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09-09 投稿


crookedness 中文意思翻译



crookedness 短语词组

1、crookedness crossword ─── 歪字填字游戏

2、crookedness def ─── 弯曲定义

3、crookedness meaning ─── 歪理

4、crookedness crossword clue ─── 歪字谜线索

5、crookedness define ─── 弯曲定义

6、crookedness definition ─── 弯曲度定义

7、crookedness 10 letters ─── 弯曲10个字母

crookedness 同义词

contortion | deviousness | tortuosity | tortuousness | torsion

crookedness 词性/词形变化,crookedness变形

名词: crookedness |副词: crookedly |

crookedness 反义词


crookedness 相似词语短语

1、croakiness ─── 尖锐

2、crowdedness ─── 拥挤度

3、crampedness ─── 抽筋

4、craggedness ─── n.崎岖;陡峭

5、uprootedness ─── 被根除

6、hookedness ─── 钩性

7、rootedness ─── n.根深蒂固,牢不可破

8、crookeries ─── n.欺骗;诈骗

9、crabbedness ─── 暴躁

crookedness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She made a classic boner and married a crook. ─── 她犯了一个大错误,嫁给了一个骗子。

2、A staff with a crook or cross at the end, carried by or before an abbot, a bishop, or an archbishop as a symbol of office. ─── 十字杖一种末端有弯钩或十字的木杖,为修道院院长、主教或大主教所持有或放置在他们面前作为教职的象征

3、A Mr. Withers-- whom she did not know from Adam--having learned by some hook or crook where she resided, bowed himself politely in. ─── 一位威瑟斯先生--这人她根本不认识--想方设法地打听到了她的住处,走了进来,客气地鞠着躬。

4、a mixed-up crookedness to me. ─── 对我来说,这全是弯弯曲曲、乱七八糟的。

5、You are waiting for him with death in the crook of your finger. ─── 你等待着那头公鹿,只要你的手指节一弯就能置它于死地。

6、She lay curled up in the crook of his arm. ─── 她蜷缩在他的臂弯里。

7、Cadgers are aye cracking of crook saddles. ─── 三句话不离本行。

8、He carry the package in the crook of his arm. ─── 他臂弯里挎著一个包裹。

9、By hook or by crook, ratings would become public knowledge. ─── 人们会用尽一切办法将等级公布天下。

10、Don't get mixed up with him-- he's a crook! ─── 别跟他厮混--他是个无赖。

11、He had shepherd's crook tipped with iron. ─── 他有一根牧羊人用的带铁头的棍杖。

12、He checked to be sure that the knife was safely in his rope belt, that the harpoon was in the crook of his left arm and that the twenty-foot rope fastened to it and to his wrist. ─── 卡森再次确认了那把小刀依旧紧扣在自己的皮带上,鱼叉则由一根二十英尺的绳索绑于左腕。

13、Then there's PaPa, an inexperienced and very outdated crook who is heartbroken by the recent break-up with his girlfriend. ─── 亚李(张达明饰)误信损友,以致投资失败,为偿还贵利之巨债,唯有选择挺而走险。

14、She carried the parcel in the crook of her arm. ─── 她把包裹挎在臂弯处。

15、We enjoy the straight crookedness of a good walking stick. ─── 我们都喜欢手杖曲中有直、直中带曲。

16、"Beat the system" is a variation on the same theme, meaning to defeat the system by hook or by crook! ─── “beat the system?”,是同一主题的一个变异,意为不择手段地击败当时的制度。

17、Crook N E, Clem R J, Miller L K, 1993. An apoptotic genes of baculovirus gene with a zinc finger-like motif. J. Virol., 67:2 168- 2 174. ─── [贡成良,小林淳,宫岛成寿等,1999美国白蛾核型多角体病毒几丁质酶基因核苷酸序列研究病毒学报,15(3):260-269

18、My rich dad did not see Robin Hood as a hero. He called Robin Hood a crook. ─── 但我的富爸爸却认为罗宾汉不是英雄,他称罗宾汉为窃贼。

19、Don't get mixed up with him -- he's a crook! ─── 别跟他厮混--他是个无赖!

20、There is a crook in the lot of everyone. ─── [谚]人人都有不如意的时刻;人各有其坎坷。

21、How could you believe that crook?you have no brains. ─── 你怎么能相信那个骗子呢?你真是没有大脑。

22、You wouldn't crook a friend, would you? ─── 你不会欺骗朋友,是吧?

23、A staff with a crook or cross at the end,carried by or before an abbot,a bishop,or an archbishop as a symbol of office. ─── 十字杖一种末端有弯钩或十字的木杖,为修道院院长、主教或大主教所持有或放置在他们面前作为教职的象征。

24、They saw Hagen shoo Sonny through the French door into the Don's office and then crook a finger at Amerigo Bonasera. ─── 他们看见哈根发出嘘声赶桑尼穿过那法国门进了堂的办公室,然后向亚美利哥把手指弯成钩形。

25、By sheer persistence and by hook and crook it found a laborious roundabout way to its own answer. ─── 它纯粹靠毅力和不择手段找到了得出自己的答案的艰苦迂回的方式。

26、She bought it on the crook. ─── 他用不正当手段把它买了下来。

27、James Crook, Black &Veatch, Boston, Massachusetts.Water Reclamation and Reuse Criteria. ─── 北京市地矿局水文地质工程地质公司.北京西郊地下水库试验研究报告,1985年.

