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09-09 投稿



elects 发音

英:[??lekts]  美:[??lekts]

英:  美:

elects 中文意思翻译





elects 常用词组

president elect ─── 当选总统(尚未就职的)

elects 词性/词形变化,elects变形

动词第三人称单数: elects |动词现在分词: electing |动词过去分词: elected |动词过去式: elected |

elects 短语词组

1、president-elects n. ─── 总统当选人;已当选而尚未就职的 ─── 总统

2、re-elects v. ─── 重选, ─── 重新推选( re-elect的第三人称单数 )

elects 相似词语短语

1、electee ─── n.当选人;当选者

2、electees ─── n.当选人;当选者

3、electors ─── n.选举人;选民(elector的复数)

4、elected ─── v.选举,推选;决定做……,选择做……(elect的过去式和过去分词)

5、reelects ─── vt.改选;重选

6、electros ─── n.电镀物品(electro的变形)

7、elect. ─── v.选举;选择,决定(做某事);(上帝)挑选(某人)(使其灵魂永远得救);adj.卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的;当选(而尚未就职的);n.被选的人;上帝的选民;特权集体

8、selects ─── n.选辑;被选出的人(select的复数);v.选择(select的三单形式)

9、prelects ─── vi.讲课;讲演

elects 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned,positively determining only the elect. ─── 基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民。

2、We are to elect the chairman of the board next Friday. ─── 下星期五我们要选董事长。

3、He is re elect for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster. ─── 他奇迹般地引导该国度过了一场经济灾难,因此再度当

4、As young students, they learn to elect committees and vote on issues that affect their daily lives at school. ─── 他们当学生时,就懂得选出委员会并用投票办法处理学校中有关自己日常生活的问题。

5、The function of the sacraments is to confirm saving faith among the elect. ─── 圣礼的功能是要使得救的信心在被拣选者的内心得到确认。

6、The artist must elect to fight for freedom or slavery. ─── 一个艺术家必须就为自由还是为奴役而奋斗作出决定。

7、When the National People‘s Congress meets, it elects a Presidium to conduct its session. ─── 作者:未知文章来源:网友提供点击数:更新时间:2006-12-15

8、They organized a poll to elect a president. ─── 他们组织了一次投票选举总统。

9、State Consul Chen Jun is unripe for exposition epigraph: "Elect reform big.. ─── 国务委员陈俊生为博览会题词:“举改革大...

10、A valence elect ron can move away f rom it satom, leaving it a hole. ─── 价电子能够脱离其原子给原子留下一个空穴。

11、You don't elect either of us, and yet you raise no other candidate. ─── 你不选我们中的任何一个,然而你没有提出其他人选。

12、The right to elect the chief and to depose him is nowhere mentioned. ─── 关于选举和撤换酋长的权利,任何地方都没有提到过。

13、Each division elects one member using compulsory preferential voting. ─── 每个部门采用强制偏好投票来选举一个成员。

14、Business flexibility depends on how the business elects to manage and control the services that are provided. ─── 业务灵活性取决于如何选择业务来管理和控制所提供的服务。

15、People, my peeps, I helped elect the guy, but I know pork when I smell it. ─── 人,我peeps ,我帮选举的家伙,但我知道当我猪肉味道它。

16、He have stand for office several times, but have never is elect. ─── 他已好几次竞选此职但从未被当

17、Depending upon certain conditions there may ornot may be f ree elect rons in semi- conductors. ─── 半导体是否存在着自由电子,这取决于某些条件。

18、To foreordain or elect by divinewill or decree. ─── 命中注定通过神意或神谕来预先注定或选择。

19、They meet once a year and will elect a director during that meeting. ─── 他们每年召开一次会议,在会议上选举一位董事。

20、Empowered to elect or designate. ─── 任命被授权选举或任命的

21、The hope can elect me is the best answer. ─── 希望能选我为最佳答案。

22、He be elect to the leadership of the party . ─── 他被推举为党的领导。

23、Elect universities tend to have high admission policies. ─── 优秀的大学一般有高准入政策。

24、You may elect whoever you think is suitable. ─── 大家看谁合适就选谁。

25、You can't elect to deal at some other rate. ─── 不能选择其他价格。

26、Who elects the Pope? Well the cardinals. ─── 教皇是谁选举的?,是红衣主教。

27、But that Bank, if it elects to advise the Credit, shall take reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of the Credit, which it advises. ─── 如通知行决定通知,就应合理审慎地核验所通知的信用证的表面真实性。

