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09-09 投稿



enclave 发音

英:['enkle?v]  美:['?nklev]

英:  美:

enclave 中文意思翻译



enclave 网络释义

n. 飞地(指在本国境内的隶属另一国的一块领土);被包围的领土;被包围物

enclave 词性/词形变化,enclave变形

动词现在分词: enclasping |异体字: inclasp |动词第三人称单数: enclasps |动词过去分词: enclasped |动词过去式: enclasped |

enclave 短语词组

1、homogeneous enclave ─── 均质飞地

2、enclave suv enclave suv

3、ferox enclave ─── 飞地

4、enclave sector ─── 飞地部门

5、enclave economy ─── 飞地式经济(不发达国家中一小块经济发达地区)

6、ferox enclave wiki ─── 飞地维基

7、enclave industry ─── 飞地工业

8、traverse enclave ─── 穿越飞地

9、embattled enclave ─── 四面楚歌的飞地

10、enclave avenir ─── 未来飞地

11、compound enclave ─── 复合飞地

12、expatriate enclave ─── 外籍人士飞地

enclave 相似词语短语

1、enclaves ─── 飞地

2、exclaves ─── n.飞地(孤立于外地的领土)

3、exclave ─── n.飞地(孤立于外地的领土)

4、encage ─── vt.关在笼中;禁闭

5、conclave ─── n.秘密会议;红衣主教团;教皇选举会议

6、encase ─── vt.包住;围绕;包装

7、enslave ─── vt.束缚;征服;使某人成为奴隶

8、clave ─── n.克拉维棍(打击乐器,成双);敲击节奏(拉丁音乐的一个基本节奏);锤角(尤指昆虫触角);v.劈开;迅速穿过;坚守(信仰)(cleave的过去式);n.(Clave)(法)克拉夫(人名)

9、enchafe ─── vt.加温;使兴奋;激怒

enclave 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Later, in a moment of madness, we wander into the heart of DC, despite warnings from the developers, and get vaporized by a remote sentry gun and a gang on Enclave soldiers. ─── 之后,我们一时头脑发昏,不顾游戏设计师的警告,径直冲到华盛顿特区的中心地带去了,结果被遥控警戒机枪和一帮英克雷士兵给打到人间蒸发。”

2、Britain claimed the Upper Nile region in 1894 and leased to Leopold II of Belgium the area known as the Lado Enclave. ─── 1894年英国人宣称拥有上尼罗河地区,并租给比利时的利奥波德二世,称为拉多飞地。

3、Application of Organization Structure Based Access Control model to application enclave boundary ─── 基于组织机构访问控制模型在应用区域边界的应用

4、A bearded former antiwar activist, Komanoff grew up in a liberal enclave of Long Island and studied mathematics and economics at Harvard. ─── 作为一位曾经蓄满胡须的前反战活动人士,库曼诺夫是在纽约长岛长大的,曾在哈佛从事数学和经济学研究。

5、application enclave ─── 应用区域

6、After a bad breakup in Paris, he returns home to San Rafael a chic, artsy enclave in the Texas hill country for his next commission. ─── 敢于追问到底一对一些别人都不好意思继续追问的问题,只有八戒才会鼓足脸皮穷追猛打,非要把砂锅打破不可。

7、At present, the primary source of Baltic Amber is the various deposits around the Russian port of Kaliningrad, the old German enclave of Koenigsberg. ─── 今天,波罗的海琥珀原生矿有俄加里宁格勒港一带和原德国科尼斯堡市周边一带。

8、Jun: But how did you find this little enclave? How did this all start? ─── 小君:你是怎么发现这个小部落的?一切是如何开始的?

