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09-04 投稿



semicircle 发音

英:[?semis??rk(?)l]  美:[?semis??k(?)l]

英:  美:

semicircle 中文意思翻译



semicircle 网络释义

n. 半圆,半圆形

semicircle 词性/词形变化,semicircle变形


semicircle 相似词语短语

1、semicirque ─── 半圆状物

2、semicirques ─── 半圆状物

3、encircle ─── vt.包围;围绕;环绕

4、recircle ─── vi.再盘旋

5、semicircular ─── adj.半圆的

6、excircle ─── n.外圆,外切圆

7、semicircles ─── n.半圆,半圆形

8、semi-circles ─── 半圆

9、semi-circle ─── n.半圆,半圆形

semicircle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It accurately calculates the length of each circle arc segment and beeline segment and elicit the calculation method of perimeter on the basis of shape analysis of semicircle welded pipe. ─── 在对半圆形焊管形状分析的基础上,精确计算了各圆弧段、直线段的长度,得出了周长的计算方法。

2、Ancient Chinese architecture uses a variety of shapes: the square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, octagon, dodecagon, cross, circle, and semicircle. ─── 中国古代建筑采用多种不同的外形:正方形、长方形、三角形、六角形、八角形、十二角形、十字形、圆形和半圆形。

3、The protrudent semicircle structure enlarges electrode cavity by 3 times to snake the observation easier. ─── 凸出半圆形结构,将电极腔放大3倍,更易观察。

4、Make a semicircle a couple of inches in diameter by tracing some round object and then draw the terminator exactly as you see it on the Moon. ─── 画一个直径几英寸的半圆,描绘一些圆的目标,然后画出月面上明暗部分的交界线。

5、The materials of semicircle seamless steel tube can fall into carbon steel (20#) and stainless steel (321). ─── 半圆无缝管材质有碳钢(20#钢)和不锈钢(321钢)。

6、When I returned I found the two of them stretched out on the bed;the girls had formed a semicircle about the bed and were singing with the most angelic voices the chorus of Roses in Picardy. ─── 等我回来,我看到他俩躺在床上,姑娘们在床边围成一个半圆,用最最甜美的嗓音合唱“皮卡迪的玫瑰”,离开这所房子时我们在情感上都有几分沮丧,尤其是菲尔莫。

7、Spiral semicircle pipe jacket reactor in the emulsion polymerization ─── 乳液聚合螺旋半园管夹套反应釜

8、Exquisite fashion. Semicircle shape, but it can be introducing. Design of holes can be placed in an orderly manner mouthwash various appliances . ─── 精美时尚.半圆造型,可以贴墙而放.设计中的小洞可以有条不紊地放置各种漱口用具.

9、Do bottom with the black card plank, with the toothpick put like a semicircle. ─── 用黑色卡板做底,用牙签插好一个半圆。

10、semicircle diffusion reflector ─── 半圆形漫反射板

11、Twenty chairs arranged in a semicircle next to the walls. Half the chairs are occupied. ─── 旁边靠墙成半圆形放着20张椅子。一半的椅子上坐着人。

12、The Influence of Property of High Voltage Condenser with Semicircle Cylinder Jut on the Plate ─── 极板上半圆柱形凸起对高压电容器性能的影响

13、This design greatly improves the development of the trivision market.Since then,the market has seen trivisions with arc,semicircle,butterfly-shaped,pyramid-shaped,stair-shaped top. ─── 此后,三面翻市场上陆续出现了拱桥形、半月形、蝶形、金字塔形、阶梯形等多种造型。

14、All the employees of the furniture shop had gathered in a semicircle around Mr.Ganesh Pai's table. ─── 家具店的所有员工在加内仕.派先生的桌子旁围成一个半圆。

15、Utilizes the company in the construction structure which thick Shi Qiang, the circular dome, the semicircle and layer upon layer folds to arch. ─── 在建筑结构上运用厚实的石墙、圆形的穹窿、半圆形的拱券和层层叠叠的连拱柱廊。

