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09-09 投稿



expository 发音

英:[?k?spɑ?z?t??ri]  美:[?k?sp?z?tri]

英:  美:

expository 中文意思翻译



expository 网络释义

adj. 说明的;解释的;评注的(等于expositive)

expository 短语词组

1、expository text ─── 说明性语篇 ─── 说明文

2、expository essay ─── 说明文

3、expository statute ─── [法] 阐述性法规

4、expository approach ─── 说明性的方法

5、expository writing ─── 说明文

expository 相似词语短语

1、expatiatory ─── adj.详述的;冗长的

2、expositorily ─── adv.以解说的方式

3、exploratory ─── adj.勘探的;探究的;考察的

4、expositions ─── n.博览会;展览会(exposition的复数形式)

5、expiscatory ─── 解释性

6、depository ─── n.贮藏所;受托者;存储处;仓库(同depositary)

7、expositor ─── n.解释者;说明者;评注者

8、repository ─── n.贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团

9、expositors ─── n.解释者;说明者;评注者

expository 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、expository jurisprudence ─── 解释法理学

2、Case teaching and expository teaching ─── 案例教学和板书教学

3、Write an expository essay explaining how to republishing fast. ─── 写一篇有关如何快速阅读的说明文。

4、expository teaching ─── 讲解式的教学注入式教学

5、With these two distinctions in mind, any particular piece of business writing can conveniently be classified as either direct or indirect, and as either expository or reaction-evoking. ─── 根据以上两种差别,任何特殊的商务写作都可以简单地被分为直接或间接交流,说明性或期待性 交流。

6、The results have shown in expository text reading, there was word frequency effect and word class effect on fixation duration and fixation pattern. ─── 实验结果发现,词频及词汇类型对读者眼球运动型态的影响,会因文体不同而有不同。

7、Items in the journal may be research papers, short notes, survey or expository articles, or research problems. ─── 期刊中的文章可能是研究论文,可能是简介、概述,也可能提出一个问题。

8、A Contrastive Study of Topic Structure in Chinese and English Expository Text ─── 汉英说明类语篇话题结构的对比研究

9、The Effects of Multimedia Interactive Illustration on Learning of Expository Text of Science ─── 多媒体互动插图对科学说明文学习的影响

10、expository prose ─── 说明文

11、Like much of the plot, this denouement is not clear in the film, from which Mr.Kubrick cut most of the expository material. ─── 如同大部分情节一样,这一结局在影片中表现得很含糊,因为库布里克先生删减了大部分解说性的内容。

12、At Free Essay Topics, Tips, Templates and Examples you can find persuasive, argumentative, expository, narrative, cause and Effect and controversial essay topics. ─── 假如你无意中发现你的同学或同事伪造学术论文中的试验数据,对方再三请你为他保密,不然会影响他的前程。

13、His language at such points generally seems to be explainable primarily in terms of his expository objectives. ─── 在这点上他的语言似乎对于所解释的对象是解说性的。

14、expository bill ─── 解释草案

15、Reading and Revelation of Expository Writings in Japan's Elementary School ─── 日本小学说明文阅读及启示

16、Their precise and supple use of English makes their books models of English expository prose at its best ─── 他们对英语的精妙运用使他们的著作成为英语说明性散文的最好典范。

17、Like much of the plot, this denouement is not clear in the film, from which Mr. Kubrick cut most of the expository material. ─── 如同大部分情节一样,这一结局在影片中表现得很含糊,因为库布里克先生删减了大部分解说性的内容。

18、Keywords translational action;rationality;effective criteria;expository model;translation criticism; ─── 翻译行为;合理性;有效性标准;解释模式;翻译评价;

19、Aesthetic Education in the Teaching of Expository Writing ─── 浅析说明文中的美育因素

20、All expository writing deals with facts. This expository type of writing gives the reader information. ─── 说明文主要是给读者提供信息,所以和事实有关。

21、teaching of expository style ─── 说明文教学

22、Finally, it combines programming of the second line of Xi"an rail transit lines to produce its reasonable station distribution plan, to exposit application of this method. ─── 最后,结合绵阳市地铁二号线的规划情况给出合理的站点分布方案,阐述了该方法的具体应用。

23、"The turn of his reasoning, the clarity of his ideas, the cut of his expository style and a certain kind of solar, ceremonious and sad sombreness, all indicate a classic temperament. ─── “理性的多向,观念的明晰,阐述风格的简洁,以及某种确确实实的,如太阳般夺目、庄重又悲哀的阴沉,这一切都彰显出一份卓尔不凡的气质。”

