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09-09 投稿



gauntlet 发音

英:[?ɡ??ntl?t]  美:[?ɡ??ntl?t]

英:  美:

gauntlet 中文意思翻译



gauntlet 网络释义

n. 长手套;(古时士兵戴的)金属护手;夹道鞭笞的刑罚;交叉射击;严酷考验

gauntlet 常用词组

run the gauntlet ─── 受严厉批评;受夹道鞭打

gauntlet 词性/词形变化,gauntlet变形


gauntlet 短语词组

1、fling down the gauntlet ─── 挑战

2、gauntlet glove ─── [机] 长统手套

3、gauntlet bandage ─── [医] 手套式绷带

4、threw down the gauntlet ─── 邀请比赛挑战

5、bravado gauntlet ─── 虚张声势

6、gauntlet graft ─── [医] 蒂状移植物

7、throw down the gauntlet ─── 挑战,邀请比赛

8、cast the gauntlet ─── 挑战,邀请比赛

9、gauntlet anesthesia ─── [医] 手套式感觉缺失

10、run the gauntlet ─── 受夹道鞭打, ─── 受严厉批评

11、bravado gauntlet classic ─── 虚张声势挑战经典

12、pick up the gauntlet ─── 应战, 护卫

13、take up the gauntlet ─── 应战

gauntlet 相似词语短语

1、gantlet ─── n.长手套;夹笞刑;手腕;vt.使轨道套叠;铺设套式轨道

2、gantlets ─── n.长手套;夹笞刑;手腕;vt.使轨道套叠;铺设套式轨道

3、gruntles ─── v.嘀咕,咕哝;(使)高兴,满意

4、gauntly ─── adv.憔悴地;贫瘠地

5、cantlet ─── n.小段;小部分

6、gruntle ─── v.嘀咕,咕哝;(使)高兴,满意

7、gauntleted ─── adj.戴长手套的;v.两条轨道汇合

8、gruntled ─── adj.满意的;高兴的;v.咕哝;使高兴(gruntle的过去式)

9、gauntlets ─── n.铁手套;长手套(gauntlet的复数形式)

gauntlet 习惯用语

1、run the gauntlet ─── 受夹道鞭打; [喻]受严厉批评; 受到两面夹攻

gauntlet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、throw down the gauntlet; take up the gauntlet. ─── 拒绝挑战;胆敢应战

2、Some held their hands over their mouths in grief as they passed through a gauntlet of awkward bystanders in the terminal, and beneath arrival screens for jets from all over the world. ─── 在机场经过那些难以应付的旁观者,以及那个显示来自世界各地的飞机抵达的屏幕下方时,他们悲痛得用手捂住嘴。

3、to run the gauntlet ─── 受夹道鞭笞

4、Beefy security guards funnelled the pupils through a gauntlet of media and several dozen silent supporters. ─── 在粗壮的治安警卫护送下,首批学生走过媒体及几十名沈默支持观众之间的夹道。

5、gauntlet track ─── 套式轨道

6、Some of the witnesses had to run the gauntlet of television cameras and reporters. ─── 一些目击者不得不在众多电视摄像机和记者的围堵下穿行。

7、"The hostages . . . ran the gauntlet of insult on their way to the airport" (Harper's) ─── “人质们遭到了飞机场通道两旁所有人的辱骂”(哈珀)

8、run the gauntlet ─── vi. 受到严厉批评(受夹道鞭打的惩罚)

9、This summer, Murphy is prepping her unit for storm season at Texas A&M's Disaster City, a 52-acre gauntlet of wreckage used for preparedness training. ─── 今年夏天,墨菲为他的小队在德州A&M的灾难之城为暴风雪季节热身,那是一块52英亩的用于有准备训练的残骸(?)

10、A tallow candle weighed down one end of it, a steel gauntlet the other. ─── 一盏牛油灯烛镇着它的一端,另一端则被一只钢手套压着。

11、We have taken up the gauntlet and are redesigning the product using cheaper materials to undercut our competitors. ─── 我们已接受挑战,正使用廉价的材料重新设计产品,以降低价格与我们的竞争者抢生意。

12、Before getting the proposals accepted, the government had to run the gauntlet of hostility from its own support ers. ─── 拥护政府的人对政府进行了尖锐的抨击之后, 这些建议才得以接受.

