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09-09 投稿


crevasse 发音

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crevasse 中文意思翻译



crevasse 词性/词形变化,crevasse变形

动词现在分词: crevassing |动词过去式: crevassed |动词过去分词: crevassed |动词第三人称单数: crevasses |

crevasse 短语词组

1、crevice vs crevasse ─── 裂缝vs ─── 裂缝

2、crevasse dam ─── 决口坝

3、crevasse ice ─── 冰裂缝

4、crevasse definition ─── 裂缝定义

5、crevasse crack ─── 裂缝,龟 ─── 裂

6、longitudinal crevasse ─── 纵裂隙; ─── 纵冰隙

7、crevasse 22 ─── 裂缝22

8、crevasse vs crevice ─── 裂缝与 ─── 裂缝

9、crevasse cremation ─── 决口火葬

10、crevasse map ─── 裂缝图

crevasse 相似词语短语

1、crevalle ─── n.一种可供玩赏或食用的鱼

2、crevassing ─── n.裂缝;破口,崩溃处

3、canvassed ─── v.游说,拉选票;征求意见;努力争取支持;详细讨论;提出(意见或计划)供考虑;细究,彻底检查;n.拉选票,征求意见;讨论;细查

4、crease ─── n.折痕;折缝;vi.起皱;vt.弄皱;使起折痕

5、écrevisse ─── n.螯虾

6、to crevasse ─── 决口

7、crevassed ─── adj.含有深裂缝的;v.(尤指冰川、岩石等)形成裂缝,裂开(crevasse的过去式和过去分词)

8、canvasser ─── n.兜揽生意的人;游说者

9、crevasses ─── n.裂缝;破口,崩溃处

crevasse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Channels, natural levees, crevasse splay, floodpl ain, lakes, marshes and eolian dunes are important morphological and sedimentary units. ─── 其中发育网状河道、天然堤、决口扇、河间漫滩、湖泊、沼泽、风成沙丘等微地貌单元 ;

2、Results All cases determin the diagnosis and type of dissections aortic,have good show of crevasse,and accuratly measure before EVGE. ─── 结果:所有病例均可确定诊断及分型、破裂口定位,并能准确测量术前所需数据。

3、The grain size of the sediment in distributary mouth bar is coarser than that in the crevasse splay sediment. ─── 三角洲前缘河口砂坝沉积物粒度较平原决口扇粗。

4、hidden crevasse ─── 暗冰裂缝

5、In his mouth were the remains of fir trees -- the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. ─── 它嘴里还留着冷杉--它掉进冰河裂隙折断脊椎柱之前的最后一顿饭。

6、transverse crevasse ─── 横向裂缝

7、A bergschrund is no different than any other crevasse; ─── 大多数路线都是越野路线。

8、longitudinal crevasse ─── 纵裂缝

9、regmagenesis structure crevasse ─── 断裂构造裂隙

10、Keywords newly emerging group containing the aquiclude loosely;crevasse belt leading water;braves highth;crack highth waterproof coal rock pillar; ─── 新生界松散含隔水层;导水裂隙带;冒高;裂高;防水煤岩柱;

11、And how does this snow compare to the snow over the crevasse? ─── 这些雪和裂缝上的雪比较有什麽不同?

12、The move crevasse superimposes mutually and constitutes the complex underground crevasse network,which are produced by geologic structure crevasse in Fuxin Basin and mining coal. ─── 盆地内地质构造断裂和采煤活动中产生的采动断裂互相叠加,构成了十分复杂的地下断裂网络。

13、473. as by falling into inaccessible caves, or into an ice crevasse, ─── 如掉进难以到达的洞穴,或掉进冰河裂缝里,

14、Keywords east ore belt east structure crevasse water-bearing zone F12 fault; ─── 东矿带东部;构造裂隙含水带;F12断层;

15、crevasse extraction ─── 冰裂缝救护

16、Keywords deposit model;distributary channel;crevasse-splay;crevasse channel;upper delta deposit;cross-bedding; ─── 沉积格架;冲积扇;分流河道;决口河道;冲刷深槽;上三角洲平原;交错原理;

17、The horror of dying no longer affected me as it had in the crevasse. ─── 对死亡的恐惧对我的影响不像在裂缝里时那么大了。

18、control crevasse ─── 控制缝

19、He fell down a crevasse. ─── 他从裂缝处摔了下来。

20、as by falling into inaccessible caves,or into an ice crevasse, ─── 如掉进难以到达的洞穴,或冰窟中

21、Try out your prusik system at home to make sure it works smoothly -- you may need to use it to climb out of a cramped crevasse. ─── 在家里试验你的普鲁士结,确保它可以顺畅地工作——你可能要用它来爬出狭窄的冰裂缝。

