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09-09 投稿



maunder 发音

英:[?m??nd?r]  美:[?m??nd?(r)]

英:  美:

maunder 中文意思翻译




maunder 网络释义

vi. 徘徊;唠叨地讲;胡扯n. (Maunder)人名;(英)蒙德

maunder 短语词组

1、Maunder (Martian crater) ─── 蒙德(火星陨石坑)

2、Maunder Minimum ─── 蒙德极小期

maunder 词性/词形变化,maunder变形


maunder 相似词语短语

1、Saunders ─── n.磨沙机;n.(Saunders)人名;(英、俄)桑德斯

2、daunder ─── 达乌德

3、daunders ─── 达乌德人

4、maunders ─── v.闲逛;唠叨;胡扯;n.(Maunder)(美)蒙德(人名)

5、maunderer ─── 蒙德勒

6、launder ─── vt.洗涤;清洗;洗黑钱(把来路可疑的钱弄得貌似合法);vi.洗涤;洗熨;耐洗;n.流水槽

7、launders ─── n.(Launders)人名;(英)朗德斯

8、maundered ─── v.闲逛;唠叨;胡扯;n.(Maunder)(美)蒙德(人名)

9、gazunder ─── v.临签合同前压低房价

maunder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If indeed the Maunder Minimum led to the superlative sounds of the Stradivarius instruments, then it might appear that future violins would never produce similarly dulcet tones. ─── 倘若真是芒得极小期造就了史特拉底瓦里名琴无与伦比的音色,那麽未来的小提琴或许再也无法拉奏出如此美妙动人的乐音。

2、After all, a decrease in solar output known as the Maunder Minimum helped freeze Europe for a few centuries. ─── 毕竟,被称之为蒙德极小期(MaunderMinimum)的太阳活动减少导致了欧洲几个世纪的低温气候。

3、Don't just maunder about: do some work! ─── 别光闲荡了,做点正经事吧!

4、By 2015, they could be gone altogether, plunging us into a new Maunder minimum - and perhaps a new Little Ice Age. ─── 到2015年,太阳黑子可能会完全消失,带给我们一个新的蒙德极小期——以及可能一个新的小冰河世纪。

5、Alexander Maunder ─── 蒙德尔

6、Bitap file By Chris Maunder complete source code can be used directly. ─── (译):Bitap文件克里斯蒙德完整的源代码可以直接使用。

7、Which was written by Almond and Maunder, so credits go there. ─── 这是写的杏仁和蒙德,使信贷去那里。

8、Don't just maunder about: do some work! ─── 别光闲荡了,做点正经事吧!

9、He points out that the ice remained in Europe long after solar activity picked up from the Maunder minimum. ─── 他指出,那次冰冻时期后太阳活动活跃起来了冰山依然在欧洲保留。

10、2. Don't just maunder about: do some work! ─── 别光闲荡了,做点正经事吧!

11、Idon't think you'd see the same cooling effects today if the sun went intoanother Maunder Minimum-type behavior. ─── 如果太阳进入了又一个蒙德极小期式的变化,我不认为现在你会见到同样的降温效果。

12、Infact, records show that auroras continued to appear on a regular basis evenduring the Maunder Minimum, Pesnell said. ─── 事实上,记录显示极光按一定规律持续出现,即便在蒙德极小期时也是如此,佩斯内尔说。

13、Maunder minimum ─── 蒙德极小期

14、So the sun's output has a lot to do with what we can expect climate-wise.After all, a decrease in solar output known as the Maunder Minimum helped freeze Europe for a few centuries. ─── 对于全球变暖,有些人与主流的观点不一样,他们认为全球变暖是太阳导致的,但是上述的事实与他们的主张非常不符合。

15、Finally big thanks to Chris Maunder, author of a very light, simple and reliable grid. ─── 最后,我要特别感谢克里·斯蒙德,一个很轻,简单和可靠的网格的作者。

16、during this long period , the number of sunspots on the sun got very low . the 11 - year sunspot cycle essentially disappeared . this sunspot deficient period is called the " maunder minimum " ─── 那段期间,太阳黑子数目非常低,太阳黑子约十一年的周期可说消失无踪,我们称这段几乎没有黑子的时期为蒙德尔极小期。

17、Besides, we have commented the Maunder Minimum and concluded that it is incorrect inference for lack of sufficient sunspot records. ─── 文中也对“蒙德极小期”问题进行了评价,这是由于资料占有不足所做的错误推论。

18、Maunder's mouth gag ─── 蒙德尔(氏)螺旋开口器

19、He points out that the ice remained in Europe long after solar activity picked up from the Maunder minimum. ─── 他指出,那次冰冻时期后太阳活动活跃起来了冰山依然在欧洲保留。

20、The Relative Importance of Solar and Anthropogenic Forcing of Climate Change between the Maunder Minimum and the Present. ─── 从蒙得极小期到现在气候变化太阳和人工影响的相对重要性。

21、The Maunder Minimum coincided with a period of exceptionally cold winters in Europe and North America and, perhaps, elsewhere. ─── 蒙德极小期与欧洲和北美,也可能还有其他地方,的一段特别寒冷的冬季在时间上重合。

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