16、Xidingdeng common sense cover Xidingdeng, containing Xidingdeng, Tsim oblate Xidingdeng, semicircle ball Xidingdeng, semi-Bian ball Xidingdeng, small rectangle cover Xidingdeng. ─── 吸顶灯常用的有方罩吸顶灯、圆球吸顶灯、尖扁圆吸顶灯、半圆球吸顶灯、半扁球吸顶灯、小长方罩吸顶灯等。

17、navigable semicircle ─── 可航半圆

18、air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background. ─── 这导致了泥土阶或石阶的建构,安排观众们面对讲演者坐成一个半圆形。

19、almond-flavored yeast-raised pastry shaped in an irregular semicircle resembling a bear's claw. ─── 杏仁味的、酵母发酵的糕饼,不规则的半圆形,很像熊的爪子。

20、The water curtain nozzle is the water curtain movie necessarynecessary product, ShuiMutou opens the mouth to be possible to move, blowout Shui Mucheng semicircle fanghaped. ─── 水幕喷头是水幕电影必备的配套产品,水幕头开口度可调,喷出的水幕呈半圆扇形。

21、It is also found that the ion streams produced by semicircle and sawtooth plasma aerodynamic actuator have very damage effects to insulation materials. ─── 实验中还发现,半圆、锯齿等离子体气动激励器放电时离子流对绝缘材料有很强的破坏作用。

22、a semicircle of chairs ─── 排列成半圆形的椅子

23、In a reception room: Arrange the sofa chairs in a semicircle with guests on the right, host/hostess on the left. ─── 会谈:长条桌,客方座位面向门或入门的右侧,主人背向门或入门的左侧。

24、The children sit in a semicircle, listening closely (attentively) to my stories. ─── 孩子们围坐成半圆形,专心地听我讲故事。

25、dangerous semicircle ─── 危险半圆

26、A Semicircle Theorem on the Spectral Distribution in Transverse Instability Perturbation ─── 不稳定横波型扰动谱点分布的半圆定理

27、Thoracic X-ray of 61.5% patients showed typical image, with low density tuberous and globular nidus in the cavity surrounded with semicircle or crescent vacuoles. ─── 61.5%患者显示较典型的X线征像,表现为空洞内低密度结节状或球形病灶,围以半环形气带或新月形气腔;

28、Arch semicircle milling cutter. ─── 凸半圆铣刀。

29、They sat in a semicircle. ─── 他们坐成半圆形。

30、The nave terminal is a semicircle saint institute, faces each other across a great distance with the entrance, the sacrificial altar supposes to the saint front. ─── 中殿末端为一半圆形圣所,与入口遥遥相对,祭坛设于圣所前沿。

31、sit in a semicircle ─── 围成半圆坐

32、When applied in the contrast experiment to square annular supports and semicircle arch supports, the conclusion of numerical simulation is coherent with the result of the experiment. ─── 应用数值模拟的结论,在现场进行了方环形支架与半圆拱支架的对比试验,取得了较好的效果。

33、He was standing in a dimly lit room, and a semicircle of wizards faced him, and on the floor at his feet knelt a small, quaking figure. ─── 他正站在一个灯光昏暗的房间里,巫师们面向他围成半圆,他脚边的地板上跪着一个颤抖的矮小身影。

34、A Novel Semicircle Defected Ground Structure for Microstrip Line ─── 一种新颖的半圆形缺陷地结构微带线

35、The collar of chipau generally takes the shape of a semicircle, its right and left sides being symmetrical, flattering the soft and slender neck of a woman. ─── 旗袍的衣领多呈弧形左右对称,夸张地表现女性颈部柔软、纤细的特点。

36、At the end of the lesson, group gathered about the teacher in a semicircle to ask additional questions. ─── 课后,一群人在老师旁边围成半圆形,提出附加的问题。

37、keyhole slot is a kind of hole to be semicircle on two sides and rectangle in the middle. ─── 健槽,是一种两端呈半圆形,中间成矩形的孔。

38、At night I could see a small red semicircle on the horizon, it took me a while to realize that the semicircle was actually the sun. ─── 晚上我能在地平线上看见小小的红色的半圆,它着实让我费了点时间才意识到那个半圆其实是太阳。

39、semicircle orifice ─── 半圆孔

40、Water distribution rules, seemed Cobweb, a city surrounded a semicircle. ─── 水道分布规则,状似蛛网,将城市一层一层围成半圆形。

