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forewarning 发音

英:[f??r?w??rn??]  美:[f???w??n??]

英:  美:

forewarning 中文意思翻译




forewarning 词性/词形变化,forewarning变形

动词过去式: forewarned |动词过去分词: forewarned |动词现在分词: forewarning |动词第三人称单数: forewarns |

forewarning 短语词组

1、forewarning syn ─── 预警syn

2、forewarning definition ─── 预警定义

3、forewarning antonym ─── 预警反义词

4、forewarning define ─── 预警定义

5、forewarning means ─── 预警手段

6、forewarning clue ─── 预警线索

7、forewarning effect ─── 预警效应

forewarning 相似词语短语

1、foreplanning ─── 预先计划

2、forearming ─── n.前臂;vt.预先武装;准备

3、prewarning ─── n.预警

4、forewarding ─── 预告

5、dire warning ─── 可怕的警告

6、foreswearing ─── vt.放弃;发誓抛弃;vi.作伪证;背弃誓言(等于forswear)

7、foredating ─── vt.倒填…日期

8、forewarningly ─── 预先警告

9、forecasting ─── n.预测;v.预言;作预告(forecast的ing形式)

forewarning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, combining a concrete enterprise, it is not theoretically valuable but also instructionally significant to study the establishment of the financial forewarning system of NWTI. ─── 因此,结合具体企业,研究南京水运财务预警系统的构建,不仅具有理论上的价值,对企业的财务管理实践也具有现实指导意义。

2、It's also best to give this child forewarning, "I'm going to be making an important call, so I'll need you to not interrupt. " ─── 最好也给她来个预先警告“我要去打一个很重要的电话,因此我特别希望你不要打扰我。”

3、A study of how to construct forewarning risk index systems of venture capital based on artificial neural network ─── 基于神经网络的风险投资风险预警研究

4、Keywords civil aviation;flight character surveillance;forewarning management;forecast method; ─── 民航;飞行品质监控;预警管理;预测方法;

5、This study also gave the directions to decrease the frequency of occurring gloomy weather and came up with some tactics to forecast and forewarn such weather. ─── 并对如何降低灰霾天气的发生频率,以及如何做好灰霾天气预测预警工作作了相关探讨。

6、Put forward the counter plans for brand crisis at the light of forewarning analysis. ─── 在预警分析的基础上,提出了品牌危机的预控对策。

7、No matter he is how noisy, the Shanghai concerned leaders gave forewarning: Must treat the full two months. ─── 不管他怎么吵闹,上海市有关领导已有言在先:必须待满两个月。

8、Without forewarning Diane and John found these difficult to spot, but once told to search for the patterns they started noticing rhymes, categories of words and even sentences. ─── 在没有预先警告下,Diane和John发现这些模式难以辨认,可是一旦告诉去寻找模式,两人便开始注意到了单词的押韵、类别,甚至句子。

9、The Weights and Comprehensive Evaluation of the Dynamic Indexes on the Forewarning System of Enterprises Organizational Management ─── 企业组织管理预警系统评价指标的权重及综合评价

10、Keywords Crisis Management;Forewarning Management;Emergency Planning;Crisis Assessment;Core Competence; ─── 危机管理;预警机制;危机计划;危机评估;

11、Establishment of construction project risk forewarning system for construction enterprises ─── 施工企业工程项目风险预警系统的构建

12、Establishing and perfecting the forewarning system and emergency mechanism is an important mark of modern civilized society. ─── 建立健全预警体系和应急机制,是现代文明社会的一个重要标志。

13、A Study of How to Construct Forewarning Index Systems to Help Avoid Expressway Disasters ─── 构建高速公路灾害预警指标体系的探讨

14、the author elaborated the urgent property of the construction of flood prediction and forewarning system of Guilin city. ─── 从流域概况、水文气候特性、洪涝灾害、桂林经济建设等方面,阐述桂林市洪水预警预报系统建设的紧迫性。

15、Finally, the article made empirical analysis to the risk forewarning of expressway project in investment as the simple of X project, increasing the maneuverability of the article. ─── 最后,以X项目为例,进行高速公路项目风险预警系统的实证分析,增加了本文的可操作性。

16、Strengthens the marketing research to analyze and to forewarn the forecast; ─── 加强市场研究分析和预警预报;

