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09-09 投稿



divertive 发音

英:[['da?v?:t?v]]  美:[['da?v?:t?v]]

英:  美:

divertive 中文意思翻译



divertive 短语词组

1、divertive competition definition ─── 娱乐性竞争定义

2、divertive meaning ─── 转移意义

3、divertive define ─── 有趣的定义

4、divertive synonym ─── 转移同义词

5、divertive definition ─── 有趣的定义

6、divertive strike ─── 分流走向

7、divertive competition ─── 娱乐性竞争

divertive 相似词语短语

1、digestive ─── adj.消化的;助消化的;n.助消化药

2、deverbative ─── adj.动词衍生的;n.动词衍生字

3、directive ─── n.指示;指令;adj.指导的;管理的

4、divorcive ─── 离婚的

5、convertive ─── 转换的,转化的

6、distortive ─── adj.曲解的;歪曲事实的

7、revertive ─── 可逆的

8、diverting ─── adj.有趣的;令人快乐的;v.使转移;使得到消遣(divert的现在分词)

9、divertible ─── 转向的

divertive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"We kept busy during the flight refueling and keeping track of the nearest divert runways," Niemi continues. ─── “我们在飞行期间不停地忙于空中加油和保持与地面跑道最为接近的飞行路线,”涅米继续说道。

2、Ignore into DO not enter to all there is very divertive affair. ─── 不管进不进都有很好玩的事情哦。

3、Like previous prototype Audis, this A3 mule is wearing a Volkswagen body to divert attention. ─── 同前面的原型奥迪,这3号骡子是身穿大众机构转移注意力。

4、If he saw a policeman, he decided, he would have to ditch this car, steal another, and divert from his planned route. ─── 他决定,如果发现警察,就把车弃于沟壑,另偷一辆,并改变原行车路线。

5、A dam placed across a river or canal to raise or divert the water,as for a millrace,or to regulate or measure the flow. ─── 堰,拦河坝,挡流坝横截河流或运河以提高水位或使河水转向的坝,如用于推动水车,调节或测量水流。

6、He can always invent a new game to divert the children with it. ─── 他总能搬出新玩意儿来娱悦孩子。

7、Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. ─── 加拿大人:建议您改变航线,15度,偏南,以免撞船。

8、Another drug might incapacitate the mechanisms the bacteria use to divert lipids from the host cell to the chlamydial vacuole, halting the trespassers' ability to hide. ─── 另一种药物,则是造成披衣菌挪用宿主细胞脂质的机制失效,使得这些非法入侵者无法藏匿。

9、Person in Shanghai: What divertive place does Peking have? ─── 上海人:北京有什么好玩的地方吗?

10、The information about increased development costs was merely a red herring to divert attention from the fact that the initial budget was wrongly estimated. ─── 增加发展费用的消息,只不过是想转移对最初财政预算错误估计的注意力。

11、At the clear hole, in addition to shopping, still have many delicious and divertive . ─── 在明洞,除了购物,还有许多好吃的和好玩的。

12、But this classmate may see me just of situation, then ask me: "he want you to enter the first floor of this building with her and say that is divertive?" ─── 而这位同学可能看到我刚才的情形,便问我:“他是不是要你跟她进这幢楼的一楼,说有好玩的?”

13、Person in Shanghai:What divertive place does Peking have? ─── 上海人:北京有什么好玩的地方吗?

14、The most divertive thing is that a father and his three little boys sing and with funny movement. ─── 从窗外望出去 ,一座座的山, 遍地的牧场, 那种草绿色, 有深有浅 , 直接天际 无远无边, 成为一种壮观的景色。

15、Everyone has water for the bottle, what delicious of, divertive, everyplace romantic feeling, everyplace general knowledge, hearsay, hair grumble, can infuse here. ─── 大家有水就罐,什么好吃的,好玩的,各地风情,各地见闻,小道消息,发发牢骚,都可以灌到这里来。

16、Don't divert the subject into a side issue. ─── 别把话题转向枝节问题。

17、China's efforts to control sulphur dioxide emissions divert the focus from the real problem: the country's growing greenhouse-gas emissions. ─── 中国通过控制二氧化硫在转移大众对实际问题的注意力:那就是该国不断增加的温室气体的排放。