28、Any married couple may elect joint assessment under Salaries Tax, irrespective of their resident status. ─── 任何已婚夫妇,不论是否香港居民,都可选择用合并评税方式计算薪俸税。

29、Advertiser may elect in advance to be charged on this hourly rate basis. ─── 广告商可能提前选择在此每小时基础上的工作对象。

30、Only the elect will believe. ─── 只有被拣选得才会信。

31、The winner of a coin toss elects to serve or receive, or select the end of the court on which to play. ─── 掷硬币的胜方有优先选择发球或选择场地的权利。

32、The member of the house of representative ( call congressmen ) be elect for two year . ─── 众广义 院议员(又称国会议员)选出后任期两年。

33、They elect him director of the factory. ─── 他们选举他为厂长。

34、Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography. ─── 主修地质学的学生要选修地质学或地理课程。

35、The President elect will be installed next week. ─── 候任总统将在下周正式就任。

36、META elects academicians every two years. ─── META每两年将举行增选院士工作。

37、WCCA annually elects a number of enthusiastic and Marketing energetic people as our Board Members who will serve for our members and our organization . ─── 华联会每年都会选任一些有热心的,有能力的和充满活力的干事来为大b家服务。

38、Who elects the Pope? ─── 谁选出来的?

39、Can elect to complete an additional 6 month placement? ─── 可否选择额外的6个月实习?

40、First-year students may elect French, Spanish, or German. ─── 一年级学生可选修法语、西班牙语或德语。

41、Before we elect him to parliament, we want to know what he stands for. ─── 在我们选举他进国会之前,我们想知道他的主张是什么。

42、In a representative government the population elects a number of "representatives" to run the government on their behalf. ─── 代议制度的政府是由民众选举一批"代表人"负责统治。

43、The private rooms in which the cardinals meet to elect a new pope. ─── 天主教选举的秘密场所红衣主教聚在一起选举新教皇的秘密场所

44、London elects its mayor, pitting the Labour party incumbent, Ken Livingston, against the Conservatives' Boris Johnson. ─── 伦敦市长改选,现任工党市长利文史东将迎战保守党的强森。

45、If the bank elects not to advise the Credit, it must so inform the Issuing Bank without delay. ─── 如通知行决定不通知,就必须不延误地告知开证行。

46、This year, has not had former imposing and hurriedly, each kind of competition activity low key opened elects. ─── 今年,没了以往的轰轰烈烈和风风火火,各种选秀活动低调地开选了。

47、It decrees that we, the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve. ─── 它明令我们,人民选举领袖是为了服务,而不是统治他们。

48、If furniture uses white, wall is used grayish, ceiling and carpet are used in gray, sofa elects black. ─── 如家具用白色,墙壁用浅灰色,顶棚和地毯用中灰色,沙发选黑色。

49、Lump Sum deduct in the event Owner elects to purchase the steel plate materical directly from steel/mill supplier on behalf of Contractor. ─── 如果业主选择由承包商直接从钢铁供应商处购买板材的采购方式,可考虑适当降低一次性付款的总价.

50、The Retrospective Review that the elect had revived. ─── 《反省杂志》已被一批出类拔萃的人复刊了。

51、It also elects the Director-General and votes on other important matters. ─── 它还选举总干事并对其他重要事项进行投票表决。

52、But will Venezuelans want to elect him again? ─── 但是委内瑞拉人还要再选他吗?

53、Before we elect him to president, we want to know what he stands for. ─── 在选举他当总统之前,我们要知道他的主张是什么.

54、Possessing high conductivity of heat and elect ricity, aluminum finds wide application in indust ry. ─── 因为铝具有高的导热性,所以在工业上获得了广泛的应用。

55、OSPF elects a designated router (DR) to be the focal point of all link-state updates and link-state advertisements. ─── OSPF选举指定路由器(DR)来当作所有链路状态更新和链路状态广播的中心。

56、No voter may be railroaded into giving his vote for any particular person; he must be free to choose whish one he wants to elect. ─── 任何选民都不可被胁迫选举某一特定的候选人; 他必须自由地选择他想选举的人。

57、In Britain the queen reign, but elect representative of the people govern the country. ─── 在英国,女王是君主而治理国家的却是民选的代表。

58、Why didn't we elect this guy president 20 or 30 years ago when the welfare problem first began getting out of hand? ─── 为什么二三十年以前[穷人]福利问题刚开始失去控制的时候,我们不选这个人做总统呢?

