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09-09 投稿


meditating 发音


英:  美:

meditating 中文意思翻译



meditating 网络释义

adj. 沉思的;冥想的

meditating 词性/词形变化,meditating变形

动词第三人称单数: meditates |动词现在分词: meditating |动词过去式: meditated |动词过去分词: meditated |名词: meditator |

meditating 短语词组

1、meditating hippo ─── 冥想河马

meditating 相似词语短语

1、levitating ─── v.(尤其用魔法或精神力量)使飘浮,升空(levitate的现在分词)

2、medicating ─── vt.用药治疗;加药品于

3、meditatingly ─── 沉思地

4、meditations ─── 沉思,冥想(meditation的复数形式);沉思录

5、mediating ─── 调停

6、meditative ─── adj.冥想的,沉思的;耽于默想的

7、meditation ─── n.冥想;沉思,深思;静坐

8、redictating ─── 重编

9、hesitating ─── v.犹豫;迟疑;停顿;结结巴巴地说(hesitate的现在分词);adj.犹豫的

meditating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So training students' mathematical introspecting ability in the meditating learning of mathematics is the most important step in the studying activities of mathematics. ─── 因此在反思性数学学习中培养学生的数学反思能力是数学学习活动的最重要的环节。

2、He has been meditating revenge . ─── 他一直在想报复。

3、They are meditating a change in the office arrangements . ─── 他们正考虑改变工作安排。

4、He sat long with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, meditating. ─── 他长时间地坐着,双肘支在膝盖上,双手托着下巴,沉思着。

5、Silent night, I have been meditating, thoughts are with the Millennium you before and after the millennium, with immortal farewell, immortality response. ─── 寂静的夜里,我苦苦沉思,想念着千年之前和千年之后的你,拥有不朽的绝唱,不朽的回响。

6、He sat there meditating his plan. ─── 他坐在那思考着他的计划。

7、Meditating can be a bit like scrutinizing our lives with a microscope and seeing what we most need to work on. ─── 冥想有点像用显微镜仔细地观察我们的生活,看我们最需要做的是什么。

8、After Gurdjieff's death, and while employed by Shell, Wack continued to spend several weeks a year meditating in India with another guru. ─── 在葛吉夫死后,瓦克受雇于壳牌石油,但他还是每年都要花上数个星期前往印度和另外一位导师进行冥想。

9、One of the main things to discover in meditating is to actually "see" that the observer (your ego) is the observed. ─── 在沉思中应该发现的重要一点是:真正“看见”观察者(你的自我)正是被观察者。

10、"Why the Buddha? Because Buddhas, Tathagatas, have cosmic bodies, and so enter into the meditating mind of each sentient being. ─── "所以者何?诸佛如来,是法界身,入一切众生心想中。

11、By meditating on God with form one speedily acquires devotion; ─── 冥想有形的神会很快地得到虔诚;

12、A French woman, after meditating with the Convenient form of practice, was ecstatic at her visions of Jesus Christ and Shakyamuni Buddha. ─── 一位法国妇女在学了方便法后,兴奋地说她看到了耶稣和佛陀。

13、He sat long with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, meditating . ─── 他双手托着下巴,两肘撑在膝盖上,沉思着在那儿坐了很长时间。

14、I like to use that time to get a head start on preparing my kids' lunches, on planning for the rest of the day (when I set my MITs), on exercising or meditating, and on reading. ─── 你应该给自己设定一个这周想要完成的目标,每天早晨起床时,你就要决定你今天能做那些事情可以让你离目标更近一些。

15、Clare was meditating, verily. ─── 克莱正在那儿琢磨,一点儿不错。

16、They were meditating revenge. ─── 他们在谋划进行报复。

17、then his arm fell back with the same deliberation, and Jean Valjean fell to meditating once more, his cap in his left hand, his club in his right hand, his hair bristling all over his savage head. ─── 冉阿让重又堕入冥想中了,左手拿着小帽,右手拿着铁钎,头发乱竖在他那粗野的头上。

18、At the end, the rainbow became smaller until there was only a very bright white spot, which seemed to remind us to focus on the Wisdom Eye while meditating! ─── 后来彩虹变得越来越小,最后只剩下非常明亮的白色光点,似乎在提醒我们打坐的时候要专注于智慧眼。

19、He sat long with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, meditating. ─── 他双手托着下巴,两肘撑在膝盖上,沉思着在那儿坐了很长时间。

20、Meditating on the Reform of Sci- tech System in China ─── 对中国科技体制改革的反思

21、There was this ant when I was meditating, right after Malcolm's funeral. ─── 在马儿可姆的葬礼后 我看到的一只蚂蚁让我陷入了深思

22、What is the benefit of meditating like that? ─── 如此习禅有何好处?

