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08-21 投稿


despairingly 发音

英:[d??sper??li]  美:[d??spe?r??li]

英:  美:

despairingly 中文意思翻译



despairingly 同义词

desolate | frantic | despondent | mad | wretched | dangerous | depressed | rash | inconsolable | hazardous | long-suffering | risky | pained | discouraged | hopeless | reckless | dejected | cheerless | resigned | suicidal | brokenhearted | miserable |desperate | weary | melancholy | bleak | desperation | gloomy | anguished | heartbroken

despairingly 短语词组

1、despairingly in a sentence ─── 绝望地

2、despairingly part of speech ─── 令人绝望的词性

3、despairingly second life ─── 绝望的第二人生

4、despairingly definition ─── 令人绝望的定义

5、despairingly definition in english ─── 英语中令人绝望的定义

despairingly 词性/词形变化,despairingly变形

副词: despairingly |

despairingly 反义词


despairingly 相似词语短语

1、despairing ─── adj.感到绝望的;表现绝望的;无望的;v.绝望;失望(despair的ing形式)

2、sparingly ─── adv.节俭地;保守地;爱惜地

3、despisingly ─── 鄙视地

4、inspiringly ─── adv.鼓舞地;启示地

5、undespairingly ─── 毫无保留地

6、deploringly ─── 遗憾地

7、despondingly ─── adv.意志消沉地;沮丧地

8、perspiringly ─── 汗流浃背

9、aspiringly ─── 有抱负的

despairingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His is in the extremity of despair. ─── 他感到极度绝望。

2、Two kids cry to shout despairingly! ─── 两个孩子绝望的哭喊!

3、A person is most disappointed when he is in despair. ─── 一个人在绝望时最失望。

4、Fairy Flora: Don't despair, Your Majesties. ─── 佛罗达侧女:别泄气,陛下。

5、Your son is the despair of all his teachers. ─── 你的儿子令所有的老师感到头痛。

6、They fought with the courage of despair. ─── 他们作殊死搏斗。

7、There is no destitute situation but despair person. ─── 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。

8、Tears shed out of despair, with color of blood. ─── 他们在最伤心绝望时所流下的眼泪,血一般颜色。

9、Despair is a greater deceiver than hope. ─── 与希望相比,绝望是更大的骗子。

10、i leaned despairingly over the rail , watching the trim little schooner swiftly increasing the bleak sweep of ocean between us. ─── 我颓丧地靠着船栏,看那整洁的小帆船迅速地在扩大我们之间的一块苍凉的海面。

11、Despair gives courage to a coward. ─── 人急造反,狗急跳墙。

12、He surrendered himself to despair. ─── 他绝望已极。

13、She looked despairingly at the mess. ─── 她一看这乱糟糟的样子,心就凉了。

14、They have despair of arrive on time. ─── 他们已经丧失了按时到达的信心。

15、Don't despair; things will get better soon. ─── 不必绝望, 事情不久就会好起来。

16、now musing mournfully--one of us despairingly--on our loss, now venturing conjectures as to the gloomy future. ─── 一会儿哀伤地思索着我们的损失——我们中间有一个是绝望地思索着,一会儿又对那黯淡的未来加以推测。

17、Do not despair; wake up and smell the coffee. ─── 不要绝望,要认清事实。

18、He gave up the struggle in despair. ─── 他绝望地放弃了斗争。

19、Do not abandon yourself to despair. ─── 不要悲观失望。

20、He was then depressed and in despair. ─── 他那时沮丧郁闷,情绪低落。

21、He fluctuated between hope and despair. ─── 他时而充满希望时而失望。

22、miss ophelia looked despairingly , as her cousin took all her treasures from her. ─── 当她堂弟把那几件宝贝从她手里拿走时,奥菲丽亚小姐显得很沮丧。

23、He is the despair of all other pianists. ─── 他使其他所有的钢琴家都感到失望。

24、Don't despair! We'll find a way out! ─── 不要绝望!我们会找到解决办法的!

25、In despair at his failure, he take his own life. ─── 他因失败感到绝望而自杀。

26、Gradually, his thoughts took on a tinge of despair. ─── 他的思想渐浙地有些颓丧。

27、Don't again," he cried despairingly. ─── 别再来了。”他绝望地叫道。

28、He would carry his despair to Roxy. ─── 他要把这种走投无路的心情向罗克珊去倾吐一番。

29、He heard also a deep groan of despair. ─── 他也听到一声绝望的呻吟。

30、He declined his head in despair. ─── 他垂头丧气。

31、Alone in London, without work, without friends.he fell into despair. ─── 他一人待在伦敦,没有工作,没有朋友,陷入绝境之中。

32、Traces of your smile in yellowing despair. ─── 你的笑容已泛黄。

33、He who has never hoped can never despair. ─── 从来没有抱什么希望的人也永远不会失望。

34、He glimpsed the despair that she felt. ─── 他突然间理解了她那绝望的感觉。

35、They were rescued from despair at the last minute. ─── 他们在最关键的时刻从绝望中拯救过来。

36、He alternated between hope and despair. ─── 他时而充满希望, 时而绝望。

37、His mood could swing from joy to despair. ─── 他的情绪可以从高兴迅速变成绝望。

38、Don't give way to grief[despair]. ─── 不要被悲痛[沮丧]情绪压倒。

39、He is always wavering between despair and elation. ─── 他老是在高兴和绝望之间摇摆不定。

40、He stood there watching with puzzled despair. ─── 他束手无策地站在那儿看着。

41、Your stupidity will drive me to despair. ─── 你愚蠢得使我寒心.

