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09-09 投稿



pertinency 发音


英:  美:

pertinency 中文意思翻译



pertinency 短语词组

1、pertinency in a sentence ─── 句子的相关性

2、pertinency synonyms ─── 相关性同义词

3、pertinency def ─── 相关性定义

4、pertinency factor ─── [电] 有关比值

pertinency 相似词语短语

1、pertinent ─── adj.相关的,相干的;中肯的;切题的

2、pertinence ─── n.针对性;有关性,相关性

3、permanency ─── n.永久;耐久性;永久的事物

4、percipiency ─── 洞察力

5、pertinently ─── adv.适切地

6、impertinence ─── n.鲁莽,无理;不恰当

7、pertinencies ─── n.相关性,有关性;适切,妥当

8、impertinency ─── n.鲁莽;无礼;不对题

9、persistency ─── n.持续;固执;坚韧

pertinency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The reinforcement of the construction of faculty ethics in the new era should grasp the characteristics of the faculty ethics, and strengthen the pertinency. ─── 加强新时期师德建设应把握好师德的特点,有针对性地开展工作。

2、OBJECTIVE To analyze occupational harmful factors in department of disinfection and supply and take protective measures in pertinency. ─── 目的分析了解消毒供应室职业危害因素,有针对性地采取预防措施。

3、The especially application by way of CNMARC has very biglyly raised the recall factor and pertinency ratio of booklist retrieval . ─── 特别是通过CNMARC的应用,极大地提高了书目检索的查全率和查准率。

4、The construction must be of pertinency and practical and creative with a fully aware of the importance of the ideological construction in minority regions. ─── 民族地区党的思想建设必须提高针对性、实效性,进行理论创新和实践创新,要充分认识加强民族地区党的思想建设的重要性。

5、Safety, with corium cooling system of pertinency adjustable. ─── 表皮冷却系统针对性可调的安全性。

6、To sum up, we carried out safe, practical and pertinency principle in developing curriculum. ─── 对于这些典型事例,要及时进行总结,适时进行宣传,鼓励更多的盲人积极参与定向行走训练,也让整个社会看到盲人中也有自强不息者,从而增加对这一群体的关注程度。

7、Generally, steganalysis based on statistical characteristic has a strong pertinency, and a blind steganalysis can adapt itself to the steganography. ─── 通常基于统计特征的隐写分析算法特征针对性强,而通用隐写分析算法适应性强。

8、The simulation system of diesel operation process studied in this paper plays convenient role in the design of diesel engine with strong pertinency, convenient usage and low request of hardware. ─── 本文所研究的柴油机工作过程模拟系统,针对性强,使用方便,对硬件要求低,为柴油机的设计工作提供了很大便利。

9、The the maximum satisfies the personality demand of customer during the period of designing.Therefore, the system has stronger practicability and pertinency. ─── 在设计过程中最大限度满足用户的个性需求,因此,该系统具有较强的实用性和针对性。

10、The automated essay scoring for the teaching of college English writing requires that the scoring method should have the feature of generality,namely,without pertinency of specific subjects. ─── 面向大学英语写作教学的自动作文评分要求评分方法具有针对非特定作文题目的通用性。

11、Desk study between rice with long stubble and pertinency of soil improvement ─── 水稻留高茬与土壤改良相关性初探

12、E courses, while in fact, it's really not enough to promote students' psychological healthiness only through two P.E lessons each week, whether from time or pertinency. ─── 实际上,仅仅通过每周两节的体育课来促进学生的心理健康无论在时间上还是针对性上都是不够全面的。

13、Sell the activity or the public relation activity by organizing the subject camp who has a characteristic and has a pertinency, rise promoting fore-end marketplace sales volume. ─── 通过组织有特色和有针对性的主题营销活动或公关活动,促进前端市场销售额的提高。

14、In the end, the essay put forward pertinency suggestions on composition optimization of exports base on previously analysis. ─── 最后在前文分析的基础上,论文对我国优化商品结构提出了针对性的政策建议。

15、7.It is necessary to know its proportion of the two kinds of pollution in the region for more pertinency for pollution prevention measures during the practical environmental protection. ─── 二是结合城市环境综合整治和区域改建,关闭、搬迁、治理了一批污染严重的企业,使部分地区的污染趋势得到缓解。

16、It is proved that the established model in this paper is of pertinency and availability. ─── 实例研究表明,所建立的基于终端受限的矿区集配站列车排队模型具有较强的针对性和可用性。

17、The most advanced body test equipment in our hospital provide the scientific and exact data which insure pertinency,veracity and validity for clinical treatment for the patients. ─── 医院坚持“以病人为中心,以质量为核心”,秉承“关爱健康、服务大众”的宗旨,把患者的利益放在第一位。

18、In one hand It is come into being the public spontaneously, resolves the down-to-earth difficulties which were met by the public, has a very strong pertinency and pragmatism ; ─── 它一方面由民众自发产生,切实解决民众遇到的实实在在的困难,具有很强的针对性和实用性;

19、Subway advertisement has strong pertinency, covers large fields, and has extruded effects of the advertisement. ─── 地铁广告的针对性较强,覆盖面广,广告效果突出。

20、The propagation of the audience is usually penetrating with strong pertinency and it further integrates the information of the mass media. ─── 受众的这种传播,往往渗透力强,有针对性,对大众传播的信息有着进一步的整合作用。

21、pertinency factor ─── 检准率有关因数

22、Study of family earning level and university entrance pertinency ─── 家庭收入水平与高等院校入学机会的相关性研究

23、As for the given project, it can do increase the pertinency. ─── 同时对具体工程,依据系统需求,可提高工作的针对性和目的性。

