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09-09 投稿



starches 发音

英:[?stɑ?t??z]  美:[?stɑ?rt??z]

英:  美:

starches 中文意思翻译



starches 词性/词形变化,starches变形

动词第三人称单数: starches |动词现在分词: starching |动词过去式: starched |动词过去分词: starched |

starches 短语词组

1、starches food ─── 淀粉食品

2、starches are polymers of ─── 淀粉是蛋白质的聚合物

3、starches are made of ─── 淀粉是由

4、starches define ─── 淀粉定义

5、starches examples ─── 淀粉实例

6、starches mean ─── 淀粉意味着

7、corn starches ─── [粮食]玉米淀粉,玉米粉

8、starches definition ─── 淀粉定义

9、starches and sugars are which macromolecule ─── 淀粉和糖是什么大分子

starches 相似词语短语

1、starched ─── adj.僵硬的;拘泥刻板的;硬挺的;vi.给…上浆(starch的过去式及过去分词)

2、starcher ─── 斯塔彻

3、stanches ─── vt.止血;使不漏;平息;vi.停止流出;adj.坚固的;忠实的;防水的

4、starchless ─── 无星

5、starchier ─── 含淀粉的;古板的(starchy的比较级)

6、staunches ─── adj.坚定的;忠诚的;坚固的;vt.止住;止血;n.(Staunch)人名;(英)斯汤奇

7、searches ─── n.[计][航][水运]搜索(search的复数);[计]检索;v.搜寻;调查(search的第三人称单数)

8、unstarches ─── 取消搜索

9、starchiest ─── 最高的

starches 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Vermicelli made from bean starch " people play cheerly. ─── “粉丝”们玩得兴高采烈。

2、Must eat the meat really, separates the protein and starch class food eats. ─── 实在要吃肉,就将蛋白质和淀粉类的食物分开来吃。

3、Bean or sweet potato starch noodles. ─── 意是由土豆或者淀粉制作而成.

4、The complex starches and proteins in these grains must be changed to a more readily usable mixture of simpler carbohydrates and amino acids. ─── 这些谷物中复杂的淀粉和蛋白质必须被变成一种更容易被利用的简单的碳水化合物和氨基酸的混合物的形式。

5、Starch can be removed by gently scraping the nuclei from the underlying starch. ─── 从下面的淀粉上轻轻刮去细胞核就可以去掉淀粉。

6、Corn - starch will lump if cooked too fast . ─── 如煮得太快,玉蜀黍会结块。

7、The granule property of maize starch underwent little change after HMT. ─── 摘要湿热处理前后玉米淀粉的颗粒形貌基本未发生变化。

8、Microporous starch is a new kind of functional material. ─── 摘要微孔淀粉是一种功能材料。

9、Possess her once take the starch out of her. ─── 一旦占有了她,就能够使她服贴就范。

10、Xianyang where has sells the beef bean or sweet potato starch noodles? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>地区>陕西>咸阳市>咸阳哪有卖牛肉粉丝的?

11、General increase is not going to increase bean starch noodles. ─── 一般就是青菜加粉条加豆腐。

12、Resistant starch is a new resource of dietary fiber. ─── 摘要抗性淀粉是一种新型的膳食纤维资源。

13、Technical performance parameter sheet for NK type starch pump with whirler. ─── NK型旋游流器淀粉泵技术性能参数表。

14、Some carbs fall into the “starch” and “simple sugar” category. ─── 一些碳水化合物落入“淀粉”和“简单的糖”一类。

15、Your job is to stiffen linen with starch. ─── 你的工作是把亚麻台布浆洗硬了。

16、Ingredients: Soya Bean Fibre, Seaweed, Starch, Vegetarian Seasoning. ─── 成份:大豆纤维,紫菜,淀粉,素食调味料。

17、Only D-glucose is produced by digestion of polysaccharides(starch) in humans. ─── 在人体中可消化多糖(淀粉)只生成D-葡萄糖。

18、"Algae presents the same kind of physical and thermal property that we find in starches, " he said. ─── 藻类呈现出我们在淀粉中发现的那种物理和热性能。

19、Their success apparently take the starch out of the opposition. ─── 他们的成功明显地使其对手泄了气。

20、After the pinas are split into quarters, they are baked in a hornos (oven) to convert the plant's natural starches into fermentable sugars. ─── 当菠萝被劈成四瓣后,它们被放进烤炉中加热,把其中的淀粉转化成可以发酵的糖分。

21、Many small starch granules could form and develop in one amyloplast. ─── 多个小淀粉粒可以同时在一个淀粉体内发生与发育;

22、High-amylose maize starches were treated at a moisture content of 30% by microwave radiation. ─── 摘要采用微波对30%水分含量的高链玉米淀粉进行处理。

23、Plant starches have been used in making bread, flour, and other food items for many years. ─── 植物淀粉已被用于制作面包,面粉,及其他食品项目多年。

