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09-09 投稿



inclusive 发音

英:[?n'klu?s?v]  美:[?n'klus?v]

英:  美:

inclusive 中文意思翻译



inclusive 网络释义

adj. 包括的,包含的

inclusive 同义词

overall | complete | general | expansive | broad | all-encompassing |comprehensive | extensive | wide-ranging

inclusive 反义词


inclusive 词性/词形变化,inclusive变形

名词: inclusiveness |副词: inclusively |

inclusive 短语词组

1、inclusive OR ─── [计] "或"

2、inclusive OR element ─── [计] "或"元件

3、inclusive OR gate ─── [计] "或"门

4、inclusive disjunction ─── [计] "或"可兼析取

5、inclusive first person ─── 包容的第一个人

6、inclusive recovery ─── [计] 包含性恢复

7、all-inclusive a. ─── 包括一切的 [经] 媲括(或净盈余)概念

8、inclusive segment ─── [计] 相容段

9、inclusive reference ─── [计] 相容引用

10、inclusive personal pronoun ─── 包容性人称代词

11、inclusive fee ─── 包括在内的费用

12、all-inclusive income statement ─── [经] 总括型收益表

13、all-inclusive type of income statement ─── [经] 总括性收益表

14、be inclusive of ─── 包括…

15、self-inclusive a. ─── 包括自己在内的, ─── 包括本身的; 自身完整的

16、inclusive routine ─── [计] 相容程序

17、non-inclusive ─── 非独家的

18、inclusive-OR operation ─── [计] "或"操作, "或"

19、inclusive of ─── 把…包括在内, 包含

inclusive 相似词语短语

1、infusive ─── adj.令人兴奋的;有影响力的;令人鼓舞的

2、inclusively ─── adv.包含地;在内地

3、incursive ─── adj.侵入的;流入的;侵略的

4、exclusive ─── adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者

5、inclusion ─── n.包含;内含物

6、illusive ─── adj.错觉的;幻影的;迷惑人的

7、incisive ─── adj.深刻的;敏锐的;锋利的

8、conclusive ─── adj.决定性的;最后的;确实的;确定性的

9、intrusive ─── adj.侵入的;打扰的

inclusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Job Responsibilities:He will be responsible to update project schedule on daily basis as a project planner inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:茜亿尔工程咨询(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-11

2、Family novel was one of the most inclusive Chinese literary works with the strongest expressive force in the. 20th century. ─── 家族小说是20世纪中国文学中最具涵盖力和表现力的题材类型之一。

3、In 1998 Burgess and Fuller discuss the problem again and showed the more inclusive result. ─── 1998年Burgess和Fuller又进一步证明了此问题,并得到了更广泛的结果。

4、Job Description:1. To ensures supplier quality management system to meets or exceeds Molex‘s requirements, inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:莫仕连接器(成都)有限公司工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2009-3-27

5、ZheJiang DeJia New Material Co.Ltd.was established in 1999,Since years development .we are now inclu... ─── 发布者:唐远丽所在地:浙江嘉兴市行业:橡塑职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

6、Dear Mr.Restone, we would like to supply you a full package of D102 or D149, inclusive of COA, while you play an order. ─── 亲爱的先生:对于下定单的客户,我们会和D102或D149产品一起,向我们的客户提供COA。

7、His perspectivist epistemology is supported by modern sciences, and seems more comprehensive and inclusive. ─── 他的透视主义认识论,得到现代科学的支持,是一种比较全面并具有巨大包容性的认识论。

8、Tour fee inclusive: Transportation, lunch and snorkeling equipment (non-power mask &snorkel). ─── 团费包括来回交通费、午餐及浮潜面具配套(无度数)。

9、Hyponymy: refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. ─── 和呐购狼页峪汇幸厚鸿呐、厚醤嗤淫否来议简嚥汇幸厚醤闷议简岻寂议吭呐购狼。

10、Wednesday to Friday inclusive. ─── 从星期三到星期五,首尾两日包括在内。

11、Because of the silence of the night inclusive me, no one saw me gaunt appearance. ─── 因为夜色包容着我的沉默,无人看见我憔悴的容貌。

