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09-09 投稿



dished 发音

英:[d??t]  美:[d??t]

英:  美:

dished 中文意思翻译



dished 同义词

put off | cast down | dismay | deflate | disappoint | sadden | daunt | bring down | demoralize |depress | dampen | darken | oppress | deject | discourage

dished 反义词


dished 词性/词形变化,dished变形

动词过去分词: disheartened |副词: dishearteningly |动词过去式: disheartened |动词现在分词: disheartening |动词第三人称单数: disheartens |名词: disheartenment |

dished 短语词组

1、dished surface ─── [化] 凹面

2、dished-head piston ─── 碟形活塞

3、reversed dished head ─── [化] 凹形封头

4、dished cover ─── [化] 碟形顶盖; 凸盖

5、feel dished at... ─── 因...感到泄气

6、dished roof ─── 打开屋顶

7、dished diaphragm ─── 剥离隔膜

8、spherically dished cover plate ─── [化] 球面碟形盖板

9、dished electrode ─── 碟形电极

10、dished head ─── [化] 碟形封头

11、dished-out ─── 口齿不清

12、dished perforated plate ─── [化] 碟形多孔板

13、spherically dished head ─── [化] 球状碟形封头

14、dished design ─── 浪费设计

15、be dished out of sth ─── 被骗去某物

16、dished end ─── [化] 盘形底

17、dished tank ─── [化] 碟形贮槽

18、dished hoof ─── [医]盘状蹄:从蹄冠向跖面凹入

19、convex dished ─── 凸碟形

dished 相似词语短语

1、dishes ─── n.菜肴;餐具(dish的复数)

2、wished ─── v.渴望(wish的过去式和过去分词形式);n.(Wished)《反转人生》(一部喜剧奇幻电影)

3、dashed ─── n.虚线;v.猛冲(dash的过去分词);猛掷

4、dishomed ─── 沮丧的

5、deashed ─── 脱灰分;除灰

6、dushed ─── 炫耀

7、fished ─── n.鱼;鱼肉;双鱼座;接合板;(非正式)怪人;(非正式)鱼雷;v.钓鱼,捕鱼;搜寻;打听消息;打捞;用接合板修补;n.(Fish)(美、爱)菲施(人名)

8、pished ─── int.嘘(表轻蔑、不耐烦);v.发出“嘘”声

9、airshed ─── n.气流量;空气域;机库

dished 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He dished out a good beating to his son yesterday. ─── 他昨天痛打儿子一顿。

2、She dished him some breakfast. ─── 她用盘子给他装上早餐。

3、She put several cloves of garlic in the dish. ─── 她在菜里放了几瓣大蒜。

4、The dish upset when you kicked it. ─── 你踢了那个盘子,它翻了。

5、You could use tomato sauce for this dish. ─── 你可以用蕃茄沙司来配这道菜肴。

6、Have you seen the new secretary? What a dish! ─── 你看到过新来的秘书吗?多漂亮的姑娘!

7、Homemade dish drive one from home. ─── 家常便饭把人从家里赶走。

8、It's polite and clean to eat out of your own dish. ─── 在自己的盘子里吃饭既文明又干净。

9、The cook dished out the soup first. ─── 厨师先端上汤。

10、The hostess dished out the beefsteaks. ─── 女主人把牛排分给大家。

11、The waiter gave me a dish of orange segments. ─── 侍者给我送上一盘桔片。

12、Don't get into a fight with him: he can really dish it out. ─── 别跟他动手,他揍起人来可凶了。

13、Rice pudding is a sweet dish made by baking rice with milk and sugar. ─── 大米布丁是一种在米中加入牛奶和糖烘制而成的甜食。

14、Let's put that dish away, it smells. ─── 咱们把这个菜拿走,有味儿了。

15、She laid the table and dished up the dinner. ─── 她放好餐具,把饭菜装盘上桌。

16、His favorite dish is roast duck. ─── 他最喜欢吃的菜是烤鸭。

17、Could you show us how to eat this dish,please? ─── 你能否示范一下怎样吃这道菜?

