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09-09 投稿



felicitous 发音

英:[f??l?s?t?s]  美:[f??l?s?t?s]

英:  美:

felicitous 中文意思翻译



felicitous 短语词组

1、felicitous wish of making money ─── 赚钱的美好愿望

felicitous 同义词

relevant | fortunate | germane | lucky | appropriate | timely | well-chosen | agreeable |fitting | apposite | apt | propitious | suitable | fortuitous | joyous | pertinent | happy | blessed

felicitous 词性/词形变化,felicitous变形

副词: felicitously |名词: felicitousness |

felicitous 反义词


felicitous 相似词语短语

1、declivitous ─── adj.相当陡的;向下倾斜的

2、felicitousness ─── n.恰当

3、felicitously ─── adv.恰当地;适切地

4、felicitates ─── v.庆贺;庆祝;为……庆幸

5、delicious ─── adj.美味的;可口的

6、duplicitous ─── adj.奸诈的;双重的;搞两面派的

7、solicitous ─── adj.热切期望的;热心的;挂念的

8、felicities ─── n.幸福;幸事;造福之物(felicity的复数)

9、infelicitous ─── adj.不幸的;不适当的;不吉利的

felicitous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The artist and the self-critic . . . are, with a few felicitous exceptions, forever at odds ─── 艺术家和自我批评.,除了一些幸运的例外,永远争执不下

2、His much-praised "Harvard Commemoration Ode" is too graceful, too felicitous through too many lines ─── 他那首大受赞扬的《哈佛纪念堂会上朗诵的颂歌》,过分典雅,措词过于巧妙,也写得太长了些。

3、When a person's heart is moved by goodness, although the goodness has not yet been achieved, nevertheless felicitous spirits are already following him. ─── 夫心起于善,善虽未为,而吉神已随之;

4、She played him — sometimes delicately, sometimes with a less felicitous touch. ─── 她吊着他——有时温柔地,有时手法就不那么巧妙。

5、A felicitous writer. ─── 一位善于措词的作家

6、Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition. ─── 她的散文文风并非一直恰到好处,她会赘叙。

7、Finally, he designs questionnaire, collecting useful data.And then abstracts some felicitous non-financial indices by utilizing SPSS and statistical analysis. ─── 并借用问卷调查及SPSS软件包,以统计分析的方法提炼出适用的非财务指标。

8、a felicitous comment.See also Synonyms atadapt ─── 恰当的评论参见同义词

9、Over seventy-five per cent of the population are agriculturists and Mr Higginbotham told us last night in his own felicitous language that they are the men who grow two blades of grass in the place of one. ─── 我们有75%以上的百姓务农,希金博特姆先生昨晚也生动地形容他们是在能长一根草的地方种两根草的人。

10、Edit your writing to make the sentences lucid, the connections between thoughts felicitous, and the paragraphs useful as indicators of the stages in your argument. ─── 编辑你的文章,使句子清楚易懂、想法间的连结适切、段落能够指出你各阶段的论点。

11、Secondly, Manheim's felicitous translation of Heidegger at times obscures, by its very fluidity, important philosophical issues; ─── 其次,由于曼海姆在一些海德格尔重要哲学术语翻译上的随意性,其措辞考究的译文时而会变得晦涩难解;

12、a felicitous life; a happy outcome. ─── 幸福的生活;令人愉快的结果。

13、Several are better written that O'Neill's work, in that the dialogue is neater and more felicitous ─── 有几部写得比奥尼尔的作品好,因为对话写得比较干净利落。

14、adj.happy; felicitous; lucky; blessed ─── 中文解释是,幸福的。

15、Of particular importance in that effort is a felicitous integration of university and other research organizational resources with those of the private sector. ─── 尤其是大学等研究机构与民间业者适当的结合是很重要的环节。

16、The New Proof of Two Big Classes of Trees is Felicitous Tree ─── 两大类树是幸福树的新证法

17、Baleful is the cry of a dying bird; felicitous are the words of a dying person. ─── 鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将死,其言也善。

18、Thankfully, Messrs Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg have a more felicitous phrase: "trade in tasks". ─── 不过还好,格罗斯曼与罗西-汉斯伯格用了个更恰当的词来描述,他们称之为“任务贸易”。

