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09-09 投稿



dint 发音

英:[d?nt]  美:[d?nt]

英:  美:

dint 中文意思翻译



dint 词性/词形变化,dint变形

动词过去分词: dinted |动词现在分词: dinting |动词第三人称单数: dints |动词过去式: dinted |

dint 短语词组

by dint of

1. 凭借; 由于

He reached the top by dint of great effort.


1、by dint of... ─── 由于, 凭借

2、by dint of ─── 由于,凭借

dint 相似词语短语

1、dine ─── vt.宴请;vi.进餐,用餐;n.(Dine)(意、葡)迪内(人名);(英)戴恩(人名);(法)迪纳(人名)

2、dints ─── n.凹痕;vt.击出凹痕

3、dent ─── n.凹痕;削弱;减少;vi.产生凹陷;凹进去;vt.削弱;使产生凹痕;n.(Dent)人名;(英、葡)登特

4、din ─── n.喧嚣声,嘈杂声;宗教法律,犹太法律;(尤指伊斯兰教)宗教信仰;v.再三叮嘱,反复教导;发出喧闹声;n.(Din)丁(人名)

5、daint ─── 颜色

6、diet ─── n.饮食;食物;规定饮食;vi.节食;vt.[医]照规定饮食;n.(Diet)人名;(法)迪耶

7、dict ─── abbr.词典,字典(dictionary)

8、dant ─── v.使胆怯;使气馁;使失去信心(等于daunt);n.(Dant)(美、英、俄、印、法)丹特(人名)

9、bint ─── n.女性;少女;n.(Bint)人名;(阿拉伯)宾特

dint 习惯用语

1、by dint of ─── 凭...的力量, 靠, 凭借

dint 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The day which welcome everyplace area City to have property dint in the meantime act for sale with the porcelain and ceramics cooperation of wholesale dealer. ─── 同时欢迎各地区市有资力的日用陶瓷批发商合作代理销售。

2、By dint of raising its economic growth rate from6% to8% a year, it has attracted vast attention. ─── 凭借其6%8%年经济增长率,他引起了广泛的关注。

3、His success was by dint of hard work. ─── 他凭苦干获得成功。

4、Ethnic groups such as Irish-Americans have long had an influence on policy by dint of sheer numbers. ─── 像美籍爱尔兰人这样的群体,长期以来一直通过种种渠道对政策施加着影响。

5、The band aim is spread to accept to develop excellent culture and strengthen race self-confidence heart with coagulate dint, make China the shot art and literature turn to get extensive dissemination. ─── 乐团旨在传承发扬优秀文化,增强民族自信心和凝聚力,使华夏击艺文化得到广泛传播。

6、To command the behavior of social member by dint of unofficial force were social exterior control. ─── 借助这些外在力量控制社会成员的行为即为社会的外部控制。

7、Strengthen the skin's immunity dint. ─── 增强肌肤的免疫力。

8、Work in the cabaret period, I handled in person many make person very embarrassed condition, make own mental state bear the dint got to promote very greatly, and develop good of serve consciousness. ─── 在酒店工作期间,我亲自处理了许多令人十分尴尬的状况,使自己的心理承受力得到了很大的提升,并培养了良好的服务意识。

9、By dint of raising its economic growth rate from 6% to 8% a year, it has attracted vast attention. ─── 凭借其6%-8%的年经济增长率,他引起了广泛的关注。

10、By dint of slaving incessantly from morning till night she managed to keep her home fairly comfortable. ─── 她一天忙到晚,把家里弄得相当舒服。

11、Bright, enthusiasm, the girl of the docile.Have abundant imagination dint to the affection, romance! ─── 开朗,热情,善良的女生。对感情具有丰富的想象力,浪漫!

12、Holdout dint that incresase the skin, repair the water the keeping wetness. ─── 增加皮肤的抵抗力,补水保湿。

13、They overcame all kinds of difficulties by dint of an indomitable spirit. ─── 他们凭仗着顽强不屈的精神克服了重重困难。

14、From but the science pleasant impression of further treatise appreciate the dint with science . ─── 从而进一步论述科学美感和科学鉴赏力。

15、At last, by dint of his articles, his stubborn efforts and his surpassing talent. ─── 华北终于以他的文章,以他的顽强努力和出众才华离开了那家小食品工厂。

16、The whole member teach, the exertive job is high to living the integration dint of the morals education. ─── 全员施教,发挥职高生道德教育的整合力。

17、After working for a few months as a clerk at CBS, a big broadcaster, he was drafted to serve in Vietnam by dint of that Green Card. ─── 在CBS(一个有名的广播公司)当了几个月小职员之后,他被调到越南,由于绿卡的关系。