13、Horrible policies like No Child Left Behind, and the gauntlet of standardized tests our kids have to endure, are turning education into a forced march. ─── 像“一个都不能落下”的那种糟糕的政策,以及我们的孩子不得不去接受的“标准化测试”正将教育转变成一个强迫式的齐步前进。

14、All data is validated at its point of entry. Anything on the outside is assumed to be suspect, and after it has run the gauntlet and been allowed inside, it is assumed to be pristine. ─── 所有数据在输入点都要经过检查,外部的任何事物都是怀疑对象。 在经过严格检查允许输入后,它被认为是纯洁的。

15、The unions have thrown down the gauntlet, and the government must now show that it has both the will and the power to carry out its promise. ─── 工会已经作出挑战,政府现在必须表明它有决心和能力实施它的承诺。

16、Millions of young goby fish head upstream, but they must first run the gauntlet of the lowlands. ─── 几百万只幼小的虾虎鱼正溯溪而上,但它们会在低地先遭受层层的攻击.

17、Fed up one day, you throw the gauntlet and challenge them to race through the city streets!!! ─── 在厌倦这之后的一天,你向他们发出了挑战,比赛赛车穿过城市的街道!!!

18、The tale of Andrew Bynum, the 20-year-old wunderkind who blossomed far ahead of schedule, most likely due to the gauntlet Kobe Bryant threw at him last summer. ─── 拜纳姆:拜纳姆的故事,这个20岁的“受伤“的孩子比预期更早的成熟了,也许这一切都要归因于科比去年夏天的那番怒斥。

19、Are you ready to pick up the gauntlet? ─── 你做好应战准备了吗?

20、The gauntlet has been thrown down and it's up to the other top clubs to react. ─── 已经发出了挑战,就看其他顶极俱乐部的反应了。

21、The trade unions have thrown down the gauntlet. ─── 工会已经提出挑战。

22、Students run gauntlet of military ─── 学生遭军队攻击

23、The Party HAS flung down the gauntlet to its political rivals to debate the issue on television. ─── 这一党派已向政敌发起挑战,要在电视上公开辩论这一问题。

24、fling down the gauntlet ─── vi. 挑战(邀请比赛)

25、Anything on the outside is assumed to be suspect, and after it has run the gauntlet and been allowed inside, it is assumed to be pristine. ─── 在经过严格检查允许输入后,它被认为是纯洁的。

26、Before getting the proposals accepted, the government had to run the gauntlet of hostilityfrom its own supporters. ─── 拥护政府的人对政府进行了尖锐的抨击之後,这些建议才得以接受。

27、Any besieging force has to stay beyond range until the moment of their attack, and must then run a terrible gauntlet of missile fire. ─── 任何来犯敌军进攻前则将被迫布阵于投石塔射程以外区域,然后冒著密集交叉火力猛扑城池。

28、Before get the proposal accept, the government have to run the gauntlet of hostility from its own supporter ─── 拥护政府的人对政府进行了尖锐的抨击之後, 这些建议才得以接受

29、He is quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition. ─── 他立刻接受了对方提出的挑战。

30、Three hundred years after Fermat had thrown down the gauntlet, mathematicians had decided to put Fermat’s Last Theorem to one side because they considered it impossible. ─── 二,当时政治宣传和思想教育之外的读物还非常之少,徐迟的作品给人以耳目一新之感;

31、Gauntlet said on his Web site that completing the journey was his proudest moment. ─── 他的网页写到.完成两极之旅的时刻是他最自豪的那一刹.

32、In America, democracy must run a gauntlet of challenges.The most crucial is still Du Bois'' color line. ─── 在美国,民主必须饱受艰难挑战,其中最重大的挑战就是杜波依斯所说的肤色界限问题。

33、And that is before their names are sent up to Capitol Hill, which is usually the most humiliating gauntlet of all. ─── 这只是他们的名字被提交国会之前要经历的审查,而在国会的遭遇通常是最让人感到羞辱的。

34、Our competitors have thrown down the gauntlet and challenged us to make a product as good as theirs at a cheaper price. ─── 我们的竞争者已发出挑战,要我们把产品做得同他们的一样好,而且价格要更便宜些。

35、He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition ─── 他立刻接受了对方提出的挑战

36、Our hero has to run the gauntlet of corruption and power struggles while he's trying to become a member of a guild to improve his skills. ─── 我们的英雄为了增进自己的技能,必须试著成为集团的一员,但在此同时,他也感受到了腐化以及权力的斗争。

