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09-09 投稿



exclave 发音

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exclave 中文意思翻译



exclave 相似词语短语

1、enslave ─── vt.束缚;征服;使某人成为奴隶

2、exclaves ─── n.飞地(孤立于外地的领土)

3、clave ─── n.克拉维棍(打击乐器,成双);敲击节奏(拉丁音乐的一个基本节奏);锤角(尤指昆虫触角);v.劈开;迅速穿过;坚守(信仰)(cleave的过去式);n.(Clave)(法)克拉夫(人名)

4、enclave ─── n.飞地(指在本国境内的隶属另一国的一块领土);被包围的领土;被包围物

5、enclaves ─── 飞地

6、sclave ─── 阴囊

7、exclude ─── vt.排除;排斥;拒绝接纳;逐出

8、exclam. ─── 排除。

9、exclaim ─── vi.呼喊,惊叫;大声叫嚷;vt.大声说出

exclave 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An official ceremony was held at the Yantar Shipyard in Russia's Kaliningrad exclave in the Baltic region. ─── 官方庆祝仪式在波罗的海岸边加里宁格勒州的杨它船厂举行。

2、Instead measures have been taken to increase the sense of conviviality about this exclave and with the view of turning it into a contemporary Western enclave as well as a popular tourist attraction. ─── 作者发现尽管管理者对生态旅游的科学定义和究竟靠什么吸引生态旅游者还存在疑惑,生态旅游还是已经被确认为重要的省级战略以求经济增长和环境保护的平衡。

3、East Prussian was an exclave of Germany. ─── 东普鲁士原先是德国的飞地。

4、The ship had spent several weeks in Kaliningrad, Russia's freewheeling Baltic Sea exclave – the perfect place to hide a secret cargo (as well as stock up on cheap vodka). ─── 该船在加里宁格勒逗留了好几个星期,这块俄罗斯的波罗的海飞地管制松懈,是藏匿秘密货物的理想之地(包括囤积廉价的伏特加)。

5、An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Namibia. The town of Walvis Bay(population11,600) and the surrounding area constitute an exclave of South Africa. ─── 鲸湾(沃尔维斯湾)位于纳米比亚西海岸的大西洋一海湾。鲸湾港(人口11,600)及其周围地区构成南非领土内一块土地。

6、Its northernmost section of coastland, the Cabinda exclave, is separated from Angola proper by a narrow corridor of Congo territory. ─── 最北部领土是卡宾达飞地,与安哥拉本土隔著刚果的一道狭窄走廊。

7、Alaska is an exclave of the US. ─── 阿拉斯加是美国的一块飞地。

8、Alaska is an exclave of the US. ─── 阿拉斯加是美国的一块飞地。

9、Since the end of the Cold War and the independence of Lithuania from the Soviet Union, Kaliningrad has been an exclave of Russia. ─── 冷战结束和立陶宛从苏联独立出来后,加里宁格勒成为俄国的一块飞地。

10、Armenian population wasn’t so happy, and Armenia drives a physical wedge through the small nation cutting off an even smaller exclave called Nakchivan from the main territory. ─── 亚美尼亚人不乐意了,他们通过暴力手段,从阿塞拜疆切掉了一块叫Nakchivan 的更小的飞地(指在本国境内的隶属另一国的一块领土)。

11、industrial estate orientation exclave style ─── 园区指向飞地型

12、Earlier this year, Russia said it would build a nuclear complex in Kaliningrad, an exclave between Poland and Lithuania. ─── 今年早些时候,俄罗斯表示,他们会在波兰与立陶宛的领土加里宁格勒上建造期一个核能工业联合体。

13、An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Namibia. The town of Walvis Bay(population11, 600) and the surrounding area constitute an exclave of South Africa. ─── 鲸湾(沃尔维斯湾)位于纳米比亚西海岸的大西洋一海湾。鲸湾港(人口11,600)及其周围地区构成南非领土内一块土地

14、Earlier this year, Russia said it would build a nuclear complex in Kaliningrad, an exclave between Poland and Lithuania. ─── 今年早些时候,俄罗斯表示,他们会在波兰与立陶宛的领土加里宁格勒上建造期一个核能工业联合体。

15、A large Armenian population wasn't so happy, and Armenia drives a physical wedge through the small nation cutting off an even smaller exclave called Nakchivan from the main territory. ─── 然而大多数的亚美尼亚人对此并不满意,并以此为楔机在其主要领土中划出一块更小的名叫纳希切万的飞地。

16、A small part of Hebei, an exclave disjointed from the rest of the province, is wedged between the municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin. ─── 河北省还有一小部分位于京津两大都市交界处,完全游离于该省其他地区之外。

17、a territory of Angola forming an exclave on the Atlantic Ocean between Congo and Zaire. It was separated from Angola proper when the Belgian Congo(now Zaire) acquired a corridor to the sea along the lower Congo River ─── 卡宾达安哥拉领土,它在刚果和扎伊尔之间大西洋上形成一块孤立领土。是在比利时属刚果(今扎伊尔)要求沿刚果河下游建造一条通向海洋的通道时,被割离出安哥拉本土的

18、referring to the Baltic Sea exclave also seized by the Red army in the second world war. ─── 加里宁格勒是苏联红军在二战期间占领的波罗的海飞地。



1255年,条顿骑士团征服普鲁士桑比安部落,特旺斯特被摧毁。随后,一个新的要塞在原地建立,称为柯尼斯堡(Conigsberg),意为国王之山(King's Mountain)。此后,柯尼斯堡先后被条顿骑士团国、普鲁士公国和东普鲁士定为首都或首府。







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