19、8. Thankfully, Messrs Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg have a more felicitous phrase: “trade in tasks”. ─── 不过还好,格罗斯曼与罗西-汉斯伯格用了个更恰当的词来描述,他们称之为“任务贸易”。收藏指正

20、He looked clever and ill-a combination by no means felicitous ─── 他相貌聪明而不健康--两者决不是幸福的征兆。

21、Constructive Proof of A Class of Felicitous Trees ─── 一类幸福树的构造性证明

22、Whereas, I am never regret, only regret because both of us will lead a better and a felicitous life without the other one. ─── 但是,我不后悔,只是有点遗憾,因为我们俩在离开彼此后都会生活得更好,更幸福。

23、yet i read his stuff , and it seems to me the perfection of the felicitous expression of the inane. ─── 可是我读了他的东西,却认为那似乎是心灵空虚者的淋漓尽致的。准确不过的自白。

24、felicitous distribution of credentials to users has realized the consistency of data sharing; ─── 合理地分配信用保证了数据共享的一致性;

25、Life is to meet your own double need of substance and spirit by a kind of most felicitous way. ─── 生活,就是用一种最恰当的方式满足自己物质与精神的双重需求。

26、The intensity is determined by a felicitous arrangement of the atomic energy levels ─── 这一强度取决于原子能级的适当排列。

27、His much-praised "Harvard Commemoration Ode" is too graceful, too felicitous through too many lines. ─── 他那首大受赞扬的《哈佛纪念堂会上朗诵的颂歌》,过分典雅,措词过于巧妙,也写得太长了些。

28、Abstract: By scientific protection of "Datong's pit of tens of thousands of corpses" and felicitous art expression, the finite and special revolutionary educating tour resources are integrated. ─── 摘要: 对“万人坑”进行防腐、防渗、防塌陷等方面的科学保护,结合恰当的艺术表现,将有限而独特的资源进行整合。

29、His work is rather fluent and felicitous ─── 他的作品十分流畅,措辞巧妙。

30、Felicitous wish for longevity of a woman ─── 婺星永耀

31、Virtual assembly is a important part of numerical manufacture, and collision detection in virtual environment is the key to felicitous assembly. ─── 虚拟装配是数字化制造的重要组成部分,虚拟环境中的碰撞检测是进行正确装配的关键。

32、Another key process in region-based image retrieval system is to extract some mean feature of the image area, and to use some felicitous method matching image. ─── 基于区域的图像检索的另一个关键步骤是对分割出的大小不等的若干图像区域提取有意义的特征,选择适当的区域匹配策略进行匹配。

33、Perhaps the most felicitous of the film's many outstanding visual effects is the elimination of the recently built flying saucer-like addition to the venerable stadium. ─── 可能这部影片突出的视觉效果就在于它非常巧妙地排除了近期在一些影片增加飞着的托碟一样地增加古老大型运动场的场景。

34、The vivid scene accompanied by felicitous music, will let you feel the reality and stimulation. ─── 生动的现场,伴随着幸福音乐,会让你觉得现实和刺激。

35、She played him -- sometimes delicately, sometimes with a less felicitous touch. ─── 她吊着他 -- 有时温柔地, 有时手法就不那么巧妙。

36、When Sam was leaving, the fortuneteller reminded him that he had not yet paid for the felicitous message. ─── 当山姆要走时,算命师提醒说他还没有付钱给那个吉利的消息。

37、This felicitous reconciliation between Cartesian rationalism , a belief in God and the support for empiricism did not survive for long. ─── 这种对笛卡儿式的理性主义(包含上帝的信仰在内)和对经验主义的支持之间的巧妙和解并没有持续多长时间。

38、He opened our proceedings in a felicitous speech ─── 他首先致词,讲话非常得体。

39、Except for the felicitous pretense of deafness I had not tried to pretend anything ─── 除了巧妙地假装耳聋之外,我一点也没有弄虚作假。

40、The three were eating breakfast on the terrace, a thousand and one felicitous birds in the garden trees. ─── 三个人正在阳台上吃早餐,花园里的树上有千百只欢唱的鸟儿。

41、a felicitous turn of phrase ─── 贴切的措辞

42、It's felicitous thinking the large numbers of lanp as the star in the sky. ─── 真的,雪花隙里,看不出来天空和森林的界限,将繁灯当作繁星,简直是抵得过。

43、Yeah, let me post the potato eaters here to embarrass the felicitous pictures of the girls in vicinity. ─── 我失去一个她,是没有问题的,因为我得了他,我的生命!