22、lateral crevasse ─── 侧向裂缝

23、A crevasse yawned beneath their feet. ─── 一道冰河裂缝在他们脚下展开。

24、crevasse hoar ─── 冰隙白霜

25、crevasse crack ─── 裂缝龟裂

26、Objective To study the feasibility of intraocular intraocular lens embedded in capsule crevasse and its significance of preventing after-cataract. ─── 摘要目的探讨人工晶状体嵌塞植入术的可行性及其预防后发性白内障发生的意义。

27、marginal crevasse ─── 边缘裂缝

28、It is analyzed that the origin of the crevasse in the early phase of concrete road surface , and propounded the relevant preventive measure for the road construction in the city. ─── 对城市道路建设中砼路面产生早期裂缝的原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的预防措施。


30、He watched as nine people were swept into the crevasse. ─── 他眼看着9个人被卷入冰缝中。

31、Among them, the rigid structure belongs to the crevasse. ─── 其中,刚性结构面属于裂隙型;

32、The crevasse on the reins is not easily to be healed. ─── 感情上的裂痕是不容易弥合的。

33、crevass curve ─── [电] 裂隙曲线

34、Investigations on controlling the bulk concrete crevasse ─── 如何控制大体积混凝土裂缝研究

35、Often, when we reached the top of a hill, the only way forward was to throw ourselves down crevasse-like chasms. ─── 我们经常到达山顶时才发现前方唯一的路是下到下面像裂缝一样的山谷里。

36、Hikers negotiate a crevasse on Franz Josef Glacier in South Island, New Zealand. ─── 徒步旅行者成功攀过了位于新西兰南群岛的弗兰兹约瑟夫冰河的裂缝。

37、As by falling into inaccessible caves, or into an ice crevasse, ─── 如掉进难以到达的洞穴,或掉进冰河裂缝里

38、A crevasse yawned at their feet. ─── 他们的脚下是一条张开大口的裂缝。

39、crevasse deposit ─── 冰隙沉积

40、Crevasse rescue is one of the more complicated mountaineering techniques, sometimes requiring pulley systems and multiple haul lines. ─── 裂缝救援是一项更副复杂一些的登山技术,有时候需要滑轮组和多组拖曳绳。

41、Effection of intraocular lens embedded in capsule crevasse on after-cataract ─── 人工晶状体嵌塞植入术预防后发性白内障的意义

42、Artificial Crevasse ─── 人工裂缝

43、Conclusions Intraocular lens embedded in capsule crevasse can avoid after-cataract.It is an addition of IOL implantation.And its clinical result is fine. ─── 结论利用撕囊口嵌塞法植入人工晶状体可以避免后发性白内障的发生,是囊袋及睫状沟人工晶状体植入的补充,临床效果良好。

44、Natural Crevasse ─── 天然裂缝

45、The origin of prevention of the crevasse in early phase of concrete road surface ─── 砼路面早期裂缝成因及预防

46、The Hainan Island is quite rich in geothermal resources and has discovered 32 hot mineral springs (hot spring), whose distribution is mainly controlled by the crevasse structure. ─── 摘要海南岛地热资源比较丰富,已发现热矿泉(温泉)32处,其分布主要受断裂构造所控制;

47、In his mouth were the remains of fir trees--the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. ─── 它的嘴里还留有冷杉树的残物--这是它掉入冰窟跌断脊柱之前的最后一餐。

48、" You can also use crossed wands to mark a crevasse. ─── 你也可以用交叉的路线旗来标识一条裂缝。

49、The crack in Peru went for a long distance though did not separate into a wide crevasse. ─── 秘鲁的裂缝延续了很长的距离,虽然没有裂成一个很宽的破口子。

50、Crevasses and cracks in the ice formed along the edges of one lake;I could see the crevasse fields in satellite images. ─── 沿著其中一个湖的边缘,冰形成了冰隙和裂缝,我可以从卫星影像看到裂开的地区。

51、You can get a feel for the strength of the snow by stomping on the solid snow underfoot and away from the crevasse. ─── 你可以用力踩离开裂缝脚下的硬雪从中感觉雪的强度。

52、Because adrenaline is flowing, it is surprisingly easy to pull too hard and pin the victim against the crevasse lip, so make sure the white leader communicates clearly with everyone in the group. ─── 由于肾上腺素上升的缘故,很容易太过用力拉而把落难队员卡在了裂缝边上,所以白队先锋要确保和所有队员清晰的通话。

53、In plain part, submarine distributary channels of meandering deltaic plain have complicated branches and crevasse history which are inter-related.Mouth bar is not well preserved. ─── 曲流河三角洲平原的分流河道具有复杂分支与决口历史,因此常呈交织状,受分流河道冲蚀作用的影响,河口坝不发育。

54、Keywords coalmass crevasse;resonance vibration;frequency character; ─── 煤体裂隙;共振;特征频率;

55、crevasse channel ─── 决口水道

56、Keywords ultrasound;cavitation;crevasse;permeability; ─── 关键词超声;空化;裂隙;渗透率;

57、crevasse curve ─── 裂隙曲线

58、Measuring the crevasse, we found it was 120 metres deep. ─── 我们量了量这个裂缝,发现有120米深。