24、Dish is done too oilily, too sweet, many perhaps starch kind food is stodgy. ─── 头盘吃完以后,尽量少吃生食。尽量养成吃一整个时令水果做甜点的习惯。

25、You need to cut down on starch. ─── 你需要少吃些含淀粉的东西。

26、Combined with starch to prevent aging, improve product texture. ─── 与淀粉结合防止老化,改善产品质构。

27、Ingredients:Veal, Water, Corn Starch. ─── 成分:小牛肉,水,玉米淀粉。

28、Modified starches have been paid more and more attention in the breads products. ─── 在面包生产中,变性淀粉得到了越来越多的关注。

29、Radix Notoginseng, magnesium stearate, sucrose, starch. ─── 三七。辅料为硬脂酸镁、蔗糖、泻粉。

30、And compared with adhesive of modified starch,KGM was better in property. ─── 与改性淀粉胶粘剂相比则性能更佳。

31、The starch in potatoes, cereals, and baked goods digests very rapidly. ─── 在马铃薯,谷类食品中的淀粉, 而且非常快速地烘焙了货物文摘。

32、Its round areas are rich in starch grains.One of the synergids degenerates. ─── (4)小孢子孢原为多细胞,药壁为基本型,具腺质绒毡层;

33、I a silverfish feeding on starch, or a small-fry, shakily still. ─── 我是食浆粉的蠹虫或某种小动物静止地颤动。

34、Starch is a natural green reagents material. ─── 摘要淀粉是一种比较理想的绿色试剂原材料。

35、Plastics based on natural plant polymers, derived from wheat or corn starches, have molecules that are easily broken down by microbes. ─── 基于天然植物聚合体的塑料,是从小麦或玉米淀粉中提取的,富含易为微生物所分解的分子。

36、The acetylation increased the solubility and swelling power of starches. ─── 在较高温度下,乙酰化香蕉淀粉的持水能力比原淀粉高。

37、The definiens and physiological functions of resistant starch were introduced. ─── 介绍了抗性淀粉的定义、分类及其生理功能;

38、Pteridium Squilinum starch paste can be stretched and had a good toughness. ─── 实验研究了蕨根淀粉糊的特性。

39、Then corn starch and pudding powder, mixing with a rubber spatula. ─── 将玉米淀粉和布丁粉加入,那橡皮刮刀用切拌方式拌匀。

40、B: OK. Do you want us to use starch? ─── 好的。衣服要上浆吗?

41、Township enterprises have stone products, construction materials, starch. ─── 乡镇企业产品有石料、建筑材料、淀粉。

42、You need to cut down on starches. ─── 你有必要少吃些含淀粉的东西。

43、HCl treated granular starches provide a micro-porous matrix material adapted for absorption and releasable functional compositions. ─── 利用盐酸对木薯淀粉进行处理,可以得到一种具有吸附功能的微孔淀粉载体。

44、Another key is limiting sugars and starches. ─── 另一把钥匙是限制糖和淀粉。

45、Tuber (Potato) and root (tapioca) starches have weak intermolecular bonding and swell greatly to give high-viscosity pastes. ─── 块茎(土豆)和根(木薯淀粉)中获得的淀粉有弱的分子间键并溶胀成高粘度糊料。

46、You should avoid sugars and starches. ─── 你应避免吃糖和含淀粉的食物。

47、I also started monitoring what kind of carbs and starches I was eating. ─── 我开始注意我吃的碳水化合物。

48、She stiffened the shirt with starch. ─── 她用粉浆把衬衫浆硬了。

49、I then dipped a hair tress into this starch solution and let it dry over night. ─── 我把一束头发浸在溶液里,看看明天干了之后的效果。

50、OTHER INGREDIENTS: Lactose, Maltodextrin, Starch, Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin. ─── 其他成份:乳糖、麦芽糊精、淀粉、硬脂酸镁、凝胶。

51、The change of physicochemical properties of wheat starches was studied after microwave irradiation. ─── 摘要研究了微波辐射前后小麦淀粉物化性质的变化。

52、No added suger, starch, yeast gluten, flavour or preservatives. ─── 不添加糖,淀粉,发酵粉或者防腐剂.

53、Behavior of Starch Dispersions under Pressure. ─── 压力下淀粉色散行为。

54、Sugars and starches are broken down into simple sugars during digestion. ─── 糖和淀粉在消化过程中被分解为单糖。

55、Starches are fattening. ─── 淀粉是增肥的。

56、The abrasion-resistance and elogation rate of ploybutyl acrylate copolymer size were apparently superior to those of acid acidolysis starches. ─── 丙烯酸丁酯共聚浆料浆膜的耐磨性、伸长率明显优于酸解淀粉

57、Set the bowl aside for about 15 minutes, to let the potatoes release some of their starches into the eggs. ─── 将碗置放15分钟,好让土豆内的淀粉溶进蛋液中。

58、A polysaccharide, such as starch or cellulose. ─── 多糖多糖,如淀粉或纤维素

59、Various methods for the characterization of the gelation degree of thermoplastic starches are reviewed . ─── 并对表征热塑性淀粉塑化程度的各种方法进行了总结和评述。

