强加值的灵能宝剑)那么使用它甚至不算动作。

25、What’s more, this thesis also introduced the working mode of the UART, the interpose of the register and the communication agreement. ─── 对于UART的工作模式,寄存器的设置方式,通信协议等都有详尽描述和介绍。

26、to interpose remarks in a conversation ─── 在谈话里插进几句话

27、to interpose in a quarrell ─── 干预一场争吵

28、Administrative interpose improper, "Ban fold your " the blemish with existence information asymmetry and antipathic drive, price alliance lacks due foundation to wait is his main reason. ─── 行政干预失当,“禁折令”存在信息不对称和激励不相容的缺陷,价格联盟缺乏应有的基础等是其主要原因。

29、interpose one's veto. ─── 行使否决权

30、The Finnish netizen of about 70% reads electronic edition newspaper through the network, among them most is the crowd that age interpose reachs 44 years old at 25 years old. ─── 约70%的芬兰网民通过网络阅读电子版报纸,其中最多的是年龄介于25岁至44岁的人群。

31、Keywords polyimide;nano composites;interpose ingredient;structure and properties; ─── 聚酰亚胺;纳米复合材料;插层剂;结构与性能;

32、He could not interpose himself between the clinical judgment of the doctor and his patient ─── 他不能干预医生对病人的临床诊断。

33、”Those who interpose is young people, lanky stature, body cowboy clothes. ─── 插话进来的是一个年轻人,瘦长身材,一身牛仔衣。

34、Clinical survery of 50 old patients with acute myvcardiac infarction who accept emergency interpose therapy ─── 急诊直接介入治疗高龄急性心肌梗死患者50例临床观察

35、He was talking so ceaselessly that I even could not interpose one word. ─── 他不停地讲,我连一句话都插不上。

36、This series module all uses complete SMT to assemble, craft advanced, reliability is high, volume is minor, check interpose area friendlily, facilitate development and channel check; ─── 本系列模块均采用全SMT组装,工艺先进、可靠性高,体积小,友好的测试介面,便于二次开发及信道测试;

37、To insert, interpose, or interpolate. ─── 插入,使插入,插进

38、To insert between other elements; interpose. ─── 他小心地插入插销。

39、He tried to interpose between his two friends who were quarrelling, but he failed ─── 他试图调解他两个朋友间的争吵,但他没成功。

40、10.It's very impolite to interpose in such a formal seminar. ─── 10.在这么正式的研讨会里插嘴是很不礼貌的。

41、He could not interpose himself between the clinical judgment of the doctor and his patient . ─── 他不能干预医生对病人的临床诊断。

42、Will they interpose their veto again? ─── 他们还会再次否决吗?

43、It &;am #39 very impolite to interpose in such a formal seminar. ─── 在这么正式的研讨会里插嘴是很不礼貌的。

44、As partner for certain the right shares management, interpose was not the most important, the key depends on whether be opposite the long-term development of the company is advantageous. ─── 作为股东肯定有权利参与经营治理,干预与否不是最重要的,要害在于是否对公司的长远发展有利。

45、Those who in quarrel interpose must often wipe a bloody nose. ─── 劝架的人,常常搞到要抹自己的鼻血。

46、How the Publishing House to Interpose the Library Market ─── 出版社应如何介入图书馆市场

47、May I interpose a remark? ─── 我可以插一句吗

48、Conclusion:Using Traditional Chinese Medicine to interpose IGT makes sense to the clinical treatment. ─── 结论:中药干预糖耐量异常具有临床意义。

49、One, the market and the focal government that the government concerns are a bit less to the interpose of the market good, is much still place good? ─── 一、市场与政府关系的焦点 政府对市场的干预是少一点好,还是多一点好?是西方市场经济理论争论的焦点之一。

50、To insert between other elements;interpose. ─── 插入插到其他成分之间;使插入

51、Interpose red or blue cellophane and observe the change in the width of the fringes ─── 插入红色或蓝色的玻璃纸,观察条纹宽度的变化。

52、Represent a person: Chinese disease precaution controls expert of central behavior interpose Dr.Wu Zunyou. ─── 代表人物:中国疾病预防控制中心行为干预专家吴尊友博士。

53、The money of each country of Z of middle east ground, especially the money of thalassic country suffers case of crude oil interpose to drop affect and happen queasy. ─── 中东地z各国的货币,非凡是海湾国家的货币受原油介格下跌的影响而发生动荡。这个地区各国货币汇率控制越来越困难。

54、interpose symmetrically ─── 对称设置

55、In the present paper the microstructure of nacre of bivalve shell is investigated by SEM and TEM.It is shown that in the nacre the neighbor aragonite laminae interpose perfectly. ─── 本文利用扫描电镜原位观察了受拉伸载荷作用下珍珠层中裂纹的萌生及扩展方式,并结合SEM和TEM技术研究了贝壳珍珠层微观组织结构,探讨了裂纹扩展过程中的增韧机制。

56、Remove the administrative interpose in the inviting tenders, auction and hanging out shingle ─── 排除招拍挂中的行政干预

57、interpose oneself ─── 插手, 干预

58、Does the basketball water ink map sum interpose a street corner? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>街头篮球>街头篮球水墨地图和设置?