18、By dint of the CT and computer assistant technology,based on IVR system,this paper discusses telephone tax declaration system in the frame of E-government. ─── 借助CT技术和计算机辅助技术,在电子政务框架下,基于IVR系统对税务电话报税系统进行了初步探讨。

19、The enlargement supports the poor districts work dint a step for, establishing effectively helping learning engineering, quickly village education reform. ─── 加大扶贫工作力度,建立有效的助学工程,加快农村教育改革的步伐。

20、Single stake upright pile direction loading dint ─── 单桩竖向承载力

21、South Africa and Paraguay finished tied on points for the qualifying second place and were also level on goal difference. But Paraguay went through by dint of scoring six goals to South Africa's five. ─── 南非队和巴拉圭队在得分和净剩球上都是相同的,但是由于南非队仅有5个进球,比巴拉圭少了一球,因而未能进入第二轮比赛。

22、What is needed are smaller rectifiers which would, by very dint of their size, rectify current of an appropriate frequency. ─── 因此需要制造小的整流器,而就是利用整流器的尺寸正好用于相应频率电流的整流。

23、Only by dint of masterful manoeuvres have they been able to defeat the infuriated enemy. ─── 依靠了高超的谋略他们才战胜了恼羞成怒的敌人。

24、The issue of human resources management in ZTHD is at large in minitype corporation in China, by dint of this paper, supply how to manage HR in minitypecorporation of China. ─── ZTHD公司人力资源管理中存在的问题在我国小型企业中具有普遍性,本文中对ZTHD公司人力资源管理的研究对我国小型企业人力资源管理具有一定的借鉴价值。

25、Nevertheless, by dint of gazing intently he thought he perceived on the ground something which appeared to be covered with a winding-sheet, and which resembled a human form. ─── 可是,仔细望去,他仿佛看见地面石板上横着一件东西,好象是个人的身体,上面盖着一条裹尸布。

26、The sun has no my a warmth for imagining, dusky and like of setting sun, just has no that kind of infection dint of the setting sun! ─── 太阳并没有我所想像的温暖,昏黄的像夕阳,只是没有夕阳的那种感染力!

27、The neuter gender return to dint gum ─── 中性回力胶

28、City landscape and space appearance is thing that people who subjective will turn performance, coagulate the human intelligence, emotion and think the elephant dint with pursue ideally. ─── 城市景观与空间形态是人们的主观意愿的物化表现,凝聚着人类的智慧、情感、想象力和理想的追求。

29、By dint of excavating graves for other people, one hollows out one's own. ─── 人在不断替别人挖掘坟坑时,也逐渐掘开了自己的坟坑。

30、Nether get-away drama《 mini pull the dint match》 the same can let the everyone feel juice does the original flavor pull the dint fun, also don't join at once? ─── 下面的小游戏《迷你拉力赛》同样能让各位感受到原汁原味的拉力乐趣,还不赶快加入?

31、He walked by dint of crutch,beacuse one of his leg was lamed. ─── 他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。

32、He succeeded by dint of hard work. ─── 他靠艰苦的努力获得了成功。

33、Do to have an advertisement of sell the dint most , capture the high level market is BNSE and your common goal. ─── 做最具销售力的广告,占领高端市场是本色与您共同的目标。

34、globe on fire, the earth in blood and forgotten my peaceful evening by dint of itching, fighting, hunting, scanning the ceiling and the starry sky! ─── 火焰中的地球,鲜血中的大地,借着渴望、战斗、狩猎、扫视天花板和满天繁星的天空,忘记了我宁静的夜晚!

35、She had long shared the universal veneration for Father Madeleine,yet, by dint of repeating to herself that it was he who had discharged her, that he was the cause of her unhappiness, she came to hate him also, and most of all. ─── 她素来是和旁人一样,尊敬马德兰伯伯的,但是,屡次想到撵她走的是他,使她受尽痛苦的也是他,她便连他也恨起来了,并且特别恨他。

36、By dint of superb writing technique, the aosiding is vivid the alacrity that three next in importance detailses also write. ─── 凭着高超的写作技巧,奥斯汀把三个次要情节也写的活泼生动。

37、Hear the dint comprehension is a complicated and aggressive, the thinking process of the multilayers. ─── 听力理解是一个复杂的、积极的、多层次的思维过程。

38、Others had survived only by dint of huge bloodletting: IBM sacked 122,000 people, a quarter of its workforce, between 1990 and 1995. ─── 其他公司仅靠拼杀幸存了下来:IBM在1990-1995年间解雇了公司员工的四分之一,达12.2万人。

39、By dint of toil, perseverance, courage, and will, he had managed to draw from his work about seven hundred francs a year. ─── 由于勤劳,振作,有恒心和志气,每年他终于能从工作中获得大概七百法郎。

40、He passed the exam by dint of hard work. ─── 他凭苦干通过了考试。

41、The good domain can increase your business enterprise to coagulate the dint and to customer of affinity! ─── 好域名能增加您企业凝聚力和对客户的亲和力!

