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09-09 投稿



etches 发音

英:[?et??z]  美:[?et??z]

英:  美:

etches 中文意思翻译




etches 词性/词形变化,etches变形

动词现在分词: etching |名词: etcher |动词过去式: etched |动词过去分词: etched |动词第三人称单数: etches |

etches 相似词语短语

1、fetches ─── 取来;拿(fetch的第三人称单数)

2、ketches ─── n.双桅纵帆船

3、vetches ─── n.野豌豆;巢菜;n.(Vetch)人名;(英、法)维奇

4、letches ─── n.色欲;好色者;n.(Letch)人名;(英)莱奇

5、itches ─── n.痒;渴望;疥疮;vi.发痒;渴望;vt.使发痒;使恼怒

6、retches ─── vi.作呕,反胃;恶心;n.反胃,呕吐

7、eatches ─── 吃

8、etcher ─── n.蚀刻师;腐蚀铜版制作者

9、etched ─── adj.铭记在心的;脸上流露出的;v.蚀刻,凿出;流露出;铭刻(etch的过去式和过去分词)

etches 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Standard method for showing and measuring dislocation etch pits in indium antimonide single crystal ─── GB/T11297.6-1989锑化铟单晶位错蚀坑的腐蚀显示及测量方法

2、Etch test for macrostructure and defect of steels ─── GB/T226-1991钢的低倍组织及缺陷酸蚀检验法

3、In the Al interconnection technology, the metal line is formed by the etching process, but copper's chloride is nonvolatile, so it can't implement etch process. ─── 在铝工艺中,金属布线是通过刻蚀形成的,而铜的氯化物是不挥发的,因此无法应用刻蚀工艺。

4、Methods of acid etch test for longitudinal macro-structures of heat-resisting superalloy bars ─── GB/T14999.1-1994高温合金棒材纵向低倍组织酸浸试验法

5、The Destinies mend rifts in time as man etches fate anew. ─── 当人类想要通过一些漏洞改变命运的时候,命运及时弥补了这些裂痕。

6、If you used the GNOME desktop in sarge you will not benefit from some of the changes introduced in the default configuration in Debian for etch. ─── 如果您使用著sarge所搭载的GNOME桌面环境,您将无法在Debian里一些建议使用的预设设定的改变上得到助益。

7、USENIX is where Tom Ferrin told us how to “cut this foil etch” and “insert this jumper wire. ─── ” USENIX是汤姆铁告诉我们如何“禁这箔腐蚀”和“插入跳线线。

8、Study of Under Bump Metal and Etch Technology of MCM ─── MCM多层金属化及刻蚀技术研究

9、Poly Stack Etch of Flash Memory ─── 中的叠栅腐蚀工艺

10、Hitting the bottle to help drown out memories you'd rather forget may in fact etch them more deeply into your consciousness, a new study has found. ─── 一项最新研究发现,借酒消愁可能会“愁更愁”。

11、To ensure good wetting and low voiding I believe I will pre clean and etch the solder (prefrom) to remove oxides. ─── 为了保证良好的润湿性及低空洞率,我认为需要进行预清洗,并对焊片表面进行刻蚀以去除氧化物。

12、The title track follows, conveying a passionate hopefulness that rings out with strong, clear tones and a soaring melody that instantly etches itself on the brain. ─── 主题曲充分表达了充满希望的强烈情感,那种激动人心响亮而清晰的声音,清爽的音调和骤然升高的主旋律深深的镌刻在你的脑海。

13、We inspect etch channel density of the seed piece by piece. ─── 低腐蚀隧道:为确保低腐蚀隧道密度,我们对晶种的腐蚀隧道密度进行逐块检测。

14、Both conditions can be detected by a temper etch (i.e., nital etch) inspection of the base metal. ─── 两种情况在对本体金属的回火蚀刻检查中会发现。

15、Etch rate and selectivity are examined as a function of SF6, flow, O2 flow, CHF3 flow, pressure and the RF power in order to optimize etching condition. ─── 为了优化刻蚀条件,将刻蚀速率和选择比表示为SF6、O2、CHF3各自的流最以及气压和射频功率的函数。

16、The Evaluation and Application of CPU Dry Clean Process on Ash Chamber of Metal Etch ─── CPU干刻清洗工艺在金属刻蚀去胶腔上的评价及应用

17、Could also be used for loading modules during the boot process, but its new version in etch no longer provides that function. ─── 也是用来在开机期间加载驱动模组,但它在etch里的新版本已不再提供这个功能了。

18、Steel products--Method for etch test of tower sample ─── GB/T15711-1995钢材塔形发纹酸浸检验方法

19、The sun roughens skin texture and etches the thin crosshatched lines seen on the faces (and, sometimes, entire bodies) of sun worshipers. ─── 在日光浴爱好者的脸上(有时,甚至是全身)我们可以看到粗糙的肌理和细微的网格皱纹。