18、Iran can't divert that quantity without being very obvious," Kimball said. ─── 伊朗不可能在不明显的情况下转移核材料。”

19、A few minutes of conversation, he justified himself by thinking, might divert his thoughts and clear his mind. ─── 几分钟的交谈也许会转移思绪,清醒头脑。 他不无理由地想。

20、No organization or individual shall intervene, embezzle and divert. ─── 任何组织和个人不得干涉、留、用。

21、Caravans divert their ways for them; They go up into the waste and perish. ─── 18结伴的客旅偏离原道,顺溪而行,上到荒野之地死亡。

22、Chinese: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. ─── 为了避免冲撞,请往南调整你的航线15度。

23、A significant amount of preparatory work has already been done to divert utilities including water and gas. ─── 大量的前期准备工作已经开展,以迁移包括自来水和煤气管道在内的市政设施。

24、Why do you always set you cell to divert calls? I can hardly reach you. ─── 你为什么老是把手机设定成转接?我很难找到你。

25、Unfortunately, it would also divert water from the region's huge, swampy wildlife refuges, home to black bearsalligatorsthe pallid sturgeon. ─── 可不幸的是,这一工程同样会排走当地野生物保护区庞大的沼泽地里(黑熊、鳄鱼和白鲟鱼栖息处)的水。

26、But the Pakistani army is loth to divert too many forces from the Indian border, until the peace process with India makes some progress. ─── 但在与印度的和平进程有所改善之前,巴基斯坦却对从印度边境撤走大量兵力不甚情愿。

27、Its function is to spread a bemusing mist that conceals realities: to delude, to distort and to divert. ─── 其作用在于散布一种掩盖现实的茫茫云雾; 借以制造假象、歪曲事实和转移视线。

28、As time lay heavily on his hands, he went to the cinema to divert himself. ─── 他闲得无聊,只好去看场电影排遣排遣。

29、Good, take you to go to a divertive place in the evening, quit. ─── 好啦,晚上带你去个好玩的地方,走吧。

30、Why do you always set your cell to divert calls? ─── 你为什么老是把手机设定成转接?

31、Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. ─── 加拿大人:建议贵方向南15度改变(你的)航线,以免碰撞。

32、CANADIANS: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. ─── 加拿大:驳回。为了避免将要发生的碰撞,调整你们的航线,方位角南15度。

33、Unfortunately, it would also divert water from the region's huge, swampy wildlife refuges, home to black bears and alligators and the pallid sturgeon. ─── 可不幸的是,这一工程同样会排走当地野生物保护区庞大的沼泽地里(黑熊、鳄鱼和白鲟鱼栖息处)的水。像克拉林顿和布林克利这样的沼泽小城都是黑黢黢的,穷得叮当响。

34、Perhaps that will be a divertive affair. ─── 也许那将是个好玩的事情.

35、The scheme to divert the river has come to a full stopbecause of lack of money to finish it. ─── 使河流改道的方案已完全停止,因为没有钱来完成这一方案。

36、Nothing can divert her attention once she starts working. ─── 她工作起来,什么事也不能使她分心。

37、"Therefore let not such as believe not therein but follow their own lusts, divert thee therefrom, lest thou perish!".. ─── 不信复活时而顺从私欲者,不要让他阻止你信仰复活时,以致你灭亡。

38、Electricity To provide or divert (current) by means of a shunt. ─── 使分流:通过分流的方式提供(电流)或使(电流)转向

39、A man is mortified when, after having endeavoured to divert the company, he looks round and sees that nobody laughs at his jests but himself. ─── 一个人当在努力娱乐他的伙伴中受了窘,他会环顾四周,看见除了自己没有人在嘲笑他。

40、She headed a run with young Crossjay to divert her mind. ─── 为了转移注意力,她在前面开路,领着克罗斯杰奔跑起来。

41、His action would be to divert Wildeve's movement rather than to stop it. ─── 他的行动,并没能使韦狄的活动完全停止,而只使它变更方向。