41、An angle in a semicircle is a right angle. ─── 半圆所对的圆周角是直角。

42、The children sit in a semicircle, listening closely(attentively) to my stories. ─── 孩子们围坐成半圆形,专心地听我讲故事。

43、full circulation semicircle pipe jacket ─── 全流通半圆管夹套

44、On a cliff, reporter in is apart from between the original surface layer 45 meters soils, saw some assume the semicircle shape the pottery shard, reveals vandyck brown the quality of material. ─── 在一处悬崖上,记者在距原面层四五米的泥土间,看到一些呈半圆状的陶片,露出黑褐色的质地。

45、10、The waterfalls, the largest of which is shaped like a semicircle, are 670 metres wide, and fall 56 metres in an awesome white sheet of water. ─── 尼亚加拉瀑布宽670米,落差56米,形成一幅令人叹为观止的白色水幕,其中最大的瀑布形似一个半圆。

46、The semicircle of cylinder aoids designing on slide block lest it will be pulled apart or cause drag mark. ─── 圆柱特徵要有一半圆不可以拆在滑块上,以免粘滑块造成拉白,拉断.

47、Approximation solution of characteristic equation of guide wave in a semicircle tunnel ─── 半圆形隧道中导行波特征方程的近似求解

48、air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background. ─── 波浪在背景中破碎时,从海底升起的气泡扭曲成半圆形。

49、Treatment of patellar fracture by internal fixation using double semicircle Kirschner wire ─── 双半圆克氏针钢丝张力带内固定治疗髌骨骨折的临床研究

50、on the right,the vast semicircle of the Town,much more intermixed with gardens and monuments ─── 右边是广大半圆形的新城,花园和历史古迹更多

51、open semicircle ─── 开半圆

52、semicircle cylinder ─── 半圆列缸

53、rigid semicircle eholedoehoseopy ─── 硬质半曲胆道镜

54、They are sitting in a semicircle. ─── 他们围成半圆形坐著。

55、She found that people were gathering around her in a semicircle as she read. ─── 她发现在她阅读的时候人们以半原形状围在她周围。

56、left semicircle ─── 左半圆

57、Exquisite fashion. Semicircle shape, but it can be introducing. Design of holes can be placed in an orderly manner mouthwash various appliances. ─── 精美时尚。半圆造型,可以贴墙而放。设计中的小洞可以有条不紊地放置各种漱口用具。

58、The utility model relates to an enclosed electric stove with electric heating tube which is characterized in that a semicircle sectional discoid spiral electric heating tube is used as a heat source. ─── 实效模型用被表示的特色的电的暖气管与一个被附上的电火炉有关在半圆形部份的铁饼状的螺旋形的电暖气管被当作一个热来源使用。

59、“both's individuality looks like very much, ' perhaps particularly the later period will walk the way, the `wild rose also in marine will delimit a semicircle. ─── “两者的个性很像,尤其是后期的行走路径,‘蔷薇’或许也会在海上划一个半圆。”

60、The simulation sea-ice climb-up and pile-up process on semicircle breakwater ─── 半圆型防波堤前海冰堆积模拟

61、Desks and chairs can easily be rearranged into a semicircle. ─── 在这样的布局下,桌椅可以很方便地重新进行摆放。

62、An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background. ─── 自海洋底部上升的气泡在受到波浪冲击时,扭曲、盘旋成一个半圆形。

63、An ornamental, often jeweled, crownlike semicircle worn on the head by women on formal occasions. ─── 古波斯人头巾妇女在正式场合戴在头上的一种通常镶有珠宝且像王冠一样的半圆形装饰物

64、Treatment of lower limb shortening and bony defects with semicircle external fixator ─── 半环槽式外固定架治疗下肢短缩畸形及骨缺损

65、semicircle tunnel ─── 半圆形隧道

66、Objective:To ask of rigid semicircle choledochoscopy on the application of laparoscopy extraction for bile duct stone. ─── 目的探讨硬质半曲胆道镜在腹腔镜胆道结石手术中的应用价值。

