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09-09 投稿


superabundance 发音


英:  美:

superabundance 中文意思翻译



superabundance 网络释义

n. 过多;极多;多余

superabundance 短语词组

1、superabundance crossword ─── 多余的纵横字谜

2、superabundance synonym ─── 过剩同义词

3、superabundance def ─── 过剩def

4、superabundance definition ─── 过剩定义

5、superabundance meaning ─── 过剩意义

6、superabundance means ─── 过剩是指

superabundance 词性/词形变化,superabundance变形

动词过去分词: superabounded |动词第三人称单数: superabounds |动词过去式: superabounded |动词现在分词: superabounding |

superabundance 相似词语短语

1、overabundant ─── adj.太充足的;过多的

2、superabundantly ─── 有余

3、abundance ─── n.充裕,丰富

4、superintendence ─── n.监督,指挥;管理

5、overabundance ─── n.过多;过于丰富

6、superabounding ─── v.过剩,过多,极多

7、superabundant ─── adj.过多的;大量的

8、superabound ─── v.过剩,过多,极多

9、supermundane ─── 超越尘世的,超凡的

superabundance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、superabundance of money supply is an important reason in price increase. ─── 看出,货币供给过多是近期物价快速上涨的一个重要原因。

2、It should not go unnoticed that a superabundance of community respect and social capital are being accumulated by precisely those who share. ─── 我们更不应忽略,乐于分享的人们获得了来自各种社群的敬意,社会资本因此得以不断地累积。

3、Sorry,without reason,It is superabundance if I explain now. ─── 天使是在每一个纯洁人的心中的,......你我共同创造一个天使的天堂!

4、Even up scarcity and superabundance ─── 截长补短

5、The Harm to The Aquiculture and the Way of Disposal of the Mud Superabundance in the Pond ─── 池塘淤泥过多对养鱼的危害及化解办法

6、It is true that in natural repropagation of a cleared area, a superabundance of seedlings is often produced, and later thinned by competitive survival of the stronger individuals. ─── 森林的空旷地上,树木的自然繁衍通常会生产无数的幼苗,而后由于较强个体的优势竞争而逐渐变疏,这是事实。

7、a superabundance of energy ─── 精力过剩

8、Science could yet provide the tools to restore some of our superabundance . ─── 科学可以提供工具来恢复一些我们的富余。

9、They shall wear elegant and ornamented robes, carry a sharp sword at their girdle, pamper themselves in eating and drinking, and have a superabundance of property and wealth; ─── 而他们自己却穿锦服,配利剑,朱门酒肉臭的挥霍,并不断的搜刮民脂民膏。

10、I might be endless against them, but I am almost choked with the superabundance of the matter. ─── 我也许会不断地反对他们,但我几乎被过于丰富的物质哽住了;

11、Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength. ─── 守则不足,攻则有余。

12、Huck was always willing to take a hand in any enterprise that offered entertainment and required no capital, for he had a troublesome superabundance of that sort of time which is not money. ─── 凡是好玩的,又无须花本钱的冒险活动,哈克总是乐而不疲的。他有足够的时间,而时间又不是金钱,他正愁着没处花呢。

13、But is it not clear that superabundance for some is only possible at the cost of the needs of others? ─── 但是,增有余势必是损不足所造成的,这难道还不清楚吗?

14、Reinforcing metal to soothe wood: This is a method for purifying and descending lung-qi to suppress liver-wood, clinically used to treat relative superabundance of liver-fire. ─── 佐金平木法:是清肃肺气以抑制肝木的一种治疗方法,临床上多用于肝火偏盛而影响肺气清肃之证。

15、But absorbing superabundance copper can lead to copper toxicity, inducing arrhythmia, even renal failure, uraemia, and shock. ─── 但铜吸收过多可发生铜中毒,如心律失常,严重时会出现肾功能衰竭、尿毒症、休克等。

16、1320. Our committee doesn't need any more help. We have superabundance of helpers. ─── 我们委员会不需要任何其他帮助。给我们帮忙的人太多了。

17、Bythis system, a person's money was transferred to other's pocket and inthis transferring the superabundance and insufficiency phenomenonemerged. ─── 透过这个系统,社会上大众的钱自甲的口袋转移到乙的口袋,而在金钱移动的过程中,有馀及不足的局面也就如是造成了。

18、Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength;attacking, a superabundance of strength. ─── 使自己不被战胜,其主动权掌握在自己手中;

19、But is it not clear that superabundance for some is only possible at the cost of the needs of others? ─── 但是,增有余势必是损不足所造成的,这难道还不清楚吗?

20、The superabundance of money supply is an important reason in price increase. ─── 可以看出,货币供给过多是近期物价快速上涨的一个重要原因。

21、You are a fountain always filled with superabundance! ─── 祢是泉水,常常充满洋溢;

22、But absorbing superabundance copper can lead to copper toxicity, inducing arrhythmia, even renal failure, uraemia, and shock. ─── 但铜吸收过多可发生铜中毒,如心律失常,严重时会出现肾功能衰竭、尿毒症、休克等。

23、superabundance of capital ─── 资本过剩

24、Adopting circulation cooling structure,it feeds back body temperature by heat sensor,and takes superabundance heat away in cooling mediums at any moment,so it reduces body temperature automatically. ─── 该降温装置采用循环冷却结构,通过热敏传感器反馈人体温度,并利用冷媒介质不断将多余热量带走,起到了自动人体降温作用。

25、Science could yet provide the tools to restore some of our superabundance. ─── 科学可以提供工具来恢复一些我们的富余。

26、I was insatiable, and simply gorged myself on the superabundance of books there. ─── 我如饥似渴,贪得无厌地饱读这里的大量藏书。

27、If he is the most perfect one, must not what is less perfect precede him, so that he can choose himself out of fullness and superabundance? ─── 如果他是最完全的,那么较为微小的事物在他以前就不应该存在吗,以便他从丰满与过剩中能够有所选择?

28、Enantiodromia is a principle introduced by psychiatrist Carl Jung that the superabundance of any force inevitably produces its opposite. ─── 是精神分析师卡尔、荣格介绍的一个原则:任何力量的过分充溢,无可避免会产生它的相反。

29、The median filtering technology is used.In the pretreatment of the image, it is used to strain the superabundance trait element and intensify the information of the traits; ─── 使用中值滤波技术,在图像预处理中用于滤除多余特征元素,锐化特征信息;

30、The breakthrough in the detection always chooses the special parts,change parts,detail,shadiness, feint,deregulation and superabundance of the criminal cases. ─── 侦查突破口往往选择刑事案件的特定之处、变化之处、细节之处、可疑之处、假象之处、反常之处和多余之处。

31、That superabundance of cheap money didn't come from Americans, since we haven't been saving for years. ─── 这些大量富余的低息借款并不来自美国,美国人已经多年没有存款的习惯了。

32、Eliminates superabundance water, toxin and fat of the eye contour, defends fat coemption again. ─── 有效除去眼组织间多余水份、毒素;

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