17、forewarning abnormity ─── 前兆异常

18、Keywords Coal market;Coal industry;Risk forewarning;Energy security; ─── 煤炭市场;煤炭产业;风险预警;能源安全;

19、One of the reasons we do not or cannot make assumptions is that we do not hae any prior experiences to forewarn us. ─── 我们不会或不能够做出假设的原因之一是,我们没有任何以往的经验预先警告我们。

20、According to the basic principle of enterprise forewarning, the forewarning index system is the core of enterprise's forewarning management. ─── 据企业预警的基本原理可知,预警指标体系是企业预警管理的核心。

21、The small basin mountain torrent geology disaster easy to send the region to do an inspection, to forewarn the owner to arrive at the hillock arriving; ─── 小流域山洪地质灾害易发区域的巡查、预警责任人必须到岗到位;

22、pipe failure forewarning ─── 爆管预警

23、forewarning criteria ─── 层次分析法

24、Particularly striking was the failure of the credit default swap market to give any forewarning of the financial crisis (see chart). ─── 尤其引人注目的是,信用违约互换(CDS)市场未能对此次金融危机发出任何预警。

25、43. We are frustrated ourselves when trying to get results during this time, but the best we can do is to forewarn. ─── 在这段时间里我们也不会试图得到什么结果的,我们能做的就是预先警告一下。

26、It is a good way to prevent and reply to crisis by analyzing the types of school crisis, establishing and carrying out the forewarning mechanism of crisis management in schools. ─── 分析学校危机的类型,建立并实施学校危机管理预警机制,是预防以及应对危机的良策。

27、Forewarning System should be established, it can analysis the state, character, reason of conflict and guide urban management and individual to reduce the negative impact of conflict. ─── 所以应该建立冲突预警机制,事先辨析冲突的状态、性质、可能产生的根源等,以便对城市管理(执法)局、管理相对人的行为进行引导,降低冲突的负面影响。

28、Quick and unexpected deaths are not uncommon, but most deaths occur with some forewarning. ─── 快速和突然的死亡并不少见,但更多的死亡实现往往有某种征兆。

29、Forewarning System of Dynamic Balance Between Cultivated Land Demands and Supplies at Multi-Measure ─── 多尺度耕地供需动态平衡预警体系研究

30、But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; ─── 我要指示你们当怕的是谁。当怕那杀了以后,又有权柄丢在地狱里的。

31、Study of the Formation Mechanism of Road Transportation Catastrophe and Forewarning Management System ─── 公路交通灾害的致灾机理及预警管理系统研究

32、Consequently, the theoretical and empirical study of production risk forewarning management has become a critical and urgent issue for enterprise development. ─── 因此,探索生产现场风险预警管理的理论与方法,成为企业发展的紧迫需要。

33、Analysis of the Forewarning Model of Financial Failure for Chinese Listed Companies ─── 我国上市公司财务失败的预警模型分析

34、19 But if you forget the LORD, your God, and follow other gods, serving and worshiping them, I forewarn you this day that you will perish utterly. ─── 如果你真忘记了上主你的天主,而随从别的神,奉事敬拜他们,我今日对你们作证:你们必要灭亡,

35、Study on Forewarning Information System of Human-centered Vehicle Active Safety ─── 以人为中心的汽车主动安全预警信息系统研究

36、Application of GIS in Forewarn of Mountain Torrent Dizaster ─── GIS在广西山洪灾害预警中的应用

37、This research is part of the entry-the national fund for the natural science of the Research of enterprise forewarning principle and method. ─── 本研究是国家自然科学基金项目《企业预警原理与方法研究》的一部分。

38、Abstract: Railway safety wireless forewarning system consists of a main station and substations. ─── 摘要:列车无线预警系统由主站和分站2部分组成。

39、Are you forewarning Americans that nothing of he's done and that America's days as the world's leading power are over? ─── 你在告诫美国人什么也不会做,而且美国作为世界超级大国的日子已经结束了吗?