9、Israeli forces battled Palestinian militants in mhe Gaza Strip's main cityaWednesday and bombed the enclave's southern border with Egypt. ─── 14日,以色列对加沙的攻势进入第19天,以军继续在加沙城与哈马斯开战,并轰炸了加沙与埃及交界的南部边境。

10、Therefore, accompanying with the oil-gas migration, in reservoirs or carrier beds, fluid inclusion enclave that developed in authigenic mineral can provide some massage about oil-gas migration. ─── 因此,伴随石油运移在储集层或运载层中形成的自生矿物中的流体包裹体(包括盐水溶液和有机包裹体)可以为研究油气运移提供一定的信息。

11、Single Source Enclave ─── 单源飞地

12、There are many similarities of the REE distribution patterns and incompatible element patterns between the enclave and the host rock ( subvolcanic porphyric granodiorite ). ─── 包体与寄主岩(次斑状花岗闪长岩)的稀土元素曲线和不相容元素蛛网图的形态非常相似。

13、A huge wildfire fanned by strong winds destroyed at least 80 multimillion-dollar homes in the celebrity enclave of Montecito, northwest of Los Angeles Friday (Beijing time). ─── 北京时间14日,美国加州洛杉矶西北部的蒙特其托豪宅区遭大火,各路名人的至少80幢豪宅难逃此劫。

14、At present, some cities of south China prefer the development pattern of "Enclave Economy", which achieves mutual benefit depending on the establishment of the scientific benefit assignment mechanism. ─── 摘要目前,我国南方一些城市青睐于一种“飞地经济”发展模式,它通过建立科学的利益分配机制,实现互利共赢。

15、Jun: But how did you find this little enclave? ─── 小君:你是怎么发现这个小部落的?

16、Such a turnaround is dramatic: not so long ago Turkey's generals were threatening to invade the Kurdish enclave and Mr Barzani was vowing to fight back. ─── 土耳其政府这种转变充满戏剧性的,就在不久以前,土耳其的将军们还在威胁侵入库尔德控制的领土,而库尔德总统巴拉扎尼还在发誓要予以回击。

17、Begin with pilot efforts to demonstrate effective results-based monitoring: i.e., begin with an enclave strategy (e.g., islands of innovation) as opposed to a whole-of-government approach. ─── 从试点开始,逐步展示有效的面向结果的监测:例如,先从局部范围开始(如局部创新),而不是一下子就在整个政府范围内建立这样的系统

18、Members of a Nigerian Islamist radical sect have fled the northern city of Maiduguri after the military overran their enclave, reports say. ─── 报道称,尼日利亚回教徒激进分子成员在军队越过他们占领的土地之后逃到北部城市杜古利。

19、By the time the war ended in 1994, the victorious Armenians had doubled the enclave's size and carved out a land corridor to Armenia proper. ─── 到1994年战争结束时,胜利了的亚美尼亚人将飞地的面积增加了一倍,并开通了一条通达亚美尼亚本土的地面走廊。

20、Mafic microgranular enclave ─── 微粒镁铁质包体

21、The NBA superstars face Turkey and Lithuania in this gambling enclave on Thursday and Friday before completing their warm-up against Russia and Australia in Shanghai. ─── 在完成他们的热身赛之前,这些NBA全明星们在星期四和星期五的赌城之旅中对阵土耳其和立陶宛,他们还将在上海对垒俄罗斯和澳大利亚。

22、microgranitoid mafic enclave (MME) ─── MME型包体

23、There is a small Welsh enclave in Patagonia. ─── 在巴塔哥尼亚境内有一小块威尔士人聚居的飞地。

24、Dioritic magmatic enclave ─── 岩浆包体

25、By the 1980s, it had surpassed San Francisco"s Chinatown to become the largest enclave of Chinese immigrants in the Western Hemisphere. ─── 在1980年代之前,它已经超越旧金山的唐人街变成在西方半球中中国移民的最大被包围的领土.

26、Riding a taxi down Yuyuan Road, Wang Haichen was flooded with childhoodmemories.She loved this street in Shanghai's former British andAmerican enclave known as the International Settlement. ─── 坐在出租车上沿着愚园路一路前行,孩提时代记忆里的许多景象扑面而来,王海晨对这条位于老上海公共租界里的街道有很深的感情。

27、FLEC; Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda Enclave; ─── 卡宾达飞地解放阵线;

28、In the United States, a poor enclave, home to a pair of mother and son. ─── 在美国的一个穷人聚居区,住着一对母子。