23、the poem reflecting on an ancient event and meditating on the past ─── 咏吏怀古诗

24、While meditating on the inner light, I saw the Earth - a beautiful globe, in white and blue, very similar to the pictures taken by astronauts from outer space. ─── 印心观光时,有看到地球,很漂亮的一个蓝白相间的球体,就像太空人从外太空拍下的照片一样。

25、While meditating, he would lay aside his cloth and his brahminical thread. ─── 冥想的时候,他会把衣服和婆罗门圣线放置一旁。

26、They are meditating a reimposition of the tax on corn ─── 他们正在考虑对谷物重新征税。

27、During the outage, a fellow initiate meditating in darkness saw brilliant light in her inner vision and opened her eyes three times, thinking that the electricity had been restored. ─── 一位同修在黑暗中打坐,看到极大的亮光,她三次睁开了眼睛,以为电力已经恢复了。

28、Inspection and meditating on school: in the sight of educational anthropology ─── 学校:一种教育文化人类学的检视与沉思

29、Instead, the stone piece struck the head of a saint meditating under the tree.His head was injured and started bleeding. ─── 但是,这颗石头却击中了一个在树下沉思的圣人的脑袋,圣人的脑袋开始流血。

30、One day he was meditating in the Panchavati, when he saw come out of him a red-eyed man of black complexion, reeling like a drunkard. ─── 一天他在菩提树下冥想,看见了一个黑脸、眼圈哭红的人出现在他面前,像醉汉一样蹒跚而走。

31、He also wept profusely while meditating on God. ─── 他在冥想神的时候也在哭泣。

32、the white angel in the middle is the serious, grave-looking consigliere meditating on some secret plots; ─── 中间的白天使表情凝重严肃,如同黑帮顾问在谋划着某些秘密阴谋;

33、The congressman is meditating a reply to his critics . ─── 国会议员正考虑对他的批评作出回答。

34、One day as he was meditating on the Architecture, Linus fell into a trance and was granted a vision. ─── 一天他在沉思着(诺依曼提出的)结构,恍惚间坠入幻境。

35、When doing a thing, not was necessary to borrowed others, but thinking, when meditating, can find the solution in the development of foreign Internet at least. ─── 做东西的时候没有必要去抄袭别人,但是在思考、反省的时候,至少可以在国外互联网的发展找到答案。

36、Meditating as to what he should do, he returned to his hotel, and the room. ─── 他一路冥想着应处的态度,不觉已经到了旅馆里的那个房间。

37、He sat there meditating upon his misfortunes. ─── 他坐在那里沉思自己的不幸遭遇。

38、He appeared like a young philosopher meditating on the futility of games.Phatik was furious. ─── 他的样子活像一位年轻的哲学家,思考着孩子们游戏的无用性。

39、In Nepal, meditating is a huge part of daily life. ─── 在尼泊尔,冥想?琢巳粘I?钪泻艽蟮囊徊糠帧

40、Fellow initiates started arriving at the designated spot early in the morning and began meditating. ─── 同修一早便开始抵达预定的地点,然后先在空地上打坐。

41、Sometimes religion construction has obvious feature of meditating on the past and its form seems to be stickled in the traditional architectural typology. ─── 宗教建筑往往带有强烈的怀古气息,其形式似乎也拘泥在传统的建筑类型学中。

42、He was meditating on how he should tell the whole truth in regard to Stener. ─── 他正在思忖怎样把他和斯坦纳的关系和盘托出来。

43、The lady trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished.But it was not so ordained. ─── 女士浑身颤抖,双眼投向山谷的边缘,似乎想要无果而返,但最终事违所愿。

44、She managed not to laugh, but pointed warningly in the direction of the meditating monks. ─── 双儿强忍笑容,左手向玉林和行痴指指。

45、Are you serious in meditating a journey to Egypt? ─── 你是在认真考虑到埃及旅行一次吧?

