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09-09 投稿



engraft 发音

英:[?n'grɑ?ft; en-]  美:[?n'ɡr?ft]

英:  美:

engraft 中文意思翻译



engraft 短语词组

1、ingraft or engraft ─── 嫁接或 ─── 嫁接

engraft 词性/词形变化,engraft变形

动词过去分词: engrafted |动词过去式: engrafted |动词第三人称单数: engrafts |名词: engraft-ment |动词现在分词: engrafting |

engraft 相似词语短语

1、engrafts ─── vt.嫁接(树木等);灌输(思想等);使牢记

2、engrail ─── v.用锯齿形(或凸圆点)装饰边缘;使成锯齿状;使……成波纹

3、ingraft ─── v.接枝,嫁接;灌输(等于engraft)

4、engrace ─── 润滑油

5、engrafted ─── vt.嫁接(树木等);灌输(思想等);使牢记

6、pencraft ─── n.书法;执笔

7、xenograft ─── n.[医]异种移植;[医]异种移植物

8、engrain ─── v.使根深蒂固;把……染成木纹色;渗入(同ingrain);adj.根深蒂固的

9、ingrafts ─── v.接枝,嫁接;灌输(等于engraft)

engraft 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As he takes from you, I engraft you new. ─── 他摧毁你,我却会把你的青春重新唤醒。

2、Sun Zhenyao: I want to face the demand at employee in business development, should engraft at any time a right idea, what is right idea? ─── 孙振耀: 对,所以他考验你的能力也是你对本地市场有多了解,跨国公司从全球的角度看这个市场,他怎么样有效调动资源,非常重要的是要有一个正确的信息进行判断。

3、Nilsson SK,Dooner MS,Weier HU,et al.Cells capable of bone production engraft from whole bone marrow transplants in nonablated mice.J Exp Med 1999;189(4):729-34 ─── 姜晓丹,徐如祥,张世忠,等.源于成人骨髓神经干细胞诱导分化的实验研究[J].中国临床康复,2003,7(22):3069-71

4、Although this is a challenge, but at least at present till, had not seen can succeed after SNS engraft. ─── 这虽然是一个挑战,但至少目前为止,还没有看到SNS嫁接之后能够成功。

5、He attempted to engraft his idea in the mind of his children. ─── 他试图给他的孩子灌输他的思想。

6、Commonly used cuttage, engraft and layering are progenitive, also can sow. ─── 常用扦插。嫁接和压条繁殖,也可播种。

7、Lv Benfu thinks, company of domestic brand clothing marchs the biggest problem that electronic business affairs faces is actually how to get on network culture engraft to the sale. ─── 吕本富认为,国内品牌服装企业进军电子商务面临的最大问题其实是如何将网络文化嫁接到销售上。

8、to establish with engraft the thought of unified viewpoint; ─── 树立与灌输相统一的观点;

9、to engraft a peach on a plum ─── 把桃树嫁接在李树上

10、The mission of the teachers is to lead and help them to do re-creation but not to engraft them the ready knowledge. ─── 教师的任务是引导和帮助学生去进行这种“再创造”的工作,而不是把现成的知识灌输给学生。

11、And all in war with time for love of me,As he takes from you,I engraft you now. ─── 为了与你相爱,我将向时间宣战,它使你枯萎,我令你移花接木换新装.

12、One, the practice of joint ventures of this factory engraft 1, use new.. ─── 一、该厂嫁接合资企业的做法1、利用新...

13、Application of Eggplant Engraft Techniques ─── 茄子嫁接技术应用研究

14、Commonly used cuttage, engraft and layering are progenitive, also can sow. ─── 常用扦插.嫁接和压条繁殖,也可播种。

15、Be in boundless male authority society of thousands of years, all sorts of doctrine engraft of female people is to should be like how about why, the effort of result man succeeds eventually. ─── 在漫漫数千年的男权社会,各种教义灌输给女人们的是应该如何如何,结果男人的努力终于成功。

16、pays attention to education " to engraft glamour " , rise hard engraft artistic. ─── 注重培养"灌输魅力",努力提高灌输艺术。

17、use foreign capitals engraft and reconstruct the state-owned enterprises but not make the foreigners completely control the enterprises; ─── 既要利用开放发展经济,又不能在开放的同时形成对外部的被动的严重依赖。

18、In the light of our country society transition period thought engrafts the current situation of effect coast, we must explore a thought actively to engraft the rule, the academic basis; ─── 针对我国社会转型期思想灌输 效果滑坡的现状,我们必须积极探索思想灌输规律,正确把握思想灌输的理论依据;

19、He attempted to engraft his idea in the mind of his children. ─── 他试图给他的孩子灌输他的思想。

20、This is transition period raises political thought to engraft the actual demand of effectiveness. ─── 这是转型期提高政治思想灌输有效性的 现实要求。

21、Engraft international brand and international COM administration mode through wenzhou manufacturing enterprise general scheme accelerating the further progress of bidirectional different resources. ─── 通过温州制造企业总体策划,嫁接国际品牌,国际COM管理模式,促使双向不同资源得到进一步发展。

22、And all in war with Time for love of you, As he takes from you, I engraft you new. ─── 为了你的爱我将和时光争持:他摧折你,我要把你重新接枝。