20、The package debian-etch-4.0+whiite-0.1.tar.bz2 contains a tarball of a standard "barebones" debootstrapped Debian 4.0 (etch) root filesystem targetted for PowerPC systems. ─── Debian的软件包蚀刻- 4.0 + whiite - 0.1.tar.bz2包含源程序标准“准系统” debootstrapped的Debian 4.0 (腐蚀)根文件系统针对PowerPC系统。

21、Images of the installer for etch can be found together with the Installation Guide on the. ─── 上同时取得etch的安装影像档以及安装指引。

22、Acid rain does harm to vegetation and wildlife, etches car finishes, and corrodes buildings and Bridges. ─── 酸雨有害于植物的生长和野生动物,蚀刻车子的光泽,以及腐蚀建筑物和桥梁。

23、Loop water Deal with Drug Created furring Thermal conductance Punctate etch; ─── 循环水,加药处理,结垢,热阻,点蚀

24、Such systems, limited to low-pressure operation where etch rates are low, have yielded highly anisotropic features in GaAs films. ─── 在低压、低刻蚀速度时,这种方法可制出高度各向异性的砷化镓薄膜。

25、Copper Etch: The exposed copper is removed through an etching process, while the plated tin acts as a resist-protecting the plated copper from the etchant. ─── 去锡:除去镀锡层,显现出线路部分的铜线。(铜线由三层构成:基铜层、沉铜层和电镀铜层)

26、RF Plasma System 9200 is a barrel-type batch stripping system with optional high temperature capabilities for photoresist removal, nitride etch, and other cleaning applications in semiconductor and MEMS fabs. ─── 射频等离子体9200是桶式炉脱模体,拥有可控制的高温系统可去除光阻材料、氮化物蚀刻和半导体与微型机电系统等方面的清洗功能.

27、The selection of stripper used after metal trench FSG etch to data retention performance. ─── 1.对氟硅玻璃蚀刻后清洗剂的选择对数据保持特性的影响。

28、Place the remains of the seals in an airtight plastic container marked with a symbol for "material will etch". ─── 将密封件残存部分放在标有表示“腐蚀性材料”符号的密封塑料容器内;

29、Fair: Objectionable change in appearance due to discoloration or etch, possibly resulting in deterioration of function over an extended period of time. ─── 一般:由于变色或腐蚀,外观有不雅改变。如果延长测试时间,有可能造成功能的毁损。

30、This paper introduces the manufacturing technique of zero thickness grating, specially explains the procedure of electrical chemical method to etch the high density orthogonal zero thickness grating. ─── 介绍了零厚度光栅制作方法,其中重点是用电化学刻栅法在高温合金材料试件表面直接刻蚀高密度正交零厚度光栅。

31、Correlation between Dislocation Etch Pits and Refractive Index Inhomogeneity in BBO Crystal ─── 位错对BBO晶体光学均匀性的影响

32、Exploration of Etch Process for SAW Devices with ZnO/Glass Layered Structures ─── ZnO/玻璃层状结构SAW器件的刻蚀工艺探索

33、Study of Sacrificial Layer Etch and Release Technology in MEMS Device ─── MEMS器件牺牲层腐蚀释放技术研究

34、In early IC fabrication practice, etch bias was usually dealt with by introducing an appropriate amount of compensation in the masking layer. ─── 在早期的集成电路制作实践中,刻蚀偏差通常是通过在掩膜层上引入一个适量的修正来处理的。

35、An analysis of asymmetric etch demonstrated that the nuclear track membranes can be prepared with smaller pore size than that with the normal etch. ─── 不对称蚀刻法的分析表明,在灵敏度不变时可以得到小孔径核孔膜。

36、Users upgrading to etch that wish to switch to UTF-8 will need to reconfigure their environment and locale definitions. ─── 升级至etch且希望转换至UTF-8的使用者将必须重新设定其环境变数及区域化资料。

37、to etch her face full of deep lines ─── 在她脸上刻下一道道深深的皱纹

38、In MEMS fabrications for devices and systems, inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching is a popular technology owing to its convenient operation, excellent anisotropy, high etch rate and low cost. ─── 在MEMS器件及系统的制造中,电感耦合等离子体(ICP)对硅片的刻蚀工艺由于具备操作简单、各向异性性能好、刻蚀速率快、成本低等特点,是目前实现高深宽比结构制造的主流工艺。


40、Quality Control of Etch Produce in VFD Film Plant ─── VFD薄膜基板蚀刻工序的质量控制

41、The Destinies mend rifts in time as man etches fate . ─── 当人类想要再次亵渎命运的时候,命运及时修正了这些裂痕。