42、To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest; divert. ─── 分散,转移使转离原来的注意力或兴趣;使分心

43、To divert her husband's attention from the mailbox outside, Nora practiced her dance before Torvald and Dr. Rank, an old friend. ─── 为了转移丈夫的注意力,使他想不到门外的信箱,娜拉在托伐和老朋友阮克医生面前假装练习舞蹈。

44、He decided to divert her thoughts to other things. ─── 他决定把她的注意力转移到别的事物上去。

45、Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course. ─── 加拿大人:不,我也再说一遍,应该是您改变航线。

46、River's vegetable a little bit absences to return to LA, the human namely too numerous here, and also the naught momentous is divertive. ─── 江素有点想回洛城了,这里人太多,而且也没什么好玩的。

47、No organization and private individual shall divert the forest vegetation recovery payments. ─── 任何单位和个人不得挪用森林植被恢复费。

48、Why do you always set your cell to divert calls? I can hardly reach you. ─── 你为什么老是把手机设定成转接?我很难找到你啊。

49、Measures will be taken to divert transit vehicles from other parts of the country from entering the Fifth Ring Road by 2004. ─── 外埠过境车辆2004年年底前不再进入五环路以内行驶。

50、Ignore into DO not enter to all there is very divertive affair. ─── 不管进不进都有很好玩的事情哦。

51、However, drivers should avoid overly rousing tunes or complex rhythms which can divert attention away from the road. ─── 不过,驾驶人应该避免会转移对道路注意力的过度亢奋曲子或复杂旋律。

52、Your brain will entertain neither work nor memories, nor anything which might divert it from the one thought with which it is endlessly regaled. ─── 头脑里既不能工作,也不能回忆,容不下任何可能打扰它始终抱有的那唯一的思念的东西。

53、They put their own grief into the background in order to divert her. ─── 她们把自己的忧愁搁在一边,集中心思来转移她的注意力。

54、To prevent flooding; we shall have to divert the river from its course. ─── 为防止水泛滥, 我们必须使河流偏离其河道。

55、He can always invent a new game to divert the children. ─── 他总能想出新的游戏来供孩子们娱乐。

56、They are planning to divert the river to supply water somewhere else. ─── 他们正计划着使这河流转向,以便别处能得到水的供给。

57、An artificial obstruction, such as a dam or an irrigation channel, built in a watercourse to increase its depth or to divert its flow. ─── 堰一种人工障碍物,如一大坝或一灌溉渠,建在水道里以增加其深度或分流

58、They worry that local leaders will spend the money inefficiently, or in some cases, divert funds into their own pockets. ─── 他们担心,地方领导人会浪费资金,在某些情况下,甚至还会把钱放进自己的腰包。

59、Small weirs divert them to one side, where they are washed into traps. ─── 一个小拦水坝将虾虎鱼引导到一侧,并把它们冲进陷阱之中.

60、The ministry also dispatched 35 trains from Beijing, Wuhan and Nanchang cities to help divert the stranded passengers. ─── 交通部还从北京、武汉和南昌紧急调配35辆火车帮助转移滞留旅客。

61、In Spain Williams have doubled up on the vertical shields at front-suspension level to help divert away the turbulence generated by the front wheels. ─── 在西班牙,威廉姆斯将垂直的挡板进行弯曲,使其与前悬挂在同一水平,以便将前轮产生的气流紊乱导引开。

62、Humans are inside the test tube to prevent the experiment from crashing, to divert the trials from overt crisis. ─── 人类在这个试管里的作用就是防止这个实验撞车,就是转移航向避免危机。

63、Possible responses includes: accept, interactive voice, busy tone, reject + send SMS, divert calls to, record conversation secretly and mute the ringer. ─── 可能的反映包括:接受,交互式语音,忙音,拒接+发送短信,把号码转接到别的地方,秘密记录通话,呼叫静音。

64、Divert Teleport. Choose destination for another's teleport. ─── 传送变向:设置他人的传送目的地。

65、Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future. ─── 大西线南水北调只是设想,将来需要从澜沧江、怒江等调水时,另做可行性报告。

