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09-09 投稿



enlivened 发音

英:[?n?la?vnd]  美:[?n?la?vnd]

英:  美:

enlivened 中文意思翻译



enlivened 词性/词形变化,enlivened变形

动词现在分词: enlivening |动词过去分词: enlivened |动词过去式: enlivened |动词第三人称单数: enlivens |名词: enlivener |

enlivened 同义词

inspire | refresh | brighten | cheer up | invigorate |cheer | exalt | liven up | stimulate | animate | wake up | exhilarate | liven | pep up

enlivened 反义词


enlivened 相似词语短语

1、enlivens ─── vt.使活泼;使生动;使有生气,使活跃

2、livened ─── vt.使高兴,使快活;vi.快活起来;活跃起来;n.(Liven)人名;(俄、英)利文

3、enlivenment ─── 活跃

4、enlivener ─── 元神

5、unlistened ─── 未收听

6、enliven ─── vt.使活泼;使生动;使有生气,使活跃

7、enlivening ─── vt.使活泼;使生动;使有生气,使活跃

8、unleavened ─── adj.未发酵的;未受激发的

9、enlightened ─── adj.开明的;文明的;有知识的;觉悟的;v.启迪;解释;照亮(enlighten的过去式和过去分词)

enlivened 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To make zealous or ardent;enliven. ─── 使热情使热心或热情;使有生气

2、His flow of comic verse always enlivened festive occasions at the White House. ─── 他信手拈来的打油诗经常为白宫的节日聚会增添不少欢乐气氛。

3、Qu Yuan's poetic works are filled with devotion to his native State of Chu, and are enlivened with references to ancient myths. ─── 他的作品表现了他对楚国的深切怀念和为理想而献身的精神,语言优美,想象奇特,融合大量古代神话传说,富有浪漫主义色彩。

4、Second, how to enliven the market and expand investment following the formation of a buyer's market; ─── 二是在买方市场已经形成的情况下,如何活跃市尝扩大投资;

5、At the same time, will enliven the secondary housing market and standardize the development of housing rental market. ─── 同时,将搞活住房二级市场,规范发展房屋租赁市场。

6、It can be said that in the near future the policy advantage good will keep pouring, causes the market to enliven once again. ─── 可以说,近期政策利好频传,使得市场再度活跃起来。

7、"No riding to-day," she said;"and no chance of any callers to enliven us; ─── “今天没法儿骑马了,”她说:“也不会有客人来热闹一番的机会了;

8、How can you enliven the party? ─── 你怎样使这聚会热闹起来?

9、Vivid fairy-tale images enliven this now-classic reinterpretation of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Card titles are in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. ─── 和精灵有关的传说被栩栩如生地描绘在这套对经典韦特重新诠释的塔罗牌上。每张牌的名称是以英文、法文、德文、意大利文和西班牙文被书写在牌面上的。

10、No matter how colourful or changeable, jokes always enliven with laughter. ─── 不管这些故事如何纷繁多变,但它们总是以笑为生命。

11、The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne ─── 友谊的感觉好比肚子里舒舒服服地塞满了烤牛肉;爱情,则好比喝了香槟酒后的兴致。

12、The cheerless monotony was sometimes enlivened with a little innocent merriment . ─── 有时候,一点儿天真的嬉戏会使阴郁单调的生活增添一点生气。

13、Enlivened more than a half century movie Master Xie Jin on the Chinese Film circle in 1923 to be born in a Zhejiang Province Shangyu scholarly family family. ─── 在中国影坛上活跃了半个多世纪的电影大师谢晋1923年出生于浙江省上虞一个书香门第家庭。

14、But regarding past some matters, remembered that is clear.Because since these many years, we unceasingly have also enlivened in the stage, sings some classics song for everybody. ─── 3年后,深圳做了一个歌舞厅歌手大赛,自己代表深圳出赛,结果被广州中唱看中,进入唱片公司。

15、The still of a winter scene is enlivened by jingling silver bells as horses pull a sled through New England woods. ─── 几匹马拉着雪橇穿越新英格兰森林,它们所挂的的银铃叮当作响,使得这幅冬季的照片充满了生气。

16、Only the atmosphere of distrust and ill-feeling was strengthened, precipitating every now and then little sprinklings of irritable conversation, enlivened by flashes of wrath. ─── 只是猜忌和反感的气氛更浓了,不时地引起一些毛毛雨般的小吵小闹。 这些小吵往往因为怒气勃发而变成大吵。