42、As long as the kid has already heard dint, ignoring him have much small, can take pain the thing that the ground enjoys it to inform from music nowise. ─── 只要孩子有听力,不管他有多小,都能毫不费力地从音乐之中享受到它所传达出来的东西。

43、The poison of gloom, invoke can make person of the concentrated dint decline of the sorcery of blue poisonous gas. ─── 幽暗之毒,召唤可使人的集中力衰退的蓝色毒气的魔法。

44、Although he never recovered the full health of his prime, he did by dint of his powerful will nurse himself back to vitality. ─── 他虽然他失去了往日的健康,却凭着坚强的意志恢复了活力;

45、But after becoming bat can't carry on an attack and absorb blood, defendoofing the dint would also the nasty play descend, so incautious words would more easy the dead drop. ─── 但是变成蝙蝠之后不能进行攻击和吸血,防御力也会急剧下降,因此不小心的话会更容易死掉。

46、Behave dependably, take pleasure in help others, with artificial kind, pay attention to team spirit, is a leadership of get dint assistant, the colleague's understanding colleague. ─── 为人踏实,乐于助人,与人为善,注重团队精神,是领导的得力助手,同事的知心伙伴。

47、By dint of tearing the evil from the motives of her little temporary spleen against her sister, she compelled herself to be ashamed of them. ─── 她对她的妹妹是有一点不快,动机既经揭穿,她不免感到害羞。

48、He reached the top by dint of great effort. ─── 他费了很大的劲终於爬到了顶。

49、Missiles that are simple kinetic penetrators ram through earth by dint of their extreme impact momentum. ─── 单纯动力钻地飞弹纯粹利用强大的冲击动量冲入地下。

50、She sets strict demands on herslf.By dint of a commendable studious and indomitable spirit, she is always among the best. ─── 她严格要求自己,凭着一股可贵的钻劲和韧劲,她的学习成绩一直名列前茅。

51、By dint of fleeing and blushing,you will become brutalized. ─── 你老这样开溜,老这样脸嫩,你会变成个憨子。”

52、The roc spreaded its wings and flyed by dint of wind,rose like a cyclone up to 90,000 miles. ─── “鲲鹏展开它的翅膀借助风力起飞,像旋风一样上升直到九万里的高度。”

53、At last he arrived, by dint of feeling his way inch by inch, at a clearing where there was a great heap of whitish stones. ─── 继又摸一段,走一段,最后,他走到了一处树木稀疏、有一大堆灰白大石头的地方。

54、Developping the team coagulates the dint. ─── 发挥团队的凝聚力。

55、From the design, construction, the quiet dint examines three aspects,summarise the application of wide aircore plank beam of the superhighway. ─── 从宽幅式空心板梁的设计、施工、静力检测三方面,概述宽幅式空心板梁在高速公路的应用。

56、Strong dint's absorbing deeply is:Permeate dint strong, be easy to absorption. ─── 强力透吸即为:渗透力强,易于吸收。

57、Mireof strong dint Ceramic tile gum. ─── 强力瓷砖胶。

58、the strength dint characteristics ─── 劲力特征

59、By dint of perfect technique, excellent quality, reasonable price, top-grade service, made us win the favor of the spacious customer. ─── 凭着精湛的技术、精良的品质、合理的价格、一流的服务,使我公司赢得了广大客户的青睐。

60、I have no dint to do any further what, have no dint to save any further what, I be still formerly of I, you be still formerly of you? ─── 我再也无力做什么了,再也无力挽回什么了,我还是从前的我,你还是从前的你吗?

61、The extraordinary results effected by dint of sheer industry and perseverance, have led many distinguished men to doubt whether the gift of genius be so exceptional an endowment as it is usually supposed to be. ─── 完全凭借勤奋与毅力所产生的非凡成果,已经引起许多名人怀疑天赋是否真像通常认为的那样,是种极为异常的才能。

62、Pleased dint of success at very big of degree top receive benefit in it success of advertisement publicity with elegant of packing. ─── 喜力的成功在很大的程度上得益于它成功的广告宣传和精美的包装。

63、IF I DINT ADD YOU,PLEASE DUN SAY "TANX 4 ADDING"!!! ─── 如果我没加你,请别和我说“谢谢你加我”!!!