60、The result shows that sizing property of prepared irradiate graft starch is better than that of other starches size mixtu... ─── 低配比、低辐照剂量节约了原料成本,简化了生产工艺。

61、The gelatinization of starches means that the inner structure of starch grains in water during heating will change from order states to disorder. ─── 摘要淀粉凝胶化是水中淀粉粒在加热过程中,淀粉颗粒内部结构由有序状态转变为无序状态。

62、STAR-0007 is modified tapioca starch food grade. ─── STAR-0007为食品级改进木薯淀粉。

63、Key words: candy. Starch syrup. Reasonable selection. ─── 关键词:糖果、粉糖浆、理选用。

64、The experiments proved that the adsorption of methylene blue and oil absorbency by the micro-porous starches were significantly improved. ─── 实验得出:与木薯淀粉对亚甲基兰溶液、食用油的吸附性能相比,微孔淀粉的吸附性能明显提高。

65、A common adhesive is starch. ─── 常用的粘合剂是淀粉。

66、The perisperm cells with flat walls are full of starch grains. ─── 外胚乳细胞壁平直,细胞内充满淀粉。

67、In some baked products, many starch granules remain ungelatinized. ─── 在有些焙烤食品中许多淀粉颗粒未被胶凝。

68、NK type starch pump with whirler. ─── NK型旋游流器淀粉泵。

69、Soya Bean Fibre, Seaweed, Starch, Vegetarian Seasoning. ─── 大豆纤维,紫菜,淀粉,素食调味料。

70、You may lose even more weight initially if you limit salt and starches. ─── 您可能会失去更重最初如果您限制盐和淀粉。

71、Enzymes can BE added to further break down any remaining starches that would not BE fermentable and thus contribute to caloric content. ─── 添加酶进一步降解任何不能用于发酵的残存淀粉,增加了产品的热量。

72、At the stage of microspore, the tapetal cells evidently degenerated, and starches in parenchyma around vascular bundle became large. ─── 在小孢子时期,药隔薄壁细胞中淀粉粒体积增大,绒毡层细胞明显退化;

73、Combine the corn starch and baking soda, add in egg and water to make a batter. ─── 将玉米淀粉和小苏打粉混合匀,打入鸡蛋,加入水调匀成比较黏的面糊。

74、It melts or gelatinizes the pea starch and rearranges the polymers direction. ─── 它把豌豆淀粉溶化成胶状,再重新组合聚合物的方向。

75、Waxy rice starch gels are clear and cohesive. ─── 含蜡大米淀粉凝胶是透明的并有粘性。

76、But sometimes starches and waxes may be more firmly fixed during singeing, making desizing more difficult. ─── 但有时浆料和蜡质在烧毛后会牢固地粘在织物上,增加退浆的困难。

77、The barley must first be malted, that is germinated, to convert the starches in each grain into soluble sugars. ─── 大麦是由麦芽发育而成的,麦芽发育过程中每一个谷粒里的淀粉形成可溶解的糖。

78、It is to be noted that the cereal grains contain about two-thirds carbohydrate, which is in the form of digestible starches and sugars. ─── 资讯科技将被注意,谷类的谷粒包含大约三分之二个碳水化合物,这是以可消化淀粉的形式并且加糖变甜。

79、Dynamics of the starch and callose during pollen development of Pinus taeda L. ─── Chen Z_K(陈祖铿),Xiao D-X(肖德兴), Wang F-X(王伏雄).

80、In mature roots, there are medullas with starch grains. ─── 成熟根具含淀粉粒的髓。

81、Beef, Water, Corn Starch and Lemon Juice Concentrate. ─── 成分:牛肉,水,玉米淀粉、柠檬浓缩汁。

82、Lamb, Water, Corn Starch and Lemon Juice Concentrate. ─── 成分:羔羊肉,水,玉米淀粉、柠檬浓缩汁。

83、You eat too much starch. ─── 你吃的含淀粉的食物太多了。

84、To make fresh conch clean, first rinse with caltrop starch, then with water. ─── 心得新鲜螺头仔须用生粉清洗,再用水冲洗,才可洗净。

85、Fifth, abstains the food starch completely and fries in oil food. ─── 五是完全戒食淀粉和油炸食物。

86、I think there's too much starch in their diet. ─── 我看是他们的饮食里淀粉太多了。

87、The stroma may contain storage products of photosynthesis, e.g. starch grains. ─── 基质还可以储存光合作用的一些产物,如淀粉粒。

88、HCI treated granular starches provide a micro-porous matrix material adapted for absorption and releasable functional compositions. ─── 摘要利用盐酸对木薯淀粉进行处理,可以得到一种具有吸附功能的微孔淀粉载体。

89、Upon the addition of a good starch indicator a blue solution results. ─── 加入好的淀粉溶液指示剂,这时溶液变成兰色。

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