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09-09 投稿


enigma 发音

英:[??n?ɡm?]  美:[??n?ɡm?]

英:  美:

enigma 中文意思翻译



enigma 网络释义

n. 谜,不可思议的东西

enigma 短语词组

1、enigma abo ─── 艾博之谜

2、enigma x alpha ─── 谜x alpha

3、Enigma (musical project) ─── 谜(音乐项目)

4、enigma messenger ─── 谜之使者

5、Enigma machine ─── 神秘机器

6、welshman enigma ─── 威尔士人之谜

7、enigma music ─── 神秘音乐

8、enigma code ─── 秘码区

9、enigma cafe enigma ─── 咖啡馆

10、enigma team enigma ─── 团队

11、enigma codes enigma ─── 代码

12、enigma virtual box enigma ─── 虚拟盒

13、enigma songs ─── 神秘歌曲

14、enigma protector enigma ─── 保护器

15、enigma canon ─── [网络] 谜卡通

16、enigma company limited enigma ─── 有限公司

17、enigma movie ─── 谜电影

enigma 词性/词形变化,enigma变形


enigma 相似词语短语

1、enigmatic ─── adj.神秘的;高深莫测的;谜一般的

2、enigmatize ─── vt.使成谜;使费解

3、enigmatist ─── 神秘的

4、Enigma ─── n.谜,不可思议的东西

5、stigma ─── n.[植]柱头;耻辱;污名;烙印;特征

6、sterigma ─── n.担子柄;小梗;叶座

7、enigmas ─── n.解谜(enigma的复数)

8、sigma ─── n.希腊文第十八个字母;n.(Sigma)人名;(英、瑞典)西格马

9、enigmatise ─── 神秘主义

enigma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ENIGMA 3 ascended to the existential realm: as Cretu noted,"the central question of our being is not'to be or not to be,'but'WHY?'." ─── 《谜3》追溯到存在主义的领域:正如克雷楚所说:"我们存在的中心问题并非'存在或不存在',而是'为什么?"。

2、He is an enigma to all of us ─── 对我们而言,他是个神秘莫测的人物。

3、She never yielded and never became an enigma. ─── 她从不屈服,从来没有成为一个不可思议的人。

4、The German Enigma machine was an electro-mechanical device used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages during World War II. ─── 德国的恩尼格玛密码机是二战时用于加密解密信息的电子-机械装置。

5、In February 1942, under Donitz's insistence, a fourth wheel was added to ENIGMA, their mechanical ciphering apparatus. ─── 192年2月,在邓尼茨的坚持下,他们的机械密码装置英格玛增加了第四个转轮。

6、Another enigma is the relatively limited number of distinct forms of myths, the texts of which may vary greatly in their specific details. ─── 另一个谜是神话的形式缺乏一定的清晰度,文本的细节有可能干差万别。

7、I have read the first homework problem several times but can't understand it. Maybe you can help me with this enigma. ─── 我已经反复研究了第一次家庭作业的问题但是还是没有搞懂。也许你能帮我解开这个谜团.

8、The "enigma" of the Shadow: a Feminist Approach to Blake ─── “影”之谜:对布莱克的女性主义研究

9、Though @Enigma@ lacks the drama of @A Bend in the River@, ─── 尽管《抵达之谜》并无《大河湾》里的戏剧性,

10、Iran remains an enigma for the outside world. ─── 伊朗对外部世界而言依然是个谜。

11、It is still an enigma that how he successfully solve that problem. ─── 他如何成功解决那个难题仍是个谜.

12、Ian Fleming, which later became the author of the famous 007 James Bond series, was himself involved in planning Enigma capture operations. ─── 伊安。弗莱明,曾经参与策划夺取恩尼格码机行动的一员,战后成为了小说007系列的作者。

13、Why the universe is as it is remains an enigma to science. ─── 但是宇宙到底怎样演化成今天这样在科学上还是个谜。

14、Gorbachev has been something of an enigma. ─── 戈尔巴乔夫是迷一样的人物。

15、The fact that the diamonds seem to span such a large age range is an enigma, the authors say. ─── 作者说,这些钻石看起来年代跨度如此大,简直是一个谜。

16、Gorbachev has been something of an enigma . ─── 历史证明它仍然是个谜团。

17、U, Sacrifice Enigma Eidolon: Target player puts thetop three cards of his or her library into his or hergraveyard. ─── {蓝},牺牲谜样幻灵:目标玩家将他牌库顶的三张牌置入其坟墓场。

18、The Swords of Destiny is also a clue to a greater enigma. ─── 命运之剑也是另一个更大的谜团的线索。