43、UTM indications show white during temper etch inspections and often are found within patches of OTM, which show dark gray to black during temper etch inspection. ─── 在回火蚀刻检查中,UTM往往表现出白色,并且是在OTM的斑点之内,而OTM则表现出深灰色或黑色。

44、With this method, the printmaker cuts or "etches" an image onto a piece of metal. ─── 在这个方法中,制版工人把图画雕刻或者蚀刻在一块金属上面。

45、Stainless steels--10Percent oxalic acid etch test ─── GB/T4334.1-1984不锈钢10%草酸浸蚀试验方法

46、Next, Etches-Johnson urged the audience to consider the concept of "user experience" (UX) as new technology-driven services are designed. ─── 接下来,Etches-Johnson劝听众把“用户体验”(userexperience,UX)这个概念看做一种新的服务,这种服务的设计受到技术的驱动。

47、If left alone, paint contaminants will cause premature oxication or may etch the paint. ─── 如果不采取措施,油漆会过早氧化或被蚀刻。

48、Perchloride of iron used to etch gravure cylinders. Alernative term: etchant. ─── 中义腐蚀凹版辊筒的高氯酸铁。

49、Rodriguez continues to etch his name in the history books on a seemingly daily basis. A-Rod has homered in his last five games, tying a career high. ─── 亿元男似乎以日为基础持续将自己的名字刻画在历史的名册上。亿元男过去五场比赛皆有全垒打的演出,也追平生涯纪录。

50、Another copolyester B-ET was treated by permanganic etches, also demonstrating the fibrillar banded texture. ─── 构象、B-ET用高锰酸钾刻蚀也观察到微纤的条带织构。

51、Meguiar's Quik Detailer removes fresh contaminants before they have a chance to bond or etch into the surface. ─── 在它们有机会聚集或渗入到表层之前,它可以去除新落上去的灰尘。

52、Research of critical dimension loss control in the ICP etch of deep Silicon trenches ─── ICP硅深槽刻蚀中的线宽控制问题研究

53、Sometimes the cycle of destruction starts with illegal logging , which etches the first trails into the forest . ─── 有时候,这种森林的毁灭开始于非法伐木,伐木者腐蚀开了一条进入雨林的小路。

54、Xeno III Adhesive provides bond strength comparable to total etch systems. ─── 异种三胶粘剂粘结强度可比提供总额蚀刻系统。

55、Etch Residue Removers and Photoresist Strippers for Semiconductor Cleaning Applications ─── 半导体清洗应用中的刻蚀残渣去除剂和光阻去胶机

56、In this article, two mathods of NP( HNO3: H3PO4: de-ionized H2O =1:70:29) and BM (Br: Methanol=0.02:100) were used to etch the CdTe films repectively for 60s and 10s. ─── BM腐蚀液浓度为溴0.02ml+甲醇100ml,腐蚀时间为10s左右。 NP溶液浓度为硝酸1%+磷酸70%+去离子水29%,腐蚀时间为60s。

57、During the process of etching (drawing 5), it will use the mixture of ferric chloride, water and copper sulphate, to etch the copper plate. ─── 在该流程的腐蚀步骤中(图5)会利用三氯化铁:水:硫酸铜的混合药水进行与铜版的腐蚀。

58、etch and deposition overrun time ─── 刻蚀和钝化工艺重叠时间

59、The prevent and the treatment guide of postpartum hemorrhage Nan Schuurmans, Catherine MacKinnon, ON Carolyn Lane, AB Duncan Etches, ─── 产后出血的预防和处理指南

60、The Destinies mend rifts in time as man etches fate . ─── 当人类想要再次亵渎命运的时候,命运及时修正了这些裂痕。

61、Germanium monocrystal--Inspection of dislocation etch pit density ─── GB/T5252-1985锗单晶位错腐蚀坑密度测量方法

62、A dry etch technology for poly-silicon using Cl2, SF6 and N2 mixed gas has been developed on Tegal 1512e. Different effects of positive resist mask for LDD and SiO2 mask for SST on the process are discussed. ─── 在Tegal1512e设备上,采用Cl_2、SF_6、N_2混合气体,开发了多晶硅干法腐蚀工艺,讨论了LDD的正胶掩膜及SST的SiO_2掩膜对工艺的不同影响。

63、To help a nail stay put, manufacturers may etch micropits into what appears to be a smooth shank or add rings or barbs, all to better grip the fibers. ─── 为了使钉子不易松脱,制造厂商有时会在看似光滑的钉杆上蚀刻极小的坑洞,或是添加凸环或倒勾,这些构造都是为了抓紧纤维。

64、Study on the Etch Pits of Copper Single Crystal Wires ─── 工业铜单晶线材浸蚀蚀坑的研究

65、Keywords three-phase separator;heat coil;etch reason;effect factor of etch; ─── 三相分离器;加热盘管;腐蚀原因;腐蚀影响因素;

