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suppled 发音

英:[?s?pld]  美:[?s?p?ld]

英:  美:

suppled 中文意思翻译





suppled 同义词

lissome | malleable | slender | mobile | lissom | double-jointed | bendable | flexible | graceful | sinuous | agile | coordinated | yielding | pliable | bending | obedient | formative | sylphlike | soft | svelte | limber | lithesome |plastic | lithe | pliant | elastic

suppled 词性/词形变化,suppled变形

动词第三人称单数: supples |副词: supply |动词现在分词: suppling |形容词比较级: suppler |形容词最高级: supplest |名词: suppleness |动词过去式: suppled |动词过去分词: suppled |

suppled 反义词


suppled 相似词语短语

1、suppler ─── 柔软的(supple的比较级)

2、supples ─── adj.柔软的;灵活的;顺从的;易弯曲的;逢迎的;vt.使柔软;使顺从;vi.变柔顺;变柔软;n.(Supple)人名;(意、西)苏普莱

3、stippled ─── adj.点画的,点彩的;带斑点的,带小圆点的;v.点画,点彩画出,点描,点刻(stipple的过去式和过去分词)

4、supple ─── adj.柔软的;灵活的;顺从的;易弯曲的;逢迎的;vt.使柔软;使顺从;vi.变柔顺;变柔软;n.(Supple)人名;(意、西)苏普莱

5、sippled ─── 啜饮

6、supped ─── v.(小口地)喝,呷;吃晚餐;n.一口;饮酒;n.(Sup)(美、印)苏普(人名)

7、scappled ─── vt.(将石)粗加整修(等于scabble)

8、supplied ─── adj.有...提供的;备有...的;v.提供;供应(supply的过去式)

9、sappled ─── 蓝宝石

suppled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Miwa K,Hattori T,Miyazaki 1.Duodenogastuic reflux and foregut concinogenesis[J].Cancer,1995;75(suppl):1426. ─── 吴心愿,张祥福,殷凤峙,等.残胃癌外科手术治疗经验及消化道重建新方法[J].中国肿瘤临床,1998;25(7):508-510.

2、Wilson DE. Role of prostaglandins in gastroduodenal mucosal protection. J Clin Gastroenterol. 1991; 13 Suppl 1 :S65 ─── 严洁,常小荣,邓元江,等.电针足阳明胃经穴对家兔胃粘膜损伤细胞保护作用的研究.针刺研究2001;26(4):264

3、2 Toouli J, BrookeSmith M, Bassi C, et al. Guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2002, 17(Suppl): S1539. ─── 4严燕国,艾中立,刘志苏,等.当归注射液对重症急性胰腺炎胰肾损害的保护作用[J].肝胆胰外科杂志,2000,12(2):8789.

4、Schall VT.Health education for children in the control of schistosomiasis[J].Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1987,82(Suppl 4):285. ─── 吴忠道,张绍基,高祖禄,等.日本血吸虫人群再感染规律的是否研究1.化疗后人群再感染的流行病学分布特征[J].中国血吸虫病防治杂志,1997,9(5):259.

5、Zhang Qi.Some problems on ophiolites study in China[J].Sci Geol Sinica,1992,27(suppl):139-146 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [3]张旗.中国蛇绿岩研究中的几个问题[J].地质科学,1992,27(增刊):139-146.

6、BAI Zhi-da,XU De-bing,WEI Hai-quan,et al.2003.Division of the active period of Quaternary volcanism in Ma'anshan,northern Hainan Province[J].Seismology and Geology,25 (Suppl):12-20(in Chinese). ─── [1]白志达,徐德兵,魏海泉,等.2003.琼北马鞍岭第四纪火山活动期次划分[J].地震地质,25(增刊):12-20.