59、The State Council still says, NRC ought to reject nuclear control orgnaization (the interpose request that NCI) puts forward. ─── 国务院还说 ,NRC应当拒绝核管制机构(NCI)提出的干预请求。

60、this last time, that you feel quite, quite sure, no new affections of mine, and no new duties of mine, will ever interpose between us? ─── 这是最后的一次了。你能否告诉我,你能非常非常肯定我的新情感和新职责不会影响我们的关系?

61、Interpose Method ─── 插值方法

62、the state interpose ─── 国家干预

63、Don't interpose in our talks ─── 我们在谈话,别插嘴。

64、During doing these or a part of these, we have the need to interpose Computer Aided Design and Manufacture, production study and development, theory and practice study. ─── 在做这些或其中一部分的过程中,我们有必要介入计算机辅助设计和生产,产品研发、理论和实践研究。

65、The personage inside course of study says, this action not only beginning of industry of interpose of first China marriage, and marriage of hopeful prize long triangle loves economy. ─── 有业内人士称,此举不仅首开中国婚介行业先河,而且有望撬动长三角婚恋经济。

66、and Darnay stood divided between going away that he might hear no more, and remaining to interpose his word, when the thing that was to be went on to shape itself out. ─── 正当达尔内考虑是走掉不听,还是留下插嘴时,注定要发生的事发生了。

67、They must learn to teach in such a way that they do not interpose themselves between the learner and what is to be learned. ─── 他们必须学会如何教以这样的方式,他们不干预之间,什么是学习者学习。

68、to interpose an opaque body between a light and the eye ─── 将不透明物体置于发光体和眼睛之间

69、The definition that Li Dapeng gives an Internet bar medium is " interpose between network media and outdoors media, the small many media that is parasitism space with the Internet bar " . ─── 李大鹏给网吧媒体的定义是“介于网络媒体与户外媒体之间,以网吧为寄生空间的小众媒体”。

70、The ability to interpose quality-of-service semantics can be viewed as a form of mediation. ─── 插入服务质量语义的能力可以视为一种中介形式。

71、Apparent, below any social system, these function of the government and function mean the interpose of the different level to socioeconomy. ─── 显然,在任何社会体制下,政府的这些职能和功能都意味着对社会经济的不同程度的干预。

72、Because this 2 flavour are interpose kind reach mineral drug, blame is long decoct cannot be successful. ─── 因此二味为介类及矿物药,非久煎不能奏效。

73、"I should have thought the veil preferable to an evil husband," said the Princess, with difficulty finding opportunity to interpose a word. ─── “我想,宁可当女修道士也不能嫁给一个坏丈夫。”公主说道,好容易才找到一个机会插话。

74、” summer East China Sea also wants to interpose, the light rain already snatched was saying: “the father, I knew that you care about us, loves us. ─── 夏东海还想插话,小雨已经抢着说了:“爸,我知道,你们是非常关心我们,非常爱我们的。”

75、I flung her back, and hastened to interpose the table between us. ─── 我把它推开,赶忙拉过一张桌子作挡箭牌。

76、Keywords Arc interpose;Cylinder cam;Winding Line; ─── 圆弧插补;圆柱凸轮;圆弧曲线;

77、Dozen is psychological interpose hot line useful? ─── 打心理干预热线有用么?

78、Afore-mentioned orgnaizations hold this analogize interpose to meet jointly, still belong to in Shanghai first. ─── 上述机构联合举办此类推介会,在上海尚属首次。

79、interpose between two claimants ─── 在两个请求者之间调停

80、interpose a translucent body between a source of light and the eye ─── 将半透明体放在光源与眼睛之间

81、Economic thought history a weak point that is historiography research, it is interpose the course of a brim between history and economics. ─── 经济思想史是史学研究的一个薄弱环节,它是介于历史学和经济学之间的一门边缘学科。

82、Actually, the woman is peaceful can be walked along by the princely capture with an elegant demeanour, is not be insulted at husband of one interpose rank grass. ─── 其实,女人都宁可被一位风度翩翩的王子掳走,而不是受辱于一介莽夫。

83、The government took positive interpose step to bond management at that time. ─── 当时政府对契约治理采取了积极的干预措施。

84、What happens if you interpose a glass plate between two mirrors? ─── 要是你把一个玻璃盘子插入两面镜子之间会发生什么?

85、interpose ingredient ─── 插层剂

86、What is educational expenses? Why does the government want interpose to teach the market? Of social insurance system what is forming? Why should the government intervene again? ─── 什么是教育支出?政府为什么要干预教育市场?社会保险体系的构成是什么?政府又为何要干预?

87、The scholar thinks cranky condition appears is interpose at paranoiac and cranky model a kind of condition between the schizophrenia. ─── 有学者认为偏执状态似乎是介于偏执狂和偏执型精神分裂症之间的一种状态。

88、But must admit, this is a kind of middle evaluation: Alleged inferior healthy, it is the mediacy between interpose Yu Jiankang and disease. ─── 但不得不承认,这是一种中庸的评价: 所谓亚健康,就是介于健康和疾病之间的中间状态。

89、to interpose between two disputants ─── 在争执者之间调停

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