19、The "Enigma of Joseph Needham": Scientific Spirit and Economic System--A Discussion with Mr. Yao Xiaowei ─── "李约瑟之谜":科学精神与经济制度--兼与姚晓维先生商榷

20、Yet, the biological basis for this sensitivity of angiogenesis to copper has been an enigma. ─── 但是,血管发生对铜敏感的生物学基础仍然是一个谜。

21、The bridge of Austerlitz had abdicated, and was entitled the bridge of the King's Garden [du Jardin du Roi], a double enigma, which disguised the bridge of Austerlitz and the Jardin des Plantes at one stroke. ─── 奥斯特里茨桥退位了,改名为御花园桥,那种双关的隐语把奥斯特里茨桥和植物园都同时隐没了。

22、ENIGMA 2 continued the worldwide success of its predecessor. ─── 《谜2》与前一张专辑一样,获得了全球范围的成功。

23、An Analysis of Seeking Rent Theory in the "Enigma of Joseph Needham" ─── "李约瑟之谜"的寻租理论剖析

24、Mentioned twice in passing in the original Star Wars movie, the Clone Wars have remained a tantalizing enigma, an element of the prequel trilogy that, until now, has remained tightly under wraps. ─── 克隆人战争在以前的星球大战电影中被提到两次,保留了一个让人迫不及待想知道答案的迷题,一个目前为止仍被隐藏得很好的前传三部曲。

25、Russia be a riddle wrap in a mystery inside an enigma . ─── 俄罗斯是被包藏在一个闷葫芦里面的神秘物体之中的谜。

26、Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock’n’Roll on the Amiga. ─── Enigma是一个解迷游戏,它是受Oxyd on the Atari ST 和 Rock’n’Roll on the Amiga 激发而得到的灵感。

27、The Eyes of Truth MV Enigma: Return to Innocence ─── 反朴归真

28、Crack a notoriously difficult mathematical enigma within two years and the money's yours. ─── 只要你能在两年内求证一个著名的数学难题,这些钱就是你的了。

29、And even then, remember that you should be planning to retain your enigma at least for a few dates yet so resolve not to get into bed just yet. ─── 即使在那时,也要记住你应该至少在几天内故意保持矜持并表示出不想上床的决心。

30、The binary KBOs that make up a fraction of about 10% of the total KBO population are still an enigma. ─── 中文摘要目前大约有百分之十的古柏带天体为双星系统,然而这个结论还不是很确定。

31、ENIGMA 2 elevated its line of inquiry to metaphysical heights. ─── 《谜2》则把这种探索提升到了形而上学的高度。

32、It is the enigma of life itself that you desire me to solve. ─── 你要我解决的是人生之谜。

33、The Enigma of Easter Island ─── 复活节岛之谜

34、Ambient / pop. This Album features Gregorian Spirited Sounds with Beats Similar to Enigma and Dead Can Dance and is Sure to Put You in a Relaxing Mood. ─── 个人认为是比传统的那个格里高利还好听的组合,他们的旋律更加优美,节奏更加舞曲化,音乐元素更加丰富,配器更加多样

35、She can't understand even one English word, so let's start working on the enigma girl from the beginning. ─── 她一个英语词汇也不懂,就让我从头告诉你这个谜一样的女孩吧。

36、The performer known as "The Enigma" lights a cigarette with sparks from an axe during the International Tattoo Convention in Lima, Peru. ─── 在秘鲁国际纹身大会上,以绰号“谜”闻名的纹身表演者正在用斧子撞击产生的火花点烟。

37、The origin of these peculiar glassy spheres remains an enigma. ─── 这些奇特的玻璃球体的起源仍然是个谜。

38、At its core,ENIGMA 1 examined the dialogue between sexuality and religion; ─── 《谜1》在其核心部分探讨了性与信仰之间的对话;

39、On a thematic level,ENIGMA 3 explored an even more complex and provocative milieu than its preceding chapters. ─── 从主题的层次来看,《谜3》较之前两张专辑探索了一种更为复杂和令人深思的背景。

40、a puzzling remark; a enigma; a riddle ─── 哑谜

41、Enigma - The Cross Of Changes II ─── 变换的十字架

42、The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China is still an unsettled enigma for experts. ─── 我国古代蒸馏酒的起源,众说纷云,莫衷一是。

43、Well, you're a mystery for her just like she's an enigma for you. ─── 对于她而言,你也是个谜,就像她对于你一样。

44、Believe you me, even after two playthroughs, I'm still confused with regards to certain events and characters, namely Coco who proves quite the enigma. ─── 信不信由你,即使完成两条路线,我仍然困扰于专注特定事件和名为可可,证明某些谜的角色(???)。

45、"Joseph Needham' s Enigma" ─── “李约瑟之谜”

46、So far, in terms of policy, he has been something of an enigma. ─── 从政策方面而言,他至今都还是一位神秘莫测的人物。

47、why bother even to create this last-born enigma and to make her a girl if there were not some valid reason for her existence? ─── 为什么非要是个女孩?关于她的存在必有一些正当的理由?