37、i) Mana Steal Benumb Gauntlet - This Benumb Gaunt drains the opponent's Mana fast.If the opponent's a mage, the mage's Mana Barrier and all magic attacks will be often rendered ineffective. ─── 偷蓝魔法的爪子:可以偷对手的蓝魔法,用来对付法师,使对方魔法屏障和攻击失效(对方没有兰当然就没魔法屏障,也不能攻击了)。

38、"You could tell who got off the (X-Coaster) because their faces were red," said Angela Salter.She was riding the Gauntlet, another coaster, and said park employees worked quickly to free her. ─── Angela Salter说:“你能辨别出那些人是从过山车上下来,因为他们的脸通红”AngelaSalter但是正在做的是另一辆名为Gauntlet的过山车,她还说,公园员工迅速将她解脱。

39、pick up the gauntlet ─── vi. 应战(护卫)

40、Joe had to run the gauntlet as part of his initiation into the club. ─── 乔须在两排人中间跑过并挨打作为正式加入俱乐部的条件之一。

41、As a result, it had been seen as an arena for military forces to take up the gauntlet. ─── 建安四年(199年),吕布为曹操所破,复归于曹操,从而君臣相得,开始其军事生涯的辉煌时期。

42、The gauntlet is soon followed by ritual bloodletting, live rune carving and torture of captured enemies. ─── 夹道鞭打之后紧随着放血仪式,在活人身上刻上如尼文或者折磨俘虏。

43、He has laid down the gauntlet to his own team. ─── 他已经对自己的车队放下他的保护手套。

44、threw down the gauntlet ─── v. 挑战(邀请比赛)

45、gauntlet anesthesia ─── [医] 手套式感觉缺失

46、After the speech of the leader of the Opposition, the Prime Minister took up the gauntlet on behalf of the Government. ─── 反对派领袖讲完话,首相代表政府起来应战。

47、Surviving the gauntlet of misfortune early in a relationship can be a valuable litmus test, say counselors. A relationship crisis "smashes the illusion of invulnerability," says William Doherty, a ─── 幸存的挑战年初不幸的关系可以是一个有价值的试金石,说辅导员。阿关系危机“打破幻想的抗毁性,”说,威廉多尔蒂,一个

48、She picked up the gauntlet in her incisive keynote address to the conference. ─── 她在其尖锐的大会主题发言中接受挑战。

49、We have taken up the gauntlet and are redesigning the product using cheaper materials to undercut our competitors. ─── 我们已接受挑战,正使用廉价的材料重新设计产品,以降低价格与我们的竞争者抢生意。

50、The Construction Tnspection How are We to Take up the Gauntlet of WTO ─── 建设监理如何面对WTO的挑战

51、Fallen World, separated from the material realm by the Gauntlet. ─── 影域:下界的精神域与朝生暮死区域,通过险棘将它与物质领域隔离开来。

52、As his eyes scan the Normandy coast, Captain John Miller (TOM HANKS) believes that getting himself and his men past the gauntlet is the greatest challenge he has faced in the war. ─── 当他的眼睛扫描着诺曼底海岸,约翰米勒上尉相信让他和他的手下经历交叉射击是他曾经在战争中面对的最大的挑战。

53、He ran the gauntlet of newspaper attacks. ─── 他遭到报纸的抨击。

54、He was not one to retreat but rather one who would take up the gauntlet. ─── 他不是一个想退却的人, 倒是一个宁愿应战的人。

55、Following completion of these tests, the 787 is now being prepared for the next phase which is the intermediate gauntlet. ─── 随着这些测试的完成,波音787正在为下一阶段的中期挑战测试作准备。

56、You Awakened at the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet. ─── 你在铁护手之了望塔中觉醒。

57、Before getting the proposals accepted, the government had to run the gauntlet of hostility from its own supporters. ─── 拥护政府的人对政府进行了尖锐的抨击之後,这些建议才得以接受。

58、taken up the gauntlet ─── v. 应战(护卫)

59、Of course, Batman has set up a gauntlet for the leader to run - rats, tall drops, and finally, Batman. ─── 当然蝙蝠侠早就准备好了武器来对付他,打得他像老叔一样乱窜。

60、Unlike other weapons, The spiked gauntlet occupies your magic item hands slot while enchanted. ─── 与其它武器不同,带刺铁手套在附魔后佔用你的手部魔法物品栏。

