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09-09 投稿



wards 发音

英:[w??rdz]  美:[w??dz]

英:  美:

wards 中文意思翻译





wards 短语词组

1、place wards ─── 放置病房

2、wards barbecue ─── 病房烧烤

3、make the rounds of the wards n. ─── 查房

4、dispelling wards ─── 驱散病房

5、maternity wards ─── 产科病房

6、wards furniture ─── 病房家具

7、-wards —— ─── 见 -ward

8、wards catalog ─── 沃兹目录

9、side-wards (side-ward ─── 的复数) adj. 侧面 ─── 的;横 ─── 的 adv. 向旁边

10、wards coupons ─── 病房优惠券

11、after-wards adv. ─── 后来;然 ─── 后

12、back wards adv. ─── 向后;倒转,相反;(时间上)回溯;倒退,每况愈下

13、wards produce ─── 病房生产

14、me-wards ─── [网络] 我的病房

15、wards 5&10 5 ─── 号和10 ─── 号病房

16、antaeus wards ─── 安泰乌斯病房

17、head for wards ─── 前往病房

18、wards market ─── 沃兹市场

wards 同义词

run | fend off | rout | contravene | off | turn | force | beat | push back | scatter | place | unit | drive | parry | security | parish | protection | deflect | rebuff | defense | scotch | chase away | disperse | withstand | thrust | foil | turn aside | frustrate | resist | hold off | back | fend | stave | reject | oppose | department | run off | ICU | push | slight | cellblock | hospital ward | spurn | hold | avoid | stave off | intensive care unit | aside | avert | checkmate | ward off | ward | drive back | repel | cross | guard | chase | repulse |intensive care | away

wards 词性/词形变化,wards变形

动词第三人称单数: wards |动词现在分词: warding |动词过去式: warded |动词过去分词: warded |

wards 反义词


wards 常用词组

ward off ─── 避开;挡住

isolation ward ─── n. 隔离病房

surgical ward ─── 外科病房

wards 相似词语短语

1、cards ─── abbr.卡片自动复制与发行系统(CardAutomatedReproductionandDistributionSystem);计算机辅助可靠性数据系统(ComputerAidedReliabilityDataSystem)

2、awards ─── vt.授予,给予;判给,裁定;把(合同、佣金)给别人(award的第三人称单数);n.奖项,奖品;颁发;(赔偿)裁定额;报酬,津贴;奖学金,助学金;(收入的)增加(award的复数)

3、hards ─── n.粗纤维和其他废弃麻绳

4、lards ─── n.猪油;(非正式)人的多余脂肪;v.嵌(肥肉)在其他肉中;涂抹猪油于……;润色,点缀;盖满;n.(Lard)(美)拉德(人名)

5、eards ─── 耳朵

6、Dards ─── 飞镖

7、bards ─── n.吟游诗人(bard的复数形式)

8、swards ─── n.草地;草皮;vt.给…铺上草皮;vi.成为草地

9、-wards ─── n.[医]病房(ward的复数);守卫;受监护的未成年人;监禁;v.守卫;避开(ward的第三人称单数形式);n.(Wards)人名;(英)沃兹

wards 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He poised himself to ward off the attack. ─── 他摆出要挡开攻击的姿势。

2、Fixed a problem that prevented Watcher Wards from being revealed by the Dust of Appearance. ─── 修正了哨岗守卫不被显形之尘显现的问题。

3、No more.There are quilt,bed sheet and hospital pajama in the ward. ─── 不用了。病房里备有被子,床单和病服。

4、To ward off the feeling, I drank the whisky quickly. ─── 为了消除这种感觉,我赶紧喝了点威士忌。

5、Clearly, a great deal is going on when people talk And only a part of it is in the wards themselves. ─── 显然,一个伟大的交易是怎么回事,只有当人们说话的部分是它自己的病房。

6、Once catastrophe happens, wards for infectious disease can be available and medical staff can be assembled and ready to work immediately. ─── 一旦发生大的疫情,传染病院病房可以及时腾出使用,医务人员可以及时集结到位。

7、A maternity ward with30beds. ─── 一个有30个床位的产科病房

8、Nurses on duty make two rounds of the wards during the night. ─── 值班护士每夜查两次房。

9、They phoned to every ward and suburb. ─── 他们给各城区和郊区打电话。

10、On the hospital wards, nurses have most physical contact with patients. ─── 在医院病房内,护士和病人的身体接触最多。

11、Good. Excellent. I'll go and get my shoes, then, and we can take a look at the wards together. ─── 好的。真不错。我要去穿鞋,然后我们就可以一起去看看防护。

