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09-09 投稿



elfish 发音

英:['elf??]  美:['?lf??]

英:  美:

elfish 中文意思翻译



elfish 网络释义

adj. 如小精灵的;好恶作剧的;小妖精的;顽皮的

elfish 词性/词形变化,elfish变形

名词: elfishness |副词: elfishly |异体字: elvish |

elfish 相似词语短语

1、redfish ─── n.鲑,雄鲑

2、deafish ─── adj.聋的(deaf的变形)

3、gemfish ─── n.梭伦魣

4、oilfish ─── n.多脂鱼

5、elfishly ─── 精灵般地

6、jewfish ─── n.大海鲈;大石斑鱼;暖海的大鱼

7、dealfish ─── n.板鱼(大西洋海域的一种鱼)

8、selfish ─── adj.自私的;利己主义的

9、cellfish ─── 在不合时宜的时间或地点打电话

elfish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Deputy Superintendent: I heard that he is but a mudane elfish monkey. ─── 监副:听说他不过是下界的一个妖猴!

2、And I found it very disrespectful to me, my mommy, and the entire elfish race. I cannot believe the nerve on some of these kids these days. ─── 我认为这是对我、我妈妈、和所有的小精灵的不尊重。这几天,我不能理解这些孩子是怎么想的。

3、And I found it very disrespectful to me, my mommy, and the entire elfish race. I cannot believe the nerve on some of these kids these days. ─── 我认为这是对我、我妈妈、和所有的小精灵的不尊重.这几天,我不能理解这些孩子是怎么想的。

4、In the hands of a normal sized human it would simply be an elaborate elfish dagger. ─── 这把剑不仅仅适用于霍比特人,同样也适用于佛罗多。

5、Or, if not, thou strange and elfish child, whence didst thou come? ─── 要不是这样,你这个怪里怪气的小妖精似的孩子是从哪儿来的?”

6、With all these sterling attributes, thought Hester, the evil which she inherited from her mother must be great indeed, if a noble woman do not grow out of this elfish child. ─── 海丝特自忖,这个小精灵似的孩子已经具备了这些纯正的秉赋,如若再不能成长为一个高贵的妇人,那就是她从母亲身上继承到的邪恶实在太大了。

7、"Or is she an elfish spirit, who, as the legends of our childhood taught us, is forbidden to cross a running stream? Pray hasten her; for this delay has already imparted a tremor to my nerves." ─── 要不,说不定她是个小精灵,象我们儿时的童话所教的,她是不准渡过流淌的溪流的吧?请你赶快催催她;这么耽搁着,已经把我的神经弄得颤抖起来了。"

8、We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your u elfish dedication could we achieve no succe today. ─── 这是我们买给您的礼物,谢谢您,老师。没有您无私的奉献,就不会有我们今天的成功。

9、Welcome to ocean wave, States ELfish can introduce yourself here. ─── 欢迎来到海浪,各国的海妖们可以在这里介绍自己。

10、mischievous; naughty; elfish; impish; kittenish ─── 顽皮

11、The facial tattoo and the shape of the ears are very night elfish, but the white skin and blonde hair are very high elfish. ─── 面部的纹身和又长又尖的耳朵使高等精灵看起来很像暗夜精灵,但是白色的皮肤和金色的头发则是高等精灵的特征。

12、Welcome to oceanwave, States ELfish can introduce yourself here. ─── 欢迎来到海浪,各国的海妖们可以在这里介绍自己。

13、she an elfish spirit, who, as the legends of our childhood taught us, is forbidden to cross a running stream? ─── 她是个小精灵,象我们儿时的童话所教的,她是不准渡过流淌的溪流的吧?

14、Or, if not, thou strange and elfish child, whence didst thou come?" ─── 要不是这样,你这个怪里怪气的小妖精似的孩子是从哪儿来的?”

15、The facial tattoo and the shape of the ears are very night elfish , but the white skin and blonde hair are very high elfish . ─── 面部的纹身和又长又尖的耳朵使高等精灵看起来很像暗夜精灵,但是白色的皮肤和金色的头发则是高等精灵的特征。

16、"He sent us all into this world. He sent even me, thy mother. Then, much more, thee! Or, if not, thou strange and elfish child, whence didst thou come?" ─── "我们所有的人都是他送到这世上来的。连我--你妈妈,都是他送来的。就更不用说你了!要不是这样,你这个怪里怪气的小妖精似的孩子是从哪儿来的?"

17、I found it very disrespectful to me, my mommy, and the entire elfish race. ─── 我认为这是对我、我妈妈、和所有的小精灵的不尊重。

18、Elfish:Of or relating to elves. ─── 小精灵的:小精灵的或与小精灵有关的.

19、As they beat the bushes with their swords, and thrust behind trees there came suddenly a screech of laughter from behind, an elfish noise that set them shuddering.“Ha, ha, ha!Ha, ha, ha ha, ha!” ─── 当他们用剑挥打着灌林冲到树林后时,突然从后面传来一声尖叫声,似一种鬼叫声,吓得他们发抖。

20、The players -- four or five is considered optimal -- take on the roles of dwarfish warriors, elfish enchanters, human rogues, or whatever else suits their fancy. ─── 酒喝多了,点燃一支烟,细细品味,似乎乐处多多。但你可能有所不知,烟酒一起享用比单独喝酒或吸烟的毒害更大。

21、Or is she an elfish spirit, who, as the legends of our childhood taught us, is forbidden to cross a running stream? ─── 要不,说不定她是个小精灵,像我们儿时的童话所教的,她是不准渡过流淌的溪流的吧?

22、Becausehe' elfish. ─── (他太自私了。)

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