42、Don't despair:things will get better soon! ─── 不要绝望,情况会很快好起来的。

43、He was in despair and went away. ─── 他失望地走了。

44、He glimpsed the despair that she must have felt. ─── 他无意瞥了一眼,看出了她所感受到的绝望。

45、He swings from wild optimism to total despair. ─── 他由极其乐观一变而为完全绝望。

46、He communicates his despair to me. ─── 他向我表达他的绝望心情。

47、"What are we going to do?" he groans in despair. ─── “怎么办呢?”他嘀咕说,感到非常绝望。

48、Is it a tiny salvation from the despair? ─── 也许是绝望中的一丝救赎吧?

49、They gave up the experiment in despair. ─── 他们绝地放弃实验。

50、Don't abandon yourself to despair. ─── 不要陷入绝望之中。

51、He threw himself despairingly on the sofa. ─── 他绝望地倒在沙发里。

52、He despairingly abandoned his search. ─── 他绝望地放弃了寻找。

53、Surrendering himself to despair, he killed himself. ─── 他陷入绝望,于是自杀了。

54、After his wife's death, he seemed to give himself over to despair. ─── 他妻子死後,似乎万念俱灰。

55、Your stupidity is such as to fill me with despair. ─── 你是这样的愚钝,使我很失望。

56、Never despair,.But if you do, work on in despair. ─── 不要绝望。果真绝望,在绝望中继续工作。

57、His resignation was a measure of his despair. ─── 他的辞职是他绝望的程度。

58、He was in the depths of despair. ─── 他处于绝望的深渊。

59、He sighed with despair. ─── 他绝望地叹了口气。

60、That cries to shout despairingly, that cores the heart crack lung voice! ─── 那绝望的哭喊,那撕心裂肺的冤!

61、I despair of ever seeing my daughter again. ─── 再也见不到我女儿了,我很失望。

62、He never lets any of us surrender to despair. ─── 他永远不许我们陷入绝望。

63、He raised his hands in a gesture of despair. ─── 他举起双手做出绝望的姿势。

64、He soon gave up the attempt in despair. ─── 他很快就失望地放弃尝试。

65、You can select joy over despair. ─── 你可以选择欢欣而非绝望;

66、Your stupidity is such as to fill me with despair . ─── 你的愚蠢使我深感失望。

67、The despair leaves him a mere shell of a man. ─── 他陷入绝望,形同躯壳。

68、They felt something close to despair. ─── 他们几乎有一种绝望的感觉。

69、Went home in despair to await his fate. ─── 他绝望地回到家里,等待厄运的降临。

70、His despair was keen and continual. ─── 他绝望心情非常强烈,而且是念念不忘。

71、Throws me the abyss which likes that to despair! ─── 一次次,将硪推入那绝望的深渊!

72、His wife's death drove him to despair. ─── 他妻子的去世使他陷入绝。

73、One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. ─── 一条路通往绝望跟完全的没有希望。

74、The despair left him a mere shell of a man. ─── 他陷入绝望,形同躯壳。

75、Don't despair; things will get better soon! ─── 不要丧失信心,情况很快就会好转的。

76、Hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. ─── 从绝望的山上砍下一块希望的石头。

77、in the anteroom , valentine met barrois , and looked despairingly at the old servant. ─── 在候见室里,瓦朗蒂娜遇到巴罗斯,她绝望地望着那个老仆人。

78、She tugged vainly at the low brown calico collar and gazed despairingly at the generous length of the narrow skirt. ─── 虽然知道没用,但是她还是用力拽了拽暗褐色的棉布衣领,沮丧地看着那件又细又长的裙子。

79、Do not despair , things will get better soon ! ─── 不要绝望,情况会很快好起来的。

80、Cecco went, first flinging his arms despairingly. ─── 塞柯先是绝望地甩了甩胳膊,然后走了。

81、He is plunging into an abyss of despair. ─── 他陷入了绝望的深渊。

82、He began to despair of success . ─── 他开始不抱成功的希望。

83、"It drives me to despair," said Fernand. ─── “它使人失望。”弗尔南多说。

84、He has been in the abyss of despair. ─── 他已陷入绝望的深渊。

85、His impotence to help made him despair. ─── 他无力帮忙,感到很失望。

86、Jolyon's face expressed quizzical despair. ─── 乔里恩脸上显出尴尬和失望的样子。

87、Your stupidity will drive me to (ie make me feel) despair. ─── 你愚蠢得使我寒心。

88、He gave up the attempt in despair. ─── 他绝望之下放弃了尝试。

89、His stupidity was such as to fill us with despair. ─── 他笨得使我们大感绝。

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