12、The hospital wards were surcharged. ─── [医院病房人满为患。

13、A wards usually only go to the best. ─── 奖项通常是颁给最好的事物。

14、He was put in an isolation ward . ─── 他住进了隔离病房。

15、Mister Ward called the College Board findings bad news. ─── 他认为美国大学委员会的调研结果是个坏消息。

16、You can see the no smoking sign—we don't allow smoking in the wards, and the same goes for alcohol. ─── 你可以看到禁止吸烟的标志,因为我们不允许在病房吸烟,也不允许喝酒。

17、A flow of wards is no proof of wisdom. ─── 处处防卫并不是拥有智慧的证明。

18、The middle classes are favourably disposed to wards the new military junta. ─── 中产阶级对这次新的军事政变后上台的军政府表示支持。

19、Fixed a problem that allowed Destroyers to use Devour Magic on Watcher Wards. ─── 修正了毁灭者的吞噬魔法可以作用于哨岗守卫的问题。

20、Fear Ward is now only available to Dwarf Females. ─── 只有矮人大妈才拥有防恐结界。

21、They decided to take him to the isolation ward. ─── 他们决定把他迁到隔离病房去。

22、Edited by Geoffrey Broadbent and Anthony Ward. ─── 书名/作者 Design methods in architecture.

23、They've got wards up and all, but they worry that he'll keep watching me. ─── 他们在上下左右所有地方都放置了守卫,但是他们担心他会继续监视我。

24、Athe superintendent Hui-Lain Zhou, set up TB ward . ─── 周惠怜院长设立肺结核病房。

25、Coombes ;photography by Matthew Ward. ─── 书名/作者 Trees //Allen J.

26、A maternity ward with 30 beds. ─── 一个有30个床位的产科病房。

27、Maternity ward is on the second floor. ─── 产科病房在二楼。

28、He rose and descended river-wards once more; then changed his mind and sought the side of the dusty lane. ─── 他又站起来,向下朝水边走去;然后他改变了主意,走到尘土飞扬的小路的一边。

29、After wards , she said the violence in Nigeria cannot be blamed on the competition. ─── 赛后她说,在尼日利亚发生的暴力不能归咎于本届竞赛。

30、Fear Ward is now usable while in Shadow form. ─── “防护恐惧结界”现在可以在暗影形态下使用。

31、Listen 'til you're ready for a lunatic ward. ─── 听听他们猛击,直到你准备好进疯人院。

32、However, since the wards continued to be viewed as internal organizations of Tokyo Metropolis, various issues arose. ─── 但是,因为区依然被看作东京都的内部组织,出现了各种各样的问题。

33、Your symptoms are rare; I guess you may be sent into one of the special wards. ─── 你这种病症十分少见,看来要进行特诊了。

34、The land falls off here to wards the river. ─── 地势从这里向河边倾斜。

35、This ward of the hospital is now in Dr. Lin's charge. ─── 医院的这间病房现在由林医生负责。

36、Eating this will ward off various diseases. ─── 吃这东西可以避免多种的传染病。

37、The soldiers kept watch and ward over the castle. ─── 士兵们守卫这个城堡。

38、I think it's a crying shame that hospitals have to close some of their wards through lack of staff. ─── 医院由于缺乏工作人员不得不关闭一些病房,我认为那是一种奇耻大辱。

39、Which ward does he represent on the council? ─── 在理事会中他代表哪个区?

40、Which ward does she represent on the council? ─── 她在市议会中代表哪个选区?

41、She is a nurse for ward duty. ─── 她是一位病房护士。

42、Everybody contributed to wards Jane's present when he left the office. ─── 在简离职的时候,每个人都出钱给她买了礼物。

43、He keeps dogs to ward off unwanted visitors. ─── 他养了狗以防不速之客。

44、The ward is your home during your stay in hospital. ─── 在您住院期间,病房就是您的家。

45、However, since the wards continued to be viewed as internal organizations of Tokyo Metropolis, various issues arose. ─── 但是,因为区依然被看作东京都的内部组织,出现了各种各样的问题。

46、She invested the money for her ward. ─── 她代表受她监护的人将钱做了投资。

47、The term hospitalism was used by surgeons to describe the post-surgical infections so commonly found in surgical wards. ─── 外科医生用“医院

48、Did you see the ads for color TVs at Ward's? ─── 你有没有看到瓦兹店彩色电视机的广告?

49、Cups of coffee can ward off diabetes. ─── 喝咖啡预防糖尿病。

50、The cheek of them, waling into the ward like that! ─── 他们竟那样地走进病房,好厚的脸皮!