12、The BETWEEN keyword specifies an inclusive range, in which the lower value and the upper value are searched for as well as the values they bracket. ─── BETWEEN关键字指定包含的范围,将搜索该范围的上限值、下限值以及介于这两个值之间的值。

13、Responsibilities:1.Coordinator and monitor the import and export operation of service parts, repair parts, inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:东芝电脑网络(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-10

14、In hindsight I should have a simpler approach to the problem and not tried to make it so complex or all inclusive. ─── 事后回想起来,我想我本该采取简单的方法解决问题,而不是把所有的东西都放在一起考虑,把问题复杂化。

15、Above rate is inclusive of 15% surcharge. ─── 以上房价已含15%的服务费。

16、The academy is far more inclusive now than it used to be. ─── 该学院如今比过去更为兼收并蓄。

17、If year is between 0 (zero) and 1899 (inclusive), Excel adds that value to 1900 to calculate the year. ─── 如果year位于0(零)到1899(包含)之间,则Excel会将该值加上1900,再计算年份。

18、Compared with the modern civil law system that divides property rights between jus in rem and aes suum, the right of“ye”seems more inclusive. ─── 与现代民法将财产权划分为物权和债权的体系相比较,业权似乎具有更大的包容性。

19、All rates are inclusive of 15% service charge and 5% government tax. ─── 以上协议价包含15%服务费和5%政府税。

20、Inclusive of all debt obligations of the borrower, and any rental payments that the borrower have to make during the construction period. ─── 包括借款人全部债务及借款人须于建筑期内支付的租金。

21、Responsibilities:- Assist Facility &Administration Manager on daily facility and operations of the center inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:安永华明会计师事务所工作地点:辽宁省大连市发布时间:2009-6-13

22、Range() returns an array of elements from low to high, inclusive. ─── range()返回数组中从low到high的单元,包括它们本身。

23、All required PLCs and all necessary control and instrumentation equipment inclusive of all necessary software. ─── 全部必要可编程序的逻辑控制器和全部必要控制和仪表装置包含所有必要软件。

24、Advocated the integration of old and new, inclusive eclectic position. ─── 主张新旧融合、兼容并蓄的折衷主义立场。

25、Example 2: The ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday. ─── 两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用均包括在单人价格之内。

26、RESPONSIBILITIES : Be responsible for providing full supports to Coach - from every aspect of the business inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州伯易企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-5-15

27、Answer questions 8 to 12 inclusive. ─── 回答第8到第12题。

28、It is not just a question of teaching British history in a clear and inclusive way, but of improving education across all subjects. ─── 不仅是教授全面清晰的英国历史,同时也要加强所有科目的教育。

29、The above prices are inclusive of green fee, caddie fee and locker. ─── 以上价格包含果岭、球童及衣柜。

30、All above rates are inclusive of one or two breakfasts. ─── 以上价格均含单份或双份西式自助早餐。

31、To work collectively for more inclusive political processes,allowing genuine participation by all citizens in all our countries. ─── - 作出集体努力,以促进更具包容性的政治进程,让我们所有国家的全体公民都能够真正参与。

32、Most of the developed countries, inclu登录sina.com免邮箱ding those in both Western and Eastern Europe, oppose war. ─── 发达国度中多数国度不开心战争,其中包括西欧和东欧国度。

33、No matter how she was hysterical, unreasonable, moody, you must be inclusive, she coaxed her. ─── 不管她怎么歇斯底里、不讲道理、喜怒无常,你都要哄着她包容她。

34、Tour fee inclusive: Transportation, refreshment and guide. ─── 团费包括交通费、茶点及导游。

35、Note that the prices are inclusive of VAT. ─── 注意这些价格含增值税。

36、I only rented MHV for $6000 all inclusive per month (10 months ago). ─── 你讲到奥运咁好,咁咪住奥运啰!