59、Channels, crevasse splays, lobes and their various vertical or lateral superposed complexes have constituted major types of reservoir in this area. ─── 水道、决口扇、决口朵叶以及各类侧向或垂向叠加复合体是区内主要的储集体类型。

60、A crevasse yawned at their feet. ─── 他们的脚下是一条张开大口的裂缝。

61、New Technique of Crevasse Repair and Bank Reinstatement under High Speed Water Flow ─── 大流速水流条件下堵口复堤新技术

62、veins structure crevasse ─── 岩脉构造裂隙

63、A month before, the same crevasse had measured six inches (15 centimeters) wide. ─── 就在一个月前,正是这个裂缝,被测量到仅有六英寸(15厘米)宽。

64、The crevasse is not serious and will not cause any damage after timely repair. ─── 这个破口还不是很严重,及时治理应该没有什么问题。

65、reason of crevasse crack ─── 裂缝原因

66、5.After cyst burst, small crevasse can cicatrization very quickly by oneself, and with all round the organization forms adhesion; ─── 囊肿破裂后,小的破口可以很快自行愈合,并与四周组织形成粘连;

67、Ice Hikers, South Islands, New Zealand, 2002 Hikers negotiate a crevasse on Franz Josef Glacier in South Island, New Zealand. ─── 冰山徒步旅行者,南群岛,新西兰,2002 徒步旅行者成功攀过了位于新西兰南群岛的弗兰兹约瑟夫冰河的裂缝。

68、The barriers in the target in the study area are low in distribution frequency, but are large in distribution scale, and have originated from natural levee, crevasse splay, alluvial flat and abandoned channel. ─── 研究区目的层的隔层分布频率比较低,但分布范围大,为天然堤、决口扇、河漫滩以及废弃河道成因。

69、jumping a crevasse ─── 跳过冰裂缝

70、One of the biggest hazards of glacier travel is breaking through a snow bridge and falling into a crevasse. ─── 冰川行走其中一个最大的危险是雪桥断裂,接着掉进冰裂缝。

71、If you feel nothing but air underneath, you've hit a crevasse (figure 2). ─── 如果你觉得地下空空的只有空气,那麽你遇到了一条裂缝。

72、Detail of a crevasse in the surface of the Humboldt glacier. ─── 汉博尔德冰川表面清晰的裂缝。

73、Keywords rockbust;vibration;crevasse;fractal dimension; ─── 冲击地压;激振;裂隙;分形维数;

74、ice crevasse ─── 冰隙

75、I am crossed gingerlily shed the brook with glacial classics, in jumping into crevasse next. ─── 我战战兢兢地穿过流经冰河的小溪,然后跳进冰隙中。

76、The deep crevasse yawned at their feet. ─── 他们脚下的冰川有一道深深的裂缝。

77、crevasse repair ─── 堵口

78、Then Simpson fell into a crevasse and Yates eventually had no choice but to cut the rope, utterly convinced that his friend was now dead. ─── 后来Simpson掉进了一个裂缝里,Yates没有办法,只好割断了绳子。他相信他的朋友是九死一生了。

79、Keywords Nuclear magnetic resonance;Structure characteristic;Crevasse;Adsorption;Desorption; ─── 核磁共振;结构特性;裂隙;吸附;解吸;渗流;

80、Quality control:material chemical analysis,physical detection,hardness measurement,crevasse detection,metallurgical phase detection. ─── 质量控制:材料化学分析,物理检测,产品硬度检测,裂纹检测,金相检测。

81、Keywords Crevasse channel;Depostional characteristic;Depositional model;Sublayer sedimentary microfacies;Remaining oil; ─── 决口水道;沉积特征;沉积模式;小层沉积微相;剩余油;

82、crevasse filling ─── 裂隙填充

83、Yan Sehu (Haizi) Once a crevasse on the downstream flood peak, the devastating disaster of not less than destructive. ─── 堰塞湖(海子)一旦决口会对下游形成洪峰,破坏性不亚于灾害的破坏力。

84、The branch fell from the tree; The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse. ─── 树枝从树上落下了;这个不幸的徒行者落进了裂口处。

85、Finally, the relationship between the radius of crevasse and the weight of dynamite is attained based on an energy balance.The solution compares well with experimental results. ─── 利用近似的能量原理,得到了装药量与破口之间的关系,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。

86、The mammoth fell into an ice crevasse. ─── 猛犸掉进冰河裂缝里了。

87、Fir crevasse In his mouth were the remains of fir trees----the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. ─── 它嘴里还留着冷杉-它掉进冰河裂隙折断脊柱之前的最后一顿饭。

88、We’re just looking down this incredible crevasse, down onto what I recognise as rubbish. ─── 我们只是看不起这个令人难以置信的决口,降落到我承认是垃圾。

89、The abundant crevasse prove that fracture is the chief form of yielding ─── 大量的冰隙证明破裂是变形的主要形式。

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