24、Does the experience of writing vary for you with different types of writing e.g., technical, expository, diary, fiction)? If "yes", say more. ─── 不同的写作方式(例如:技术性的、说明文的、日记式的、小说式的)对你而言会不会有不同的写作经验?如果答案是“有”,请多加说明。

25、Sometimes a single Pali word has such rich implications that merely to sit down and draw them out can shed as much light on the Buddha's teaching as a long expository article. ─── 有时候,一个巴利单词具有如此丰富的内涵,仅仅坐下把它们勾画出来,对于阐明佛陀的教导,作用不亚于一篇义理长文。

26、Full of expository dialogue and dramatic monologues that carry on a few beats too long, the play is more agitprop than art. ─── 满场是解释性的对白和戏剧式的独白使得戏剧的节拍过长,比艺术具有更强的煽动性。

27、There should be expositions of important questions, and at more expository language generally. And of course we have to be accurate. ─── 对重要问题要加以论断,论断性的语言要多些,当然要准确。

28、The researcher selects students’ discourse as a tiny cut to dialyze its cultural back, namely the student’s culture, to exposit the true appearance of school cultural ecosystem. ─── 研究者选取了学生话语这一微观层面来力图透视其背后所折射的文化蕴意,即学生文化,从而揭示学校文化生态的实然状态。

29、then exposit the link betweeen them. ─── 接着又阐述了二者的联系。

30、an expository treatise or series of annotations; an exegesis ─── 说明性的论述或一系列注解;注解

31、Loreh R F Jr. Loreh E P. Effects of organizational signals on free recall of expository text. Journal of Educational psychology . 1996,88 (1): 38-48, ─── 何先友莫雷.文章主题的组织方式对文章标记效应的影响[J].心理发展与教育,2000(3):.

32、The recent development of transnational money laundering was especially exposit the weakness of counter-money laundering in our country. ─── 尤其是国际跨国洗钱犯罪集团的新发展更加暴露了我国在刑事惩治力度上的薄弱;

33、Expository essay is a description as the main way of expression used to describe things, set out a sensible style. ─── 问题补充:说明文是以说明为主要表达方式用来说明事物,阐明事理的一种文体。

34、expository organizer ─── 讲解式组织者

35、The Chinese teachers should awake to the necessity of arousing and treating the students interest to learn expository writing skills in order to achieve good results. ─── 语文教师应有意识地激发与培养学生学习说明文的兴趣,以提高说明文的教学成果。

36、No claim that these are the best possible ones is implied, merely that I find them sufficiently familiar to be useful for multiple expository purposes. ─── 虽然它们未必是最好的,但因为我非常熟悉它们,能够将它们灵活地应用到不同目的上。

37、This text exposit mainly the relevant contents of “transition of the thought” in “rural subject novels of 17 years”. ─── 本文主要论述了“十七年农村题材小说”中“思想转变”书写的相关内容。

38、top-level structure of expository text ─── 论说文顶层结构

39、It is his dream that God would use him to feed God's people with Biblical Expository Preaching, thus stimulating life change among the congregation under the work of the Holy Spirit. ─── 他的梦想就是蒙神使用,以忠于圣经的释经讲道来喂养神的子民,让信徒在圣灵的工作下有生命的改变。

40、Analysis on the Legal Expository Ability of the Forestry Lawman ─── 我国林业行政执法者法律解释能力分析

41、Students have typically never received adequate training in academic or expository writing in their native languages, never mind English. ─── 学生们一般从来没有接受过用本国的语言写作学术或介绍型文章的训练,更不用说用英语了。

42、Next, this book applies this model to writing outlines for expository articles and narrative articles. ─── 接下来,本书将套用这些句型段落结构来写作说明性文章和记叙性文章的大纲。

43、I trust that these simple expository studies will help you reach that goal. ─── 我切切盼望这些简单的讲解性的学习会帮助你达到这个目标。

44、On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing ─── 说明文中的词汇衔接手段

45、And happily, many historians are excellent stylists.Their precise and supple use of English makes their books models of English expository prose at its best. ─── 而且令人高兴的是,很多历史学家也是优秀作家,他们对英语的精妙运用使他们的著作成为英语说明性散文的最好典范。

46、Courses include statistics, research methods, expository writing, and related topics. ─── 课程还包括统计学,研究方法,说明文写作和其他相关主题。

47、While literary theory emphasizes consistency and expository argument, poetics is often unruly and partial.But the virtue of poetics is just that it is provisional, contingent, and context depended. ─── 它不同于文学理论强调连贯性和辩论性,诗学却常常表现出随意性和片面性,而诗学的优势恰恰在于即兴性、偶然性和对文本的依赖性。