18、A dish, cup, or other article of silver or gold offered as a prize. ─── 奖杯作为奖品授予的银的或金的盘,杯或其它物品

19、No doubt, without Qaddafi, this man would still be a slave washing the dished for White South African Apartheid Regime. ─── 毫无疑问,没有卡扎菲,这个人仍然还是个在白人种族政权刷盘子的奴隶。

20、He knows the recipe for this dish. ─── 他知道这道菜的烹饪方法。

21、Ah,that's the flower,fruit,and dish sets. ─── 呀,就是这种有花、水果和全套盘子。

22、You seem to have put too much salt in this dish. ─── 你在这个菜里放的盐好象过多了。

23、The cook dished out the stew as if he were feeding hogs. ─── 厨师端上一大盘肉.好像在喂猪。

24、To cook this dish you need a tin of beans. ─── 做这道菜,需要一罐豌豆。

25、But I really don't like this dish. ─── 不过我真的不喜欢这

26、He can dish out as much criticism as he gets. ─── 他动辄就批评人。

27、The meat should be finely diced for this dish. ─── 做这种菜肴肉必须细细切成小方块。

28、He likes to dish it out,but he hates to take it. ─── 他喜欢惩罚别人,却不喜欢被惩罚。

29、The cook dished out the stew as if he were feeding hogs. ─── 厨师端上一大盘肉.好像在喂猪。

30、A large shallow dish or plate, used especially for serving food. ─── 大浅盘大而浅的盘或盆,尤用于盛食物

31、The dished are not done, Hesper. Come in the house. ─── “碗还没有洗,海茨帕,回屋去。”

32、The big meat dish goes on the highest shelf. ─── 大的肉盘子通常搁在最高1格。

33、She dished out the soup at 8 p.m.. ─── 她在8点时把汤做好了。

34、Before our main course, can we split a pasta dish? ─── 在吃主菜前,我们可否分一份义大利面食?

35、She asked Mary to help her dish up the dinner. ─── 她要玛丽帮她把菜肴分盛到盘子里。

36、Hamann dished out his fair share of tough tackles but he could also take a challenge without complaining to the referee. ─── 在场上哈曼干预大胆放铲,同样在毫无抱怨的接受裁判的判罚。

37、A little wine really does something to the dish. ─── 加入一点酒,确实使这道菜味道更美。

38、A dish of strawberries and cream is not to be despised. ─── 一盘草莓加乳酪应该算不差了。

39、I want to make a vegetarian dish today. ─── 今天我想做个素菜。

40、A discriminating collector of rare books; a dish for the discriminating palate. ─── 一位有鉴赏力的稀有书籍收集者; 为美味鉴赏者而备的一道菜

41、Generously grease a mold or casserole dish. ─── 在模子或砂锅中涂抹大量的油。

42、A whole course served on such a dish. ─── 全餐放在盘子中的整个一道菜

43、He dished up a lot of useful facts and figures. ─── 他提供了许多有用的事实和数字。

44、Nancy bought a wooden dish with a pretty pattern carved out. ─── 南稀买了一个雕有美丽图案的木盘子。

45、It also has a nice dish washer and microwave oven. ─── 一个洗碗机和一个微波炉。

46、The maid slipped up the step leading to the kitchen and broke the dish. ─── 女用人在去厨房的台阶上滑了一跤,把盘子打破了。

47、He put some mustard into the dish. ─── 他向菜里放了些芥末。

48、He subjoined another dish of fish. ─── 他又添了一份鱼。

49、You can't really suppose I would have dished the dirt about you. ─── 你不会认为我说的话坏吧。

50、Why not have the dish of the day? ─── 为什么不吃今天的精选菜?

51、I have cooked a typical english dish this evening. ─── 今晚我做了典型的英国菜。

52、She forgot to add some soy into the dish. ─── 她忘记往菜里加点酱油了。

53、He uncovered the dish and showed us the food. ─── 他揭开盘子的盖儿给我们看吃的东西。

54、He likes to dish it out, but he hates to take it. ─── 他喜欢骂人,可不喜欢别人骂他。

55、She slipped the dish onto the ground and it went to pieces. ─── 她一失手盘子落到了地上,摔得粉碎。

56、If so, how many other red cards could have been dished out? ─── 如果这样的话,这场比赛会出现多少红牌?