17、But this year it is enlivened by a visit from the giant planet Jupiter, right on the border between Pisces and Aquarius. ─── 但是今年却因巨大的行星—木星刚好从双鱼座和水瓶座之间经过而充满生气。

18、System innovations enliven enterprises. ─── 制度创新为企业增添了活力。

19、Developing the Investment Bank to Enliven the Large-sized State-owned Enterprises ─── 发展投资银行搞活大型国企

20、He sidetracked to enliven the atmosphere. ─── 他换了个话题来活跃一下气氛。

21、Enlivened in the filed of Singapore politics about 13 years and engaged in the community and political matter about 25 years, He has got ten Public Service Medal awarded by Singaporean President. ─── 他活跃新加坡政坛13年,从事社区和政治活动长达25年,荣获新加坡共和国总统颁赐的公共服务奖章。

22、Imaginatim is the most important creative quality with which an actor needs to enrich and enliven his or her role. ─── 创造想象 ,是演员用想象对角色加以补充和深化、创造角色完整的形象的最重要的创作素质和能力的具体体现。

23、The museum naturally is not a commercial institution, but it certainly needs to enliven its role. ─── 博物馆当然不是商业机构,但是的确需要活化它的角色。

24、Its means are to keep up academic coherence, develop the steady reading and writing public, turn out its characteristics, enlarge its volume of information and enliven its format. ─── 其途径:保持学术的连贯性,培养稳定的读者群和作者群,办出刊物的特色;增大期刊的信息量;活跃期刊的版

25、To make zealous or ardent; enliven. ─── 使热情:使热心或热情;使有生气。

26、The disaster of your family as well as the country enliven your poems. ─── 家国的祸难,鲜活了笔下的灵性。

27、A small plant or flower placed on a desk can enliven the dullest room. ─── 图3:桌上的小花小草都能为生活空间带来无限的生气。

28、He will enliven us after two days; On the third day He will raise us up, And we will live in His presence. ─── 2过两天?必使我们活过来,第三天?必使我们兴起,我们就在?面前活着。

29、He neither listened to the jokes of the friends behind him and on the box by his side nor enlivened them, as was his wont, by his own facetious sallies. ─── 他既不理睬坐在他旁边和后面的朋友们的调笑戏谑,也不象平时那样妙语横出,给她们助兴。

30、Enliven the Classroom Atmosphere by Group Teaching ─── 利用分组教学活跃课堂气氛

31、Third enliven housing secondary market. ─── 三是搞活住房二级市场。

32、The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef;love,like be enlivened with champagne. ─── 友谊的感觉好比喝了香槟酒后的兴致。

33、He visited the little town during his vacations, and enlivened the tables of his friends there. ─── 他每逢假期回到镇上,就在当地一些朋友家中开怀畅饮。

34、The encounter was enlivened by the presence of an urban youth group, for whom the Bank arranged to visit the village earlier in the day. ─── 一个城市青年小组的在场使得交流十分活跃,这个小组是世行安排在当天早些时候来村里参观的。

35、enliven the domestic economy ─── 对内搞活经济

36、This set grants neither.Location Criterion Revive Pit - Replaced Enlivened Stone’s Suffragist Beat Powerfulness with a version of Unstable Boom. ─── 之前,她已经在网络的论坛里听说过这条消息,据说呛了孩子的特级月嫂根本不具备带小婴儿的能力。

37、not animated or enlivened; dull. ─── 不活泼或者不生动;沉闷的。

38、4. to practice so as to enliven the practical theories. ─── (4)走向实践-实践理论勃兴。

39、Your government's policy of forging closer ties in the free exchange of knowledge has not only enlivened your economy, it has opened the way to a new convergence of Chinese and American interests. ─── 在自由交流知识方面,中国政府奉行加强对外联系的政策,这不仅活跃了中国的经济,而且为促进中美两国的共同利益开辟了新的渠道。

40、He visited the little town during his vacations , and enlivened the tables of his friends there . ─── 他每逢假期回到镇上,就在当地一些朋友家中开怀畅饮。

41、Strengthen students'Community League Construction and Enliven College Culture ─── 加强学生社团建设活跃校园文化

42、The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef;love, like being enlivened with champagne. ─── 友谊的感觉好比肚子里舒舒服服地塞满了烤牛肉;爱情,则好比喝了香槟酒后的兴致。

