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09-09 投稿


monotonous 发音

英:[m?'n?t(?)n?s]  美:[m?'nɑt?n?s]

英:  美:

monotonous 中文意思翻译



monotonous 网络释义

adj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的

monotonous 词性/词形变化,monotonous变形

副词: monotonously |名词: monotonousness |

monotonous 同义词

boring | dreary | repetitious |dull | samey | monotone | tedious | colorless | unvaried | pedestrian | flat | monotonic | droning | wearisome | tiresome | humdrum | colourless | repetitive | uninteresting | deadly

monotonous 反义词


monotonous 短语词组

1、monotonous regularity ─── 单调正则性

2、monotonous crossword ─── 单调填字游戏

3、monotonous routine ─── 单调的例行公事

4、monotonous crossword clue ─── 单调的纵横字谜线索

5、monotonous routine crossword ─── 单调的例行填字游戏

6、monotonous clue ─── 单调的线索

7、monotonous life ─── 单调的生活

8、most monotonous monotonous( ─── 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的)的最高级形式

9、monotonous means ─── 单调的手段

10、more monotonous monotonous( ─── 单调的)的比较级形式

monotonous 相似词语短语

1、monotonies ─── n.单调;千篇一律

2、monogenous ─── 单性生殖的

3、monogynous ─── adj.一妻制的

4、monostomous ─── 单口的

5、monotocous ─── adj.一次产一卵的

6、monotonously ─── adv.无变化地,单调地

7、monoclinous ─── adj.雌雄蕊同花的

8、homotonous ─── 同性恋

9、monotones ─── n.单调;单音调;adj.单调的;vt.单调地读

monotonous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To speak, repeat, or recite in a monotonous tone of voice; drone. ─── 以单调的声调说、重复或背诵;低沉单调地说

2、The same old favourites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. ─── 一些相同的老嗜好年复一年地以单调的规律重现。

3、His articles are fixed in form and monotonous in content. ─── 他的文章千篇一律, 一个调调儿。

4、Her speech was all in the same key,ie monotonous. ─── 她的演说自始至终是一个调子(单调乏味)。

5、same time, listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavors. ─── 与此同时,用耳机长时间听单一节奏的音乐节拍可以使孩子沉浸在自己的世界里,而不去追求其他的东西。

6、Nonetheless, always playing human characters could become monotonous, while playing a character with a mystical bent could be deliciously attractive. ─── 但是一直扮演人类角色可能会变得无聊,有时扮演神秘古怪的角色会很吸引人。

7、You do want to choose a big company for monotonous work? ─── 您是想选择大公司做固守成规的工作?

8、Leisure activities are single, elderly leisure life is monotonous. For most elderly people, the children are not the focus. ─── 娱乐休闲方式单一,公共文化参与程度低,老年人的闲暇生活较为单调。

9、Hollywood films that mature into a business idea and system of commercial production, is worthy of us to learn to learn, but by no means merely monotonous and mediocre "is used. ─── 好莱坞影片那成熟的商业理念与成体系的商业化制作,是值得我们去借鉴去学习的,但那决不仅仅只是单调而平庸的“拿来主义”。

10、"There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea" (James Russell Lowell). ─── “没有东西更象大海一样单调到让人绝望了” (詹姆士·罗素·洛威尔)。

11、To make automatic or unspontaneous; render routine or monotonous. ─── 以机能化使自动化,使失去自发性;使常规化,使单调化

12、The monks you see on television making those monotonous sounds are actually performing their mantra. ─── 你在电视上看到的那些诵念单调的声音的和尚事实上在诵念咒语。

13、To speak in a monotonous tone of voice; drone. ─── 以单调的声调说;低沉单调地说

14、He quit because his job is monotonous and lacks variety. ─── 他的工作很单调,没什么新意,所以他就辞职了。

15、His care to subdue his voice made it sound monotonous. ─── 他故意把声音压得很低,听起来十分单调。

16、Lord give me this seeing faith, then my work will never be monotonous. ─── 上帝给我这看得见的信心,我的工作就永远不会是单调的。

17、Being idle sometimes is agreeable, but being idle all the time might become monotonous. ─── 一段时间空闲是令人愉快的,整日无所事事可能就单调乏味了。

18、He becomes an appendage of the machine, and it is only the most simple, most monotonous, and most easily acquired knack, that is required of him. ─── 工人变成了机器的单纯的附属品,要求他做的只是极其简单、极其单调和极容易学会的操作。

19、Circular, the round body surroundings small nail article, and matches in the propitious decorative design in a utensil, simple but not monotonous, noble and elegant. ─── 圆形,圆钮,钮周围铸有一周小的乳钉文,内圈外铸有七枚大的乳钉文,并配在吉祥纹饰之中,简单而不单调,高贵而典雅,高圈配有吉祥图案。

20、Tired of monotonous work as a farm labourer he took the King's shilling. ─── 他对当农场工人干单调无味的工作已经厌倦,因此入伍当兵了。

21、But how monotonous it would become! ─── 但那样的生活是多么单调乏味呀!