66、The industry routinely meets this challenge, because it is much easier to grow superthin films than it is to etch supernarrow channels. ─── 业界不断遇到这一类挑战,因为要长出一层超薄的膜容易,要蚀刻出一条超窄的通道就很困难。

67、The abundant reserves of raw material, low cost, no poison, easy to dope, good stability in plasm and easy to etch make ZAO films a substitute of ITO, specially in solar cells field. ─── ZAO薄膜原料易得,制造成本低廉,无毒,易于实现掺杂,且在等离子体中稳定性好,易刻蚀,因而有可能成为ITO的替代产品,尤其是在太阳能电池透明电极领域。

68、Particulates can emanate from process equipment (E.G., in CVD and etch reactors)as well as from humans (From street clothes, skin flakes, etc. ─── 尘粒也能由工艺设备(如化学气相淀积和刻蚀反应器)以及工作人员(身穿的外套,体表的皮屑等)而产生。

69、tell me, and I'll etch it onto the memory chip. ─── “告诉我,我会把它们刻到存储器片里面。”

70、It is only necessary to etch a GIC with acid if the restoration has been in place for some time and has fully matured. ─── 三明治技术有很多优点,可以应用于充填过程,但是不适用于改善修复效果不理想的玻璃离子修复体外观。

71、The result shows that certain solution etches K9 optics with controllable rate and the laser damage threshold of the optics is improved. ─── 同时,表面各种杂质与缺陷的去除能够提高材料的机械强度,从而也有利于提高材料的激光损伤阈值。

72、The glare on the windshields etches your eyes like a welding torch. ─── 挡风玻璃上的闪光犹如电焊枪一样刻蚀你的双眼。

73、Test method for crystallographic perfection of silicon by preferential etch techniques ─── GB/T1554-1995硅晶体完整性化学择优腐蚀检验方法

74、She enjoys etch ing. ─── 她喜爱作蚀刻画.

75、An in-situ particle monitor was installed on a plasma etch tool chamber.This article includes a discussion of two major problems detected on the plasma etch tool within a three-week period. ─── 在等离子体蚀刻工具主舱内安装一个现场粒子监测器,对两个主要问题进行了三周的测试并展开了讨论。

76、It's a two-component, reinforced etch primer, containing phosphoric acid and corrosion-inhibitive pigments. ─── 一种含有磷酸和防腐蚀颜料的双组份加强型磷化底漆。

77、KDE media handling has changed in the version available in etch from using ─── 在etch中所提供的KDE媒体管理程式因版本变更,已由使用

78、Etch a design on glass. ─── 在玻璃上蚀刻一幅图案

79、NMC's current products including 90nm ICP etch systems of 8 and 12 inch for poly gate, tungsten silicide gate as well as STI with in-situ hardmask open process. ─── 公司的主要产品8英寸、12英寸90nm电感耦合(ICP)等离子体刻蚀系统,可广泛应用于多晶硅栅极刻蚀、金属硅化物栅极刻蚀、浅槽隔离刻蚀等工艺。

80、With your arrival we once again found happiness.I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I will etch the memories of those eight days in my heart and remember them forever. ─── 你们的到来使我们又找到了快乐,衷心的感谢你们.我会将这八天深深地刻在我的心中,终身难忘...

81、Methods of acid etch test for transverse macro-structures of heat-resisting superalloys ─── GB/T14999.2-1994高温合金横向低倍组织酸浸试验法

82、Keywords orthodontics;fluoride foam;etch;shear bond strength; ─── 关键词正畸;氟化泡沫;酸蚀;抗剪切强度;

83、A hydraulic fracturing treatment performed in carbonate formations to etch the open faces of induced fractures using a hydrochloric acid treatment. ─── 在碳酸盐地层中用盐酸进行水力压裂处理,这时盐酸对所产生的裂缝的张开的裂缝面进行刻蚀。

84、Reverse flexographic printing using 9 colors plus an electron beam etch coating and laminated to a metallized substrate was used to produce the dimensional effects during the printing process. ─── 反向柔性印刷使用9日加色彩的电子束蚀刻涂层和层压到金属基板被用来制造的三维效果在印刷过程中。

85、The Destinies mend rifts in time as man etches fate anew.while another future awaits on Lenneth's wings. ─── 如果自己的意志足以夸耀,即使结果将是毁灭,但那过程却没有一丝污垢的话,那麽这份思念,这场短暂的梦,就无须遗憾!

86、Various methods are then used to etch the base material along the pattern created by the light. ─── 各种不同的方法然后用来沿着被光产生的式样蚀刻恶劣的材料。

87、Known issues Etch is the first release that includes the graphical installer and uses some relatively new technology. ─── Etch是首个使用图形安装界面的发布版,使用了一些相对新的技术。

88、Keywords etch rate;diffusion;diamond;iron; ─── 刻蚀速率;扩散;金刚石;铁;

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