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09-09 投稿



electrostatics 发音

英:[[?'lektr??'st?t?ks]]  美:[[??lektr?'st?t?ks]]

英:  美:

electrostatics 中文意思翻译



electrostatics 词性/词形变化,electrostatics变形

副词: electrostatically |

electrostatics 相似词语短语

1、electrotaxis ─── 趋电性

2、electrostatic units ─── [电磁]静电单位

3、electrooptics ─── 电光

4、electrotactic ─── 电疗法

5、electrostatic lens ─── 静电透镜

6、electro-optics ─── 电光学

7、electrostatic ─── adj.静电的;静电学的

8、electrolytics ─── n.电解学;电解化学

9、electrostatically ─── 静电地(electrostatic的副词形式)

electrostatics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He has ever been the commissioner of Committee on Electrostatics of Chinese Physical Society in 1980s, and was promoted as a vice researcher in 1987. ─── 1980年后担任过中国物理学会静电专业委员会委员;1987年初晋升为副研究员;

2、TC101 is perhaps unusual in that it is focussed on electrostatics expertise rather than any product. ─── TC101关注于静电学的专门技术而非其他产品,就这点来说它也许是特别的。

3、It would be beneficial to review the fundamental theory of electrostatics. ─── 因此有必要对静电的基本理论作一简介。

4、Keywords oxygen pressure cabin;electrostatics;electrostatic spark;electrostatic protection; ─── 氧气加压舱;静电;静电火花;静电防护;

5、Improved analog of electrostatic field will help students undstand the abstract electrostatics better. ─── 通过对静电场模拟实验仪的改进,将有助于学生较好地理解抽象的静电理论。

6、Electrostatics The studies of the effects caused by static electricity. ─── 研究由静电引起的效应的科学。

7、LI Duan; LIU Ming-hui; WU Yan; LI Guo-feng; WANG Ning-hui; LIU Jiang-jiang (Institute of Electrostatics and Special Power; Dalian University of Technology; Dalian; Liaoning 116024; China); ─── 大连理工大学静电与特种电源研究所;大连理工大学静电与特种电源研究所辽宁;

8、electrostatics refers to stationary arrangements of electrical charge ─── 静电指的是电荷的静止分布。

9、Keywords BSA;reversed micelles;extraction;kinetics;electrostatics interaction; ─── 牛血清白蛋白;反胶束萃取;萃取;动力学;静电作用;

10、The constant of electrostatic charge decay time is a important physical quantity that can describe the electrostatics property of materials. ─── 静电衰减时间常数是定量描述材料静电性能的重要物理量,可以通过测量静电电荷衰减时间达到测量静电的目的。

11、It would be beneficial to review the fundamental theory of electrostatics. ─── 因此有必要对静电的基本理论作一简介。

12、SUN Qin LOU Shan-lin LI Jie WU Yan LI Guo-feng WANG Ning-hui (Institute of Electrostatics &Special Power; Dalian University of Technology; Dalian; 116024); ─── 大连理工大学静电与特种电源研究所;大连重工起重有限公司电控厂;

13、Static field with line charge density in angular space of conductor electrostatics is formally described. ─── 对导体平板构成的角域内具有线电荷密度的静电场进行了求解。

14、A Study of Conductor Surface Repulsive Force in Electrostatics ─── 静电平衡导体表面张力分析

15、Research on close ring control and optimization operation of electrostatics precipitator ─── 电除尘器闭环控制及优化运行研究

16、In order to ensure the safety of pump house, it is necessary to avoid producing sparks, which are mainly resulted from leakage of electric equipment and electrostatics of human body and pipeline. ─── 为了保障油泵房的安全,必须避免产生火花等点火源。油泵房中产生火花主要是由于电气设备漏电、输油设施和人体带电产生的。

17、In second semester, electrostatics, wave, and light act as major roles. ─── 本课程共分两学期讲授,第二学期以电学、波、及光学为主。

18、The writing of formulas with elements and radicals that have a fixed valence is easy, if a knowledge of electrostatics is applied. ─── 运用静电学知识写出具有固定化合价的元素和原子团组成的物质的分子式比较容易。