22、Children do not like monotonous, tedious class work. ─── 儿童教学中最忌单调、重复。一年级新生一般不适应灌输、

23、A monotonous rhythmical drumbeat or similar sound. ─── 单调鼓声一种单调的有节奏的敲鼓声或类似的声音

24、Then he resumed his monotonous and lugubrious tramp, which troubled the dreams of the sleeping man beneath him, and awoke him with a start. ─── 于是他又用那种单调、沉郁的步伐走来走去,把睡在他下面的那个人从梦中惊到跳了起来。

25、Some of the tasks are desperately monotonous. ─── 一些工作极度单调乏味。

26、The monotonous drop of temperature of cosmic microwave background radiation(CMBR) shows that the time of our expanding cosmic system can be discussed separating from the space. ─── 宇宙微波背景辐射的温度单调下降表明,我们这个膨胀着的宇宙系统的时间可以与空间分开来讨论。 对宇宙密度和对背景辐射的多极矩的测量都表明,我们宇宙的空间是平直的。

27、China's reform and open policy, promoted the thought fully emancipated, original monotonous black, the ash, the blue color are substituted for multi-colored. ─── 中国的改革开放,促进了思想大解放,原来单调的黑、灰、蓝色被五彩缤纷取代。

28、New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity. ─── 秘书不停地更换,令人厌烦。

29、If you feel your life becoming stale, monotonous and everything seems like a chore, you probably need to shed all the unwanted musts clinging on to you. ─── 如果你感觉你的生活单调乏味,每一件事似乎都很杂,那么你很可能需要摆脱身上所有多余的必不可少的东西。

30、Chilling winds swept beneath the door-sills and rattled the loose window-panes with a monotonous tinkling sound. ─── 寒冷的风从门缝里钻进来,把那松动的窗玻璃刮得单调地琅琅作响。

31、It is monotonous to do the same work each day. ─── 天天做同样的工作没有意思。

32、The caller would no longer just hear the monotonous ring tone or a simple song or music but able to see the personalized video playback. ─── 这样主叫用户不再是仅仅听到单调的振铃声或单纯的歌曲、乐曲,而是可以看到极具个性的视频播放。

33、Tedious, monotonous, or uninteresting work of any kind. ─── 平庸的作品冗长,单调,令人感到乏味的作品

34、They found that in more religiously diverse (and more disease-ridden) places people move shorter distances than in healthier, religiously monotonous societies. ─── 他们发现,在宗教更为多样的(疾病更为严重)的地方人们迁徙路途要短于那些生活在较为健康,宗教单一的人群。

35、Forget about the monotonous plotline about saving the princess/world/friend that have plagued the latest RPG releases. ─── 忘记以往的RPG中那些救出公主、拯救世界之类的老掉牙的情节套路吧。

36、Yes, it is somewhat monotonous, isn't it? ─── 可不是,单调,有一点儿吧?

37、A decade ago, those monotonous minutes were just a fact of life: time ticking away, as you gazed idly into space, stood in line, or sat in bumper-to-numper traffic. ─── 二十年前,那些无聊的时刻在生活中必不会少:发呆的时候,排队的时候,或者堵车的时候,时间滴答滴答溜过。

38、Always feel that flies is the scenery. But the real words to express my scenery, they found it was just gorgeous behind the monotonous, similar to the blank. ─── 总觉得自己过得是风光的。但真正用文字来表达我的风光时,却发现那只不过是华丽背后的单调,近似空白。

39、By day the monotonous hours wore on in the same heavy, hashed manner as on that first dreary afternoon. ─── 在白天,那沉闷的时刻,就和第一个凄凉的下午一样,忧郁寂寞地度过。

40、Humanity homes began to emerge monotonous, cold living machines of phenomenon, although such machines were once the Motif of modernism. ─── 人类的家园开始出现单调的、冷冰冰的居住机器的现象,尽管这种居住的机器一度曾是现代主义的母题。

41、Nevertheless it is fatiguing or monotonous or, at a minimum, a source of no particular pleasure. ─── 不过这是令人疲惫的、单调的、或者(在最低限度上)是不开心的源泉。

42、And what a person thinks on his own without being stimulated by the thoughts and experiences of other people is even in the best case rather paltry and monotonous. ─── 如果一个人考虑的事情完全靠自己而未被别人的思想和经历所刺激,那么即使是在最好的情形下,也是单调的,无价值的。

43、Her speech was all in the same key, ie monotonous. ─── 她的演说自始至终是一个调子(单调乏味).