67、Semicircle steel sheets were welded on the wall of evaporation pipes in fluidized bed roaster for anti-abrasion. ─── 为减少磨损,沸腾炉内蒸发管采用加焊半圆形钢板防磨。

68、When applied in the contrast experiment to square annular supports and semicircle arch supports, the conclusion of numerical simulation is c... ─── 应用数值模拟的结论,在现场进行了方环形支架与半圆拱支架的对比试验,取得了较好的效果。

69、The Design of The Semicircle Bamboo Removing the Inside-stick of Bamboo Machine ─── 半圆竹块去竹隔机的设计

70、3.Choi Wan, the violet blue open Atrium, busy, spit 1:00 rhodopsin, slow rise gradually turned into a small arc, semicircle; ─── 彩云下,空旷的紫蓝色的天幕上,一刹间,吐出一点紫红,缓慢上升,逐渐变成小弧、半圆;

71、blockade region is a deeply about 2 metres, 1.5 metres in diameter about the size of semicircle Tai Hang, inside that schungite cement road and ocher. ─── 封锁区域内有一个深约2米、直径约1.5米大小的半圆大坑,里边可见青灰的水泥路面和黄土。

72、The plots of ground were extremely small and each one was buttressed by a semicircle of rocks to prevent the earth from sliding away. ─── 一块块梯田面积极为狭小,地边用石块垒砌成半圆状的堰,以防水土流失。

73、Blending of the company culture and the native culture, the "B" which formed by the intersection of a red semicircle and a blue semicircle represents Peking. ─── 公司文化和本士文化的交融贯通,红蓝两个半圆相交形成“B”代表北京。

74、We carried the litter in a wide semicircle around the spot where I had come close to the dropoff. ─── 我们抬着担架,围着我刚才差一点掉下去的地方绕了大大的半个圆圈。

75、Keywords semicircle bamboo piece;the inside-stick of bamboo;swing razor blade;hydraulic proportion technology; ─── 半圆竹块;竹隔;摆动刀片;液压比例技术;

76、The tube comprising the semicircle arc plate is fixed at the bottom side and the side wall of the heating tube. ─── 半圆弧形板构成的管道固定在底边和侧壁上。

77、Blade forged of high quality carbon steel, property hardened for durable, sharp cutting edge, Highly polished, Handle of selected hardwood.Supplied with square edge and bevelled edge semicircle. ─── 刃口系优质碳钢经锻打制成,硬度适中,刃口锋利,坚固耐用,全部抛光,硬木柄,刀杠为平边和斜边、半圆三种。

78、almond-flavored yeast-raised pastry shaped in an irregular semicircle resembling a bear's claw ─── 杏仁味的、酵母发酵的糕饼,不规则的半圆形,很像熊的爪子

79、As soon as the release conference ended, various media then swarmed goes forward, stood semicircle with huge crowds of people in the stage, prepared to carry on the association to visit. ─── 发布会一结束,各家媒体便蜂拥上前,在舞台上站成里三层外三层的半圆,准备进行联访。

80、We sat in a semicircle about the fire. ─── 我们坐在火旁,围成个半圆形。

81、on the right, the vast semicircle of the Town,much more intermixed with gardens and monuments. ─── 右边是广大半圆形的新城,花园和历史古迹更多。

82、But generally speaking, most constant adopted should be the semicircle that daub makes wall lamp. ─── 但一般而言,最常被采用的应该是胶泥制的半圆型壁灯。

83、We sat in a semicircle facing the teacher. ─── 我们面对着老师坐成半圆形。

84、This made me resolve to cut some more stakes, and make me a hedge like this in a semicircle round my wall ─── 由此得到启发,我决定在我原来住地的半圆形围墙外,也种一排树。

85、We sat in a semicircle round the fire. ─── 我们坐在炉火前,围成一个半圆形。

86、The wattle wall was set up in a semicircle to give shelter from the north, propped up by stakes, and before it was built a camp-fire. ─── 八连拖来的篱笆墙朝北面竖立成半圆形,用枪支撑住,墙前生起了火堆。

87、Mr room is small and poor, with a garret window in the shape of a semicircle. ─── 我的房间小而简陋,有一个阁楼上常有的那种半圆形窗户。

88、semicircle cylindrical pier ─── 半圆柱形边墩

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