40、finally, by use of fuzzy comprehensive judgment the forewarning grade of VST is comprehensively evaluated, thus the VST grade of power system is gained. ─── 最后运用模糊综合评判对电压态势预警等级进行综合评估,从而得到电力系统的电压态势等级。

41、Keywords transportation catastrophe;carrier;forewarning management;system; ─── 交通灾害;载运工具;预警管理;系统;

42、The control strategy in the concept of forewarning degree with the setting of road traffic pattern was analyzed. ─── 在设定的道路交通模式下,分析了预警度概念下的控制策略。

43、Forewarn and Prevention of Credit Risk ─── 浅议信贷风险的预警和防范

44、From unified angle of system with environment,the model,characteristic and the meaning and content of forewarning analysis are studied for agricultural ecologic economic system. ─── 从系统与环境相统一的角度,研究了农业生态经济系统的模型、特征、预警分析的意义和内容;

45、The composition and working principles of an acoustic fiber optic monitoring system adopted to forewarn the failure of PCCP (Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe) are described. ─── 摘要介绍了用于PCCP爆管预警的光纤声监测系统组成及原理。

46、Keywords the contiguous areas among Shanxi-Shaanxi-lnner Mongolia eco-environment aggravation ecological crisis forewarn; ─── 晋陕蒙接壤地区;生态环境恶化;生态危机;预警;

47、A divination to forewarn Cleopatra against an alliance with Julius Caesar. ─── 一个警告克里奥帕特拉不要和朱利叶斯凯撒结盟的占卜。

48、A Fuzzy Evaluation and Forewarning Management on the Risk of Enterprise Marketing Organization ─── 企业营销组织的风险模糊评价与预警管理

49、fire forewarning system ─── 火灾早期预警系统

50、To prevent or avoid the attack of brand crisis, the enterprise should add forewarning function, and finally establish brand forewarning management system. ─── 为有效的防范和避免品牌危机的打击,企业应该对现有品牌管理模式进行重构,增加危机预警的职能,构建具有品牌危机预警预控功能的新型品牌管理体系。

51、Altruistic donations , solicited during the "forewarning" run, tended to be larger and held up better during the crisis . ─── 在被提前告知的情况下,利他主义者的捐款额往往更为可观,也更经得起危机的考验。

52、This paper,on the basis of analyzing the risks of marketing organizations in enterprises,and with the basic theory of forewarning management,presents a forewarning index system. ─── 在对企业营销组织的风险分析的基础上,运用预警管理基本理论,给出了预警指标体系;

53、Construction of a Forewarning System on Enterprise Service Operation Management ─── 企业服务运作管理预警系统的建立

54、She Lian, Hu Huaxia, Wang Chao.The Study on Enterprise Forewarning Management[M].Shijiazhuang, Hebei Science and Technology Press, 1999. ─── [1]佘廉,胡华夏,王超. 企业预警管理论[M].石家庄:河北科技出版社,1999.

55、LI Hong,XU Zeng-he,XU Xiao-he,et al.Criterions and forewarning of ore pillar rock bursts in asymmetric mining[J].China Mining Magazine,1997,6(1):46-51. ─── [4]李宏,徐曾和,徐小荷,等.非对称开采时矿柱岩爆的准则与前兆[J].中国矿业,1997,6(1):46-51.

56、All the money in the world cannot buy you good health. From the VISIBER system, we are able to forewarn you on illnesses to look out for. ─── 即使拥有了全世界的财富,我们也不能买到健康.从VISIBER系统,我们能预先向您警惕疾病的来临.

57、Probing into the construction model of water pollution prediction and forewarning system of the rivers ─── 江河水污染预警预报系统建设模式的探讨

58、Whenthey contemplate big changes to these policies, most governments cannot resist turning to CGE models to forewarn them of the consequences. ─── 当政府想对这些政策做出重大调整的时候,大部分都会求助于CGE模型以期它能预先告知他们结果。

59、Keywords Three Gorges Reservoir area;agrecultural ecologic economic system;ordering;warning line;forewarning analysis; ─── 关键词三峡库区;农业生态经济系统;序化;警戒线;预警分析;

60、These changes were abrupt, as they slammed into the economy with little forewarning of even bigger price shocks just ahead. ─── 这些变化来得非常突然,当他们猛烈撞击经济之时,没有任何征兆显示猛烈如斯的价格冲击就在前方。

61、Necessity of establishing a forewarning machanism for anti-dumping of chlor-alkali industry ─── 建立氯碱产业反倾销预警机制的必要性分析

