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09-09 投稿


erroneously 发音

英:[??ro?ni?sli]  美:[??r??ni?sli]

英:  美:

erroneously 中文意思翻译



erroneously 词性/词形变化,erroneously变形

名词: erroneousness |副词: erroneously |

erroneously 短语词组

1、erroneously low ─── 错误地低

2、erroneously syn ─── 错误同步

3、erroneously meaning ─── 错误的意思

4、erroneously defined ─── 错误定义

5、erroneously define ─── 错误定义

6、erroneously means ─── 错误的意思

7、erroneously high ─── 错误地高

8、erroneously definition ─── 错误的定义

erroneously 相似词语短语

1、endogenously ─── 内生地

2、extraneously ─── 外来地;无关地

3、euphoniously ─── 兴高采烈地

4、wrongously ─── 错误地

5、erroneousness ─── n.不正确);错误(有误差

6、harmoniously ─── adv.和谐地;调和地

7、erroneous ─── adj.错误的;不正确的

8、ultroneously ─── 进一步

9、acrogenously ─── 顶生的

erroneously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Changing the pitch of an existing enharmonically flipped note no longer erroneously flips the enharmonic of the changed pitch. ─── 改变现存的等音地发疯重要的调子不再错误地发疯改变调子的等音的.

2、The term iteration is often erroneously used as a synonym for increment. ─── 迭代 这一术语常被错误地用作是增量 的同义词。

3、It must not, however, be supposed that on that account, as is often erroneously done, that the art of writing was unknown in the early Vedic age. ─── 可是,一定不是由于这个缘故,照原来的样子是会经常出错的,我们并不知道早期的吠陀时期的书写艺术。

4、Development "soft" one of the "gunboat policy" is thus erroneously produced. ─── 楼盘“死穴”之一的“样衰”便由此错误地产生了。

5、Reply of the Supreme People's Court on Whether Real Estate Administrative Organs May Nullify their Administrative Acts as Erroneously Canceling a Registration of Mortgage ─── 最高人民法院关于房地产管理机关能否撤销错误的注销抵押登记行为问题的批复

6、He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed to Cheops. ─── 他是吉萨大金字塔的建造者,错误的归到基奥普斯身上。

7、Misdiagnosed case analyses: Duchenne type muscular dystrophy was erroneously diagnosed as hepatitis ─── 进行性肌营养不良误诊断为病毒性肝炎的分析

8、Epidemiology of medical erron is supposed to spring up in china ─── 医疗错误流行病学研究在我国亟待勃兴

9、Some youths think erroneously, the amative means of 90 time has sex at every turn namely. ─── 有些青年错误地认为,90年代的恋爱方式就是动辄发生性关系。

10、For Error -614, erroring out before you actually reach 1024 generations means that you can safely run recovery starting from the checkpoint, since it has not erroneously advanced. ─── 对于错误-614,如果在达到生成1024个日志之前出现错误,则意味着您可以安全地运行从检查点开始的恢复(因为它运行无误)。

11、Xenophon figured out the queen bee but erroneously assigned her supervisory responsibilities she doesn't have. ─── 色诺芬(2)分辨出了蜂王,却错误地赋予她监督的职责,而她并没有这个任务。

12、Analyzing the Essentiality of Strengthening Technology Management from an Accident of Tripping Out Erroneously the Main Transformer ─── 从一次主变误跳闸事故分析加强技术管理工作的重要性

13、Characters with extremely fast attack speeds no longer erroneously miss their targets. ─── 修订角色特别快时攻击不到目标的情况。

14、Some web sites erroneously say the missile is already operational. ─── 而一些网站则错误的认为中国已经完成列装。

15、Armstrong and Green also note that many management textbooks erroneously "repeat the claim that increasing market share will boost profitability. ─── 阿姆斯特朗和格林也指出,许多管理学教材错误地“照搬增加市场份额会促进盈利这一说法。”

16、For centuries it was romantically and erroneously believed that the Druids built the wonder, but in fact the edifice was completed 2000 years before there were any Druids. ─── 几个世纪以来,人们传说这是由德鲁伊教徒建造的奇观,但事实上大致建筑在德鲁伊产生前2000年就已完工。