59、You may elect me, or elect nobody . ─── 你可以选我,或者谁也不选。

60、Makefiles (or Ant scripts, or whatever format the Company elects to use) are the core of the build process. ─── Makefile(或者Ant脚本、或者该公司所选择使用的其它格式)都是处理过程的核心。

61、A legislator generally must have resided in the district which elects him for at least a year before election. ─── 立法议员通常必须在选举前居住于选他做议员的选区至少一年。

62、Elect is the most formal of these words; it is used especially in connection with voting. ─── Elect为诸字中之最正式者,尤用于指投票选举方面

63、Also 36 of the 50 states will elect the governor. ─── 在美国的50个州中有36的州将会选举州长。

64、Also 36 of the 50 states will elect governors. ─── 同时50个州中的36个州也要选举州长。

65、The age that he still elects inadequately. ─── 他还不够选举的年龄。

66、Russians elect Boris Yeltsin as the president of their republic. ─── 1991年的今天,俄罗斯选举鲍里斯·叶利钦为共和国的总统。


68、The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned, positively determining only the elect. ─── 基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民

69、If the Bank elects not to advise the Credit, it must so inform the Issuing Bank without delay. ─── 如通知行决定不通知,就必须不延误地告知开证行。

70、The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen. ─── 你那蒙拣选之姐妹的儿女都问你安。

71、First-year students may elect French or German. ─── 一年级学生可以选修法语或德语。

72、To foreordain or elect by divine will or decree. ─── 命中注定通过神意或神谕来预先注定或选择

73、For how long do we elect each senator? ─── 多久选一次参议员?

74、They will also elect thirty-six state governors and other state and local officials. ─── 他们还将选出36名州长以及其他州政府官员。

75、Natl Sun Yat Sen Univ, Dept Elect Engn, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan, . ─── 四川大学,材料科学系,四川,成都,610064

76、Meet and elect some member of the club to act as. ─── 内开会选出一位社员担任纠察。

77、He has stand for office several times,but have never is elect. ─── 他已好几次竞选此职但从未被当选。

78、International does not defeat, elects 1/0. ─── 国际不败,选1/0。

79、If he elects to have another person registered he shall testify his election by executing to that person a transfer of the share. ─── 如果他选择让他人登记,他必须给他人制作一份股份转让书以证明他的选择。

80、Greece: People elect beautiful girls to act as "angels" to send gifts to the children of all the households. ─── 希腊:人们推选美丽的姑娘当“天使”,给各家的孩子送礼物。

81、For how long do we elect the President? ─── 多久选一次总统?

82、WCCA annually elects a number of enthusiastic and energetic people as our Board Marketing Members who will serve for our members and our organization . ─── 华联会每年都会选任一些有热心的,有能力的和充满活力的干事来为大家服务。

83、His aunt is elect the representative of the whole sisterhood of nurses. ─── 他的姑妈被选为全体护士妇女团体的代表。

84、Such units shall have the power to recall the deputies they elect. ─── 原选举单位有权罢免自己选出的代表。

85、It also elects the President of the Republic of Albania, the Supreme Court, the Attorney-General and his deputies. ─── 它制定国内外政策,选举议长和副议长,选举总统、高等法院院长和总检察长和副总检察长。

86、His friends fought tooth and nail to elect him to Congress. ─── 他的朋友们为他当选为国会议员竭尽了全力。

87、Latter elects in her and the pasture is waterfall Qu Qijia to hang the julyan to fall the rice shoot to enter the turtle sentiment courtyard net. ─── 后选来具她里和甸作瀑曲泣家悬朱利安坠秧入鳖情院网。

88、For how long do we elect the representatives? ─── 多久选一次众议员?

89、He is elect secretary of the committee or committee secretary. ─── 他被选为该委员会的名誉秘书。

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