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09-09 投稿



dynamization 发音

英:[[da?nɑ:ma?'ze???n]]  美:[[da?nɑ:ma?'ze???n]]

英:  美:

dynamization 中文意思翻译



dynamization 短语词组

1、dynamization procedure ─── 动力化程序

2、dynamization cpt ─── 动态cpt

3、dynamization tibia ─── 胫骨动力化

4、dynamization ortho ─── 动态正交

5、dynamization definition ─── 动态化定义

6、dynamization femur ─── 动力股骨

dynamization 相似词语短语

1、banalization ─── 平庸化

2、canalization ─── n.运河网;开运河;[外科]造管术

3、finalization ─── n.终结,结束;终止化

4、dentalization ─── 齿音化

5、denization ─── 入籍

6、Islamization ─── n.伊斯兰化

7、kyanization ─── n.升汞防腐法

8、deratization ─── n.消灭老鼠

9、dualization ─── n.二元化,[数]对偶化;复线化

dynamization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords super-precision machining center;spindle;system stability;dynam ic characteristic;chatter; ─── 精密车床;主轴;系统稳定性;动态特性;颤振;

2、Different instrumentality of external biology dynam towards the effect on the volar biology dynam of vertical jump ─── 不同外源性生物力学手段对原地纵跳时足底的力学影响

3、T he loc i of aboveground stand ing crops anddens ity dynam ics of A lltum b iden tatum during restor-ing success ion. ─── 曲线表现出中间过渡型的特点。

4、d. w. novo tny,t. a. lipo. vector control and dynam ics of ac drives. clarendon press. oxford,1996 ─── 秦忆,李浚源.现代交流电机控制技术基础.广东科技出版社,1993

5、(2) transmission parts :the transmission device part is the centre to transfer the movement and the dynam of the dynamic part to the working parts, it is the core of a machine; ─── (2)传动部分:传动装置部分是将动力部分的运动和动力传递给工作部分的中间环节,因此是一部机械中的核心部分之一;

6、What explains the shift and the re-dynamization of Europe? ─── 如何解释欧洲的改变和重新活跃呢?

7、Keywords chemically induced dynam ic nuclear spin polarization;amino acid;vitamin B; ─── 化学诱导动态核极化;氨基酸;维生素B_2;

8、4.Y early dynam ic changes of so il free-w ater con ten t(%in volum e)at investigated depths w ith intw o so il profiles. ─── 标题: 图4观测剖面不同深度土壤自由水分含量在全年内的动态变化 F ig.

9、dynam capability ─── 力学性能

10、F ig.2 A nnua l dynam ics of dom inan t crustaceans in Houhu reg ionin 1997-1998(the bars ind icate standard dev iation). ─── 标题: 图2 1997及1998年后湖浮游甲壳动物优势种种群的周年动态(图中垂直线为标准差)。

11、Keywords nitrogen protecting TIG weld ing;weld ing arc;magnetic fluid dynam ics;numerical analysis; ─── 钨极氮弧焊;焊接电弧;磁流体动力学;数值分析;

12、According to characteristics of the force which acts on particles, a methematical model is established and mechanism of loss and increase in dynam... ─── 根据颗粒的受力特点,建立了数学计算模型,分析了动态管道压力损失增加的机理。

13、6 eases were changed dynamization of intramedullary nailing and added bone autografting; ─── 髓内钉动力化加自体植骨6例;

14、4 The dynam ic observation of ox idation process for rap id chem ica l vapor deposition C/C com posite(a)no ox idation; ─── 标题: 图4快速化学气相沉积C/C复合材料氧化过程动态观察(a)未氧化;

15、The dynam ometer test results showed that the injection timing had a large effect on the f uel consumption and it must be accurately and precisely controlled,when the engi ne was working at low load. ─── 试验表明:喷油时刻对于降低燃油消耗率影响很大,小负荷时必须对喷油时刻进行精确控制;

16、Dynamization of intramedullary nailing can promote bone healing in the non-union of tibia fracture, but can occur tibial shorten; ─── 髓内钉动力化可促进骨愈合,但有引起骨缩短的可能;

17、1.What theory of material dynam did you learn? ─── 1、材料力学中学过什么原理?