43、Qingli pull on the situation of the female voice at this time enlivened in this melodious Pieces, the stir with its own frame. of mind. ─── 仿佛这清丽牵情的女声此时就跃动在这悠扬的琴声里,搅动着自己的心绪。

44、This year, the secondary market has not yet open to all open areas, and to take effective measures to enliven the market. ─── 今年,尚未开放二级市场的地区要全部开放,同时要采取切实措施把市场搞活。

45、At the same time, be able to enliven the market, stock funds were used to enlarge and improve the market trading volume, so as to enhance the broker's commission revenue. ─── 同时,能够活跃市场,放大存量资金的运用,提高市场交易量,从而提高券商的佣金收入。

46、"When they reached the market-place, she became still more restless, on perceiving the stir and bustle that enlivened the spot;" ─── 后来,她们来到了市场,看到那里活跃喧闹的气氛,她就益发不得安宁了

47、The still of a winter scene is enlivened by the sound of clinging silver bells as horses pull a sled through the woods near Sutton, Vermont. ─── 马儿欢快地穿过萨顿附近的森林,脖铃发出了悦耳的声音使宁静的冬天变得活跃。

48、Particularly, languages are enriched and enlivened by the use of words denoting colors. ─── 在英汉两种语言文化中,红色体现出不同的语言文化内涵。

49、By Zhang Qiang, the behavior head's one batch turn sing the singer to start to enliven in the home popular musical world. ─── 以张蔷、张行为首的一批翻唱歌手开始活跃在国内流行乐坛。

50、It is also important to transfer and extend these models to your own life and situation.This will enliven the language you study and make it more interesting to you. ─── 但要想灵活使用所学到的语言,达到学以致用,你还需要把这些内容转化并扩展到自己的实际生活中。

51、a meal enlivened by the music; a spirited debate ─── 一顿被音乐变得有生气了的饭;热烈的辩论

52、If we can successfully deal with those feelings, then we feel much better and enliven more of our creative, loving potential. ─── 如果能够好好处理这些感觉,我们会比较快活,潜在的创作力与爱也比较能发挥。

53、“may enliven like the atmosphere. ─── “这样可以活跃一下气氛。”

54、At the Great Wall Chinese exhibit, the brilliant pictures and conversations on the multimedia enlivened the classroom and appealed to many visitors. ─── 在长城汉语教学体验区,多媒体课件上丰富的图片和情景对话让汉语课堂变得生动起来,吸引了很多参观者。

55、See how I have loved Your precepts; O Jehovah, enliven me according to Your lovingkindness. ─── 159你看我怎样爱你的训辞;耶和华阿,求你照你的慈爱将我救活。

56、In fact he did enliven the semester, but a strange thing happened along the way: there was a tremendous outbreak of the jitters ─── 他的确做到了这一点,但是之前也发生了点怪事:系里爆发了一场恐慌。

57、Dear trainees, let’s throw ourselves into the grand gathering of English language programs with enlivened spirits, firm confidence and great ardor. ─── 同学们,让我们抖擞精神,以最坚定的信念、最饱满的热情投身到新剑奥这场火热的英语盛会中来吧!

58、“Perfect” is that person we imbue with the capacity to enliven and support our vision or the person we believe in and want to help. ─── “完美”是指那些我们深深相信有能力给我们带来活力,支持我们的观点幻想;或是我们信任和想去帮助的人。

59、He enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians. ─── 他的社论中对政客的口头攻击使文章生机勃勃。

60、With when spurt, initiate new phase, enliven again. ─── 与时迸,开创新局面,再抖擞。”

61、Life would be dull without stories to enliven our imaginations and fire up our dreams. ─── 如果没有故事,生活将变得呆板而无味,我们的想像力无法获得激发,梦想也无法点燃。

62、We must cater for the new situation and adopt effective measures to further enliven for ─── 对外贸易,要适应新情况,进一步搞活,采取有利措施,调动各方面的积极性。

63、Perhaps they need the drama to enliven the sterile atmosphere of the boardroom. ─── 他们可能需要这种戏剧性的场面,来活跃董事会枯燥的气氛。

64、In the formation of adjectives, "Zi" is used as affix to enliven the expression, even a little bit excessive in meaning, showing the additional color of fondness or discontentment. ─── 在形容词中或作为词缀构词,或作为形容词生动形式的一部分,往往表示量增加了一点儿或程度超过了一点儿的意义,大都表示或喜爱或不如意的附加色彩;

