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09-09 投稿



decentralization 发音

英:[di?,sentr?la?'ze???n]  美:[l?'zs?ntr?la?'ze??n]

英:  美:

decentralization 中文意思翻译



decentralization 同义词

regionalization |devolution | decentalisation | reorganization | subsidiarity | delegation | decentralisation

decentralization 短语词组

1、quasi-decentralization ─── [经] 准分权制

2、decentralization definition ─── 分权定义

3、horizontal decentralization ─── 横向分权

4、decentralization of authority ─── [经] 分权制, 分权

5、centralization and decentralization ─── [经] 集中和分散

6、decentralization in europe 1200 1450 ─── 欧洲权力下放1200 1450

7、decentralization of political conflict ─── 分散政治冲突

8、degree of decentralization ─── 分权程度

9、system of decentralization ─── [法] 分权制

10、functional decentralization ─── [经] 职能的分权组织

11、decentralization policy ─── 权力下放政策

12、decentralization define ─── 分散化定义

13、decentralization of responsibility ─── [经] 分层负责

decentralization 反义词


decentralization 词性/词形变化,decentralization变形

名词: decentness |副词: decently |

decentralization 相似词语短语

1、Orientalization ─── 东方化

2、centralization ─── n.集中化;中央集权管理

3、decapitalization ─── n.资本减缩

4、dentalization ─── 齿音化

5、centralisation ─── n.(英)集中化(等于centralization)

6、decentralisation ─── n.地方分权;疏散(等于decentralization)

7、defederalization ─── 去联邦化

8、demineralization ─── n.去矿化作用;除盐作用;失矿质

9、centralizations ─── n.集中化;中央集权管理

decentralization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、comprehensive laws on decentralization ─── 地方分权总法

2、The multiple market approach implies a high degree of decentralization. ─── 多元市场方法意味着高度集中。

3、thought of decentralization of power ─── 分权思想

4、But decentralization raises problems of its own. ─── 但权力分散又会产生相应的问题。

5、Keywords Decentralization medium;Size;Nephelometery; ─── 分散介质;颗粒度;比浊法;

6、fiscal decentralization theories ─── 分权理论

7、Cooperative development in the context of achieving decentralization risk sharing proceeds for financial strength is not strong or robust real estate business, is a sensible business. ─── 合作开发在分散风险的前提下实现了收益共享,对于资金实力不强或经营稳健的房地产商来说不失为一个明智之举。

8、Although the decentralization policy has been implemented in HA, the Hospital Chief Executives still have to report to Hospital Authority Chief Executive directly. ─── 尽管分权管理政策已由医院管理局落实,但医院行政总监仍需要向医院管理局行政总监直接汇报。

9、Fourth, the decentralization of competent departments and disarrangement of its administrative system are also the puzzles confronted by the chamber. ─── 四是主管部门的分散与业务体制的不顺。

10、Since then, there has been a strong bias toward decentralization of the banking system and an aversion to powerful institutions of any kind. ─── 从那以后,美国一直存在着一种在银行系统中实行地方分权的强烈偏见和对实力强大的金融机构表示反感的情绪。

11、This trend towards a more individualized school management system attests to the decentralization of Taiwans educational system. ─── 学校本位管理已是不可挡的趋势,是分权化的例证之一。

12、theory of organic decentralization ─── “有机疏散”论

13、The newsweekly is supported by the Bank-administered Decentralization Support Facility. ─── 这个新闻周刊是由世行管理的“权利下放支助基金”资助的。

14、decentralization of decision ─── 决策非集中化

15、Decentralization government organization network scheme ─── 分散型政府机构网络方案

16、Existing literatures do not reach the consensus of the relationship between fiscal decentralization and economic growth. ─── 中文摘要探讨财政分权政策对于经济成长影响的文献中,并未有一致性的结论。

17、Decentralization and experimentation must be encouraged. ─── 权力下放和尝试必须予以鼓励。

18、Secondary institutions to further decentralization and the implementation of "simulated corporate" operating mechanisms. ─── 对二级机构进一步放权,实行“模拟法人”的运作机制。

19、But for policy-makers and researchers alike, a question of interest is the extent to which decentralization has actually occurred. ─── 但是对政策制定者和研究人员来说,一个有趣的问题是,分权在多大程度上实际发生了。