46、He sat long over his solitary cup of tea, smoking his meerschaum pipe, and meditating darkly upon the task that lay before him. ─── 他独自对着一杯茶坐了好久,抽着海泡石烟斗,郁郁地思考着摆在他面前的任务。

47、With a feeling of amused satisfaction, he was meditating upon how heavily and neatly he had countered on his enemies. ─── 他怀着有趣的满意心情,默想着自己是多么沉重地、巧妙地还击了敌人。

48、Meditating on the mangement of sepsis at early stage of burns ─── 关于防治烧伤后早期脓毒症的思考

49、Meditating of perfecting share corporation system for middle and small state - owned coal enterprises ─── 完善中小型国有煤炭企业股份合作制的构想

50、that his poems on portraits are full of self-reflection and self-expectation, often meditating on the scholar's choice about reclusion and engagement; ─── 其人像类题画诗充满自我的反思和期许,并思考士的出处问题;

51、One Buddhist nun has taken meditating to extremes . ─── 一位尼姑将冥想发挥到极致。

52、Totapuri returned to Dakshineswar and spent the remaining hours of the night meditating on the Divine Mother. ─── 多达布里回到达克希什瓦,当晚的余下时间都用来冥想神圣母亲。

53、I was meditating, and reached a higher state of consciousness. ─── 我正在冥想,并进入了一种更高的意识境界。

54、Its Force is just illusory if it's not manifested in the thoughts, words and deeds of the one meditating. ─── 如果一个人冥想中的思想、言语和行动不能显化,它的力量只是虚幻。

55、The lady trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished. ─── 姑娘颤抖着,抬头望了望山谷边缘,想着是否要无果而返。

56、Meditating upon that which is ignored, seek the Truth so as to then listen to the master that dwells within you. ─── 冥想达到那些原本被忽视的,寻找真理由此而能听到居住在你内里的主人(声音)。

57、While meditating, monks can still perceive the world around them. ─── 和尚在冥想的时候也能感知周围的世界。

58、The experience of meditating at least in my experience is extremely powerful and oft to be kind of revelatory about your internal state. ─── 冥想的经历,至少偶自己的冥想经历非常有效,是内心状态的启示.

59、Because of many of us so-called practitioner, Buddhist, spiritual person we maybe meditating ,we maybe renouncing, but also actually somewhere deep inside we are just looking for a better life. ─── 因为,我们很多所谓的修行者、佛教徒、灵性追求者,我们也许在修禅定、修出离,但事实上与此同时,内心的深处我们是在寻找一个更好的生活。

60、Meditating on the Development of Effective Agriculture of Watermelon in Anhui Province ─── 发展安徽西瓜效益农业的思考

61、Maybe you'd like to begin meditating. ─── 也许你会开始沉思冥想过去。

62、In an experiment, 17 volunteers with no meditation experience in the experimental group spent three months meditating 10 to 12 hours a day . ─── 在实验方面,17个志愿者在实验的团体方面有没有沉思经验度过三个月想天10到12小时。

63、One develops love of God by going away from the world into solitude, now and then, and meditating on God. ─── 人通过不时地远离世俗,走进孤独中,冥想着神,会发展出对神的爱。

64、If you find the meditating positions you see on television threatening ”those with impossibly vaulted backs, and painful-looking contortions ”you should not worry. ─── 如果你觉得在电视上看到的那些不可能做到拱形的背,看起来痛苦的扭转的冥想姿势有点可怕,你也不必担心。

65、He is meditating in his study. ─── 他在为他的研究沉思。

66、Meditating in the light of the whole garden, the time can easier be noticed; and a man can see the shadow of his own. ─── 在满园弥漫的沉静光芒中,一个人更容易看到时间,并看见自己的身影。

67、They are meditating a change in the office arrangement. ─── 他们正在考虑变动一下办公室的工作安排。

68、One brother initiate said that he had problems when meditating, because he often slept or lost concentration. ─── 一位师兄说他不能很好打坐,常常会睡觉或者不能集中。

69、meditating plaza ─── 交流广场

70、By that afternoon, we were already meditating on warm, clean polyurethane and aluminum foil pads. ─── 下午打坐时,我们都坐在保暖又乾净的锡箔垫上。

71、Everyday decisions have a huge impact on your happiness, and many of those happiness-inducing choices -- socializing, volunteering, exercising, meditating -- don't have to cost anything at all. ─── 在日常生活中人们的决定对快乐程度有一个巨大的影响、而且许多利于产生快乐的选择--社交、做一名自愿者、锻炼、冥思--是不需要花任何钱.

