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09-09 投稿



hassock 发音

英:['h?s?k]  美:['h?s?k]

英:  美:

hassock 中文意思翻译



hassock 短语词组

1、hassock structure ─── 哈索克结构

2、hassock grass ─── 哈塞克草

hassock 词性/词形变化,hassock变形

动词过去分词: hassled |动词过去式: hassled |动词现在分词: hassling |动词第三人称单数: hassles |

hassock 相似词语短语

1、cassocked ─── adj.身着法衣的

2、cassocks ─── n.袈裟,法衣;教士服

3、hassocks ─── n.跪垫;草丛;当座凳用的厚垫

4、hassocky ─── 哈索基

5、tussocks ─── n.草丛

6、cassock ─── n.袈裟,法衣;教士服

7、assoc. ─── abbr.协会(association)

8、assoc ─── abbr.协会(association)

9、tussock ─── n.草丛

hassock 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In all hassock communities, species richness was high in ruderals but was low in typical degraded hassocks. ─── 杂类草草从具有较高的丰富皮指数,而演替到较为稳走的退化草丛物种丰富度指数呈下降趋势。

2、bench hassock ─── 座垫

3、hassock | ottoman ─── 沙发凳

4、I think aliens have green skin, so they can hide their body in hassock. ─── 我认为外星人的皮肤是绿色的,这样可以躲在草丛里。

5、A separate footrest for a bar chair is known as an ottoman, hassock latoya figueroa or pouffe. ─── “悠悠降香 感引鹤降;花梨百媚 安然梦来”。我喜欢古家具时在旁人眼中实属另类。

6、" He dropped onto a hassock, his long legs splayed to either side. ─── 他坐在一个垫子上,分开两条长腿。

7、The seat at that church is broad, and the hassock is well stuffed. ─── 那个教堂里的座位很宽,跪垫也垫得均匀。

8、Some withered and yellow ice grass stood upright on the each side of the canal dam, and was absolutely still, some horrified lizards run about in the hassock due to our carriage passing. ─── 渠坝两旁挺立着枯黄的冰草,纹丝不动,有几只被大车惊起的蜥蜴在草丛中簌簌地乱爬。

9、hassock fan ─── 圆柱体落地风扇

10、On a hassock, unaware of the fragrance of the bamboo tune in the breeze. ─── 坐于蒲团,不知晚风送来了竹韵的清香。

11、hassock community ─── 草丛群落

12、1. The seat at that church is broad, and the hassock is well stuffed. ─── 那个教堂里的座位很宽,跪垫也垫得均匀。

13、I shake my head, move the hassock over, press my cheek to hers. ─── 我摇摇头,移开坐垫,把我的脸和她的脸贴在一起。

14、Oh oh guitar is clearer in the hassock after afternoon ─── 哦哦午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆

15、The average species richness was 42.9 for forest, 15.96 for shrub, and 17.89 for hassock communities. ─── 6个岛屿的植物种数分别为126、157、175、189、242、254;其中森林群落的平均物种丰富度指数为42.19,灌、草从分别为15.96和17.89。

16、Carreen, sitting on a hassock under the big lamp, was deep in the romance of a girl who had taken the veil after her lover's death and, with silent tears of enjoyment oozing from her eyes, was pleasurably picturing herself in a white coif. ─── 这时卡琳坐在灯底下的矮登上,深深沉浸于一个姑娘在情人死后当尼姑的爱情故事里,同时,眼中噙着欣赏的泪花在惬意地设想自己戴上护士帽的姿容。

17、she is afraid bited by snake so she don't walk any more in hassock. ─── 她生怕被蛇咬着,而不敢在草丛中再走一步。

18、It often grows below trees and in hassock, where is moist and lack of sunlight.It often grows with other plant, and spread by wind or water or tools. ─── 常生长在阴暗潮湿的树底下和草丛中,多呈附着生长,易通过风、水和作业工具传播。

19、hassock grass ─── n. 北方发草

20、" The king stood up suddenly, giving the hassock an angry push with his foot that sent it spinning across the floor. ─── 国王突然站起身,生气地抬腿踢了一下垫子,那垫子旋转着飞到远处。

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