29、"Ceuta:a Spanish city of northwest africa, an enclave in Morocco on the Strait of Gibraltar. a flourishing trade city under the arabs, it was taken by the Portuguese in 1415 and passed to Spain in 1580." ─── 休达:非洲西北部西班牙一城市,为直布罗陀海峡处摩洛哥境内的一块孤立的土地。阿拉伯人统治时为一繁荣的贸易城市,1415年被葡萄牙人占领,1580年转让给西班牙。

30、enclave resort ─── 度假区飞地

31、It's walking distance to Downtown and Faneuil Hall, and it's really like an artists' enclave. ─── 它离市中心和法纳伊会堂不远,步行即可到达,而且真的是像艺术家的天堂。

32、So in August, she traded in her Cross Country estate for a Buick Enclave, one of GM's upscale crossover sport-utility vehicles. ─── 于是,在今年8月份,她把自己的座驾CrossCountry换成了别克昂科雷(BuickEnclave)——通用汽车(GM)旗下的一款高端跨界休旅车(crossoverSUV)。

33、genesis of microgranular enclave ─── 微粒包体成因

34、mafic microgranular enclave (MME) ─── 暗色微粒包体

35、Li found some original enclave nearby "ownership", which will bring about change? ─── 一些原来的飞地就近找到“归属”后,会带来哪些变化?

36、The property is likely to be the only large-scale casino opening in the enclave in the next two to three years. ─── 这块地产可能将是澳门未来两、三年内开业的唯一一家大型赌场。

37、The arrests were made near the site of the attack in the oil-rich enclave of Cabinda,where rebels have been fighting for independence. ─── 多哥队遇袭发生在卡宾达,此地石油丰富,并且反叛者一直为争取独立而作战。两名嫌犯就是在案发地附近被警方逮捕的。

38、For a real gauge of how quickly China is gaining on the industrialized West, look to the little enclave of Macau. ─── 要真正衡量中国如何在工业化西方身上快速获益,看看小小的澳门吧。

39、A giant tower will be built on the waterfront at Macao at a very fast pace in time for the December1999 celebrations marking the Portuguese enclave' s handover to China. ─── 一座巨大的新塔将在澳门港口附近落成,以便能赶上参加1999年12月澳门回归中国的庆典.

40、inclusion enclave ─── 包裹体

41、forest enclave ─── 森林飞地

42、AEM has lived to its reputation by providing quality services to all social events in the enclave. ─── 在澳门的各项社会公益活动中:例如每年一度的澳门公益金百万行慈善筹款活动、清洁澳门运动、各项慈善演唱会、卖旗筹款赈灾等等,都少不了童军的参与。

43、"enclave economy" ─── “飞地经济”

44、Received feminist wisdom has conceived of history as a male enclave devoid of woman subjects and practitioners, particularly before the twentieth century. ─── 公认的女权主义智慧将历史想象成一个没有女性主体和女性从业者的男性飞地,特别是在20世纪之前。

45、The biggest embassies in Islamabad are in a gated enclave reserved entirely for foreign missions. The Danish Embassy was several miles from that enclave, however. ─── 伊斯兰堡几个最大的大使馆完全为那些外国使团保留着,大使们居住在这被包围的领土内,可丹麦大使馆距那里仅有几英里。

46、In recent months, European customs officers have complained of a tidal wave of contraband cigarettes arriving from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. ─── 最近的几个月,欧盟海关的官员抱怨来自于俄罗斯飞地加里宁格勒的走私如潮水般涌入。

47、You might be given the opportunity to take a small force into a mountain enclave to retrieve a magical sword, and in so doing might ignore one of your outposts, which is then sacked by the enemy. ─── 你可能会得到机会派一小股军力包围一座山取得一个魔法剑,不过这么作或许会导致你忽略掉一个正在被敌人围攻的哨站。

48、A Research on "Enclave Economy" Development Pattern of Development Zone ─── 开发区"飞地经济"发展模式研究

49、Spanish city of northwest Africa, an enclave in Morocco on the Strait of Gibraltar. ─── 休达:非洲西北部西班牙一城市,为直布罗陀海峡处摩洛哥境内的一块孤立的土地。

50、The rebel held and cleg as rebel-held enclave is coming sustain under sustained pressure from the army. ─── 反叛者控制的这块飞地受到来自军队持续不断的压力。