20、No longer questioned the commodification of housing reform in the housing decentralization, and thus trigger urban transport pluralism. ─── 不再置疑住房商品化改革后出现的居住分散化,以及由此引发的城市交通工具多元化。

21、University autonomy is a common and influential policy in higher education adopted by government in the paradigm of decentralization. ─── 大学自主是近年来政府在分权范式下所采取的一项颇具普适性和影响力的高等教育政策。

22、In the face of this kaleidoscope of promises and changing fashions, governments have been understandably cautious about decentralization. ─── 面对这个万花筒般的承诺和改变着的时尚,政府对于分权的谨慎是可以理解的。

23、The design and implementation of HailStorm is still in flux, but the tension that exists within HailStorm between centralization and decentralization is already quite vivid. ─── 下得很大的冰雹的设计和实现仍然在在在集中化之间的下得很大的冰雹以内存在的流动,而是紧张,分散已经是相当生动的。

24、These features make it a very high practical value, and fit P2P file sharing system's feature of decentralization. ─── 而且蚁群算法的这些特性正好与P2P文件共享系统的去中心化特性相适应。

25、Decentralization and autonomy ─── 分散自律

26、the mode of decentralization of power ─── 分权模式

27、The further increase in fiscal decentralization or slackening in extra-budgetary fund management will result in many adverse effects on China's economy. ─── 如果继续提高财政分权度,或者是放松对地方预算外资金的管理,将对我国经济产生诸多不良影响。

28、There are three types of management modes in enterprise financial management:centralization of power,decentralization of power and decentralized management mode guided by group parent company. ─── 企业财务管理模式有集权式、分权式和集团母公司指导下分散管理模式三种类型。

29、In designing the authority of the state organs, it implemented the Western constitutionalism principle of decentralization to keep in balance. ─── 在国家机构的权力设计上,贯彻了西方宪政思想的分权制衡原则。

30、On the other side,decentralization is used in some organization where decision making is delegated to lower levels. ─── 反之,分权化程度高的组织的决策则由较低的管理层做出。

31、decentralization coloring matter ─── 分散染料

32、China adopts the principles of combining centralization and decentralization and encouraging seeking employment on one's own initiative to help the disabled find work. ─── 中国采取集中与分散相结合和鼓励自谋职业的方针促进残疾人就业。

33、But decentralization raises problems of its own. ─── 但权力分散又会产生相应的问题。

34、Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentralization and the practice of local democracy. ─── 其目的就是构建一个国际社会认可的框架来推行非集权化和当地的民主建设。

35、decentralization of authority and responsibility ─── 分散权责

36、For forecasting closing price in stock market, we firstly divides samples which have characteristic of decentralization into different sub-classes with the aid of SOM neural network. ─── 另一方面,由于预测因子之间的相关性,导致输入信息重叠,也使得模型预报的准确率降低,因此,应对此类样本和众多的预报因子进行必要的处理。

37、In this paper, the theory of improving the performance of the epoxy resin adhesive with a nanoparticle and fundamental principle of the decentralization to an abio nanoparticle were analyzed and formulized. ─── 对用无机纳米微粒改性环氧树脂胶粘剂的理论依据、无机纳米微粒的分散原理进行了分析和叙述。

38、Iraqi President Jalal Talabani says he supports a U.S.Senate resolution that calls for the decentralization of Iraq into autonomous regions for Shi'ites, Sunnis and Kurds. ─── 伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼说,他支持美国参议院关于把伊拉克中央政府权力下放、让国家分为什叶派、逊尼派和库尔德3个自治区的决议。

39、In the investment decision-making decentralization, investment diversification conditions to ensure land revenue reverted to the government. ─── 在投资决策分散化、投资主体多元化的条件下,可以确保土地收益收归政府。

40、Property rights reform, decentralization of equity, rational structure. ─── 产权改革,使股权分散,结构合理。

41、The advantages of product granularity are concentrative distribution, dense crystalloid and good decentralization; the outward appearance seems like sphaeroid. ─── 产品粒度分布集中,结晶质密(松装密度大)且分散性好,物理型貌为类球形;

42、One is irregularity, that is, decentralization, lack of uniformity, absence of strict discipline, and simple methods of work. ─── 一方面是非正规性,就是不集中、不统一、纪律不严、工作方法简单化等。

43、The excellent oxidation invariability and lustration decentralization prevented from the formation of charcoal and greasiness, which prolonged oil change period evidently. ─── 优异的氧化安定性和清净分散性,抑制积炭和油泥的生成,显著延长换油周期。