48、He remains something of an enigma to me. ─── 他难以捉摸

49、2 Perhaps ,after all,there was no enigma about him, except in the minds of lesser men who found it hard to conceive such tenacity of purpose. ─── 也许,他毕竟没有什么不可思议的东西。所谓的不可思议的东西,是那些无法设想他的坚韧的意志并且不如他的人的想法而已。

50、"Conversion allows Enigma to neutral creep effectively. Target the highest level creep possible and move your low HP Eidolons out of the way to save them." ─── "恶魔转化让迷团可以有效的打野。对尽可能高等级的野怪使用,将低生命值的精神体后拉以保存它们。"

51、ENIGMA 3 combined and reinterpreted these elements,providing an evolutionary synthesis of previous ENIGMA works. ─── 《谜3》结合并重新诠释了这些元素,是"谜"前两部作品的一种演进性的综合。

52、probably, the clus to his enigma lie among the rockeries and trickling waters the ancient garden of SuZhou. ─── 也许,从苏州园林的假山和涓涓流水中,人们才可探寻这位大师的心灵花园。

53、Exactly how anesthetics work has remained an enigma since their first use in 1846. ─── 医界自1846年开始使用麻醉药,但一直就没搞清楚它们是怎样发挥效用的。

54、Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at King's College, Cambridge has, like other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution. ─── 其他历史学家一样,剑桥大学国王学院人类学教授艾伦·麦克法兰花了数十年时间,试图解开工业革命的谜团。

55、The smashing follow-up,ENIGMA 2,revealed a broad pan-cultural tapestry filled with rock flourishes. ─── 其极为成功的后继者《谜2》展示了一幅巨大的泛文化的七彩织锦,并混入了摇滚音乐元素。

56、Despite Kim Jong-un's position as a four-star general and the heir apparent to his father, he remains something of an enigma. ─── 尽管金正银拥有四星上将的身份,而且是众所周知的金正日继承人,但他的一切仍然是个谜。

57、Even after all the testimonies, the murder remained a enigma. ─── 即使听完了所有的证词,这件谋杀案仍然是一个谜。

58、All are transparent when draws close to her and removes the gauze over her soul.Still the enigma is always there.Gulistan is a noble fairy, dancing and walking through her memory and time. ─── 古丽创作绘画作品,同时还写诗,渴望用不同的艺术形式来更丰满、更立体、更充分地表达自己内心的东西。

59、Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact. ─── 很多UFO研究员倾向于俯瞰一个非常重要的事实。

60、Ambient / pop. This Album features Gregorian Spirited Sounds with BeatsSimilar to Enigma and Dead Can Dance and is Sure to Put You in aRelaxing Mood. ─── 个人认为是比传统的那个格里高利还好听的组合,他们的旋律更加优美,节奏更加舞曲化,音乐元素更加丰富,配器更加多样.

61、Explain Low Efficient Enigma of State-owned Enterprise from Angle of Principle-agent Chain ─── 从代理链解释国有企业的效率之谜

62、but, all the same, she could quickly see that we were different and that I was - an enigma. ─── 但是,她还是很快发现了,我们差别太大,我是一个猜不透的谜。

63、An Exploration of the Enigma of Wu Renbi'Death ─── 吴仁璧沉江事件考论

64、Basically he is the force behind ENIGMA. ─── 从根本上来说他是"谜"的强大后盾。

65、Thus, even a century after Darwin, these aquatic mammals remained an evolutionary enigma. ─── 因此,即使达尔文过世超过一个世纪,这些海栖哺乳类仍然是个演化谜团。

66、Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. ─── 俄罗斯是被包藏在一个闷胡芦里面的神秘物体之中的谜。

67、His disappearance is an enigma. ─── 他的失踪是个谜。

68、Go to Pinggu: Fantastic Wonder and Ageless Enigma ─── 去平谷:赏天下奇观,解千古之谜(英文)

69、Today, Jack says, she hopes the photos reveal a "spirit of fun and thoughtfulness " in a man who can seem to some like an enigma. ─── 杰克说,现在她希望这些照片展现出一个人“谐趣而多思的气质”,这个人对一些人来说好像是个谜。