51、expatriate enclave ─── 外国经济特区

52、According to the statistics of 2615 enclaves in 53 enclave observation spots, enclaves in Fangshan granodiorite are divided into two categories, xenolith enclave and microgranular enclave. ─── 摘要依据53个观察点2615个包体的统计,将房山花岗闪长岩体中的包体划分为捕虏岩包体和微粒包体两大类。

53、But California is not America's only green enclave. ─── 不过加里福利亚州并不是美国唯一的绿色领地。

54、Australian company Roc Oil earlier this year began prospecting for oil in the Northern enclave of Cabinda and the government is hopeful that other companies will join Roc Oil‘s search. ─── 今年上半年,澳大利亚公司Roc Oil开始在卡宾达北部寻找石油,安政府希望有其它公司加入进来,一起寻找石油。

55、The rebel held unclaimed with rebel-held enclave is coming under sustained pressure from the armyand . ─── 反叛者现在受到政府军强大的持续性的压力之下。

56、They have certainly clear reports that the shelling has dismantle d the enclave area. ─── 他们清晰的报告称,炮击已经瓦解了被包围地区。

57、The rebel held enclave is coming under sustained pressure from the army and aid agencies have expressed grave concern for what they say of more than 200,000 civilians trapped in the area. ─── 叛军控制的这块飞地正受到来自军方的持续压力,救援组织也已对被困在该地区的20万多民众表示了严肃担忧。

58、Keywords organic inclusion enclave;generation mechanism;study method;hydrocarbon maturity; ─── 有机包裹体;形成机制;赋存状态;研究方法;油气成熟度;

59、MME type enclave ─── MME包体

60、It was this enclave of rich people among the working class neighborhood with red brick roads and Tudor style mansions. ─── 我当时也是豪情万丈(现在也未尝不是),说,我也来成立个社团,跨文化交流,作世界公民!

61、The Mediterranean Sea lies to the south of France, with the Principality of Monaco forming a small enclave. ─── 地中海位于法国的南部,与摩纳哥形成一个小小的包围。

62、Israeli troops continue to pull out of the battered enclave, where Palestinian medical officials say 1,300 people died in the assault. ─── 以色列继续撤离这个饱受摧残的领土,而当地的巴勒斯坦医务官员说,1千300人死于这场攻击。

63、Sigfredo A.Hernandez,Judy Cohen,Hector L.Garcia.Residents' attitudes towards an instant resort enclave[J].Annals of tourism research.1996(23). ─── 戴凡,保继刚.旅游社会影响研究--以大理古城居民学英语态度为例[J].人文地理,1996(2).

64、An Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh was a source of conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which went to war after the province proclaimed its independence in 1991. ─── 位于阿塞拜疆的亚美尼亚人自治州纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫是亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆冲突的根源。1991年该省宣布独立后两国间爆发战争。

65、Explore "Enclave Economy" development of Cao Feidian Development Area ─── 曹妃甸开发区"飞地经济"发展初探

66、In the north the Kurds have carved out an autonomous and largely peaceful enclave (see article) although there is potentially explosive conflict over the status of Kirkuk. ─── 北部,库尔德人创建了自治区,虽然基尔库尔德冲突有可能白热化,但总的来说,这个封闭的区域还是比较太平的。

67、Tianhe District registration Street yesterday concluded "enclave" history, transfer Dongshan District escrow. ─── 原属天河区的登峰街昨天结束了“飞地”历史,移交东山区代管。

68、20 A landowner claims to have found a document granting him ownership of the land where the local halfling enclave is located. ─── 20某个土地所有者宣称说,他找到了一份文件,这份文件承认他对当地半身人所居住的土地的所有权。

69、enclave of Cabinda ─── 卡奔达飞地

70、Access to airport maps, airport of Osaka Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture belong to the border, shipping terminal near the complex, as the existence of the enclave. ─── 查阅机场的地图,机场属于大阪府与兵库县的边境,航运大楼附近错综复杂,如同飞地的存在著。

71、The paper introduces the mechanism and existed states of organic inclusion enclave and its five study methods. ─── 本文介绍了有机包裹体的形成机制、赋存状态及常用的五种研究方法。