37、In short, fashion is all-inclusive concept, and its tentacles in-depth every aspect of life, people have been debating it. ─── 总之,时尚是个包罗万象的概念,它的触角深入生活的方方面面,人们一直对它争论不休。

38、But it is possible that in the top job he can at least learn to be a more generous and inclusive colleague. ─── 但是至少在这个首相的位置上,他还是有可能学会变得大度一些而且逐渐学会包容同僚的。

39、The Fund's financial position from 1997 to 2001 inclusive is shown at Appendix 19. ─── 外汇基金由一九九七年至二零零一年的财政状况载于附录19。

40、The Code itself inclu mes provisions requiring truthful disclosure of product information regarding price, grade, quality, quantity and availability. ─── 商德约法包括的条款要求对产品信息如价格、等级、质量、数量和可供应量进行真实披露。

41、Read pages 25 to 50 inclusive. ─── 从第二十五页一直读到第五十页。

42、All the above rates are inclusive of 15% surcharge, government tax and one daily breakfast. ─── 以上房价已包括15%服务费、政府税金及一份早餐。

43、This credit expires till January 1(inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing. ─── 例14:本证在北京议付,有效期至1月1日。

44、Do staff and pupils see the school as an inclusive learning environment for children with SEN? ─── 学校是否为有特殊教育需求的孩子提供了全纳的学习环境?

45、The above Rates are inclusive of 1 or 2 breakfast. ─── 以上价格均含1到2份早餐

46、Mentality issues, which people do not mind? He said it would be better not mind all inclusive. Heart is not always comfortable! ─── 心态问题,有哪个人不介意呢?说不介意倒不如说他包容了一切。始终心里还是会不舒服的!

47、It provides a richer, more dynamic, and inclusive vision of cultural heritage. ─── 它提供了文化遗产更丰富、更动态的全方位视野。

48、Keep records, materials inclusive photos on training and Human Resources activities. ─── 保存培训和人力资源活动的记录、材料和照片。

49、The government's other boast is to have fostered “inclusive growth”. ─── 印度政府还有一项自夸的是它们培养了“包容性增长”。

50、RMB700/pax, the package is inclusive of Green Fee、Caddy Fee、Insurance Fee、Locker Club、Service charge. ─── 价格:¥700/人打球全包价,包含果岭费、球童费、球车费、保险费、更衣柜、服务费。

51、Exclusive type area Type area exclusive of headline and folio See inclusive type area. ─── 内文版度不包括书眉和页码在内的版尺寸。参阅书页版度。

52、The African Union says it is ready to support the transitional council as it works to form an inclusive government in Libya. ─── 非洲联盟称,它准备支持利比亚全国过渡委员会组建包容性政府。

53、Her concept of history is modern and inclusive. ─── 她的历史观现代又富包容性。

54、QC supervisor (Qing Dao Office)Knowledge/Skills required :. At least 8 years solid QC experience in garment field inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳赛辉贸易有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-7-11

55、Does it produce a value from zero to one, inclusive or exclusive of the value '1'? ─── 它会产生0和1之间的值,但是否包括值'1'呢?

56、The Web Parts control set is flexible and inclusive in the options it gives you for creating part controls. ─── Web部件控件集为您创建部件控件提供了灵活多样的选择。

57、Why she wants to embarrass me? Because she can only rely on an inclusive heart in the future. ─── 为什么要难为我?因为她下辈子只能依靠一颗包容的心。

58、The letter of credit shall remain valid for negotiation in China until 15th day after shipment time, inclusive. ─── 包括信用证在装运日期后至第15日在中国议付有效,包括最后一天在内。

59、POSITION: Lean ManagerJOB SUMMARY-Drive the development and implementation of projects to establish a Lean Culture inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:广东艺珂人才服务公司上海分公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-11

60、Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a more general more inclusive word and a more specific word. ─── 上下义关系是指一个具有一般性、包容性的词与一个更为具体的词之间的意义关系。

61、The price is all - inclusive. ─── 一切开支全都包括在内了。

62、The above price is inclusive of chinese tea and one glass of soft drink. ─── 以上价格还包含茶及任意一款软饮料。

63、The model inclusive AA type,A type,SC type,C type,D type,F type,18 type and other. ─── 冲孔镀镍钢带可生产各种规格型号及满足客户的各种镀层厚度要求。