44、His monotonous whistling grated on her nerves. ─── 他单调的口哨声令她的神经受不了。

45、Good Lord, they need to be diverted from these monotonous, uniform brick walls and shining wooden floors! ─── 天啊,他们须离开这些单调的、千篇一律的砖头墙壁和发光的木头地板去找娱乐!

46、The monotonous motion of his arm released his mind to think about the discovery in the shed. ─── 他手臂单调的动作使他能够放心思考在棚子里的发现。

47、Presently, an awkward silence fell over the room, broken only by the drowsy whir of the electric fan, like some monotonous lullaby. ─── 忽然大家同时不作声了,客厅里只有电风扇的单调的荷荷声,催眠歌似的唱着。

48、The reason that the kid would be in poor fettle, is because of his life is very monotonous, we should prepare some things that can draw on kid's attention. ─── 孩子之所以会无精打采,是因为他的生活很单调,我们应该准备一些能够吸引孩子注意力的东西。

49、Flashing lights at night, lighting up the night sky, but also make it somewhat monotonous sound of flowing water moon had lost its own Nightlife. ─── 夜晚灯火闪烁,照亮了夜空,也让那略显单调的浅浅月光仿佛失去了自己的华彩。

50、Health reasons for my extra-curricular is too monotonous. ─── 原因我的课外生实在是太单调了。

51、She has a very monotonous voice; she should have it modulated. ─── 她的声音很单调,应该加以调整。

52、It is equal in value of proved that it had necessary limit which sequence of numbers are monotonous and bounded or converge of Cauchy s norm. ─── 单调有界数列必有极限是极限理论中一个很重要的结论,而柯西收敛准则则以另一种形式表达了这一结论。

53、There is no denying that the fast-paced life so that their monotonous life and no momentum. ─── 不可否认的是、快节奏的生活让自己的生活变得单调和没有冲劲。

54、On the monotonous bed, that come to come and go the bell ring that go to, good noisy! ─── 单调的床上,那来来去去的铃声,好吵!

55、Actually, I find his speech utterly monotonous. ─── 实际上,我觉得他的演说极其单调乏味。

56、But to-day the enemy's manoeuvring was more monotonous. ─── 不过今天敌人的调遣比较单调。

57、Your job becomes monotonous and life turns dull. ─── 工作变得单调乏味,日子落得沉闷无趣,热情消逝。

58、Day after day cramped in perpetual, monotonous orbit with the same three colleagues, isolated hundreds of miles from family and friends. ─── 和三个同事日复一日地蜷缩在永恒、单调的轨道舱内,距家人和朋友数百英里之遥。

59、You will not lost patience even with monotonous work and endless time. ─── 中文:单调的学习和漫长的时间也不会让你失去耐心。

60、As he walked John Perkins prophesied to himself with gloomy and downtrodden cynicism the foregone conclusions of the monotonous day. ─── 他边走着边以沮丧而压抑的讥嘲心情对自己预言这单调日子不可避免的结尾。

61、Day is a day, every day monotonous repetition boring things like machines. ─── 一天又一天,每天重复单调无聊的事情,好像机器。

62、A screedpassage means a long, monotonous harangue or piece of writing. ─── 冗长的文章就是长、单调而且枯燥乏味的文章。

63、To pass or act in a monotonous way. ─── 以单调的方式度过或行动

64、Life goal is not monotonous, nor is beauty.Beautyforits own sake is also life goal.Loving beauty is a part of life goal. Venting life grievances, writing life darkness are beauty. ─── 人生的目的不是单调的,美也不是单调的,为爱美而美,也可以说为的是人生目的.因为爱美本来是人生目的一部分.诉人生痛苦,写人生黑暗,也不能不说是美。

65、At the same time,listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavors. ─── 同时通过耳机长时间地听同一单调的节奏会让孩子沉浸在自己的幻想中而不是努力追求其他的东西。

66、She thought life in the small town was monotonous. ─── 她觉得小镇上的生活单调而乏味。

67、The preacher rs monotonous voice put me to sleep. ─── 传教士单调的声音催我入眠。

68、He has a very monotonous voice; he should modulate it more. ─── 他的声音很单调,应该加以调节。

