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09-09 投稿


idiomatic 发音

英:[,?d??'m?t?k]  美:[,?d??'m?t?k]

英:  美:

idiomatic 中文意思翻译



idiomatic 短语词组

1、idiomatic expressions ─── 习惯用语; ─── 习惯表达法

2、idiomatic translation ─── 习语翻译

3、idiomatic expression ─── 成语性词语

4、idiomatic phrases ─── 熟语习语(idiomaticphrase的名词复数)

5、idiomatic kotlin ─── 地道的科特林

6、idiomatic creativity ─── 惯用创造力

7、idiomatic phrase ─── 熟语

8、idiomatic english ─── 地道英语;合乎习惯用法的英语

9、idiomatic code ─── 惯用代码

10、idiomatic language ─── 习语

11、idiomatic usage ─── 习惯用法

12、idiomatic definition ─── 惯用定义

13、idiomatic ways ─── 惯用方式

14、idiomatic expression regarding oceans ─── 海洋习语

15、idiomatic uses ─── 惯用用法

16、idiomatic meaning ─── 习语意义

17、idiomatic equivalence ─── 惯用对等

idiomatic 词性/词形变化,idiomatic变形

副词: idiomatically |

idiomatic 相似词语短语

1、idiopathic ─── adj.先天的;自发的,特发的

2、nonidiomatic ─── 非惯用语

3、idiomaticity ─── n.习语性;表达习惯(某种语言的)

4、axiomatics ─── n.公理系统;公理学

5、idiotic ─── adj.白痴的;愚蠢的

6、idiomatical ─── 符合语言习惯的;地道的;惯用的;成语的

7、idioblastic ─── 异细胞的

8、unidiomatic ─── adj.不符合语言习惯的

9、axiomatic ─── adj.公理的;自明的

idiomatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analysis On English Idiomatic Features From The Point Of Contrastive Linguistics ─── 从英汉比较语言学角度分析英语习语特征

2、88.Ironically, many of the familiar GUI elements that are often thought of as metaphoric are actually idiomatic. ─── 具有讽刺意义的是,许多常见的,人们认为具有隐喻含义的图形用户界面元素实际上是习惯用法。

3、You've got to polish up on your idiomatic expressions. ─── 你需要改善和提高你的惯用语表达能力。

4、Idiomatic expressions do not always square with the accepted rules of grammar. ─── 习惯用语并不总是符合公认的语法规则。

5、The Compensation for Cultural Default in Idiomatic Translation ─── 习语翻译中文化缺省的补偿

6、'To pull a face' is an idiomatic expression. ─── '愁眉苦脸'是一个习惯表达法。

7、5. Do not use obscenities, slang or too many idiomatic expression when using an interpreter. ─── 在使用翻译的时候,不要使用不雅的词语、俚语,或使用太多的俗语。

8、idiomatic expressions ─── n. 习惯表达法

9、"To pull a face"is an idiomatic expression. ─── “愁眉苦脸”是一个习惯表达法。

10、The nuanced, idiomatic English of Britons, North Americans, Antipodeans (and Indians) can be hard to understand. ─── 细微的差别实是,北美人和印度人可能难以听懂英国英语的习语。

11、in an idiomatic manner. ─── 以合乎语言习惯的方式。

12、I have found an idiomatic pattern. ─── 我发现了一个惯用模式。

13、idiomatic expression ─── 习惯性表达法

14、She speaks fluent and idiomatic English. ─── 她讲一口流利地道的英语。

15、Values Assigned to Words: A Cross-Culture Study of the Word "Nose" in Its Idiomatic Contexts ─── "鼻"语汇的文化语境与文化赋值

16、Grammatically, it is all right, But it is not quite idiomatic. ─── 从语法上来看,这句话不错,但是它不太符合英语的习惯。

17、We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. ─── 可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化.既然能说出来,当然能听懂.当然这样作有点难.

18、" To pull a face" is an idiomatic expression. ─── “Topullaface”“愁眉苦脸”是一个习惯表达法。

19、An idiomatic expression,language ─── 固定词组、成语多的语言.

20、Even if the receiving (or eavesdropping) person spoke the same language, he might be puzzled by the idiomatic dialect in which a mind converses with itself, with all its coded entries, abbreviations and emotional associations. ─── 即使是说同一语言的人(或偷听者)也不见得能够了解,因为每个人对自己说话时,常有自己独特的用语,包括暗语、简写与情绪性联想。

21、He speaks idiomatic English ─── 他说道地的英语。

22、"He can speak idiomatic American English and yet, when it comes to teaching English, he doesn't know beans" ─── 他能讲一口地道的美国英语,但是论教英语,他可就一窍不通了。

23、We use some idiomatic Ruby and create a collection of arrays, where each array has the name of a boat and its ID. ─── 使用一个惯用的Ruby并创建数组集,每个数组都有船只名称及其ID。