65、The wit of Mencken enlivened his age. ─── (美国记者)门肯的风趣使他的时代生动活泼。

66、She has enlivened the Wallace, intellectually as well as decoratively. ─── 她从1992年开始便担任这一职位,让华莱士收藏馆由内至外的充满了活力。

67、The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne. ─── 友谊的感觉好比肚子里舒舒服服地塞满了烤牛肉; 爱情,则好比喝了香槟酒后的兴致。

68、feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne. ─── 友谊的感觉好比肚子里舒舒服服地塞满了烤牛肉;爱情,则好比喝了香槟酒后的兴致。

69、because the sweetness of his sympathy more than compensates the bitterness of that sorrow, which, in order to excite this sympathy, they had thus enlivened and renewed. ─── 因为他的同情中的甜极大地弥补了同情中的苦。因为要刺激出这种同情,他们需要提高和恢复这种苦。

70、Enliven the domestic economy and open up to the outside world;invigorate the domestic economy and be open to the outside world ─── 对内搞活,对外开放

71、Change the traditional way of thinking and enliven the spirit of innovation ─── 变革传统思维方式活跃创新精神

72、FEW fireworks enlivened the televised debates between the three candidates in Indonesia's presidential election on July 8th, conducted in a mood of deference and courtesy. ─── 7月8日的总统选举电视辩论在一片谦和,礼貌气氛之中并没有多少激烈言辞,让人感到乏味。

73、In opens dance party's time, we must enliven the atmosphere, lets self-confident reply successfully! ─── 在开舞会的时候,我们要活跃气氛,让自信去回答成功!

74、a meal enlivened by the music; a spirited debate. ─── 一顿被音乐变得有生气了的饭;热烈的辩论。

75、There are several measures to enliven the market in the plan of commercial development this year. ─── 在今年的发展商业工作计划中,有搞活市场的若干措施。

76、Enliven(/liberate;invigorate) the domestic economy ─── 对内搞活

77、Carrie was dwelling in the atmosphere which this man created for her. Already she was enlivened and suffused with a glow. ─── 嘉莉沉浸在这男人所创造的气氛中,变得活泼愉快,神采飞扬。

78、Turn my eyes from beholding vanity, And enliven me in Your ways. ─── 37求你叫我转眼不看虚假,叫我在你的道路中活着。

79、So while you are settling back and enjoying the long hazy days of summer brushed by gentle ocean breezes, why not enliven your palate with some "cool" summer wines. ─── 在你沐浴着柔和的海风,轻松地度过漫长的夏日时光时,不妨用一些“凉爽的”夏季葡萄酒唤醒你的味觉。

80、Give bountifully to thy servant, enliven me: and I shall keep thy words. ─── 上主惩罚我虽严厉非常,但却没有把我交于死亡。

81、The Olympic spirit has enlivened people in China ,especially the younger generation . ─── 奥运精神使中国人更加朝气蓬勃,尤其是年轻一代.

82、Your government's policy of forging closer ties in the free exchange of knowledge has not only enlivened your economy,it has opened the way to a new convergence of Chinese and American interests. ─── 在自由交流知识方面,贵国政府奉行加强对外联系的政策,这不仅活跃了贵国的经济,而且为促进中美两国的共同利益开辟了新的渠道。

83、Only By the means of allowing flexiBility in the policy and enliven economy, could the market Be activated. ─── 唯有放开搞活,市场才有生机。

84、When they reached the market-place, she became still more restless, on perceiving the stir and bustle that enlivened the spot; ─── 后来,她们来到了市场,看到那里活跃喧闹的气氛,她就益发不得安宁了;

85、Shanghai, and other cities to enliven not only improve housing secondary market after residents living conditions, expanded housing consumption; ─── 上海等城市搞活住房二级市场后不仅改善居民居住条件,扩大了住房消费;

86、Young people perform the "goat dance" or the "goose dance" to enliven the atmosphere ─── 好热闹的年轻人常出些洋相逗乐,或表演些"山羊舞"、"鹅舞"之类的小节目活跃气氛。

87、If any dispute, Enliven International Limited Company reserves the right to decide on the final. ─── 如有任何争议,茵莱国际有限公司保留最终决定权。

88、He chose and sang several representative songs from the album so as to enliven the atmosphere. ─── 他选唱了专辑里的几首代表歌曲,调节一下气氛。

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