44、For him, "the most important task facing the nation is to ensure regional uniformity through decentralization". ─── 对他来讲,“该国面对的首要任务是通过向地方分散的方式来确保地区的均衡发展”。

45、For that reason, encouraging political and financial decentralization has become a key priority of the Bank, he says. ─── 因此,他说,鼓励政治和财政权利下放已经成为世行的一个优先重点。

46、It means to use the combination of centralization and decentralization to capture the strengths of both. ─── 也就是,混合使用集权和分权来获取两者的好处。

47、information decentralization ─── 信息分散化

48、It is important to investigate what level of decentralization a country attains, evaluate changes in this level over time, and compare decentralization levels among countries. ─── 一个国家的分散化程度及其发展变化趋势、各国之间分散化程度的比较,对这些问题的研究是极其重要的。

49、Since 1991, one of the important reforms of Indian economic system is the decentralization reform under the federalism, by which Indian federalism is to be changed from the cooperative federalism to the competitive one step by step. ─── 1991年以来印度经济体制改革的一个重要内容就是集权联邦制下的分权化改革,这使得印度联邦制逐渐从合作型联邦制向竞争型联邦制转变。

50、The land use concentration degree was trending to decentralization but not very significant. ─── 土地利用集中程度虽稍有减弱但并不明显,土地利用配置主体发生了显著的变化;

51、Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentralization and the practice of local democracy. ─── 其目的就是构建一个国际社会认可的框架来推行非集权化和当地的民主建设。

52、However, as over-complicating the matter of decentralization and constraints, but also easy to form a decentralized responsibility, the efficiency of the damage. ─── 但是叠床架屋般的权力分散和制约,也易于形成责任的分散,损害效率。

53、Decentralization: the more autonomous the modules, the higher the likelihood that a simple change will affect just one module, or a small number of modules, rather than triggering off a chain reaction of changes over the whole system. ─── 分散性:更独立的模块,更好地可能性是一个简单的变化只是影响一个模块,或很少的模块,胜于触发在整个的系统上的连锁反应。

54、Settlements of decentralization, the combination of urban and peri-urban residential development to become the first choice. ─── 住区布局分散化以后,城乡结合部和近郊区成为住宅开发的首选之地。

55、The reason the Constitution limits the recipient of the monopoly power to authors resides in the single, unifying theme of the entire constitutional enterprise: the decentralization of power. ─── 宪法限制作者对其作品的独占权的原因在于贯穿于整个宪法的单一而统一的主题:分权。

56、Decentralization is a principle of modern distributed systems, including societies. ─── 分散权力是现代传送系统的原则,包括各个社会。

57、Another factor affecting the degree of decentralization is the state of development of control techniques. ─── 影响分权程度的另一个因素是控制技术的发展情况。

58、Unlike in decentralization the state maintains some controls over the system, attempting to ensure that the markets remain truly free and is not distorted by monopolies or corruption. ─── 与分散经济不同的是,国家对经济系统保持一定程度的控制,以使市场保持自由竞争,不至产生垄断和腐败现象。

59、Electrical networks in the villiages have characteristics of load decentralization ,strong seasonality ,lower average loading rate ,and etc. ─── 农村电网具有负荷分散、季节性强、平均负荷率低等特点。

60、Decentralization was critical to success. ─── 放权是成功的关键。

61、One phenomenon of the globalization of R&D -- the subsequence of globalization of economics -- is the decentralization of R&D Centers. ─── 全球化是经济全球化的必然产物,其主要表现形式之一是跨国公司海外R&D中心的设立。

62、What did he see as the political effects of administrative decentralization in America? ─── 他认为什么乃是美国去除行政集权的政治结果?

63、Decentralization provides the scope for greater experimentation and learning, and the competition among decentralized units may provide an essential spur. ─── 分权为更多的试验和学习提供了空间,分散组织间的竞争也起了根本性的刺激作用。

64、To make this approach effective, the reform of governance structure shouldn't imitate the mode in America and Britain to overemphasize ownership decentralization or neglect China's reality at present. ─── 分别对样本总体和各行业的数据进行了回归分析。此研究的政策意义在于现阶段上市公司治理结构的改革不应盲目模仿英美模式无视中国的国情,过于强调股权分散。