69、Of course,these reasons are valid and motivate us to bury our heads in thick language textbooks and repeat after a monotonous voice on an audiocassette. ─── 当然,这些原因是确实的,激发我们的学习积极性,埋头于厚厚的语言教科书,并跟着盒音带重复单调乏味的语声。

70、Of individuality is consistently regarded as more and more necessary. Without the unique individuality, how can we imagine the dull market be fraught with monotonous products? ─── 如果没有独特的特性,我们该怎么想象愚蠢的市场会对大量的产品不满。

71、In a few person eyes, the physics is like that monotonous , like that difficult to comprehend , what "beauty " but the word does that have? ─── 在一些人眼中,物理学是那样枯燥,那样难懂,那有什么“美”可言呢?

72、Suppose there were only one style of literature, people would not appreciate so abundant poetry and novels and our world would become so monotonous. ─── 假设只有一种文学形式,人们就不会欣赏到大量的诗集和小说,并且我们的世界就不会变得这样丰富多彩,而是乏味的、单调的。

73、"There seems to be nothing there but languid and monotonous smoke. ─── “那儿似乎什么都没有,只有那死气沉沉的单调的煤烟。

74、Small children tire quickly when things become monotonous and need to be able to spend a good deal of time just playing. ─── 当事情变得单调时年幼的孩子很快就会变累。需要能够花足够的时间适当玩耍。

75、Wise managers in school should be able to understand this feeling and not restrict the colorful thinking with monotonous uniform. ─── 明智的管理在学校应该能够理解这种感觉,而不是限制五彩缤纷的思维和单调的制服。

76、Tired of monotonous work as a lumberman he took the Queen's shilling and his known history begins with the Boer War. ─── 他厌倦了伐木工的单调劳动,入伍当了兵,他那有名的经历便始于波尔战争。

77、One of the main philosophies of Emacs is that you should spend your time being a genius instead of doing trivial monotonous tasks! ─── Emacs的一个主要的哲学就是我们应将我们的时间花在有意义地方,而不是去那些琐碎无变化的任务!

78、The former yawing's waist line is no longer monotonous, the angle of tilt fender wheel arch line which increases melts, the associative perception is stronger. ─── 以往一根横贯的腰线不再单调,增大的倾斜角度翼子板的轮拱线条相融,整体感更强。

79、The monotonous, almost hypnotic process of staring at the center divider for long hours is a grossly underestimated, life-threatening hazard. ─── 一连数小时注视着中夹分道线这样一个单调、乎能催眠的过程是被严重低估的威胁生命的重大隐患。

80、From among the leaves of the few nearby trees and plants there came a vast, monotonous murmur that seemed to issue from all quarters of the horizon at once. ─── 从附近几株树叶里,传来一大片单调的沙沙声,仿佛是从四面八方一下子同时传来的。

81、While others rub their hands over his skin to the accompaniment of a monotonous and soothing chant. ─── 其他人唱着单调的歌声用手抚摸象的皮肤。

82、For tourists, food was not a problem, though meals tended to be monotonous. ─── 对旅行者来说,食物不是问题,虽然有点单调。

83、A monotonous task or set of tasks seeming to have no end. ─── 令人厌烦的工作一种单调的工作或一系列似乎永不完结的工作

84、Try to vary that melody. It is so monotonous. ─── 你要设法使调子有些变化,它太单调了。

85、Officials accused of bribery and corruption get off the hook with monotonous regularity. ─── 指控受贿和贪污的官员无一例外总能脱身。

86、If you forced me to give a negative, then I would have to say that the food got monotonous after two weeks. ─── 如果你一定要逼我说一个负面的地方,那么我不得不说这里的食物是单调的。

87、The monotonous rhythm of the job is driving him crazy. ─── 单调的工作节奏快把逼疯了。

88、The mid-autumn Festvial recurs year in year out with monotonous regularity. ─── 中秋节有年复一年有规律地到来。

89、The event had given a variation to the monotonous sweep of their days on the road. ─── 天天筑路,生活单调,出了这一样一件事总有些新鲜之感。




简单 simplesimple英 [?s?mpl] 美 [?s?mp?l] adj.简单的; 单纯的; 易受骗的; 天真的n.笨蛋; 愚蠢的行为; 出身低微者单调 monotonousmonotonous英 [m??n?t?n?s] 美 [m??nɑ:t?n?s] adj.(声音,话语)单调的,无抑扬顿挫的; 枯燥无味的

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