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09-09 投稿



indexical 发音

英:[[?n'deks?k?l]]  美:[[?n'deks?k?l]]

英:  美:

indexical 中文意思翻译



indexical 短语词组

1、indexical sign ─── 索引符号

2、indexical information ─── 索引信息

indexical 词性/词形变化,indexical变形

第三人称单数:indexicals 名词复数形式:indexicals

indexical 相似词语短语

1、indexicals ─── 索引

2、indelicate ─── adj.无教养的;不文雅的;下流的,粗俗的

3、endermical ─── 特有的

4、indexal ─── 指数

5、indelicacy ─── n.粗俗,无教养

6、index case ─── 指标个案;索引病例;[遗]先证者

7、endemical ─── 地方性的

8、indexicality ─── 索引性

9、index card ─── 索引卡

indexical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Deleting an index entry from index %2 of file %1. ─── 从文件%1的索引%2中删除一个索引项。

2、Speculating with stock index futures? ─── 如何以股价指数期货投机?

3、Single index partition can be rebuilt. ─── 可以重新生成单个索引分区。

4、Research progress in agricultural drought index[J]. ─── (农业干旱指标研究与进展)

5、This indexical evaluation system has good practicability and maneuverability in the study. ─── 结果证明:该指标体系具有较强的实用性和可操作性。

6、A card catalog is an index of books in a library. ─── 卡片目录就是图书馆中关于书目的索引。

7、If the ratio is low, the index is highly selective. ─── 如果比率较低,索引就是高选择性的。

8、RSM database is building the index file. ─── RSM数据库正在建立索引文件。

9、Is not a valid index in the list. ─── 不是列表中的有效索引。

10、DHL Express Fuel Surcharge Index Table. ─── DHL燃料附加费指标

11、The base for an index is set when it is created. ─── 一个指数的基数确定后就固定下来。

12、The index of the image in the list. ─── 图像在列表中的索引。

13、Have you used the Periodical Index before? ─── 你以前用过期刊索引吗?

14、The card catalog is the index to the books. ─── 卡片目录是书籍的索引。

15、Index options can be set or modified. ─── 可以设置或修改索引选项。

16、It's seems this part of the ancient text was indexical in nature! ─── 看仿佛这个段子的那古代的原文一次有了索引的种类。

17、Finally, the present study explores several major types of pragmatic reasoning: indexical reasoning, implicit reasoning and prepositional reasoning. ─── 最后探讨了交际中的语用推理的几种主要类型,即索引词推理、会话隐含推理、预设推理。

18、That contains the error at the specified index. ─── 包含在指定索引位置的错误的。

19、Create a two-column index on the employee table. ─── 为employee表创建一个有两列的索引。

20、RSM database is recovering the index file. ─── RSM数据库正在恢复索引文件。

21、She touches her nose with her index finger. ─── 她用食指触鼻尖。

22、The latest Soaring Index is shown on the left. ─── 在左边的方框内有最新的滑翔指数。

23、The cookie is used to speed up index search. ─── Cookie用于加快索引搜索。

24、The broader S &P 500 Index put on 3.6%. ─── 反映大市表现的标准普尔500指数则上升3.6%。

25、When searching, query requests were forwarded to the peers with similar interest directly according to the interest indexical table. ─── 在搜索时,根据兴趣索引表直接将查询请求转发到有相似兴趣的节点。

26、The indexical evaluation system on quality of medical care in medical detection department was established. ─── 研究并构建出医技科室医疗质量评价体系。

27、Create a new index, but do not save it. ─── 创建一个新的索引,但不保存它。

28、At the end there may be an index. ─── 在书尾有一个索引。

29、A geographic dictionary or index. ─── 地名辞典地理学的辞典或索引

30、She is sorting index card into alphabetical order . ─── 她在按字母顺序整理索引卡。

31、The index refers the reader to pages in the text. ─── 书的索引为读者列出了正文中的页数.

32、I put Leslie's pic of 6 year old in the index page. ─── 今天主页上的是6岁的小哥哥。请大家致意。

33、Characteristics of Indexical Function and Its Application ─── 指数函数的特性及应用

34、Will verbosely dump rm file index sections. ─── 会提取一个非常长的rm文件索引。

35、A key word index is an enlargement to the book. ─── 主题词索引是这本书的附录。

36、Index creation on a table that contains data. ─── 在包含数据的表上创建索引。

37、The period of the highest density index is August. ─── 在5-10月间8月蝇的密度指数为最高。

38、The primary index is already defined. ─── 主要索引已经定义。

39、Handbook of index to world ports II. ─── 世界港口索引手册2。

40、Example of attachment of an automatic INDEX table. ─── 例如连接自动化引导桌面。

41、A single inverted index of one or more documents. ─── 一个或多个文档的单个倒排索引。

42、Sign your name on the index card. ─── 在图书卡上签上你的名字。

43、The indexical evaluation system on quality of medical care in medical detection department was established. ─── 从而研究并构建出医技科室医疗质量评价体系。

44、The face is the index of the mind. ─── [谚]脸是心灵的镜子。

45、But what does a Stock Index Futures SIF contract buy or sell? ─── 可是,“股价指数期货”究竟在买卖些什么呢?