17、If that misbehaving finalizer erroneously tries over and over again to access the database, never returning, the "well-behaved" finalizer will never get a chance to run. ─── 如果该运行不正常的终结器反复尝试对数据库进行错误的访问而从不返回,则“运行正常”的终结器将永远没有机会运行。

18、any New or Old World carnivorous bat erroneously thought to suck blood but in fact feeding on insects. ─── 新世界的食肉蝙蝠,被误认为吸血但实际上以昆虫为食。

19、There is no requirement that he invest 5 skill points in this tree before using them, as some early Blizzcon reports erroneously stated. ─── 不需要该人物在此技能树投入5技能点,但在一些先前的试玩报告有错误的陈述。

20、Many people erroneously think of themselves as constipated if they have days during which there are no bowel movements. ─── 许多人如果几天不大便,就错误地认为是便秘。

21、Erroneously identified as mistake v. ─── 误解;错误观念。

22、Surface of Hangzhou new rule comes up looking is to prohibit " people criticizes national office erroneously " , it is to prohibit character actually people is criticized " national office " . ─── 杭州新规表面上来看是禁止“人民错误地批评国家机关”,其实质是禁止人民批评“国家机关”。

23、But when primates, human or otherwise, chronically and erroneously believe that a homeostatic challenge is about to come, they have entered the realm of neurosis, anxiety and paranoia. ─── 要是灵长动物(不管是不是人)长期下了错误的判断,认为某个影响恒定的挑战即将到来,那麽牠们也就落入了神经官能症、焦虑以及妄想狂的领域。

24、'wind' and 'clouds' originated in the pennant names.'Dragons,' 'tigers', 'birds' and 'snakes' originated in the distinctions of the platoons and squads.Later generations erroneously transmitted them. ─── 象天阵、地阵是根据旗号命名的,风阵、云阵是根据幡名命名的,龙、虎、鸟、蛇各阵是根据部队代号而命名的。

25、Goodness can also go with powerstrength, it is not a sign of weakness as some people erroneously think. ─── 善良也和动力与力量相伴,而不像有些人误认为的那样是软弱的标志。”

26、erroneously grouped together birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes. ─── 把隼形目和鹄形目的鸟类放在一起。

27、In a wrong manner; mistakenly or erroneously. ─── 错误地采取错误的方式地;有误地或错误地

28、Many new owners erroneously believe that the application is the dog's registration papers. ─── 很多幼犬的新主人错误的认为这份申请就是幼犬的登记证明了。

29、It is erroneously believed by some people that Rajasika Puranas eulogize Brahma of Hindu Trinity, Sattvika Puranas Vishnu and Tamasika Puranas Shiva and Shakti, God's Power personified. ─── 它错误地被一些人认为首要的宇宙古史颂扬印度教三位一体的梵天,毗瑟奴和湿婆,神的力量人格化。

30、Some have erroneously concluded from the teachings of traditional Protestantism that the only requirement to be justified is faith. ─── 某些人从新教的教导中得出错误的结论,认为唯一应被评判的是人的信心。

31、It is not a sign of weakness as some people erroneously think. ─── 有人认为善良就是软弱,这是错误的。”

32、This includes printer settings, which are often erroneously found on the File menu. ─── 其中也包括打印设置,它常常错误地放在文件菜单中。

33、The Assassin's Claw Mastery bonuses to Damage and Attack Rating are no longer erroneously swapped. ─── 刺客爪掌握的破坏算法改变。

34、Polls show that many Americans already think, erroneously, that the size of China's economy has surpassed that of their own. ─── 一些民意测验表明,很多美国人已经错想,认为中国经济的规模已经超过了他们本国的。

35、The employee opened thee-mail, thinking it had been erroneously quarantined by the filter. ─── 雇员打开邮件,以为它是被邮件过滤器错误地隔离。

36、Too many people have erroneously believed that the surge higher in energy costs was temporary and that crude along with gasoline and diesel prices would soon subside. ─── 有太多人误认为,风在更高的能源成本是暂时的,并且随着原油,汽油和柴油的价格会很快平息。

37、Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another. ─── 引用:名词,错误地重复别人的话语的行为。

38、Optimists note that the death of comedy has been erroneously declared before. ─── 哦,它是死的,”安排这条误入的广告的人回答道。