28、You are the most beautiful crook I've ever seen. ─── 你是我见过最美的骗子。

29、Jim: Well I think whoever advertised those binoculars for sale was a crook and just after people's money. ─── 吉姆:登广告卖望远镜的那个人,看来是个骗子,只求骗财。

30、Crookedness will occur when one side is stiffer, not if both sides are equal. ─── 当一侧相对僵硬时,扭曲就会出现,两侧不能对称。

31、No wool was on or around his person, no dead collie by his feet, no crook in his hand. ─── 他身上没有羊毛衣物,尸体附近也没有;他脚边没有牧羊犬,手上也没有手杖。

32、Far from being honest, he is a big crook. ─── 他不光是不诚实,简直是一个大恶棍。

33、She was cradling a small parcel in the crook of her elbow. ─── 她用手臂挎着一个小包裹。

34、But then the typical establishment crook is quick to express remorse. ─── 但是这些典型的诈骗行径应当尽快引起犯罪者的自责。

35、All sorts of crookedness mean death. ─── 所有的邪道意味着死亡。

36、She had to acquire it, by hook or by crook. ─── 她曾千方百计地要得到它。

37、The common experiment for draw, compress, crookedness, and shear is carried on the static universal testing machine. ─── 而其中在静态万能材料试验机上的拉伸、压缩、弯曲、剪切等试验尤为广泛。

38、B yy the crook, the cook looked thro lqfyry gh a cookbook before making hooked cookies. ─── 在溪边,厨子在做钩形饼干之前查阅了一本食谱。

39、You crook! ─── 你这坏蛋!

40、The king is shown as Osiris holding the crook and flail, traditional symbols of kingship. ─── 国王像司阴府之神一样手执象征王权的传统曲柄杖和连枷。

41、Moreover, the influence of initial crookedness would be reduced as slenderness ratio and bending moment are increased. ─── 初弯曲对杆件的影响随长细比和弯矩的增大而减小;

42、Be together with you, how I wish love of we two, like the flowing water in the crook, meanders away deep into the horzon, limpid, quiet, joyful and frolicking. ─── 和你在一起,我是多么希望我们之间的爱,能象小溪中的流水一样,清澈、平静地、欢乐而无忧的向远方流去。

43、Mr. Crook taught them how to type. ─── 克罗克先生教他们怎样打字。

44、As soon as he heard there was to be an evening party, he determined that by hook or by crook he would be present too. ─── 一听到有晚会,他就决心一定要参加。

45、What do you think you are, nothing but a crook. ─── 你以为自己是个什么东西?骗子一个而已!

46、A man must adopt a vocation appropriate to his age,intellect,means,ability in speaking,dress,learning,family and activity,a vocation free from crookedness and dishonesty. ─── 一个人所从事的职业,必须和他的年龄、智力、财产、谈吐、服饰、学识、家庭和活动能力相适合,要摆脱欺骗和不诚实的羁绊。

47、There is a crook in the lot of every one. ─── 人生总有不如意时。

48、George is a crook, pure and simple. ─── 乔治是个十足的骗子。

49、There is a crook(=affliction, trial) in the lot of every one. ─── 人生总有倒楣事;人生总有不如意处。

50、In dressage competitions, the judges deduct a fair number of points for crookedness. ─── 在舞步比赛中,裁判会对扭曲的步伐进行罚分。

51、By the crook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies. )欿k 技C ? ─── 在溪边,厨子在做钩形饼干之前查阅了一本食谱。魊寙阋酳?

52、Could you talk about your experience and the things that attract you in China? Mr.Michael Crook: Yes. ─── 你能谈谈你的个人经历和吸引你待在中国的事吗?柯马凯先生:好的。

53、You're to win by hook or by crook. ─── 你们要不择手段争胜。

54、In dressage competitions, the judges deduct a fair number of points for crookedness . ─── 在舞步比赛中,裁判会对扭曲的步伐进行罚分。

55、There be a crook in the lot of every one . ─── 人生多歧路。

56、He carried the books in the crook of his arm. ─── 他弯着胳臂抱着那些书。

57、He did not stir, because Julia was sleeping with her head in the crook of his arm. ─── 他没有动弹,朱莉亚正把头枕在他的臂弯里。

58、Moreover, the influence of initial crookedness would be reduced as slenderness ratio and bending moment are increased. ─── 初弯曲对杆件的影响随长细比和弯矩的增大而减小;

59、They'll get the work done this week by hook or by crook. ─── 他们将千方百计想办法在本周内完成这项工作。