7、6 Grehn F.Surgical therapy of glaucoma.Fortschr Ophthalmol 1990;87 suppl:175. ─── 7马立,赵本严,狄雅芬.前部视网膜冷凝联合小梁切除术治疗新生血管性青光眼.中华眼科杂志1996;32(2):118

8、Zhong Dalai, Ding Lin and He Shundong.2000.Deformation of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: evidences from structures and kinematics of its western boundary.Earth Science Frontiers,7(Suppl. ─── 张进江,钟大赉,丁林,何顺东.2000.从西边界构造和运动学的证据看东喜马拉雅构造结的变形。地学前缘,7(增刊)

9、Ettinger DS. Overview of paclitaxel (Taxol) in advanced lung cancer. Semin Oncol,1993,20(4 Suppl 3):46-49. ─── [张红梅,王晓平.紫素联合化疗方案治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌症16例临床观察.

10、"Continuous Time System Identification with the Tracking Differentiator," Wenge Zhang, Jingqing Han, Control And Decision, Vol.14 Suppl, Nov 1999 ─── "跟踪一微分器用于连续系统辨识,"张文革,韩京清,控制与决策,第14卷增刊,1999年11月

11、Epsilon-algorithm in design analysis of chasis structures[J].Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition),2006,36 (Suppl):8-11. ─── Epsilon算法在汽车结构设计分析中的应用[J].吉林大学学报:工学版,2006,36(增刊):8-11.

12、Messerli F H.Effects of antihypertensive theraphy on hypertensive heart disease.Circulation,1989,80(6 suppl):45 ─── 庞家华,吴同启.原发性高血压伴左心室肥厚的心率变异性.中国临床保健杂志,2004(5):346

13、[3]Zhang L, Bi SW.Electronic spin operator of electronic state fourth variable of quantum remote sensing and spin function [J].Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2003, 22(Suppl) :41-44. ─── 张莉,毕思文.量子遥感电子状态第4个变量的电子自旋算符和自旋函数[J].红外与毫米波学报,2003,22(增刊):41-44.

14、Genta RM.Atrophy and atrophic gastritis:one step beyond the Sydney system.Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1998; 30 Suppl 3:S273-S275 ─── 姒健敏,吴加国,曹倩,项尊,姜玲铃,吕文,黄怀德.鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎模型的建立及致萎缩因素探讨.中华消化杂志2001;21:75-79

15、Deloof T, Berre J, Genette F, et al. Disturbances of the carbohydrate metabolism in acute head trauma. Acta Neurochir Suppl(Wien) 1979;28(1): 113 -4 ─── 全国第四届脑血管病学术会议.各类脑血管疾病诊断要点[J].中华神经外科杂志,1996,29(6):379

16、Specifications on Unattended Power Suppl. ─── 微波无人值守电源技术要求。

17、Toouli J,Brooke-Smith M,Bassi C,et al.Guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis.J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2002;17(Suppl):S 15-39. ─── 中华医学会消化病学分会胰腺病学组.中国急性胰腺炎诊治指南(草案).中华消化杂志2004,24:190-192.

18、Gansu Qiangxin Ferroalloy Co., Ltd is a productive enterprise. It can suppl. ─── 企业名称:甘肃强鑫铁合金有限责任公司。

19、Minami S,Okazaki T,Tanaki T,et al.A study of the effect of intra-articular injection of SLM10 (sodium hyaturinat) on osteoarthritis of the knee[J].Jpn Pharmacol Ther,1993 ;21 (Suppl):569-79. ─── 凌沛学,苏淮,贺艳丽,等.玻璃酸钠对关节腔内注入木瓜蛋白酶所致膝关节退行性改变的改善作用[J].中国生化药物杂志,1996;17(6):242-6.

20、Yao Z, Yao ZG, Wang H, et al. Clinicoepidemiological analysis on primary liver cancer. J Gastroenter Hepatol, 2001,16(suppl) : A322. ─── 姚桢姚宗歌汪耘王辉关东威赵宏伟连云鹏.肝硬化的临床流行病学分析[J].临床肝胆病杂志,:.

