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09-09 投稿


assuages 发音

英:[??swe?d??z]  美:[??swe?d??z]

英:  美:

assuages 中文意思翻译



assuages 短语词组

1、assuages crossword ─── 缓和填字游戏

2、assuages crossword clue ─── 缓和纵横字谜线索

3、assuages meaning ─── 缓和意思

4、assuages define ─── 缓和定义

5、assuages synonym ─── 缓和同义词

6、assuages definition ─── 缓和定义

7、assuages the restrictions ─── 缓和限制

assuages 词性/词形变化,assuages变形

动词过去式: assuaged |动词过去分词: assuaged |动词第三人称单数: assuages |名词: assuagement |动词现在分词: assuaging |

assuages 相似词语短语

1、assieges ─── 助理

2、assuaged ─── vt.平息;缓和;减轻

3、assumes ─── 假定;假设

4、escuages ─── n.服役(中世纪封建社会中佃农对领主的义务);免役税

5、massages ─── n.[临床]按摩;窜改(massage的复数);v.谄媚;对…按摩(massage的单三形式)

6、assuage ─── vt.平息;缓和;减轻

7、messuages ─── n.家宅

8、assures ─── vt.保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚

9、assuager ─── 缓和

assuages 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It assuages the sense of moral panic that has been the handmaiden of prohibition for a century. ─── 它减轻了禁令实行一个世纪来一直伴随着的道德恐慌感。

2、It assuages the airliners" thirsty for capital and made great contribution to the development of Chinese civil aviations. ─── 该方式适应了我国航空公司资金不足的现状,为我国民航运输事业的发展起到了促进作用。

3、That is the kind of promise politicians love to make.It assuages the sense of moral panic that has been the handmaiden of prohibition for a century. ─── 政治家们乐于作出的承诺,因为它可以缓解人们的道德恐慌,正是这种恐慌促使人们一个世纪来采取禁止的措施。

4、A closer examination of the finances of the Beijing Olympics assuages many of these concerns. ─── 对北京奥运会财政情况的进一步考查缓解了许多此类担忧。

5、"Thus the Prajnaparamita mantra, the mantra of great knowledge, the unexceeded mantra, the unequaled mantra, the mantra that truly assuages all suffering, true and wise. ─── 故知般若波罗蜜多是大神咒。是大明咒。是无上咒。是无等等咒。能除一切苦。真实不虚。

6、It assuages the sense of moral panic that has been the handmaiden of prohibition for a century. ─── 它减轻了禁令实行一个世纪来一直伴随着的道德恐慌感。

7、Finally, my upstairs neighbor and freelance stylist extraordinaire, Roshawna Jackson assuages my dismay at being unable to master the art of the pose. ─── 最后,请教我楼上的一位邻居,她是非凡的自由职业者造型师,罗莎娜·杰克逊减轻了我无力摆出艺术姿势的沮丧心情。

8、China's move is also timely because it assuages fears that it has become less committed to rebalancing its economy. ─── 中国此举也很及时,因为它缓和了人们的担忧:它对于平衡本国经济不那么用心了。

9、It assuages the sense of moral panic that has been the handmaiden of prohibition for a century. It is intended to reassure the parents of teenagers across the world. ─── 它减轻了一个世纪来禁毒带来的道德痛苦,使全世界青少年的父母更加安心。

10、Salvages is pronounced to rhyme with assuages. ─── 萨尔维吉斯发缓韵的音调。

11、Or will we end up with a compromise like the one Congressional Democrats agreed to this year, legislation that assuages conservative objections at the cost of undermining the plan’s effectiveness? ─── 又或者最终的结果是某种妥协,比方说国会的民主党人以牺牲该计划的有效性为代价,同意于今年立法从而缓和来自保守派的反对?

12、An agent that assuages or mollifies. ─── 镇静或缓和的药物

13、It assuages the sense of moral panic that has been the handmaiden of prohibition for a century.It is intended to reassure the parents of teenagers across the world. ─── 它减轻了一个世纪来禁毒带来的道德痛苦,使全世界青少年的父母更加安心。

14、A closer examination of the finances of the Beijing Olympics assuages many of these concerns. ─── 对北京奥运会财政情况的进一步考查缓解了许多此类担忧。

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