51、I try to ward off fatigue by resting as much as possible. ─── 为了防止疲劳,我尽可能多休息。

52、No.18 Sheng Li Square Zhong Shan Ward Danlian. ─── 大连市中山区胜利广场18号。

53、She invested the money on behalf of her ward. ─── 她代表受她监护的人投资。

54、His older sister has been taken off to the isolation ward. ─── 他的姐姐被送到隔离病房。

55、If patients are in an open ward, few nurses will pass them by without doing some little thing for them. It is in a nurse's tradition to give what is called "TLC", tender loving care, some constant little service to the sick. ─── 如果病人住在公用病房里。很少有护士经过时不为他们做点小事情。这是护士的一项传统,即提供“亲切关怀护理”(TLC), 亦即为病人提供持续不断的细小服务。

56、He is a member of the ward assembly. ─── 他是区议员。

57、Within a week, she was relocated to the high? Dependency ward. ─── 不到一星期,她又转到高护病房。

58、I want you to meet a new friend of mine, Vivian Ward. ─── 介绍你认识我的新朋友,薇薇·安华德。

59、Student nurses should not be left alone in charge of hospital wards. ─── 不应当让见习护士单独照管医院病房。

60、Some women take aspirin to ward off breast cancer. ─── 一些妇女吃阿司匹林以防(避开)乳腺癌。

61、This ward of the hospital is now in the charge of Dr.lin. ─── 医院的这间病房现由林医生负责。

62、You should learn how to ward off blows. ─── 你应该学会如何避开打击。

63、Have a drop. It'll ward off the cold of the night. ─── 喝一口,挡挡夜里的寒气。

64、Within a week, she was relocated to the high dependency ward. ─── 不到一星期,她又转到高护病房。

65、He had worked in the hospital for so many years that he was callous to the suffering in the wards. ─── 他在医院已工作了好多年了,因此对病房里病员的疾苦显得很冷漠。

66、THE ASSISTANT walked along the corridor and led Rostov to the officers' wards, three rooms with doors opening between them. ─── 穿过走廊后,医士把罗斯托夫领进军官病房,病房有三个房间,房门都是敞开的。

67、She put up her hands to ward him off. ─── 她举起双手把他挡开。

68、Charity wards off torrents of greed. ─── 喜舍能对治贪欲的洪流;

69、He managed to ward off the blow. ─── 他设法避过了那一击。

70、Hello. Is Marie Ward there, please? ─── 喂,请问玛丽i沃德在吗?

71、G.Kingston, illustrated by Lynd Ward. ─── 作者声明: Edited by William H.

72、He fling up an arm to ward off the blow. ─── 他迅速抬起手臂挡开这一击。

73、A spell to ward off evil spirits. ─── 一条辟邪的咒语。

74、The hospital ward was fumigated after the outbreak of typhus. ─── 发现斑疹伤寒以後,医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒。

75、As wards absorb damage, they now apply hate to the caster appropriate to the amount of damage absorbed. ─── *伤害吸收盾所累计的仇恨现在将计在施法者身上了!

76、Take counsel in wine, but resolve after wards in water. ─── 借酒浇愁愁更愁,酒醒之后还要面对现实。

77、She dialed the number and asked for the ward [extension45]. ─── 她拨电话要求接病房[45号分机]。

78、I had resolved to stay, and never more venture country-wards--but the accident has ended that. ─── 我已经决定留下来,再也不往乡下去了——可是发生了案子,这一切都结束了。

79、Do you think you could move your car back ward a bit? ─── 你能把你的车向后移一下吗?

80、Complex work may help ward off Alzheimer's. ─── 复杂工作可以帮助抵御老年痴呆。

81、You were there,Aisha Ward was telling the truth. ─── 你在那儿啊,Aisha Ward说的是实话。

82、Augustine /edited by Sheed and Ward. ─── 书名/作者 The confessions of St.

83、During the evening picnic, I'll carry a torch to ward off the bugs. ─── 傍晚野餐时,我要点根火把,抵挡蚊虫。

84、The local authority is seeking to place the ward of court in accommodation. ─── 地方当局正试图给法院的看护人落实住处。

85、The hospital wards were fumigated after the outbreak of typhus. ─── 发现斑疹伤寒以后,医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒。

86、He flung up an arm to ward off the blow. ─── 他挥起手臂挡开这一拳。

87、Perhaps Dumbledore was casting wards and spells to protect Privet Drive. ─── 也可能那时邓布利多在女贞路上安插守卫,用咒语布置防护。

88、They knew that technology would eventually weaken the wards to the point of failure, but they decided to accelerate the process. ─── 他们早就知道科技力量会最终削弱直至瓦解这里的结界,但他们还是决定要加速这个过程。

89、Surveillance of Nosocomial Infections and Study on Antibiotics Resistance in Surgical Wards. ─── 外科系统内的院内感染致病菌谱及其抗生素耐药情况。

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