21、1 Folkman J. Role of angiogenesis in tumor growth and metastasis. Semin Oncol,2002,29(6 suppl 16):15-18 ─── 2李树婷、孙燕,肿瘤血管抑制剂的研究历史、现状和发展前景。癌症进展2003;1:80-87

22、271 Bergbrant IM, Acta Derm venereol(stocklt)[J].1991,167(suppl):1-36 ─── [281杜荣昌,王侠生,章强强,等正常人群头皮屑糠批马拉色菌的检测[J].中华皮肤科

23、WilsonPG,Manji M,Neoptolemos JP.Acute pancreatitis as a model of sepsis[J].J Antimicrob Chemother 1998,41(suppl A):5163. ─── 张喜平,李志军.改善微循环障碍药物在治疗急性胰腺炎中的应用[J].世界华人消化杂志,2005,13:18671871.

24、[9]Xia M,Chang YH,Li YH,et al.Study on the function and changes in PTPase activity in rat liver regeneration[J].Acta Zool Sin,1997,43(Suppl):113-117. ─── 夏民,常蕴华,李永辉,等.大鼠再生肝酪氨酸碱性磷酸酶活性变化及功能研究[J].动物学报,1997,43(增刊):113-117.

25、Dierickx CC.Hair removal by a pulsed,infrared laser system.Lasers Surg Med 1998;10(suppl):42. ─── 刘春利.激光脱毛的临床效果观察.中华医学美容杂志1999;5:132-134.

26、Schuppan D, Porov Y. Hepatic fibrosis:From bench to bedside.J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2002;17(Suppl 3):S300-S305 ─── 中华医学会传染病与寄生虫分会、肝病学分会.病毒性肝炎防治方案.中华肝脏病杂志2000;8:324-327

27、To check and ensure the accuracy of picked drug supplies against client orders ? To ensure that the inventory of suppl...... ... ─── 公司名称:辉士尔医药技术(北京)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-3

28、"Suppl" phenomenon ─── “Suppl”现象

29、XU ZAI-KUAN.A study on improving water quality by water hyacinth[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University,2000,24(suppl):116-117. ─── [11]徐在宽.水葫芦对水质改良效果的研究[J].南京林业大学学报,2000,24(增刊):116-117.

30、Under the experimental condition,the suitable hole rate of filters is 5%.S-P-D artificial supply mode has obvious superiority that overcomes the defect of the suppl... ─── S-P-D人工补给模式克服了井补给模式的缺陷,具有明显的优越性,是对深层地下水人工补给的适宜模式。

31、Chen Hai-hong,Xiao Wen-jiao.Archipelago orogenesis-Examples from indosinian orogenic belts in south China[J].Earth Sci Front,1998,5(suppl):95-102 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [8]陈海泓,肖文交.多岛海型造山作用--以华南印支期造山带为例[J].地学前缘,1998,5(增刊):95-102.

32、Borgeaud M,Cordey J,Leyvraz PE,et al.Mechanical analysis of the bone to plate interface of the LC-DCP and of the PCFIX on human femora[J].Injury,2000,31(Suppl 3):C29-C36. ─── 吴雪晖陈锡秋.锥状点式接触钢板内固定对局部皮质骨微循环影响的实验研究[J].中华骨科杂志,:.

33、Position Summary As a member of SAGEM Mobiles supplier quality engineering team she/he will interface with suppl...... ... ─── 公司名称:宁波波导萨基姆电子有限公司工作地点:浙江省宁波市发布时间:2008-10-30

34、Genta RM.Atrophy and atrophic gastritis:one step beyond the Sydney system.ltal J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1998;30 Suppl 3:S273-S275 ─── 张沥,张玲霞,徐俊荣,等.热盐水致大鼠萎缩性胃炎动物模型建立[J].世界华人消化杂志,2002,10(5):571-574

35、Info:RJK Impex offers high quality Lenzing Tencel Yarn for Knitting and Weaving. Tencel Yarn can be suppl ...... ─── 主要材质:粘胶短纤次要材质:粘胶/人造丝颜色:本白用途:针织

36、 双语使用场景

37、Fagard RH.Int J Sports Med,Nov1996, 17 Suppl 3p S 140-144. ─── 吕新颖.优秀投掷运动员超声心动图特点的研究.中国运动医学杂志.1998,17(2):162

38、14 Grimaldi D,Mea E,Chiapparini L,et al Spontaneous low cerebrospinal pressure:a mini review[J].Neurol Sci,2004,25 Suppl 3:135????137. ─── 12张学斌.由低颅压引发典型性三叉神经痛的机制分析[J].中华实用中西医杂志,2001,1(14):2557.