72、Instead measures have been taken to increase the sense of conviviality about this exclave and with the view of turning it into a contemporary Western enclave as well as a popular tourist attraction. ─── 作者发现尽管管理者对生态旅游的科学定义和究竟靠什么吸引生态旅游者还存在疑惑,生态旅游还是已经被确认为重要的省级战略以求经济增长和环境保护的平衡。

73、Mr Roh's government is ceasing to subsidise one money-spinning project that put cash in Mr Kim's pocket, a tourist enclave at Mount Kumgang. ─── 卢武玄政府正在停止供应一个金刚山旅游项目的资金补贴,这些资金都进入了金正日的钱包。

74、Wenquan granite is composed of two end-member rocks, one is the host rock of the acid end-member, and the other is the microgranular mafic enclave. ─── 摘要温泉花岗岩体由酸性端元的寄主岩石和暗色微细粒镁铁质包体群及基性岩墙群组成。

75、In contrast, the genesis of enclave rocks of granulite facies in Yunkai region is thermal dome metamorphism. ─── 云开大山地区麻粒岩包体岩石为热穹隆变质成因。

76、Keywords microscope;infrared spectrum;inclusion enclave;hydrocarbon filling; ─── 显微镜;红外光谱;包裹体;油气充注;

77、Authorization Model on Application Enclave Boundary ─── 应用区域边界授权模型

78、Keywords Information Assurance;Trusted Mechanism;Application Enclave Boundary;Single Sign on;Proxy;Proxy Signature;Inter-domain Authentication;Proxy Cryptography;Trusted Authentication Device; ─── 信息安全保障;可信机制;应用边界;单点登录;身份代理;代理签名;域间认证;代理加密;可信认证设备;

79、The Kurds are feeling confident, having made a relatively stable enclave in the northern part of the country. ─── 库尔德人信心十足,因为他们已在伊拉克北部制造了一块相对稳定的飞地。

80、"Enclave Industry": a mode to an area of newly-typed industrialized development ─── "飞地工业":引领区域新型工业化发展的新思路

81、This and other artifacts from the site suggest the area might have been a wealthy enclave during Egypt's Roman period. ─── 现场所发现的石棺和其它文物表明该地区可能在埃及的罗马时期,是一片富裕的被包围的土地。

82、Months later, Carl and his friends who ate the nutrient-rich broth emerged from their enclave much healthier than those who had eaten only army rations. ─── 数月后,当卡尔以及食用他这些营养丰富的汤水的朋友们从隔离区中走出时,他们明显比仅食用军队配给食物的人健康许多。

83、Only a small district will be retained as a tourist enclave for in Shanghai, the bulldozer rules. ─── 在上海,只有一小块区域被作为旅游区保留下来,这就是“推土机规则”。

84、mafic microgranitoid enclave ─── 微粒闪长质包体

85、Enclave Zone of Taishan rock group ─── 景点名称:泰山岩群包体带

86、Frente de Libertacao do Enclave de Cabinda/Forcas Armadas de Cabinda ─── 卡宾达飞地解放阵线/卡宾达武装部队

87、However, Johannes Chan, dean of the University of Hong Kong's law faculty, visiting for a far more austere purpose, found the self-governing Chinese enclave less than hospitable. ─── 但是,带着更简单的目的前去澳门的香港大学法律学院院长陈文敏却发现,他在这个自治的中国特别行政区并不怎么受欢迎。

88、Building an Enclave: The Experience of Micro-Lending in Lawrence, MA (PDF 1 of 5 - 2.6 MB) (PDF 2 of 5 - 2.6 MB) (PDF 3 of 5) (PDF 4 of 5 - 2.2 MB) (PDF 5 of 5) Cathleen A. Mahon ─── 构筑版图:麻省劳伦斯微观借贷的经历(五个PDF档案之一-2.6MB)(五个PDF档案之二-2.6MB)(五个PDF档案之三)(五个PDF档案之四-2.2MB)(五个PDF档案之五

89、Switzerland was an enclave of peace in war-torn Europe. ─── 在饱经战争磨难的欧洲, 瑞士是和平的世外桃源.

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