44、It is one of the necessary steps for the classification of PD signals to select the felicitous feature parameters. ─── 恰当地选择特征参数是对局部放电进行分类的关键环节。

45、a felicitous choice of words ─── 得体的措辞

46、You need to handle the delicate matter in a most felicitous manner. ─── 你需要用得体的方式处理这件微妙的事。

47、When he is felicitous, he hears there's enormous roaring from the deep cliff, ─── 正在庆幸的时候,他听到断崖深处传来巨大的吼声,

48、felicitous remarks ─── 恰如其分的言语

49、A felicitous life. ─── 幸福的生活

50、Her choice of musicis felicitous. ─── 她选择的音乐很适当。

51、A felicitous comparison. ─── 恰当的对比。

52、It is constructively proved that the two classes of felicitous big lobster trees are felicitous tree. ─── 构造性地证明了两类大龙虾树是幸福树,并提出了任意龙虾树是幸福树的猜想.

53、What he said is a felicitous comparison. ─── 他的比较很恰当。

54、1 The three were eating breakfast on the terrace, a thousand and one felicitous birds in the garden trees. ─── 三个人正在阳台上吃早餐,花园里的树上有千百只欢唱的鸟儿。

55、a happy turn of phrase; a few well-chosen words; a felicitous comment. ─── 恰当的措辞;一些适当的词语;恰当的评论。

56、Nationalization is a word which is neither very felicitous nor free from ambiguity. ─── 国有化是个既不十分贴切,意义也颇含糊的用语。

57、Only through correctly appraising results, can pertinence and felicitous incentives be adopted to increase positiviry of managers and employees. ─── 只有准确的考评结果,才能有计划的针对性地采取恰当的激励措施以调动员工的主动性和积极性。

58、The artist and the self-critic . . . are, with a few felicitous exceptions, forever at odds. ─── 艺术家和自我批判(的品质)……除了少数令人欣喜的例外,总是冲突的。

59、Her choice of music is felicitous. ─── 她选择的音乐很适当.

60、By comparing different calculation methods in different standards,a felicitous way is chosen to describe the response characteristics accurately. ─── 通过对不同标准中不同测量方法的比较,确定了对其响应特性的精确描述。

61、His much-praised 'Harvard Commemoration Ode'is too graceful, too felicitous through too many lines. ─── 他那首大受赞扬的《哈佛纪念会上朗诵的颂歌》,过分典雅,措词过于巧妙,也写得太长了些。

62、This felicitous reconciliation between Cartesian rationalism, a belief in God and the support for empiricism did not survive for long. ─── 这种对笛卡儿式的理性主义(包含上帝的信仰在内)和对经验主义的支持之间的巧妙和解并没有持续多长时间。

63、People thought that my opinion how to deal with the problem was not felicitous,so we began a strenuous discuss. ─── 人们)认为我对如何处理这个问题的看法不恰当,因此,展开了一场热烈的讨论。

64、Constructive Proof of Two Classes of Felicitous Big Lobster Trees ─── 两类大龙虾幸福树的构造性证明

65、in too many schools, translation is still being imposed as an exercise in felicitous english style, where the warts of the original are ignored. ─── 很多学校都把翻译作为得体的英语模式中的一种练习,而却忽略了其初衷.

66、felicitous plant ─── 灵芝草

67、About the Conjecture of Felicitous Trees ─── 关于幸福树猜想

68、Almost before he was aware of it, his tongue had found a felicitous moment ─── 转瞬间,一个绝妙的回答脱口而出。

69、Do this in order to have a felicitous life . ─── 这样做都是为了有一个幸福的生活。

70、Her choice of music is felicitous. ─── 她选择的音乐很适当。

71、A felicitous comment. ─── 恰当的评论。

72、Expounded energy saving technique by voltage regulating and light regulating of high-strength gas discharge lamp in keep a felicitous illumination quality. ─── 阐述了在保持恰当照度的前提下,高强度气体放电灯的调压调光节电技术。

73、a felicitous comparison.See Synonyms at fit &+{1} ─── 恰当的对比参见

74、He looked clever and ill-a combination by no means felicitous . ─── 他相貌聪明而不健康--两者决不是幸福的征兆。

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