19、Study of the Electrostatics and Power Lines on the System of an Infinite Line Charge and Charged Charge Conductor Cylinder ─── 直线电荷与带电导体圆柱电场和电力线簇研究

20、Magnetic disk drive heads, however, face their own unique problems, including magnetic aspects of discharges and considerations of aerodynamics [see "Magneticians and Electrostatics"]. ─── 然而,磁碟机的磁头也有它自己的问题,包括放电时的磁效应与空气动力学的考量(参见磁学家与静电学)。

21、A receptacle hole in the top of the charging sphere holds the accessories or banana plugs you need for your electrostatics demonstrations. ─── 有一插座在蓄电球顶端供你放入像香蕉等你需要的东西做静电示范之用。

22、The following link also contains demos from a previous offering of the course: Physical Demonstrations of Faraday's Law, Electrostatics, and Radiation. ─── 下面这个联结也有一些过去这门课所使用的示范实验:法拉第定律、静电和辐射等物理现象的演示。

23、electrostatics comb actuator ─── 静电梳齿致动器

24、Keywords powder electrostatics;field numerical calculation;electrical safety evaluation; ─── 粉体静电;电场数值计算;静电安全评价;

25、Through electrostatics and examples of low-frequency alternating current and direct-current circuit, the problem of zero potential point is queried and clarified. ─── 通过静电学、低频交流、直流等电路实例,质疑了电势零点问题,并对此进行了澄清。

26、Jaworek Krupa A. Studies of the corona discharge in EHD spraying. Journal of Electrostatics, 1997, 40/41:173 ─── 李劲,叶齐政,郭香会等.电流体直流放电降解水中硝基苯的研究.环境科学,2001(5):99

27、Electrostatics - Part 4-3 : standard test methods for specific applications - Footwear. ─── 静电学.第4-3部分:特殊应用的标准试验方法.鞋类

28、Application of virtual work principle in Electrostatics ─── 虚功原理在静电学中的应用

29、TC101 has up to now mainly concentrated on basic electrostatics measurements test methods, and the requirements of the electronics industry. ─── 技术委员会101 (TC101)迄今主要关注基本的静电测量测试方法和电子工业的需求。

30、7 The effect of high voltage electrostatic field on the k+ uptake and k+ channel in wheat toots.(The 4th Int. Conf. Appl. Electrostatics, '2001 Dalian, China),P549-552 ─── 5香花槐组培苗快繁体系的建立及工厂化育苗的主要影响因素。应用与环境生物学报。2004,10(2):162-169

31、Discuss emphatically on the process of electrostatics flocking of activated carbon fiber and its adsorbability. ─── 重点讨论活性炭纤维植绒的工艺及其吸附性能。

32、A receptacle hole in the top of the charging sphere holds the accessories or banana plugs you need for your electrostatics demonstrations. ─── 有一插座在蓄电球顶端供你放入像香蕉等你需要的东西做静电示范之用。

33、The science of electrostatics is ancient, yet novel. ─── 静电学这门科学是悠久的,但又是崭新的。

34、This paper describes the electrostatic mechanism of FRP composites and resolution to overcoming electrostatics. ─── 本文阐述了FRP材料产生静电的机理及克服静电的方法,并研制出适应于内浮顶的抗静电型FRP材料。

35、Gauss laws of electrostatics and magnetostatics ─── 高斯静电静磁定律

36、electrostatics field ─── 静电场

37、Firstly, this cours introduces the electromagnetics applied in various field. Secondly, we study electrostatics and magnetostatics. ─── 本课程先对电磁领域各方面作概念性介绍,启发同学兴趣,其次探讨静电与静磁学。

38、Electrostatics is currently being used for separation of minerals, for paint spraying, and for dry coating applications . ─── 静电学目前正被应用于矿物分离喷漆和干法涂料。

39、Du Gang; Wang NinghuiInstitute of Electrostatics and Specific Power; Dalian University of Technology; ─── 大连理工大学电气工程系;静电与特种电源研究所;