66、Gardens contrived to divert the power of botanical growth into the tame artifacts of domesticated crops. ─── 园圃人为地把植物生长动力转入驯化作物。

67、Lin Xiao Shi a little bit disappoints of say, this is the divertive place that you say. ─── 林小诗有点失望的说,这就是你说的好玩的地方啊。

68、The scheme to divert the river has come to a full stop because of lack of money to finish it. ─── 使河流改道的方案已完全停止,因为没有钱来完成这一方案。

69、Producing biofuels on a large scale could require huge tracts of land. Many countries cannot afford to divert land away from food production. ─── 大规模生產生物燃料可能需要大片土地。许多国家无法把土地从粮食生產转為生物燃料生產。

70、He tried to divert his mind with other thoughts, to control and negate what was happening, but without success. ─── 他拼命让自己想些别的念头来控制和打消正在发生的事情,但却无能为力。

71、Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. ─── 大多数人会选择转换火车轨道,牺牲那名在停用铁轨上玩的小孩。

72、A dam placed across a river or canal to raise or divert the water, as for a millrace, or to regulate or measure the flow. ─── 堰,拦河坝,挡流坝横截河流或运河以提高水位或使河水转向的坝,如用于推动水车,调节或测量水流

73、The car has to divert onto another road because this one damaged by the flood. ─── 因此路被洪水冲坏小车只好改道。

74、A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose. ─── 伪装,假象设计好的分散对方注意力的虚假行为

75、No organization or individual shall intervene , embezzle and divert. ─── 任何组织和个人不得干涉、截留、挪用。

76、At the clear hole, in addition to shopping, still have many delicious and divertive. ─── 在明洞,除了购物,还有许多好吃的和好玩的。

77、China is a very divertive place, 2008 welcome everyone to do a guest here. ─── 中国是个很好玩的地方,2008欢迎大家来这里做客。

78、That way, they can divert customers from another site to theirs. ─── 因为这样一来,它们就可以把想去另一个网站的客户引到自己的网站。

79、Chinese: No, I say again, you divert YOUR course. ─── 中:不,我再说一遍,调整你的航线.

80、It is this mistake that needs correction, not the multitudinous camouflages the ego employs to divert our attention from the mind's faulty decision. ─── 外在的问题,形形色色,其实都是打着小我的旗帜,被小我雇用,专门用来引开你的注意力,让你忽略那个真正要修正的问题。

81、Listen to music, take adequate rest, and engage in activities such as yoga to divert your attention away from PMS discomforts. ─── 在月经期间可多听音乐、多休息放松心情,亦可多做有助平静身心的运动如瑜珈等,以分散注意力及减低不适感。

82、They attempt to divert him with hunting, fishing, and a trip to a native village. ─── 他们试著带奥鲁诺可打猎、钓鱼及进行一趟当地村落旅行来转移他的忧心。

83、To divert her husband's attention.from the mailbox outside, Nora practiced her dance before Torvald and Dr. Rank, an old friend. ─── 为了转移丈夫的注意力,使他想不到门外的信箱,娜拉在托伐和老朋友阮克医生面前假装练习舞蹈。

84、Everyone has water for the bottle what delicious of divertive everyplace romantic feeling everyplace general knowledge hearsay hair grumble can infuse here. ─── 大家有水就罐,什么好吃的,好玩的,各地风情,各地见闻,小道消息,发发牢骚,都可以灌到这里来。

85、The trucks were forced to divert to another road. ─── 卡车被迫改道而行。

86、And this is my fear: the serpent that seduced Eve with cunning could also corrupt your minds and divert you from the christian sincerity. ─── 但我很怕你们的心意受到败坏,失去那对基督所有的赤诚和贞洁,就像那蛇以狡猾诱惑了厄娃一样。

87、He had fixed on his target for the next six months. From this nobody and nothing would divert him. ─── 他已定好今后6个月的目标,什么也别想让他改变。

88、An aircraft has nosed over on the paved runway, airport closed. Please divert to your alternate. ─── 一架飞机在跑道面拿大顶,机场关闭,请改航到你的备降机场。

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