24、Idiomatic design is the future of interaction design. ─── 习惯用法设计是界面设计的未来。

25、idiomatic phrase ─── 习语

26、Using idiomatic expressions and collocations ─── 使用成语解答及词汇搭配单元二:通俗文化

27、Listening comprehension A. We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. ─── 可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力。发音、语调和句子结构请不要中国化。既然能说出来,当然能听懂。当然这样作有点难。

28、This is a necessity, because most idioms don’t have metaphoric meaning at all, and the stories behind most others were lost ages ago. Graphical interfaces are largely idiomatic ─── 大量记忆是必要的,因为多数习惯用法没有丝毫隐喻含义,其他即使背后有典故,大多数也由于年代久远而失传了。

29、Your sentence is not idiomatic English, though it is not wrong grammatically. ─── 你的句子不合英语习惯,虽然语法没错。

30、A good translator would take a full account of the Locution Context available before he/ she produces correct and idiomatic translation in the target language. ─── 她以为一切都是公正合理的,绝没有梦想到她会被诱入陷阱,和那个已经被一个疯狂而兽化的妻子所束缚的,受骗的不幸的人假结合呵。你们全来,全跟我来。”

31、He speaks idiomatic English.I took it for granted that he's an American. ─── 他说英语很地道,我还以为他是美国人。

32、Cultural Differences from Idiomatic Perspective ─── 从习语看英汉文化差异

33、Idiomatic variants ─── 习语变体

34、Idiomatic interfaces ─── 习惯用法界面

35、Comments on Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English ─── 《牛津当代英语成语词典》评介及其教学指导意义

36、You can't learn English well without watching out for idiomatic expressions . ─── 你如果不仔细注意对话中的惯用说法,那就学不好英语。

37、Key Concepts: Gluck\'s reforms, importantance of drama &music, overture, libretto, simplification of plot, importance of the chorus, idiomatic scoring ─── 主要音乐概念:格鲁克的歌剧改革,音乐和舞台艺术之间的重要关系,序曲,歌剧剧本,剧情简化,合唱队于歌剧的重要性,总谱记法

38、We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. ─── 可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化.

39、Quite different. And there are so many idiomatic ways of speaking. ─── 句型差异很大,而且还有那么多的习惯表达法,

40、"To pull a face" is an idiomatic expression ─── "To pull a face""愁眉苦脸"是一个习惯表达法。

41、Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. ─── 几乎所有的习惯用语都是口头语言。

42、t>1. We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. ─── 可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力。发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化。既然能说出来,当然能听懂,当然这样作有点难。

43、A year's study has taught me that we cannot learn English well without watching out for idiomatic ways of saying things. ─── 一年的学习教会我,如果不注意习惯用法就不能学好英语。

44、In his lecture,he bore down on the importance of idiomatic usage in a language. ─── 他在演讲中着重强调了语言中习惯用法的重要性。

45、However, every solution contains idiomatic patterns, which are not formal enough to emblazon in a book but are pervasive nonetheless. ─── 但是,每个解决方案还包含惯用模式,这些模式不够正式,但是得到了普遍应用。

46、So we should especially pay attention to register in English to Chinese Translation so that the translation is idiomatic and proper. ─── 在英译汉翻译实践过程中,译者要特别注意“语域”现象,在语境中考察语言,使译文更地道,更妥帖。

47、Hymn arrangements in hymn books are usually arranged in four part harmony which are not easy to play and do not sound very idiomatic on the piano. ─── 传统的圣诗谱大都是四部和声谱。此种谱不容易读,也不十分适合钢琴弹奏法。

48、You speak idiomatic English. ─── 你英文说得很地道。

49、A.We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. ─── 可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构不要中国化.既然能说出来,当然能听懂.当然这样做有点难。

50、Methods for chemical analysis of lead-base alloys--The idiomatic titration method for the determination of tin content ─── GB/T4103.1-1983铅基合金化学分析方法碘量法测定锡量

51、His Chinese is very idiomatic. ─── 他的汉语说得真地道。

52、In fluent and idiomatic language, the stories give sketches of significant events and profiles of outstanding figures in the history of Chinese culture in addition to many beautiful legends. ─── 书中故事介绍了中国文化史上的著名人物,重大事件和意味深长的传说,语言通俗流畅。

53、Xiang Yu's legendary career and romantic life make a most interesting chapter in Chinese history to which we owe many of the wise and sententious idiomatic sayings in Chinese. ─── 他的传奇经历,是中国壮丽的历史篇章之一,因他的活动而形成的许多成语,是后世之明鉴。

54、With its unique characteristics, China English is harmonious with and complementary to idiomatic English. ─── 中国英语与地道英语和而不同、并行互补。

55、this is because an idiomatic translation may sacrifice terminological consistency or precision in a turn of phrase for the sake of a more natural-sounding English expression. ─── 因为当一个词语反复出现时,过于追求流畅、生动的译文往往会牺牲名词术语的统一性和精确性。

56、Xiao C Z,Wu Y,Gan D S et al.An analysis of peanut idiomatic mostly biochemistry quality in China[J].Peanut Sci.,1999 (Suppl.):161-167. ─── [1]肖昌珍,吴渝,甘冬生,等.中国花生种质主要生化品质分析[J].花生科技,1999(增):161-167.