70、As there is too much enigma in this novel set by Eileen Zhang from the feminine perspective, Ang Lee tries to gain his apperception from the masculine point of view. ─── 小说设下了太多的谜团,是张爱玲从女性视角的曲折演绎,而电影是李安从男性视角对小说的再次解读。

71、Whether he kept a watch over himself, or whether by accident he did not sound the acrimonious chords that in other circumstances had been touched, he was to-night like everybody else. The man was an enigma to Franz. ─── 不知道他究竟是勉强克制着他自己呢,还是时机尚未到来,唤醒已经有二、三次在他感伤的谈话中反映出来的刻薄的禀赋,总之,他的神态非常安闲。

72、Our protagonist this time, Santa Margherita, is the enigma we can not miss which is one of the three largest wineries in Italy. ─── 如今这个古老的葡萄酒国度涌现许多与传统完美结合的新派酒庄,意大利三大酒厂之一的玛格丽便是其中的佼佼者,生产优质的新派意大利葡萄酒已超过半个世纪。

73、To help readers bewildered by fuzzy policies and enliven the dreariest presidential election campaign in decades, a French newspaper has challenged readers to a who's who mystery candidate quiz called "the enigma of the day." ─── 为了帮助被各种扑朔迷离的施政纲领搞得晕头转向的读者,同时给数十年来最乏味的一次总统竞选增添生气,法国一家报纸向读者推出了名为“今日之谜”的神秘候选人竞猜游戏。

74、It is regarded as an enigma in the realm of finance with explorative discussions aroused from different aspects by scholars both at home and abroad. ─── 国内外学者从不同方面对封闭式基金折价现象展开了讨论。

75、ENIGMA 3 joined the ranks of its distinguished predecessors,spurred by the debut single Beyond The Invisible,LE ROI EST MORT,VIVE LE ROI!had already been preordered to the tune of four million units before its release. ─── 《谜3》加入了其杰出先驱的行列。受其首次发行的单曲《冥界之外》的刺激,《国王死了,国王万岁!》尚未发行便已有400万的预订额。

76、Elgar:British composer whose orchestral works include Enigma Variations (1896) and five Pomp and Circumstance marches (1901-1930). ─── "埃尔加:英国作曲家,其交响乐作品有《谜》(1896年)和五部《排场进行曲》(1901-1930年)."

77、In the 18 years since they were discovered, high-temperature superconductors have remained an enigma. ─── 在高温超导体发现后的18年,它仍然是个谜。

78、Another silver is presented to“ The Enigma of the lightening-struck-village” made by Huafeng Film and Television Group from China, an intriguing scientific detective story told with beauty and sensibility. ─── 另外一个银奖获得者是中国华风影视集团制作的《雷击村之迷》,这是一个令人着迷的科学侦探故事,讲述优美,充满感情。

79、To German intelligence, Major de Coverley was a vexatious enigma . ─── 对德国的情报机关来说,德?科弗利少校是个老猜不透的谜。

80、ENIGMA is a project created by Michael Cretu. ─── "谜"是由迈克尔·克雷楚创立的一项计划。

81、People love enigma and mystery. ─── 人们喜欢谜一样的事物。

82、He was well groomed, well known and savvy, while always remaining something of an enigma. ─── 他总是衣着整齐,身负盛名而又通情达理,却又总有那么一点神秘莫测。

83、Warfleet.net - Official site for the online version of Enigma: Rising Tide. ─── 各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

84、It is an enigma to me. ─── 它对我来说是个迷。

85、I've known him for many years, but he remains something of an enigma to me. ─── 我与他相识多年,他仍然难以捉摸。

86、Odom is the Lakers' great enigma, perhaps the most perplexing, confounding, frustrating player in the NBA. ─── 奥多姆是湖人队的伟大的谜,也许是最令人费解的,混杂,令人沮丧的球员在NBA比赛。

87、Even among his closest followers, Mr Mbeki remains an enigma. ─── 即使是在最亲密的朋友眼里,他仍然是个谜一样的人物。

88、enigma of China ─── 中国之谜

89、FitzGerald GA.Parsing an enigma:the pharmacodynamics of aspirin resistance.Lancet,2003,361:542-4. ─── 徐月良.阿司匹林抵抗在男性冠心病患者中的临床观察.临床荟萃,2003,18(19):1090-2.




当开心的不得了的时候,歌单会出现:(亢奋)。。里面立马会收藏一些硬派摇滚乐队,**炮玫瑰,Nickelback ,AC/DC


Lana Del Rey,Troye Sivan这类型的dram pop

带小孩的时候可以陪小孩子一起欣赏一些音乐,歌单又会出现(古典)。。。里面收藏有专辑《The Very Best of Debussy》。




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