39、s nerve stimulation [J].Epilepsia,1990,31(suppl 2):S1-S6. ─── 常红升,沈鼎烈,杨峰,等.大鼠杏仁核快速点燃癫痫模型[J].中华神经科杂志,1997,30(5):283-286.

40、Miettinen M, Majidi M, Lasota J. Pathology and diagnostic criteria of Gastrointestinal stromal tumors(GISTs): a review. Eur J Cancer 2002, 38(Suppl) 5: S39. ─── 侯英勇,王坚,朱雄增,等.胃肠道间质瘤临床病理研究进展.临床与实验病理学杂志,2000,16:244-246.

41、suppl chain ─── 供应链

42、Lindsay KL. Introduction to therapy and hepatitis C. Hepatology, 2002,36(Suppl): S114-120, S121-127, S135-144. ─── 姚光弼.正确认识和评价拉米夫定在治疗慢性乙型肝炎中的地位.肝脏,2002,7:73-74.

43、The Design of Distant Monitoring System for the Microwave Relay Sataion Suppled by Solar Energy ─── 微波中继站太阳能供电远程监控系统的设计

44、AN Yu-lin.1992.Review of Spector's equivalent theory and inversion method of Curie surface[J].Chinese Journal of Geophysics,35 (Suppl):433-438 (in Chinese). ─── [1]安玉林.1992.评Spector等效论及有关居里面反演方法[J].地球物理学报,35(增刊):433-438.

45、Wilke H, Preusser P, Fink U, et al. New developments in the treatment of gastric cancer[J]. Semin Oncol,1990,17(1,Suppl 2):61-70. ─── 奥沙利铂联合醛氢叶酸和氟尿嘧啶治疗晚期胃癌28例由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!

46、JOB SUMMARY To develop new business and support our key customers including contract manufacturer in power suppl...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳市快乐人生文化发展有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-5-16

47、At the same time,the method provides the idiographic measures in carrying out the optimized function of gas pipeline and suppl... ─── 同时,为实现管道最优运行采取具体措施和新管道的设计提供了辅助决策。

48、Job Description:1. Collect adequate information about suppliers of the needed material.2. Source qualified suppl...... ... ─── 公司名称:西邦斯商务咨询(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-16

49、In modern power electronic technology,the technology about HVDC、HVDC Light and DC/DC Converter is mature,this also ensures a feasible direct current suppl. ─── 在现代电力电子技术中,已经成熟的高压直流输电、轻型直流输电和DC/DC变换等技术也说明直流输电是可行的。

50、Teixeira LR,Pinto JA,Marchi E.Malignant pleural effusion[J].J Bras Pneumol,2006,32(Suppl 4):S182-189. ─── 吴月明.胸腔内留置中心静脉导管局部加静脉化疗治疗恶性胸腔积液32例分析[J].中国误诊学杂志,2006,6(20):3991.

51、1 Messerli F H. Effects of antihypertensive theraphy on hypertensive heart disease. Circulation ,1989 ,80(6 suppl):45 ─── 2庞家华,吴同启.原发性高血压伴左心室肥厚的心率变异性.中国临床保健杂志,2004(5):346

52、EL-Mekkawi H,EL-Gehani R,Hassan M,et al.Bilatenal mandibular distraction soteogenesis to correct post-ankylotic deformity,report of 41 cases.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg,34(Suppl):53. ─── 侯敏柳春明梁立民张海钟马骁.不同龄犬对面中位牵引的反应及远期效果观察[J].中华整形外科杂志,2005,21(2):94-97,.

53、Plum A,Engewald W, Rehorek A.Rapid qualitative pyrolysis GC-MS analysis of carcinogenic aromatic amines from dyed textiles[J].Chromatographia, 2003, 57(Suppl 1): 1. ─── 2003纺织品-检验由偶氮染料释出的芳香胺,提取纤维以测试产品是否含有某类偶氮染料[S].