60、All he had to do was crook his little finger. ─── 他只得自饮苦酒。

61、By hook or by crook, we'll get this job done. ─── 不管是用什么方法,我们都要把这件工作干下来。

62、Otto was tucked into the crook of her elbow,listening adoringly as she read from the newspaper. ─── 奥托躺在妈妈弯着的胳臂肘里,深情地听着我妈妈读报。

63、To make a crook in; bend. ─── 使成钩状;使弯曲

64、Since this was going to be the decisive game, they were determined to win it by hook or by crook. ─── 因为这将是一场决定性的比赛,他们决心不择手段打赢它。

65、LI>There is a crook in the lot of everyone. ─── 人生皆有不如意处。

66、I don't care if it is by hook or crook just as long as you find him. ─── 只要你能找到他我不管你是用什么方法。

67、A crook took advantage of him. Our boss would never forgive such a stupid act. ─── 一个骗子利用了他,,但我们老板是不会原谅这样愚蠢的行为的。

68、In the hall I saw Anne crook her finger at me and point to the empty place at her side on the divan . ─── 在大厅里,我看到安妮坐在一条长沙发上,对着我勾手指,并指着她身旁的空位置,示意我过去和她坐在一起。

69、He is a cheap crook. ─── 他是一个卑鄙的骗子。

70、He carried the package in the crook of his arm. ─── 他臂弯里挎着一个包裹。

71、To let: rooms, flats, houses, caravan. Contact Swindle and Crook Co Ltd. ─── 出租:单间、套间、房屋、篷车。联系单位:斯温德尔及克鲁克股份有限公司。

72、The profiteers who bleed consumers for money by hook or by crook are bound to come to grief in time. ─── 不择手段榨取消费者钱财的奸商终将受到惩罚。

73、As you know, the end justifies the means, so you should carry it out by hook or by crook. ─── 一如你所知,为达目的不择手段,因此你应不择手段完成它。

74、He's just a cheap crook. ─── 他纯粹是个卑鄙的无赖.

75、After all, it seemed like only yesterday Banjo was curled up in the crook of my arm making contented little grunts, a sound only a puppy can make. ─── 似乎就像是昨天;班卓蜷缩在我的臂弯里,心满意足地轻轻呼噜着,那是只有幼犬才能发出的声音;

76、"We're delighted to be working with The FA to help encourage more women and girls to have a more active role in football," says Ian Crook, Tesco Marketing Director. ─── “我们很高兴与足总合作来帮助鼓励更多女孩投身足球运动,”泰斯科市场总监伊安.克洛克说。

77、Corruption brings unfairness, crookedness and, in its more serious case, puts the lives and properties of the community at stake. ─── 贪污直接带来很多不公平和不合理的情况,更严重的是会间接令市民的生命财产受到威胁。

78、Seven years ago, he got a master's degree in teaching and a job at Crook County Middle School. ─── 七年前,他获得了教育硕士学位,并在库克县中学得到一份工作。

79、By hook or by crook By whatever means possible, fair or unfair. ─── 不择手段:采用任何正当或不正当的手段。

80、"I am not afraid of you at all, you crook. ─── “我才不怕你呢! 你这个骗子!

81、Don't hazard your reputation by supporting that crook. ─── 不要冒败坏你名声的危险去支持那个坏蛋。

82、Don't get mixedup with him -- he's a crook! ─── 别跟他厮混--他是个无赖!

83、She resolutely refuse to believe that her father is in any way connected with any crookedness. ─── 她坚决拒绝相信她父亲与任何欺诈有关系。

84、B: A crook took advantage of him. Our boss would never forgive such a stupid act. ─── 一个骗子骗了他。我们的老板永远也不会原谅这样愚蠢的行为。

85、Why is everyone honoring him? He's a crook! What kind of hero is that? ─── 为什么大家都很崇拜他呀?他是个骗子!这算什么英雄好汉啊?

86、That people can employ all means for money is a FMT target even be human being significance on the crook, as if money accommodates oneself to. ─── 为了金钱人们可以动用一切手段甚至是极端手段,仿佛金钱就是人类生存意义格式化的目标。

87、Perhaps that many men and women like a blank check Zhang, but when you are found not honor each time, you will love this crook? ─── 也许很多男女都喜欢那一张张空头支票,但当你发现每一张都不能兑现的时候,你还会爱着这个骗子么?

88、Do not mean egoistically by hook and crook harm others to benefit oneself, market economy also is not brought about certainly break one's promise of behavior flush. ─── 利己并不意味着不择手段损人利己 ,市场经济也不一定导致失信行为的泛滥。


形容词 歪 crooked, devious, inclined, crook, underhand 弯曲 bending, bent, curved, crooked, winding, meandering 歪斜 crooked, crook 歪歪扭扭 crooked, askew, crook 弯 curved, bent, crooked, crook 曲 bent, crooked, crook, wrong 枉 crooked, crook 屈曲 crooked, crook 紾 crooked, bent, curved, crook, obstinate, persevering 骫 bent, flexuous, crook, crooked, curved, hawked 瞎 blind, vain, reckless, blind in one eye, crook, crooked 钩状的 crook, crooked, curved, falcate, hooked, jagged

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