46、Dropping an index used by the execution plan. ─── 删除执行计划所使用的索引。

47、You will find an index at the end of this book. ─── 书后有索引备查。

48、The browning index was 31.11% and 30.00%. ─── PVP和植物凝胶的效果最好,褐化指数分别为31.11%与30.00%;

49、Reverse key index cannot be used for range scan. ─── 回复:建了反向索引,为什么系统不使用索引了?

50、The Discussion on Indexical Strategy of Full-text Database in University Libraries ─── 高校图书馆全文数据库索引策略

51、Deletes the component at the specified index. ─── 删除指定下标的成员。

52、She flipped to the index and found the information she needed. ─── 她翻到索引,找到了所需的资料。

53、A person's face is often an index of his mood. ─── 一个人的脸部表情常常反映这个人的情绪。

54、Keywords: Important words, search index. ─── 关键字:重要字,供索引查。

55、Tei index: ( a-b )/b=( IRT+ICT )/RVET. ─── Tei指数:(a-b)/b=(IRT+ICT)/ET。

56、About complex index of refraction. ─── 关于复杂折射。

57、Reflects the status of the domain index. ─── 反映域索引的状态。

58、The index refers the reader to page in the text. ─── 书的索引为读者列出了正文中的页数。

59、It has indexical properties. ─── == 它有索引的特征。

60、The following example rebuilds a single index. ─── 以下示例将重新生成单个索引。

61、When search occurs, query requests are forwarded to the peers with similar interest directly according to the interest indexical table. ─── 在搜索时,根据兴趣索引表直接将查询请求转发到有相似兴趣的节点。

62、They had to bring the card index up to date. ─── 他们使得索引卡片跟上发展,不致过时。

63、A locality table (LTAB) Index is not in use. ─── 位置表(LTAB)索引未使用。

64、Bright sunray dial with luminous index and hands. ─── 光亮的表面,映着银色的指针,有一种璀璨的感觉。

65、In this equation K is the consistency index. ─── 在这个方程中,K是稠度系数。

66、The price index has been kiting since last year. ─── 从去年开始物价指数就一直在迅速上升。

67、Only one index at a time can be dropped. ─── 一次只能删除一个索引。

68、Index file for diffrent directories. ─── 关于不同地址名录的索引文件。

69、DROP INDEX new heap rebuild (if applicable). ─── DROP INDEX新堆重新生成(如果适用)。

70、A reference from one part of a book, index, catalogue, or file to another part containing related information. ─── 互见参照从书、索引、目录或文件的一部分到另一含有相关资料部分的参照

71、Diurnal variation of UV Index on a sunny day. ─── 在阳光充沛的日子里,紫外线指数的日际变化。

72、Advances to the first matching row on the index. ─── 前进至索引中第一个匹配行。


74、Click OK to close the New Index dialog box. ─── 单击“确定”关闭“新建索引”对话框。

75、Heaps are tables that have no clustered index. ─── 堆是没有聚集索引的表。

76、Establishment of indexical evaluation system of quality of medical care in medical detection department of big military hospital ─── 军队大型医院医技科室医疗质量指标评价体系的构建

77、Advances to the last matching row on the index. ─── 前进至索引中最后一个匹配行。

78、The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the country's prosperity. ─── 奢侈商品销售量日增是该国繁荣的标志。

79、Look for the book in the subject index. ─── 使用目录索引查书。

80、Do you know the price index in the city? ─── 你知道这个城市的物价指数吗?

81、Broken index finger on the right hand. ─── 右手食指受伤。

82、The financial times share index go up five point yesterday. ─── 《金融时报》的股票指数昨天上升了五点。

83、The maximum UV Index for today will be about 8. ─── 今日的最高紫外线指数大约是8。

84、After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April. ─── 减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。

85、Loads the local variable at index. ─── 处的局部变量加载到堆栈上。

86、Drop spatial index on tablename. ─── 可以删除一个空间索引。

87、The next level of the index has to store 100 rows. ─── 下一级索引必须存储100行。

88、One set of logs exists for each index. ─── 对于每个索引,都存在一组日志。

89、A fuller index and glossary are badly missed too. ─── 同样被遗漏的还有一张更完整的索引和专业词汇表。

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