72、They were meditating revenge. ─── 他们在谋划进行报复。

73、As a young man, Buddha spent a lot of time meditating upon the meaning of life. ─── 佛祖年轻时就花很多时间沉思生命的意义。

74、"It was decided for me by the experiences I had while meditating," said Austin, author of the book "Zen and the Brain" and now a philosophy scholar at the University of Idaho. ─── “对我来说这是决定,通过练习冥想的同时我具有了”,澳丝汀说,他是“禅宗和脑”书的作者以及现在爱达荷州(美国州名)哲学学家。

75、Like others who had a Puritan education, I had the habit of meditating on my sins, follies, and shortcomings. ─── 像旁的受过清教徒教育的人一样,我惯对自己的罪守,愚妄和失败,作种种的冥想。

76、"Of course meditating for 10 days is not a miracle cure. ─── “当然,沉思冥想十天不是一种特效的治疗方法。

77、"Society can be transformed totally if small children start meditating. ─── 如果小孩子开始静心,社会就能完全被转化。

78、The difference is in the Lord’s watchfulness and in the righteous person’s obedience in living for God and meditating on God’s law. ─── 分别在于主对他们的看顾,以及义人愿意顺服,为神而活,并思想神的律法。

79、He and the rest of his small group spent much of their time walking the wilds of Azeroth, trying to heal the damage that the war had left behind, and meditating in the Emerald Dream. ─── 他和余下的大部分德鲁伊花费大量时间踱步于艾泽拉斯的荒野中,在翡翠梦境中沉思,同时治愈战争给大地带来的伤害。

80、You will achieve this by meditating on your essence which is the same one as that found within everything around us, because the source of everything that has been created is one. ─── 你要依靠在你基质之上的冥想而达至这个水平,那基质和在我们周围所有中发现的是一样的,因为所有被创化的来源都是太一。

81、While meditating on the light during initiation, everything suddenly became very dark in front of my wisdom eye. I felt as if I were traveling quickly through this dark space. ─── 印心的时候开著灯,在我智慧眼前面,突然变得一片黑暗,我觉得彷佛在快速地通过这片黑暗。

82、Affections on Palace in Poems Meditating on the Past Based on Odes to Hua Qing Palace ─── 从咏华清宫看唐人咏史怀古诗的宫殿情结

83、If you feel like meditating more, that's fine, but don't overdo it. ─── 如果你想更多练习,没关系,但别过分。

84、He walked back and forth in the living room, meditating the problem. ─── 他在客厅里走来走去,思考问题。

85、Thanks for this one of the lovable postings, that i have been looking for long:Let's try this way:My most joyfull hoppy could be just sit there meditating but doing nothing; ─── "我的最大爱好是沉思默想。我可以一个人长时间地独处而感到愉快。独享欢乐是一种愉快,独自忧伤也是一种愉快。

86、The mainframe programmer then began to describe his system to his friend, saying ``The mainframe sits like an ancient sage meditating in the midst of the data center. ─── 于是,主机程序员开始向他的这位朋友描绘他的系统:“主机就像一位陷入沉思的圣人一样,端坐在数据中心。

87、One day as he was meditating on the Architecture, Linus fell into a trance and was granted a vision. ─── 一天他在沉思着(诺依曼提出的)结构,恍惚间坠入幻境。

88、Also try meditating,reading,or listening to soothing music. ─── 也可以试着沉思,看书或是听些柔和的音乐。

89、He was a little behind the governor, and was standing through the service meditating with befitting sedateness on the most various subjects. ─── 他站在省长稍后面一点,他带着做礼拜的庄重神情,同时想着一个接一个的各种各样的问题,站完了这次礼拜。

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