40、TC101 has up to now mainly concentrated on basic electrostatics measurements test methods, and the requirements of the electronics industry. ─── 技术委员会101(TC101)迄今主要关注基本的静电测量测试方法和电子工业的需求。

41、Electrostatics -- Part 5-2: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - User guide ─── 静电学.第5-2部分:电子设备静电现象防护.用户指南

42、Five kinds of purifying technology including inertia separation,filtration separation,liquid scrubber, electrostatics sediment and complex technology were introduced. ─── 讨论了五种油烟净化技术:惯性分离法、过滤分离法、液体洗涤法、静电沉积法、复合技术。

43、In another he beats a student with cat fur to show the effects of electrostatics. ─── 还有一次,他用猫的毛皮拍打一位学生以呈现静电的作用。

44、NF EN 61340-3-1-2004 Electrostatics - Part 3-1 : methods for simulation of electrostatic effects - Human body model (HBM) - Component testing. 12 ─── 2004静电学--第4部分:特殊应用的标准试验方法--第1节:地板涂层和已安装地板的静电特性15页

45、Discuss emphatically on the process of electrostatics flocking of activated carbon fiber and its adsorbability. ─── 重点讨论活性炭纤维植绒的工艺及其吸附性能。

46、Survey of basic electromagnetic phenomena: electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetic properties of matter. ─── 简单介绍电磁学的基本现象:包含静电学、静磁学、物质的电磁特性。

47、The science of electrostatics lay dormant for about 2, 000 years ─── 静电学沉睡了大约2,000年。

48、significances of the uniqueness theorem in electrostatics ─── 静电唯一性定理意义

49、We discussed the power requirements, how the robotic arms would be controlled, fault-tolerance, electrostatics and covalent bonds, heat output and cooling options, and the potential for portability. ─── 我们探讨了有关动力需求的问题,探讨了如何控制机械手的问题,还探讨了容错率、静电及共价键、发热量及冷却方案,以及便携可能性的相关问题。

50、Keywords electrostatics;static hazards;static elimination;antistatic agent;static array;corona discharge.; ─── 静电现象;静电危害;静电消除;抗静电剂;静电序列;电晕放电;

51、Electrostatics is currently being used for separation of minerals, for paint spraying , and for dry coating applications. ─── 静电学目前正被应用于矿物分离喷漆和干法涂料。

52、studies of the effects caused by static electricity. ─── 研究由静电引起的效应的科学。

53、Author Jiang Yuze;Wu Yan;Wang Ninghui;Lu Mingfu(Inst. of Electrostatics;Dalian Univ. of Technol.;Dalian 116024;China); ─── 作者姜雨泽;吴彦;王宁会;逯明福;

54、uniqueness theorem in electrostatics ─── 静电唯一性定理

55、Keywords solvent softness quantit ative structure-property relation ship ab initio calculation molecular electrostat ic potential; ─── 溶剂软度定;量结构-性质关系;从头算;分子静电势;

56、Coluomb's discovery of the inverse square law forms the basis of the science of electrostatics ─── 库伦发现的平方反比定律构成为静电学的科学基础。

57、The Application of Conformal Mapping Method in Solving an Angular Space Conductor Electrostatics ─── 保角变换法在解角域静电场问题中的应用

58、Author WANG Fangzheng;LI Jie;WU Yan;WANG Huijuan;LI Guofeng(Institute of Electrostatics &Specific Power;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China); ─── 作者王方铮;李杰;吴彦;王慧娟;李国锋;

59、The occurrence of electrostatics is an unavoidable phenomenon in fluidized bed. ─── 摘要 综述了流化床静电产生的机理及流化床静电控制的方法。

60、Electrostatics, a generally existing problem in textile industry, gravely affects textile industrial production and the quality of the products, which is notice-worthy in modern industrial production. ─── 静电在纺织工业中是普遍存在的,它给纺织生产和产品质量带来严重影响,值得引起重视。

61、Keywords microscope;single fiber;filtration;particle-chain;electrostatics;morphosis; ─── 显微镜;单纤维;过滤;颗粒链;静电;形貌;

62、Description of static electricity field in angular space of conductor electrostatics ─── 导体平板角域内静电场的描述