65、concentration and decentralization of population ─── 人口集聚与扩散

66、Reduces quality of decisions, which become limited to one perspective; decision making starts lacking diversity, independence and decentralization, which are essential attributes of collective intelligence. ─── 决定仅仅局限在某个角度,降低了决策的质量;最初的决定缺乏多样性,独立性和向下兼容,这些都是集体决策的本质。

67、The normalization and decentralization of information structure is low, which means one-side monopoly of information and insiders control to outside economic body. ─── 信息结构的规范度和分散度较低,意味着对外部经济主体的“信息单边垄断”和“内部人控制”;

68、China Puzzle and Regional Decentralization ─── 中国之谜与地方分权

69、the households decentralization ─── 家庭分散经营

70、The issue of decentralization between central government and local governments is of great magnitude to national legal system, both in theoretics and practices. ─── 在中央与地方的关系中,中央政府是掌握主动的一方,也是分权能否恰当的关键所在。

71、It rests on such intangibles as market analysis, sales training, advertising and financial decentralization. ─── 它取决于很多无形的东西,诸如:市场分析,销售培训,广告宣传和财务细分。

72、China's reform to decentralization conduced to the competition in the locals, which helped the marketization of the economy. ─── 分权化改革导致了地区间的竞争,地区间竞争有利于市场化,资源市场化流动在部分地区内可以促使政府改制的出现。

73、decentralization of authority ─── 分权

74、It also makes clear to all about a new thinking style, which emphasizes negation, decentralization, uncertainty, discontinuity and pluralism. ─── 它集中体现了西方哲人们对"现代"哲学的强烈不满情绪,同时也昭示了一种新的思维方式。

75、decentralization orchestration ─── 分布式业务执行系统

76、It is more important to settle the problems of corporation size too small, cost too much, overage competition, throughput decentralization, and efficiency of resources collocating too low while china has become a member of WTO. ─── 尤其是,我国已经加入世界贸易组织,解决企业规模小、成本费用高、竞争过度、生产能力分散、资源配置效率较低这些问题显得更为迫切。

77、By 1958 Albania stood with China in opposing Moscow on issues of peaceful coexistence, de-Stalinization, and Yugoslavia's "separate road to socialism" through decentralization of economic life. ─── 1958年以前,在和平共处、去斯大林化和南斯拉夫通过经济分散化“走社会主义独立道路”等问题上,阿尔巴尼亚与中国站在一起,反对莫斯科。

78、Under imperfect legal system,the fund-provider system with decentralization and balance frame would gain anticipative effect. ─── 在法制尚不健全的当前,只有建立起分权制衡的出资人制度框架才有可能收到预期的效果。

79、Decentralization describes an economy in which the central government doesn't attempt to manage every aspect of a nation's production. ─── 分散经济指中央政府不集中管理整个国家各行各业的生产活动。

80、decentralization interpolation ─── 中心分散插值

81、The reason the Constitution limits the recipient of the monopoly power to authors resides in the single,unifying theme of the entire constitutional enterprise: the decentralization of power. ─── 宪法限制作者对其作品的独占权的原因在于贯穿于整个宪法的单一而统一的主题: 分权。

82、The feature is shown in resource centralization for management,decentralization of its use based on campus Internet,which don't limit space &time in teaching management. ─── 其特点是资源统一管理、分散使用,利用校园网进行教学管理,不受时间、空间的限制。

83、decentralization of responsibility ─── 分层负责分散负责

84、centralization and decentralization ─── [经] 集中和分散

85、Centralization and decentralization of intelligent optimization ─── 关于智能优化方法的集聚性与弥散性问题

86、The management system of CNPC belongs to the management model which combines the centralization and decentralization of power. ─── CNPC的管理体制是居于集权和分权之间的集权与分权相结合的管理模式。

87、There are three types of management modes in enterprise financial management: centralization of power, decentralization of power and decentralized management mode guided by group parent company. ─── 企业财务管理模式有集权式、权式和集团母公司指导下分散管理模式三种类型。

88、If the developing countries attempt to conduct fiscal decentralization without improving their political and legal system, they might suffer from such decentralization. ─── 因此开发中国家若要以已开发国家为标竿而实施财政分权政策,在未健全政治和法律等社会制度前,可能未蒙其利先受其害。

89、This downplaying of ordering constraints is part of object technology's constant push for decentralization in system architectures. ─── 对顺序约束的忽视是对象技术的永远不变的一部分,这推动了系统架构的分散性。

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