61、'Gauntlet' Medium Beam Laser I ─── 交叉火力中型光束激光器

62、He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition. ─── 他立即接受了对方提出的挑战。

63、Before get the proposal accept,the government have to run the gauntlet of hostility from its own supporter. ─── 拥护政府的人对政府进行了尖锐的抨击之后, 这些建议才得以接受。

64、When these types throw down the gauntlet, you are wise to their shenanigans and can put them in their place as long as you don't blow your cool. ─── 只要你能按下脾气不发火,即便他们多重夹击,你也能聪明地化解所有把戏,让他们知难而退。

65、I had to take up the gauntlet;otherwise they would think truth sided with them. ─── 我不能不辩,如果不辩论,他们就会认为真理在他们那一边。

66、He threw down the gauntlet and i accepted his challenge. ─── 我接到了他的挑战书, 并答应与他决斗。

67、The 787 team will continue with other aspects of testing on Airplane #1, including final gauntlet testing and low-speed taxiing. ─── 787团队将继续同其他方面的测试飞机# 1 ,包括最后的极限测试和低速滑行。

68、Health Steal Benumb Gauntlet is still dropped by Melvil Boss and it transfers health from the target to the fist using Benumb Health Steal. ─── 偷生命的爪子:可以把对手的生命转移到自己身上。

69、Before it can get you merry, it's got to run the enzyme gauntlet again, this time in the liver. ─── 在酒精让你乐起来之前,它还要穿过酶的层层狙击。这回是在肝脏里进行的。

70、gauntlet bandage ─── [医] 手套式绷带

71、The thought of navigating the gauntlet between two big, red warriors using whirlwind is discouraging to say the least. ─── 在魔法交织的夜空下,红方的战士们像旋风一样横扫整个竞技场,至少这极大的打击了对方的士气。

72、I was determined to pick up the gauntlet and change the situation. ─── 我决定接受挑战,改变局面。

73、gauntlet glove ─── [机] 长统手套

74、plastic gauntlet ─── 塑料长手套

75、Before getting the proposals accepted,the government had to run the gauntlet of hostility from its own supporters. ─── 拥护政府的人对政府进行了尖锐的抨击之后,这些建议才得以接受.

76、Once Bill threw down the gauntlet, I had to fight. ─── 一旦比尔提出挑战,我就得迎战。

77、Our hero has to run the gauntlet of corruption and power struggles while he's trying to become a member of a guild to improve his skills. ─── 我们的英雄为了增进自己的技能,必须试著成为集团的一员,但在此同时,他也感受到了腐化以及权力的斗争。

78、throw down the gauntlet to ─── 向

79、throw down gauntlet to ─── 向 ... 提出挑战

80、House Speaker Jim Wright yesterday threw down the budget gauntlet before President-elect George ─── 众院议长赖特向总统当选人布什掷下预算挑战书,要总统当选人布什必须决定增税或削减军费,否则国会就要越俎代疱。

81、4. he parents had told me never to speak to their daughter again, so i knew that i was running the gauntlet when i telephoned her to arrange a meeting. ─── 他父母不许我再和他们的女儿谈话,因此,我知道打电话和她约会是在经受惩罚性的考验。

82、They have thrown down the gauntlet to the PM by demanding a referendum. ─── 他们向首相挑战,要求进行公民投票。

83、The trucks tried to drive to the American base, running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen. ─── 持枪抢劫匪帮猛烈攻击的那些卡车试图开到美军基地。

84、The gauntlet was composed of pure cortosis, rendering any lightsaber blade that touched it useless for several minutes. ─── 护手由纯科托西斯金属打造,可使接触到的光剑剑刃失效长达数分钟。

85、I've had my hair dyed and tomorrow I'll have to run the gauntlet of all the comments from the people at work. ─── 我把头发染了,明天我得受到同事们的评头论足。

86、After last night's thrashing of Arsenal, Manchester United ace Wayne Rooney has thrown down the gauntlet to Chelsea ahead of Monday's FA Cup draw. ─── 在昨晚血洗阿森纳之后,在周一的足总杯抽签之前,曼联之王鲁尼向切尔西发出了挑战。

87、I cast them my gauntlet; take it up who dares. ─── 我向他们挑战,有胆量就来吧。

88、Shadow Realm: The spiritual or ephemeral portion of the Fallen World, separated from the material realm by the Gauntlet. ─── 影界:下界的精神与灵质部分,通过险棘而与物质界分隔开。

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