23、She tried to engraft a peach on a plum. ─── 她试图把桃树嫁接在梨树上。

24、Teachers should engraft right ideas in the minds of students ─── 老师应该向学生头脑中灌输正确的思想。

25、you, I engraft you new. ─── 我占有,而她们享受,你的爱。

26、Be aimed at this kind of circumstance, jujube in relief city is decisive put forward " exalted engraft, borrow a boat to go to sea " development strategy. ─── 针对这种情况,枣阳市果断提出“高位嫁接、借船出海”的发展战略。

27、If this time will be an engraft upgrade of the new mainstream of human civilization, then we are duty--bound. ─── 如果这是一场人类文明新主流的嫁接升级,那么我们也将责无旁贷。

28、One, severe catch entire industry interior to manage Tianjin Fu Jinmu course of study limited company is the successful model that uses foreign capital engraft to transform state-owned company. ─── 一、严抓全业内部治理天津福津木业有限公司是利用外资嫁接改造国有企业的成功典型。

29、"If go to oneself product engraft over mature platform, with combination of many game platform, reasonable cent is become, be mutual beneficial favour? ─── “如果把自己的产品嫁接到成熟的平台之上,和多个游戏平台联合,合理分成,岂不是互惠的好事?”

30、This is a direction, pass the engraft with complementary advantage, those who let us is medium small state-owend enterprise rises alive. ─── 这是个方向,通过优势互补的嫁接,让我们的中小国企活起来。

31、And all in war with Time for love of you, As he takes from you, I engraft you new. ─── 为了你的爱我将和时光争持:他摧折你,我要把你重新接枝。

32、Besides the mountain that except Fu hill truly this looks like pyramid, the archaeology news engraft that the others content all fastens him to arrive according to the search on the net and into. ─── 除涪陵确有这一貌似金字塔的山之外,其余内容均系他根据网上搜到的考古新闻嫁接而成。

33、with time for love of you, As he takes from you, I engraft you new. ─── 为了对你的爱我将与时间争战,他摧毁你,我却会把你的青春重新唤醒。

34、This year early spring, he all young trees all engraft, continue to be in new afforestation ground all sorts of kind of crop. ─── 今年初春,他又把所有的幼树全部嫁接,并继续在新造林地里间种各种农作物。

35、The engraft of electronic IT and traditional industry, promoted an industry not only upgrade and automation, intelligence he, more the informatization process that accelerated whole economy. ─── 电子信息技术与传统产业的嫁接,不仅促进了产业的升级和自动化、智能他,更加速了整个经济的信息化进程。

36、Cent miniascape is at present short change help advance somebody's career with fruiter engraft two kinds. ─── 目前分盆景矮化栽培和果树嫁接栽培两种。

37、On mulberry winter canal, to pruning, treat bug, fertilization to grant allowance, the key has been caught today the fine mulberry engraft of wintry Ming Chun. ─── 在桑树冬管上,对修枝,治虫、施肥给予补助,重点抓好今冬明春的良桑嫁接。

38、If so if, you need to think method explains to them, engraft and reveal the option that gives you to be able to bring best profit. ─── 如果是这样的话,你需要想办法向他们解释,灌输并且展示出你的选择会带来最好的收益。;

39、If this time will be an engraft upgrade of the new mainstream of human civilization, then we are duty--bound. ─── 但是,如果我们真的以生命高贵和灵魂自由为追求,这又将是难得磨练的机遇;

40、Below natural condition, poison is sent through tool or engraft when clip or breed, in addition, the progenitive material of catch a disease also carries belting virus. ─── 在自然条件下,修剪或繁殖时通过工具或嫁接传毒,此外,染病的繁殖材料也携带类病毒。

41、Additionally the ability of stem cells to engraft endometriosis has implications for the origin and progression of this disease. ─── 此外,干细胞移入异位内膜组织这种能力可能暗示了这种疾病的起因和进展。

42、to engraft the principles into the document ─── 把这些原则包融在这文件之中

43、First responsibility of education depends on allowing a student can free-standing, is not to be its to engraft bellyful Confusion classics. ─── 教育的首要责任在于让学生能够自立,而不是为其灌输满腹经书。

44、As joint-stock as the foreign trader, foreign capital of engraft of enterprise of partial civil aviaton, foreign trader, machine of business management of enterprise.. ─── 与外商合资,把部分民航企业嫁接外资、外商,企业经营治理机...

45、First responsibility of education depends on allowing a student can free-standing, is not to be its to engraft bellyful Confusion classics. ─── 教育的首要责任在于让学生能够自立,而不是为其灌输满腹经书。

46、Don't engraft your ideas in other's mind. ─── 不要把你的思想灌输到别人的脑子里。

47、To engraft a new rose on a wild rose ─── 把新品种玫瑰嫁接到野生玫瑰上

48、5. And all in war with time for love of me,As he takes from you,I engraft you now. ─── 为了与你相爱,我将向时间宣战,它使你枯萎,我令你移花接木换新装.收藏指正

49、As he takes from u, I engraft u new. ─── 用你最后的勇气戏辱一下世界。

50、Use SNS position, the engraft with all sorts of OK and very good application such as the game of mobile Internet, instant communication among them. ─── 利用SNS布局,移动互联网的游戏、即时通讯等各种应用可以很好的嫁接其中。

51、to engraft an idea in the mind ─── 向头脑中灌输一种思想

52、engraft into ─── 使并入

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