63、In the design of electrostatic-proof,external coating for electrostatic proof is adopted to eliminate the electrostatics occurred from high speed air current and atmosphere ionosphere. ─── 在防静电设计中采用了罩体外表面喷涂防静电涂料来消除因高速气流及大气电离层使天线罩表面产生的静电。

64、The screening of an impurity in the wire is discussed, and the insight gained on the electrostatics of a quantum wire is used to describe the coupling to Fermi-liquid reservoirs. ─── 在电线内的一种杂质的筛选被讨论, 洞察力赶上一量电线的静电学用来描述耦合给费密液体水库。

65、Discussion is made on the electrostatics that electric field consists of the current power and mutual power in electriferous system. ─── 阐述了静电学中电势能应包含带电体系的自能和互能,电势能和电场能虽然在量值上是等价的,但二者的物理含义是不同的。

66、Clinical Effects and Mechanism Research of the Topical Application of Electrostatics in the Treatment for Static Plaque Psoriasis ─── 局部静电疗法治疗银屑病临床疗效及机理研究

67、Author Li Jie;Wang Ninghui;Zhang Yanbin ( Inst. of Electrostatics;Dalian Univ. of Technol.;China ); ─── 作者李杰;王宁会;张彦彬;

68、Keywords corona discharge;cylindric thorny corona electrode;complex precipitator on electrostatics and water spray; ─── 电晕放电;圆柱芒刺电晕极;静电水雾复合型除尘器;

69、If boundary conditions are changed properly, this solution is of general significance to problems of axiaymmetric nonlinear media in Electrostatics. ─── 如果适当地改变边界条件,那么这个求解方案对轴对称非线性介质静电学问题的解决具有普遍的意义。

70、Five kinds of purifying technology including inertia separation, filtration separation, liquid scrubber, electrostatics sediment and complex teehno1gy were introduced. ─── 讨论了五种油烟净化技术:惯性分离法、过路分离法、液体洗涤法、静电沉积法、复合技木。

71、Direct method and conformal transformation method for problem of angular space conductor electrostatics ─── 导体角域静电问题的直接法与保角变换法

72、The mutation alters the electrostatics of binding pocket in the pleckstrin homology domain, the portion of the enzyme that docks with phospholipids on the cell membrane," said Kerry L. ─── 这一通路的激活会导致细胞增殖和存活并最终形成癌,而AKT1蛋白在这一过程中起着重要作用,它是信号通路上游调节蛋白和下游存活信号蛋白的连接枢纽。

73、Effect of the Electrostatics on the Fibrous Filter Filtrating Fly Ash ─── 静电对纤维滤料过滤飞灰颗粒的影响

74、anti - electrostatics ─── 防静电

75、Ageing by electrostatics can greatly shorten the cycle in which wine is aged in ordinary conditions. ─── 静电场具有催化效应,静电催陈可以大大缩短酒类自然老熟的周期。

76、Coluomb's discovery of the inverse square law forms the basis of the science of electrostatics. ─── 库伦发现的平方反比定律构成为静电学的科学基

77、He began to delve into the study of electrostatics as early as in 1976. ─── 1976年起一直从事静电研究工作。

78、Electrostatics - Standard test methods for specific applications - Methods for characterizing the electrostatic protection of footwear and flooring in combination with a person ─── 静电。专用的标准试验方法。鞋靴和地板与人之间静电防护的表征方法

79、Discussing on the Explanation of an Electrostatics Issue ─── 对一个静电学问题解释的商榷

80、By combining electrostatics with photoconductivity, Carlson had found the right basic concept ─── 卡尔森把静电学和光电导性结合起来,得出了正确的基本概念。

81、electrostatics model ─── 静电模型

82、The coupling conditions between the electrostatics and the structure and the boundary conditions for each field were discussed. ─── 讨论了静电场和结构场之间存在的耦合条件和各场的边界条件。

83、Firstly, this cours introduces the electromagnetics applied in variours field. Secondly, we study electrostatics and magnetostatics. ─── 本课程先对电磁领域各方面作概念性介绍,启发同学兴趣,其次探讨静电与静磁学。

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