57、He dished up a lot of useful facts. ─── 他提供了大量有用的事实和数据。

58、She dished the food onto plates. ─── 她把食物盛在盘上。

59、He dished out our pay in silver dollars. ─── 他以银元分发我们的工资。

60、A dish consisting of flaked fish, boiled rice, and eggs. ─── 奶油鱼蛋饭包括鱼肉卷、蒸过的米饭和鸡蛋的一道菜

61、It seems you can dish it out but you can't take it. ─── 好象你只能骂人而不能挨骂。

62、Some important news releases were dished out at the news conference. ─── 在记者招待会上宣布了一些重要新闻。

63、They dished up a superb meal. ─── 他们上了一桌很棒的饭菜。

64、Every famous Chinese dish tastes delicious. ─── 中国名菜,道道口味鲜美。

65、The food was dished up when the guests took their seats at the dining table. ─── 在客人们就座后,菜就端上来了。

66、She cooled the soup down by putting it in a cold dish. ─── 她把汤放在一只冷盘子里使它变凉。

67、Once again. Sorry for the salty dish. ─── 再次为这么咸的菜向您道歉。

68、She was about to dish up when some guests came. ─── 她刚要上菜开饭,这时来了一些客人。

69、They helped each other to the dish. ─── 他们互相为对方夹菜。

70、It was also used by the Roman Empire and was considered to be the favorite punishment dished out by Emperor Caligula. ─── 它也是罗马帝国的一种死刑,而且是Caligula皇帝的最爱之选。

71、Let me help you wash the dished after having lunch. ─── 吃完晚饭以后让我来帮你洗碗。

72、He only got a dish of beef and potato for it. ─── 他只用这首曲子换来了一盘牛肉和土豆。

73、If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish. ─── 如果你将少许海水放到瓷盘中蒸发,冷却后就会有普通食盐的结晶附着在盘的四周。

74、She dished out the food onto the table. ─── 她用碟子将饭端至桌上。

75、She dished the strawberries into the bowl. ─── 她将草莓盛入碗中。

76、A higher tax rate was the net-margin nibbler, as the company dished out nearly double the tax load as it had a year earlier. ─── 较高的税率只是净盈利这个巨大收益网的一小部分,该公司抛出了近一倍的税收负荷比它一年前。

77、He dished up the usnal arguuments in a new form. ─── 他以新方式提出平常的论据。

78、A metal stand with short feet, used under a hot dish on a table. ─── 三脚撑,三脚铁扒一种有三条短腿的金属支架,用于在餐桌上放热菜

79、Tell a waiter how you'd like your dish serve. ─── 告诉服务员你对菜肴有什么要求。

80、A prepared dish containing pasta as its main ingredient. ─── 一盘已做好,以食用面糊为主要配料的菜

81、She set the dish and drink before the guest. ─── 她把菜和酒摆到客人面前。

82、Students dished out leaflets to passers-by. ─── 学生向过路人散发传单。

83、She can dish up a lovely meal when she wants to. ─── 她高兴时,便会做出上等好菜。

84、A glib salesman sell her a set of dish that she do not want. ─── 一位言词伶俐的推销员卖给她一套本来她不要的碟子。

85、A large shallow dish; a platter. ─── 大浅盘;主菜盘

86、And the sort of arbitrary and brutal credit decisions being dished out to customers mean parts of the banking system are breaking down. ─── 而那些加诸于客户、独断而残忍的信贷决定,意味着银行系统的某些部分开始失灵。

87、Can you dish out the potatoes please? ─── 你给大家分一下土豆好吗?

88、It climbed out of the box and hid under the dish. ─── 它从盒子里爬出来并藏在盘子下面。

89、He sat and dished with his girlfriend. ─── 他坐在那儿与他的女友闲聊。


是可数名词。英语单词dish做名词使用时,是可数名词,而且是不规则形式的可数名词,它的复数形式是dishes。dish作为名词,意思是餐具、菜肴,举例子来说,桌子上有三道菜,翻译成英文就是There are three dishes on the table;他需要洗很多盘子,翻译成英文就是He need wash many dishes。由此可见,dish是可数名词。






第三人称单数: dishes;复数: dishes;现在分词: dishing;过去式: dished;过去分词: dished 扩展资料 

Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish.


Here in the dining hall the cooks dish out chicken à la king.


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