48、A theatrical scene requires an obstacle unless it is a pure connective or expository situation. ─── 一个戏剧场景需要一个障碍,除非是单纯的连接或说明性的情况。

49、This paper is an expository article on the(generalized) operational research method in FMS, explaining the key role of operational research method in the investigation of FMS. ─── 介绍了FMS中的(广义的)运筹学方法,说明了FMS研究中运筹学方法的重要性。

50、Perspective Effect in Expository Text Reading ─── 说明文阅读中的视角效应

51、The teaching contents include: writing styles and common sense in travel notes, expository writing, argumentative writing, familiar essays and story-making. ─── 教学内容包括:游记、说明文、议论文、随笔、编故事等方面的写作文体和常识。

52、English prose falls into four categories: expository prose, lyric prose, descriptive prose and philosophical prose. ─── 英文散文大致分为四类:说理文、抒情文、描述文和哲理文。

53、The findings of this thesis, on the one hand, suggest CEEC should re-consider the designated order of administering narrative task and expository task in the entrance exams. ─── 除此之外,学生抱怨单字和文法的使用是他们英文写作上所遭遇的两大难题。

54、The majority of sermons that you preach will be purely expository and textual. ─── 你的大多数讲道应该是纯粹释经式的和经文式的。

55、The explanatory article in encyclopaedia is a kind of expository writing. ─── 百科全书条目释文是一种权威性辞书的说明文字,其语言朴实、洁、谨。

56、expository teaching(chalk-and-talk) ─── 注入式教学

57、Unfortunately, over the years, the research in this field has been focused on expository writing; the research in application letters. ─── 遗憾地是,这一领域的研究只限于说明文,对申请信函的研究却非常有限。

58、expository and homiletical commentary. ─── 书名 studies in romans ;

59、The expository writing contains the beauty of real knowledge, harmony, accuracy, concision and vividness. Teachers should realize and make use of them in their teaching. ─── 说明文中蕴含有真知美、形式与内容高度统一的和谐美、语言上的准确美、简明美、生动美,教师应认识并利用这些美育因素,搞好说明文教学。

60、expository theory ─── 散文

61、This expository dictionary is very useful. ─── 这部注解的辞典很有用。

62、the Expository Method ─── 讲授法

63、An expository treatise or series of annotations; an exegesis. ─── 注释,训诂说明性的论述或一系列注解;注解

64、We will read and analyze samples of expository writing, do some work on vocabulary development, and concentrate on developing your ability to write clear, accurate, sophisticated prose. ─── 我们会阅读与分析一些说明文的例子、做一些增进字库的练习、然后专注在增进你的能力来写出清楚、正确、与复杂的句子。

65、The writing methods of the narrative essay, expository essay and argumentative essay are introduced respectively in this course. ─── 该课将分别介绍记叙文、说明文、议论文的英文写作方法。

66、One should not translate poetry as though it were prose, nor expository material as though it were straight narrative. ─── 诗歌不应被译为散文,解释文句不应被译为直述文句。

67、The thought patterns in expository English texts: Their application ─── 英语说明文语篇的思维模式及其运用规律

68、These problems are mainly including that, expository texts are in lower proportion and arranged unreasonably. ─── 运用科学的教学策略,掌握恰当的学习方法,对于提高说明文的实践教学效果具有重要意义。

69、Interpreting the Narrative Approach to Educational Studies in an Existential and Expository Perspective ─── 从存在主义与解释学的视角理解教育叙事研究

70、expository approach ─── 讲解方法

71、Dealing with "transport in living bodies" unit, the teacher employed learning clcle teaching in one class and expository teaching in the other. ─── 资料的收集包括学生纸笔测验和个别晤谈的结果,以及教师晤谈、自我评鑑和学生对学习环教学的态度问卷。

72、"CI-H subjects provide a foundation in general expository writing and speaking. ─── 交流要求课程(CI-H)为一般解释性写作和表述提供了基础。

73、Your character should be playing an action 100 percent of the time, even if the scene is purely expository or connective. ─── 你的角色应该在100%的时间内做一种举动,甚至是在单纯的阐述性或连接性的场景内。

74、The views on inference generation in Model II are applicable to inference research in expository text processing. ─── 另外,本文还认为,模式二的推理理论观点适合于论述文篇章处理过程中的推理研究。

75、Expository Commentaries ─── “义疏”

76、All related original contributions with rigorous justifications and timely expository papers are welcome from all over the world. ─── 读者对象:国内外系统科学与有关的数学、交叉科学、工程应用等方面的科研与教学人员。

77、expository statute ─── 阐述性法规

78、expository documents ─── 叙述文献

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