62、Design of Expert System of Forewarning Prompt for Buildups Jam in the New Style Dry-process Rotary Kiln ─── 新型干法窑结皮堵塞预警专家系统的设计

63、But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. ─── 我要指示你们当怕的是谁.当怕那杀了以后、又有权柄丢在地狱里的.我实在告诉你们、正要怕他。

64、make clear beforehand; forewarn ─── 有言在先

65、classification of forewarning ─── 分级预警

66、Keywords water pollution;forewarn;data warehouse;data mining; ─── 水污染;预警控制;数据仓库;数据挖掘;

67、Activity Content With Method in Public Emergency Forewarning Management System ─── 关于突发公共事件预警管理系统活动内容和方法

68、Keywords liquid Chlorine leak;mathematical model;atmospheric forewarning; ─── 液氯泄漏;数学模型;大气预警;

69、Forewarning System of Blue Algae for Taihu Lake Based on GIS ─── 基于GIS的太湖蓝藻预警系统研究

70、patent forewarning system ─── 专利预警系统

71、Keywords river;water pollution;prediction and forewarning;model; ─── 江河;水污染;预警预报;模式;

72、Crisis Forewarning ─── 危机预警

73、The paper introduces tentatively the forewarning management to the innovation diffusion and sets up a forewarning management index system of the innovation diffusion. ─── 本文讨论了技术创新扩散风险决策的特点,探讨性的将预警管理理论引入到技术创新扩散管理中,并尝试建立了技术创新扩散的预警管理指标体系。

74、active forewarning ─── 主动预警

75、The paper studies a kind of design for forewarning terminal of substation based on the CAN bus. ─── 摘要研发了一种基于CAN总线的变电站预警终端。

76、antidumping forewarning ─── 反倾销预警

77、Based on reasons for the brain drain, a forewarning management system for the brain drain in Chinese aviation industry is constructed and some pre-controlling countermeasures are provided. ─── 在剖析国有航空公司飞行员流失的现状、危害及成因的基础上,构建了飞行员流失的预警管理系统。

78、forewarning of weather forecast ─── 气象预报预警


80、As a result, it is of greatly substantial importance for the risk forewarning study in the competition of industry to be made here to enhance the counter-risk ability. ─── 所以,风险预警研究对增强公司在行业竞争中的抗风险能力具有现实的重要意义。

81、Railway safety wireless forewarning system consists of a main station and substations. ─── 摘要列车无线预警系统由主站和分站2部分组成。

82、According to the research on attribute in traffic accidents and characteristics of geographical information system (GIS), this paper established a forewarning system of traffic safety based on GIS. ─── 摘要通过对事故属性特征的研究,结合地理信息系统的特点,建立了基于GIS的交通安全预警系统。

83、Keywords Uncertainty;Enterpries' Forewarning;Economic Fluctuation;Enterprise System;State Space Description;Index System; ─── 不确定性;企业预警;经济波动;企业系统;状态空间描述;指标体系;

84、Keywords freeway;traffic calamity;forewarning management;system; ─── 关键词高速公路;交通灾害;预警管理;系统;

85、Give out the prper model of the forewarning management of theenterprise marketing organization and study the assessment of thecontrolling crisis and forewarn process. ─── (5)给出企业营销组织预警管理对策模型,并分析了控制危机的测评与预控方法。

86、Instant warning and long-term warning are two kinds of modes functioning in the public health forewarning system of Weifang City. ─── 潍坊市公共卫生预警采用即时预警和长期预警两种模式,并设计相应地预警指标和预测方法。

87、Therefore it is of very important significance on theory and reality to bring quantitative analysis into the financial crisis forewarning model for credit risk management of commercial bank. ─── 因此对商业银行信贷风险管理引入财务危机预警模型进行定量分析具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。

88、Based on enterprise crises forewarning theory, the study aims to forewarn and take precautions against financial management mistakes and crises so as to prevent and rectify them. ─── 本文依据企业危机预警原理,对企业财务活动中危机现象进行预警和防范,以达到防止和纠正企业在财务管理方面的不良波动和危机。

89、The Progress and Prospect of Study on the Sustainablily Utilization Forewarn System of Regional Water Resources ─── 区域水资源可持续利用预警系统研究进展


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