57、But few articles have done some special research about what idiomatic phrase reflects about social culture. ─── 但对于惯用语所反映的社会文化内容,很少有文章进行系统和专门的研究。

58、Their use of modern costuming and current idiomatic dialogue made this classic tale into a modern romance. ─── 他们使用现代服装和符合现行语言习惯的台词使该经典成为了一幕现代罗曼小说。

59、Under Relevance Theory, upon hearing unfamiliar idiomatic forms, the hearer will construct an attributive and well-understood ad hoc concept and develop it into a stable entry in his lexicon. ─── 在关联理论框架背景下,当听到不熟悉的习语形式时,受话者脑中会构建出一个定语式的、被充分理解的特定概念,并最终将其发展成为自身词汇库中的一个稳定项目。

60、You can add notes to a poem, an idiom, or other idiomatic expressions . ─── 你可以给一首诗,一个成语或是其它习惯表达添加注释或例句。

61、Idiomatic expressions do not always square with the accepted rules of grammar. ─── 习惯用语并不总是符合公认的语法规则。

62、Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. ─── 其次,在汉语中有许多习惯说法,我们很难把它们准确地译成英语。

63、But what would it be like if many foreigners, or "laowai" as they are nicknamed in Mandarin, got together and chatted in idiomatic Chinese, sometimes even with a pure Beijing dialect? ─── 外国人,普通话里我们称他们为“老外”,如果他们聚在一起用汉语聊天,有时甚至用纯正的北京方言聊天时,这将会是什么样子呢?

64、She speaks idiomatic English not standard English. ─── 她说一口方言,不是标准英语。

65、"hu lun tun zao" is an idiomatic phrase, without fully understanding it. ─── 囫囵吞枣这则成语的意思是比喻在学习上不求甚解。

66、If you don't study idioms, you can't expect to speak idiomatic English. Get the picture? ─── 你们如果不学成语,就不能指望说出地道的英语。明白了吗?

67、We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. ─── 可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.

68、Offering more than 110,000 words and phrases, and 120,000 translations, this premium dictionary captures the idiomatic, colloquial, spoken, and written character of English and Thai. ─── 包含110,000个单词和短语,120,000条翻译,该高级词典收录了英语成语,俗语,口语和书面语。

69、Idiomatic usage and fixed collocations ─── 习惯用语和固定搭配

70、The example of an idiomatic symbol shown in Figure 13-1 illustrates its power . ─── 图13-1是一个习惯用法符号的例子,其作用很明显。

71、Figure 13-1: Here is an idiomatic symbol that has been imbued with meaning from its use, rather than by any connection to other objects. ─── 图13-1 这是个习惯用法符号,从开始使用就被赋予了有别于其他事物的特殊含义。

72、You can' t learn English well without watching out for idiomatic ways of saying things ─── 你如果不密切注意讲话中的习惯表达方式,那就学不好英语。

73、Don't forget, if you want to speak idiomatic Chinese, just come to I Can Say It. ─── 别忘了,要想说一口地道的汉语,就请光顾“我说我行”栏目。

74、idiomatic usage ─── 习惯用法

75、Chinese idiomatic folk expressions ─── 国俗语

76、In the next installment, I'll continue discussing DSL techniques as a mechanism for harvesting idiomatic patterns in emergent design. ─── 在下一期中,我将继续讨论DSL方法,将其作为一种在紧急设计中捕获惯用模式的机制。

77、Chinese idiomatic expression ─── 国俗词语

78、"Catch cold" is an idiomatic expression. ─── “Catch cold”(伤风,感冒)是习惯用语。

79、A. We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. ─── 可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化.既然能?隼?当然能听懂.当然这样作有点难.

80、An idiomatic expression, language ─── 固定词组、成语多的语言

81、To pull a face is an idiomatic expression ─── To pull a face愁眉苦脸是一个习惯表达法。

82、Perhaps I should give you a few idiomatic examples. ─── 也许我该给大家举出几个成语例子。

83、Idiomatic Analogy ─── 习用性比喻

84、A. We may improe our aural ability by speaking English in the natie and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. ─── 可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化.既然能说出来,当然能听懂.当然这样作有点难.

85、An idiomatic word, phrase, or expression ─── 习语,成语惯用的词语、短语或表达方式

86、Study the text carefully and be sure that you are able to translate it into idiomatic Chinese. ─── 仔细学习课文,必须能把课文译成通顺的汉语。

87、idiomatic metaphor ─── 习语性隐喻

88、Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority. ─── 几乎所有的习惯用语都属于俗语,而俚语指的是为很多讲这种语言的人理解但大多数人不把它们列入好的、正式用法之内的词和短语;

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