39、Ultrasound Diagnosed Erroneously Carcinoma of the Tnyroid Gland ─── 甲状腺癌的超声误诊分析

40、Language misleads us into traditional philosophy only if we erroneously assume that linguistic structure offers us a blueprint of reality . ─── 只有当我们错误的假定语言的结构给我们提供了实在的蓝图时,语言才能误引我们进入传统哲学。

41、"Molten Armor": This ability will no longer be triggered erroneously by some non-melee attacks, such as "Feral Faerie Fire". ─── “熔岩甲”:该技能现在将不会被非近身攻击错误地触发,比如“野性精灵之火”。它同时也将不会打破控制效果,比如“变形术”。

42、Americans today believe,erroneously,that acceptable social behavior follows effortlessly and naturally from personal virtue。 ─── 如今的美国人错误地认为只要具有个人美德就会毫不费力地、自然地产生可接受的社会行为。

43、A case is reported of intrarenal lipoma which had undergone nephrectomy erroneously under the mistaken impression of renal cell carcinoma. ─── 摘要我们报告壹肾脏鱽肪瘤病例,因其临床表现疑似肾细胞癌而接受肾切除手术。

44、As a result,they enjoy in later life the success so often erroneously atrributed to good luck. ─── 因而在晚年,他能享受成功的硕果,别人却以为他不过幸运罢了。

45、Camus (1912) and has been erroneously placed in the genus Indocalamus Nakai (1925) for a long time. ─── Camns (1912),它过去长时期被误置于箬竹属(Indocalamus Nakai,1925)之中。

46、7. Sometimes programmers erroneously force users to trace a circular arc with their mouse, which can be quite challenging. ─── 有时,程序员错误地强迫使用者用鼠标来描圆弧,这是相当有难度的。

47、Former electrical hardware firm vice president Simon Belsky says he was erroneously ticketed two years ago. ─── 电子硬体公司前任副总裁西蒙.贝尔斯基说,他两年前被误开罚单。

48、When the checkpoint became greater than 256 generations, the Jet engine got confused and advanced the checkpoint erroneously. ─── 当生成的检查点超过256个时,Jet引擎开始出现混乱,检查点出错率增高。

49、term used in former classifications; erroneously grouped together birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes. ─── 旧时分类术语;把隼形目和鹄形目的鸟类放在一起。

50、system erron ─── 系统误差

51、It is your responsibility to point it out to us immediately, otherwise you will debited erroneously. ─── 贵方有责任马上提出来,否则你们将为此承担责任。

52、The spring-loaded excess-pressure safety valve protects the pump as well as the gearbox from overload which may arise from an erroneously closed sluice valve or alternatively due to a blocked discharge pipe etc. ─── 弹簧超压安全阀对泵及齿轮箱起着保护作用,使其避免由于出口阀门的误关或管道的堵塞而引起的超载。

53、It's better to erron the side of tolerance (ie be too tolerant rather than too severe) when dealing with young offenders. ─── 对待失足的青少年宁可失之过宽(宁过宽而勿过严)。

54、had been widely and erroneously reported that Armstrong had refused to give evidence. ─── 曾经错误地大规模报道过阿姆斯特朗拒绝提供证据。

55、But it is very easy to convince yourself that your benchmark measures the performance of a specific construct, and erroneously conclude something about the performance of that construct. ─── 但是您很容易误认为您的基准在度量一个特定结构体的性能,并错误地对结构体的性能下结论。

56、It's often erroneously translated as a "sin offering." ─── 它通常会被错误地翻译为“赎罪祭。”

57、To erron is human and to mend is supreme!! ─── 这样的回应当然是建立在人们真实表达的基础之上的。

58、Yet even after discounting crimes that are hastily and erroneously tagged as racially motivated, many blacks do attack whites because they are white ─── 然而,即使排除掉那些草率和错误地被标定为种族动机的犯罪,确实也有许多黑人对白人进行攻击就是因为他们是白人。

59、Epididymal tumors diagnosed erroneously before operation 5 cases ─── 附睾肿瘤术前误诊5例

60、This can lead the Certificate Authority to issue a certificate erroneously. ─── 这可能导致证书颁发机颁发出错误的证明书。