64、Europe, inclusive of the British Isles, may become united in a trade agreement if all goes well. ─── 如果一切进展顺利,包括英伦三岛在内的欧洲能在一个贸易协定之下联合起来。

65、Room rates are inclusive of free shuttle service. ─── 以上房间价格包含免费来往展馆的穿梭巴士服务。

66、For around $150 a day, all meals inclusive, two people can stay in the house's expansive luxury suite. ─── 大约花150美元,包括三餐在内,两个人便可以在这里宽敞的豪华套间住上一天。

67、Work Location: BeijingGeneral Description:The CS Representative will be responsible for day-to-day CS transactions inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:中以联科电子安装工程(北京)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-18

68、Complete DCS and all necessary control and instrumentation equipment inclusive of all necessary software. ─── 完备的数字控制系统和所有必要的控制和器械装置包含所有必要的软件。

69、Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. ─── 因此,教育是一个内涵很丰富的词。

70、From the outset it must be stated that PROFOIL is not an all inclusive airfoil-design package. ─── 从一开始就应该说明,并不是所有的包容profoil机翼设计方案.

71、She gave her father, and incidentally Cowperwood, a gleaming, radiant, inclusive smile. ─── 她对她的父亲,但无心地对柯帕乌现出容光焕发、意义深长的笑容。

72、The output file inclu des 38 annotation items downloadable in the form of Microsoft Excel. ─── 含有各种登录号以及基 因或蛋白质的基本信息、功能分类、相互作用共38项注释项供选择;

73、Prices quoted above are inclusive of 10% Service Charge &5% Government Tax. ─── 3天2夜双人房,包含早(2)午(2)晚餐(2),包含10%服务费与5%政府税捐.

74、However, you can set the number of test runs that Visual Studio stores to any number between 1 and 9999, inclusive. ─── 但是,您可以将Visual Studio存储的测试运行数量设置为1到9999之间的任意数字,包括1和9999。

75、Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. ─── 因此,教育是一个内涵很丰富的词,

76、For many purposes all these persons, the miller and baker inclusive, must be placed in the same class with ploughmen and reapers. ─── 为了许多目的,所有这些人,包括磨坊主和面包师傅在内,应归类于耕作者和收割者之列。

77、Inclusive, will gradually dilute the pain caused by injuries. ─── 包容,会慢慢淡化伤痕带来的疼痛。

78、Inclusive type area: Type area inclusive of headline and folio. See Exclusive type area. ─── 书页版度(版心面积):包括书眉和页码在内的版心面积。参阅内文版度。

79、Therefore, the all inclusive term endocytosis is now coming into common use for this process. ─── 因此,这个过程现在通常用一概括的名词--内吞作用来命名。

80、The manager's right is considered inclusive, legal and unrestricted like the managing and acting rights. ─── 公司经理权具有概括性、法定性和不可限定性,包括管理权能与代理权能。

81、Therefore, we must be tolerant and inclusive, generous heart! ─── 因此我们必须宽容大度而有包容心!

82、"The parliaments are going to be even less representative and less inclusive than anybody might have expected, " he said. ─── “大选产生的国民议会,将成为小于任何人期望的代表性和包容性”他说。

83、PURPOSE OF POSITION: Plans and directs all plants and sales branches (in China) Human Resources activities inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海鹰柏企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-5

84、He is not exclusive, but inclusive. ─── 他不那么排他,倒有些包容。

85、The above fare is inclusive of taxes and surcharges. ─── 以上价钱包括政府税项及其他附加费。

86、But the two professions are not fully inclusive. ─── 但这两个专业并非完全包含。

87、The fund's financial position from 1995 to June 1999 inclusive, is shown at Appendix 19. ─── 外汇基金由一九九五年至一九九九年六月的财政状况载于附录19。

88、Position Title: CN-TEST ENGINEER (Aircon) Responsibilities: 1. Response for All ICT Test Equipments &PCBA Functional Test equipments, Inclu... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:20-99人经验要求:1-3年最低学历:专科及同等学历职位月薪:1000-50000元/月

89、Refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. ─── 上下义关系实际是指两词意义之间的关系分别表示的是逻辑上的属的概念与种的概念。

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