54、Key Responsibilities: Supplier quality control with respect to steel structure manufacturing process inspection at suppl...... ... ─── 公司名称:大连瑞思管理咨询有限公司工作地点:辽宁省大连市发布时间:2009-7-8

55、light suppl ─── 光源

56、4 Tang ZY. Hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2000; 15 Suppl: G1-G7 PubMed DOI ─── 5洪健,元云飞,李斌奎,黄亮,李锦清,张亚奇,李国辉.67例肝细胞肝癌合并重度肝硬化的手术疗效分析.癌症2007;26:620-623

57、Mulch G,Peterman,W.Influence of age on results of vestibular function tests[J].Ann Oto-rhinol laryngol,1979,88(Suppl):56. ─── 宋海涛,高波,黄魏宁.冷热试验和正旋谐波加速度试验与正常人年龄的相关性研究[J].听力学及言语疾病杂志1996,3:134.

58、XIE Yu-lin.The measurement and treatment of painting and calligraphy exhibition environment in shanghai museum[J].Sci Conserv Archaeol,2002,14(suppl):204 -217. ─── [4]解玉林.上海博物馆书画陈列馆环境监测与治理[J].文物保护与考古科学,2002,14(增刊):204-217.

59、Young RR.Spasticity:a review[J].Neurology,1994,44(11 suppl 9):s12-20. ─── 宋凡,等.直肠电刺激缓解脊髓损伤后痉挛状态的机理[J].中国康复医学杂志,1996,14(2):60-64.

60、Simpkins JW,Yang SH,Liu R,et al.Estrogen-like compounds for ischemic neuroprotection.Stroke 2004;35(11 Suppl 1):2648-51 ─── 张博生,徐运,朱文斌.含雌激素中药脑保护作用的实验研究[J].中国临床康复,2004,34(8):7740-1

61、Herndon DN,Aeigler ST.Bacterial translocation after thermal injury[J].Crit Care Med.1993,21 (2 Suppl):S50 -54. ─── 彭曦汪仕良.早期肠道喂养改善烧伤后肠道血液灌流的实验研究[J].中华外科杂志,:.

62、Xiao sD, Liu WZ, Hu PJ. High cure rate of H. pylori using colloidal bismuth subcitrate, furazolidone and clarithromycin one week triple therapy. J gastroenterol and Hepatol 13(Suppl):D38 ─── 全国多中心临床研究协作组.低剂量三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的多中心临床研究.中华消化杂志,1996;16:192-195

63、Cagnoni PJ.Liposomal amphotericin B versus conventional amphotericin B in the empirical treatment of persistently febrile neutropenic patients [J].J Antimicrob Chemother,2002,49(Suppl S1):81-86. ─── 两性霉素B脂质体治疗白血病合并霉菌性肺炎6例由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!

64、Accounts Payable:To sort, code& process supplier invoices& inter company debit& credit notes.To reconcile suppl...... ... ─── 公司名称:天津雀巢普瑞纳宠物食品有限公司工作地点:天津市发布时间:2008-12-4

65、Nurmikko TJ. Mechanisms of central pain[J]. Clin J Pain, 2000, 16(2 Suppl): S21-5. ─── 娄维富,王丽黎.体壁反馈疗法治疗幻肢痛[J].中国疼痛医学杂志,19973(2S):213.

66、Rokutan K.Role of heat shock proteins in gastric mucosal protection.J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2000;15 Suppl:D12-9 ─── 向廷秀,王丕农.热休克蛋白在胃溃疡中的表达及意义[J].世界华人消化杂志,2003,11(5):628

67、Canada Journal Cardiol,13 (Suppl B) 304B, 1997. ─── 中华预防医学杂志,34(2):78-80,2000。

68、QIN ke-zhang. 1998.Mesozoic porphyry-subvolcanic-epithermal Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn and Ag metallogenic systematics of the southern Ergun [J].Mineral Deposits, 17(suppl): 201-206 (in Chinese). ─── [7]秦克章. 1998. 额尔古纳南段中生代斑岩-次火山岩-浅成低温Cu,Mo,Pb,Zn,Ag成矿系统 [J].矿床地质,17(增刊):201-206.

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