61、Andriy Shevchenko, the player the newspapers erroneously placed at the centre of the apparent crisis, returned to full training this week after ten days on the sidelines with a hamstring injury. ─── 最近成为媒体批评焦点的安德烈舍甫琴科,由于腿筋受伤修养十天,在本周已经重新开始了完全修炼。

62、Some have erroneously concluded from the teachings of traditional Protestantism that the only requirement to be justified is faith. ─── 某些人从新教的教导中得出错误的结论,认为唯一应被评判的是人的信心。

63、term used in former classifications; erroneously grouped together birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes ─── 旧时分类术语;把隼形目和鹄形目的鸟类放在一起

64、It was also erroneously stated that there was an inherent disconnect between physical pathology and self-report in this model. ─── 还有错误地指出,在这个模式中生理病理和自我报告存在内在的分离。

65、Yet if erroneously understood and improperly handled, foreignization could also go wayward, resulting in nonsensical or even absurd rendition of the source text. ─── 但是,如果出现认知偏差或对其处理不当,异化翻译也会导致邯郸学步,造成译文表述荒谬,乃至丧失意义。

66、Normal inspection technology identifies the water droplets as dirt particles, and consequently OK bottles are erroneously rejected. ─── 由于普通的检测技术都将水滴误认为脏颗粒,因此有很多好瓶被冤枉地淘汰出去。

67、After born, rash of the neonates was erroneously diagnosed as psoriasis and infectious hepatitis, in result, the treatment of sypilis was delayed. ─── 患儿最初曾被误诊为“牛皮癣”“传染性肝炎”等而被延误治疗。

68、Memory corruption by erroneously executing code is always a possibility. ─── 错误执行代码导致内存崩溃总是可能的原因。

69、The diagnosis is often late and the condition erroneously treated as deep venous thrombosis due to leg swelling. ─── 病情经常延迟诊断,而且常因为下肢肿胀症状而被误为深部静脉栓塞。

70、If we are to discover true happiness, says Jay White of the erroneously named Dumb Little Man, we must change our attitudes about money. ─── 杰.怀特(别名小哑男)说,"如果我们想找到真正的快乐 ,我们就必须改变我们的金钱观。"

71、We erroneously believed ourselves destined for the defence of Calais. ─── 我们错认为派我们去保卫加莱。

72、5. His mind was destitute of that dread which has been erroneously decried as if it were nothing higher than a man's animal care for his own skin. ─── 他的头脑里不再有那种被错误地贬低为只不过是人们保命心理的那种恐惧感。

73、Well, he is dead, replied the man who placed the erroneously typed ad. ─── 哦,它是死的,安排这条误入的广告的人回答道。

74、Usually the term is used erroneously as a synonym for computer-based information systems, which is only the Information technologies component of an Information System. ─── 从信息系统的作用来看,信息系统由四个主要部件构成,即信息源、数据处理部件、信息用户和信息管理者。

75、I am persuaded that the majority has erroneously raised a simple procedural act of the prosecutor to the dignity of constitutional dimensions. ─── 笔者承认大多数错误的存在提出了一个简单的程序法则,即宪法的层面上的检察官尊严。

76、based on theories and methods erroneously regarded as scientific ─── 建立在误认为是科学理论方法的基础上的

77、based on theories and methods erroneously regarded as scientific. ─── 建立在误认为是科学理论方法的基础上的。

78、Judgement of Command: Now consumes a charge of the Zandalarian Hero Charm. In addition, when this spell is resisted it will no longer erroneously still do damage. ─── 命令审判:将消耗赞达拉英雄护符的一次效果。若审判被抵抗,则不造成伤害。

79、Washington looks at many of these clashes and erroneously sees Islamist ideology at the core. ─── 美国华府看到许多冲突现象,却错把伊斯兰思想误认为根源。

80、The ABIA does not defend erroneously issued patents based on prior art. ─── ABIA 不错误地防护发行以之前的艺术为基础的专利权。

81、If it erroneously writes out or at the last moment changes the destination of the goods, it shall be liable for any extra expenses incurred as a result thereof. ─── 错填或临时变更到货地点,承担由此而多支出的费用。

82、One case of diabetic ketoacidosis diagnosed erroneously as acute intestinal ─── 糖尿病酮症酸中毒误诊为急性肠梗阻一例

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