64、"What come out to also want to charge?"The pig thou dint glower Jing. ─── “什么出来也要收费?”猪古力瞪着眼睛。

65、The enterprises as a legal person may henceforth have its official seal made, open a bank account, sign contracts and conduct business operations by dint of its Business License. ─── 企业法人凭据《企业法人营业执照》可以刻制公章、开立银行帐户、签订合同,进行经营活动。

66、Its content direction should have the market to wear only deeply dint, the communication dint and expansion dint, its idea style should be internationalization, the mainland and quality turn of. ─── 其内涵指向应独具市场穿透力、沟通力与推广力,其表象风格应是国际化、本土性及品质化的。

67、1.to rely on; to depend on; 2.by dint of ─── 凭仗

68、Delivering a mighty sense of vision pounds at the dint, attraction, culture affinity with think the elephant dint. ─── 传递出强大的视觉冲击力、吸引力、文化亲和力和想象力。

69、Appropriation in measure the electric wire with carry the son to press to connect after, both pull the instrument of the dint strength. ─── 专用于测量电线与端子压接后,两者拉力强度的仪器。

70、Strategy of pleased dint at Asia concentration the Pacific Asia in Singapore make wine factory(APR) up, there is 42.5% share. ─── 喜力在亚洲的战略集中在新加坡的亚太酿酒厂(APR)上,有42.5%的股份。

71、By dint of sheer hard work, she managed to pass all her exams. ─── 她完全靠刻苦努力通过了所有的考试。

72、Their desire develops a sorcery that the stronger effect has more to kill to harm dint. ─── 他们欲发展出更强效更具杀伤力的魔法。

73、Thus, the urgent affairs is to further make requirements clear, set objective, organize and stabilize the team for tackling key problems and lucubrate the law of soil erosion of the Loess Plateau by dint of scientific means. ─── 因此,当务之急应进一步明晰需求,设定目标,组建并稳定攻关团队,借助科学研发手段,对黄土高原土壤侵蚀规律进行深入研究。

74、The brain works not by dint of its bulk properties but because neurons are wired up in amazingly specific and idiosyncratic patterns. ─── 脑的运作靠的不是它的大小,而是神经元极其专一与特殊的连线模式。

75、I oso duno..if dat coach ppl dint like again den will same problem like lst year again.. ─── 回复:请大家来预测今年十六岁以下州手名单吧!

76、But the defense dint compare original shape appearance want to be a little bit lower, so use in the combat is change body sorcery not too and worthwhilely. ─── 但是防御力相比原形状态时要低一点,所以使用在战斗中是不太合算的变身魔法。

77、Lv Liangbiao, the vicegerent lawyer of Wahaha and a senior partner of Dacheng Law Office, advised both two sides put aside some controversies by dint of this chance so as to return to the negotiation. ─── 娃哈哈方面的代理律师之一,大成律师事务所高级合伙人吕良彪建议借此机会双方应该搁置一些前期争议,才有重回谈判桌的基础。

78、Because have no the dint! Because vexed disorderly! Because that also can't tear apart forever, pull the clear anticipation! ─── 因为无力!因为烦乱!因为那永远也无法扯开,扯清楚的期待!

79、By dint of effort she contrived to get a glimpse of the light of truth here and there, and hoped that scant ray might suffice to guide her. ─── 她设法靠自己的努力来多少了解一点事实真相,希望所了解的那一点端倪足以指引她前进。

80、He succeeds by dint of sheer hard work. ─── 他通过努力工作取得了成功。

81、So by a dint of smite I gait ere I run and melt together with dusk. ─── 于是一记重击使我脚步迟缓,在我奔跑并融于昏暗之前。(这句估摸不准)

82、Make use of magnetic force to produce the property of the function dint towards responding material,, we want to carry on the 磁 compression fusion to respond an experiment. ─── 利用磁力对反应物质,产生作用力的性质,我们要进行磁压缩聚变反应实验。

83、She is a punk woman, the soul that dint is hundred percent of an explosion, a wild and unruly girl. ─── 她是一个朋克女子、一个爆发力十足的灵魂,一个狂野不羁的女孩。

84、He succeeded by dint of hard work ─── 他通过辛勤努力才获得成功。

85、Succeeded by dint of hard work. ─── 依靠艰苦努力取得成功

86、The racer(boxing athlete) wants the stroke that the dint diagram averts from the other party at the same time. ─── 与此同时比赛者(拳击运动员)要力图避开对方的打击。

87、Knock down speed quick, the efficacy of medicine hold out for long time, to bigThe age insect has strong dint to kill to put out a function. ─── 击倒速度快,药效持久,对玉米、大豆、棉花、蔬菜等多种作物的害虫有强力杀灭作用。

88、Promote the skin's holdout dint and restores the dye's ability at the same time, Not and easily become the scar formation, instauration health the skin. ─── 同时增进皮肤的抵抗力及还原色素的能力,不易形成疤痕,恢复健康肌肤。

89、In arithmetic, an error, which, in its own individuality, may be inappreciable, produces at length, by dint of multiplication at all points of the process, a result enormously at variance with truth. ─── 在算术中,一个错误,单就本身来说,可能算不了什么,但是把一道算题各部分的数字乘起来,最后就会算出一个跟实际数字天差地远的答数。

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