18、8 cases were changed dynamization of intramedullary nailing; ─── 髓内钉动力化8例;

19、all 6 cases who were changed dynamization of intramedullary nailing and added bone autografting were healed; ─── 髓内钉动力化加自体植骨6例均愈合;

20、Methods 27 cases of delayed union of diaphyseal fractures of femur (17 cases) and tibia (10 cases) were treated with dynamization. ─── 方法对27例骨折应用静力型交锁髓内钉固定后的股骨和胫骨骨干延迟愈合患者,行近侧或远侧锁钉取出术进行动力化治疗。

21、Two cases of non-union in the 8 cases who were changed dynamization of intmmedullary nailing were healed with the extracorporeal shock wave,2 cases occured bone shorten among them; ─── 髓内钉动力化8例中2例不愈合,经冲击波治疗后愈合,其中2例发生骨缩短;

22、Keywords rimsulfuron;corn;residual dynam ics;gas chromatography; ─── 砜嘧磺隆;玉米;残留动态;气相色谱法;

23、These factors exert a great influence on calculating the dynam ic reserves of the gas reservoir;especially in the early st... ─── 这些因素对计算气藏动态储量产生严重影响,特别是在气藏开发早期,其影响引起的计算误差较大,由此给气田开发研究、开发决策工作带来疑难问题。

24、and nonlinear parameter identification was changed into piecewise linear identification of parameters.Based on the steel-net damper model, a method for calculating the dynam... ─── 进一步结合所建模型的特点推导出了含非线性钢丝网垫减振器复杂结构动力学响应的计算方法,并以某试验结构为例计算分析响应特性,结果与试验吻合较好。

25、4 The set-up of dynam ic state optical interconnection. ─── 标题: 图4动态互连的实验测试装置 F ig.

26、4.The dynam ics of the nutrien t concen trations in the incubated bottles. ─── 标题: 图4培养瓶中营养盐浓度的变化 F ig.

27、Dynamization of static interlocking intramedullary nailing for delayed union of diaphyseal fracture of lower extremity ─── 静力型交锁髓内钉动力化治疗下肢骨干骨折延迟愈合

28、On the basis of it, through building the dynam i c balance motion equation, the unbalance vector which can be eliminated by the d ynamic actuator is obtained. ─── 在此基础上,建立动平衡运动方程,求得不平衡矢量,通过动平衡执行机构消除不平衡。

29、Keywords Nonlinear dynam ical;Calulate method;Cerebral nervous system; ─── 非线性动力学;算法;脑神经系统;

30、This paper introduced the working principle of multi-functional dynam ic sterilizer and compared it with other methods. ─── 本文介绍了多功能动态杀菌机的工作原理,并与其他几种空气消毒方法进行了比较。

31、application dynam ─── 应用力学

32、Application of Oracle Web Server and PL/SQL on Dynam ic Web ─── Oracle Web Server和PL/SQL在动态Web中的应用

33、Objective To explore the effect of dynamization of static interlocking intramedullary nailing in the treatment of delayed union of diaphyseal fracture of lower extremity. ─── 目的探讨静力型交锁髓内钉动力化治疗下肢骨干骨折延迟愈合的效果。

34、Responsibilities: Direct report to Planning DirectorAssist to set media objective, analyze market/consumer dynam...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海轩仕管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-19

35、Dynamization of static interlocking intramedullary nailing for delayed union of diaphyseal fracture of lower extremity ─── 静力型交锁髓内钉动力化治疗下肢骨干骨折延迟愈合


37、dynam model ─── 力学模型

38、Meanwhile,advanced management,continuous innovations and good relationships with customers paved the way for Dynam's development. ─── 先进的管理,不断的创新,良好的客户关系是迪乐美发展的基石。

39、The Development of 96-Test System for Measuring Dynam ic Derivatives at High Angle of Attack ─── 96型低速大攻角动导数试验系统

40、dynam call. zzz. ─── 听听听 听 library.

41、The optimum computation of flood prevention and powe r generation are implemented for three cascaded hydropower station by grey dynam ic programming and optimization results were obtained. ─── 利用灰色动态规划进行三级梯级电站的防洪与发电之间的优化计算,获得了最优解,并将其与一般线性规划求解进行了比较分析。

42、contact dynam ─── 接触力学

43、Shenzhen Dynam Industry &Trade Co.,Ltd, which wa estabished in 2005, is a professional industry enterprise specialized in designing,manufacture and marketing. ─── 深圳迪乐美工贸有限公司成立于2005年,是一家集科研开发,生产制造,销售为一体 的实业型企业。

44、The experiment and meas urement results show that the topology has the advantages of low standby power l oss,high efficiency and fast load dynam... ─── 试验与测量结果表明,该电路拓扑具有低待机损耗、高效率、快速负载动态响应等优点。

45、The future for contour extracting field is forecasted,and the methods using neutral dynam... ─── 对轮廓提取方法研究进行展望,提出神经动力学方法是轮廓提取方法的发展方向。

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