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09-09 投稿



expostulate 发音

英:[?k'sp?stj?le?t; ek-]  美:[?k'spɑst?ulet]

英:  美:

expostulate 中文意思翻译



expostulate 网络释义

vi. 劝诫,告诫;忠告

expostulate 词性/词形变化,expostulate变形

动词过去式: expostulated |名词: expostulation |动词过去分词: expostulated |形容词: expostulatory |动词第三人称单数: expostulates |动词现在分词: expostulating |

expostulate 短语词组

1、expostulate definition ─── 劝诫定义

2、expostulate in a sentence ─── 劝诫

expostulate 相似词语短语

1、expostulation ─── n.劝告

2、expostulative ─── 暴露的

3、expostulatory ─── adj.训诫的;忠告的

4、expostulating ─── vi.劝诫,告诫;忠告

5、expostulated ─── vi.劝诫,告诫;忠告

6、expostulator ─── n.劝告者;忠告者

7、to expostulate ─── 劝诫

8、expostulates ─── vi.劝诫,告诫;忠告

9、postulate ─── vt.假定;要求;视…为理所当然;n.基本条件;假定

expostulate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sons feel unreasonable, persuade expostulate with simultaneously. ─── 儿子们觉得不像话,一齐劝谏。

2、Contemporary brain truster, already was head and shoulders above a tradition " aides and staff " , " expostulate with guest " , " adviser " meaning. ─── 现代智囊,已远远超出传统的“幕僚”、“谏客”、“谋士”的意义。

3、The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown. ─── 神父趁机规劝他说,象他刚才那样软弱太不够男子气了。

4、to admonish; to advise; to expostulate ─── 规劝

5、Workers went to the office to expostulate with the boss about their pay ─── 工人们到办公室就工资问题与老板进行争辩。

6、The father expostulate with his son about the foolishness of leaving school. ─── 父亲就他孩子辍学的愚蠢行为对他进行规劝。

7、He wanted to plunge in and expostulate with her. ─── 他想要单刀直入,劝告她。

8、Murdstone came up to where she was, and seemed to expostulate with her for being so moved. ─── 我并不比过去喜欢他半点,而且仍然因对他怀着同样的妒意而不安。

9、I thought she was going to expostulate. ─── 我一度认为她要争辩。

10、They expostulate with him about the risk involve in his plan. ─── 他们指出他的计划有风险,劝他放弃。

11、did not expostulate. ─── 不,苔丝。

12、expostulate with him on the impropriety ─── 就他的不当行为进行劝戒

13、to admonish; to dissuade; to expostulate ─── 劝戒

14、She expostulate with her husband about his habit of smoking in bed. ─── 她抗议她丈夫经常在床上抽烟。

15、The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown. ─── 神父趁机规劝他说,象他刚才那样软弱太不够男子气了。

16、The tears would run plentifully down my face when I made these reflections, and sometimes I would expostulate with my self, why providence should thus completely ruin its creatures, ─── 想到这些,我眼泪不禁夺眶而出。有时我不禁犯疑,苍天为什么要这样作践自己所创造的生灵

17、expostulate with sb. about sth. ─── 为了某事劝戒某人

18、One of the parents came to the school to expostulate with the teacher about His child's examination results. ─── 有一个家长到学校来和老师争辩孩子的考试成绩。

19、impression still has divine and develop, the arms expostulate with below the pagoda Heli foot of a hill that Yan'an towers then wells balanced silent stands firm. ─── 印象中陕西还有神圣和开拓,延安那高耸的宝塔和骊山脚下的兵谏亭默然挺立。

20、He wanted to plunge in and expostulate with her ─── 他想要单刀直入,劝告她。

21、If you want to make some progress in the negotiate,I expostulate you stay calm. ─── 假使你想在谈判中取得一些进展,我劝你还是保持冷静为好。

22、One of his students expostulate with him about his examination result. ─── 他的一个学生与他争辩考试结果。

23、She expostulate with heR husband about his habit of smoking in bed. ─── 她抗议她丈夫经常在床上抽烟。

24、Othello. Get me some poison, Iago; this night: I'll not expostulate with her, lest her body and beauty unprovide my mind again: this night, Iago. ─── 奥瑟罗给我弄些毒药来,伊阿古;今天晚上。我不想跟她多费唇舌,免得她的肉体和美貌再打动了我的心。今天晚上,伊阿古。

25、英文翻译: The letter to expostulate his son The morals and behavior of the virtuous character. its depends on Quietly Strive and Thrifty. ─── 译文: 君子的品德言行,以安静努力提高自己的修养,以节俭努力培养自己的品德。

26、Didn't I ever expostulate with you on the subject? ─── 我不曾就这问题忠告过你吗?

27、Tess did not expostulate. ─── 不,苔丝。

28、In the earlier ancient times of China, the consanguineous bond was very important in the political structure.When the ministers wanted to expostulate to the ruler, they always admonished frankly. ─── 摘要在上古时,国家政治结构中血缘的纽带比较重要,劝谏主要是以“直谏”的形式出现的。

29、Didn't you ever expostulate with her on the subject? ─── 你不曾就这个问题忠告过她吗?

30、The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown ─── 神父趁机会规幼他说,像他刚才那样软弱太不够男子气了。

31、One of the parents came to the school to expostulate with the teacher about his son's examination result. ─── 有一个家长来学校和老师争辩他的儿子的考试成绩问题。

32、Workers went to the office to expostulate with the boss about their pay ─── 工人们到办公室就工资问题与老板进行争辩。

33、The most sutiable person to expostulate with you is yourself . ─── 告诫自己的最好人选就是你自己。

34、One of the parents came to the school to expostulate about his son's examination results with the teacher. ─── 有一个家长到学校来为他儿子的考试成绩和老师争辩。

35、" " Liu Bang is be called by Caesar in feudal times ' be generous and open-minded, from if expostulate with flows ' heroic character. ─── “刘邦是在封建时代被历史家称为‘豁达大度,从谏如流’的英雄人物。

36、How to undertake dietotherapy: Subtle expostulate with says to have enough > Nai serve? asks an expert to help! ─── 如何进行食疗:关于生殖器小的问题请专家帮忙!

37、One of his students expostulate with HIM about his examination result. ─── 他的一个学生与他争辩考试结果。

38、One of the parents came to the school to expostulate with the teacher about his child's examination results. ─── 有一个家长到学校来和老师争辩孩子的考试成绩。

39、of expostulate with black and producing a kind of risk " black economy " . ─── 经济学家杨帆指出:中国不仅有了黑社会,而且正在产生一种危险的“黑色经济”。

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