24、Deng Xiaoping proposed that we should guard against the right deviation but mainly "the Left" deviation in his address in the south, which has its pertinency then. ─── 邓小平南方谈话中提出的要警惕右,但主要是防止“左”,在当时是有针对性的。

25、The choice of the search words has direct influence on the recall factor and pertinency ratio. ─── 检索词的选择恰当与否直接影响到检索的查全率与查准率。

26、The arithmetic of one unit linearity return can obtain standard working curve of sample liquid and pertinency coefficient was calculated to estimate standard working curve"s pertinency. ─── 应用一元线性回归方法求得特定溶液标准工作曲线,计算曲线的相关系数判断标准工作曲线的相关性。


28、It is necessary to know its proportion of the two kinds of pollution in the region for more pertinency for pollution prevention measures during the practical environmental protection. ─── 在现实环境保护工作中,为了使污染防治措施更有针对性,有必要了解区域内两类污染各自所占的份额。

29、Primary and middle school corricula reform which has long been weak in pertinency,effectiveness and scientificalness,is entering a new era. ─── 长期以来一直在针对性、实效性、科学性等方面普遍较差的中小学的德育课程改革也进入了新的建设时期。

30、Classify these forms according to the syllable, mark word character, the verb pertinency, exterior function. ─── 对这些格式按照音节、标记词性质、与动词的相关性、外部功能等标准进行分类。

31、In addition, the squeezing soil effect of mixing piles has its range of action and great pertinency with construction flow. ─── 搅拌桩挤土有一定的影响范围;搅拌桩挤土效应还与施工流程密切相关。

32、Keywords Alien species;Risk assessment;Policy pertinency;Anhui Province; ─── 外来物种;风险评估;政策相关性;安徽省;

33、Conclusion In the treatment of corticosteroid-dependent dermitis,we should use different method pertinency,humid spray along with take orally may be accepted easily by patients. ─── 结论 治疗激素依赖性皮炎,必须有针对性地采用不同的治疗方法,外用湿喷加内服药治疗较激素递减法治疗疗效更佳,更易为患者所接受。

34、Face a problem we have not awaited one's doom , are that aspect has pertinency's have solved question from four but. ─── 面对问题我们没有坐以待毙过,而是从四个方面有针对性的解决了问题。

35、It analyses the particularity of middle open-off cut in fully-mechanized work face and discusses the pertinency measure of safety and technology while passing the middle open-off cut. ─── 分析了该工作面中切眼的特殊性,并论述了过此中切眼采取的有针对性的安全技术措施。

36、The research found that the parameter of dispersion property exist the pertinency with the quantity of coke formation. ─── 研究发现,分散性能参数与渣油加氢裂化结果存在相关性。

37、As for the given project,it can do increase the pertinency. ─── 同时对具体工程,依据系统需求,可提高工作的针对性和目的性。

38、the training process should have the actual effect and the pertinency; ─── 在指导帮助环节应注重经常性和规范性;

39、Fifth is to improve the pertinency through establishing a network of aiding. ─── 五是通过开展特色帮困活动提高针对性;

40、To apply RFID, the companies should pay great attention on analysis, planning, specific pertinency and actual effect. ─── 运用这一技术应注重分析、计划,考虑有特定的针对性,讲求实效。

41、Its significance lies in the further efficiency and pertinency of the second language teaching. ─── 其意义在于能够使第二语言教学更为高效,更具针对性。

42、Research on the Pertinency of Crystallinity, Cooling Technique and Friction Property of Solid Lubricant Based on Polytetrafluoroethylene ─── 聚四氟乙烯基固体润滑剂结晶度、冷却工艺及摩擦性能相关性研究

43、Therefore,the teaching materials for vocational education must have enough characteristic and pertinency. ─── 因此,职业教育教材的建设必须结合职业教育的特点,有特色、有针对性。

44、Physical education must strive for practicability and pertinency. ─── 体育教育必须力求实用性和针对性。

45、High pertinency in product sale, rapid market promotion ─── 产品销售针对性高、市场推广较快速

46、This thesis has better pertinency, practicability and maneuverability. ─── 具有较强的针对性、实用性和可操作性。

47、The Study of Construct Domain Dictionary to Support Pertinency Monitoring in CSCL ─── 支持CSCL中相关度监控的领域词典构建研究

48、Model course system is designed to train the vocational quality and technical application ability through a good consideration of post pertinency and vocational adaptability. ─── T型模式课程体系以职业素质和技术应用能力的培养为主线设计学生的知识、技能、素质结构,能较好地兼顾岗位针对性和职业适应性的关系。

49、To apply RFID, the companies should pay great attention on analysis, planning, specific pertinency and actual effect. ─── 运用这一技术应注重分析、计划,考虑有特定的针对性,讲求实效。

50、At the same time, I analyze the pertinency of petroleum industry and taxation, and illuminate the significance of perfecting the taxation policy of petroleum industry. ─── 同时,对石油行业与税收的相关性进行分析,阐明当前强调完善石油行业税收政策的重要性。

51、Agitation, brevity and pertinency are the three characteristics of advertisement rhetoric. ─── 鼓动性、简洁性和针对性是广告英语修辞的三大特点。

52、The Scientific Concept of Education Must Be Formed in Order to Enhance the Pertinency and Actual Effect of Ideological and Political Work ─── 增强思想政治教育针对性实效性必须确立科学的教育观念

53、The propagation of the audience is usually penetrating with strong pertinency and it further integrates the information of the mass media. ─── 受众的这种传播,往往渗透力强,有针对性,对大众传播的信息有着进一步的整合作用。

54、Some Issues to Be Resolved Through Considerable Efforts in Enhancing the Pertinency and Efficiency of the Ideological and Political Education in the Armed Forces ─── 增强部队思想政治教育针对性实效性需要着力解决的几个问题

55、Network management development lags behind operations development, it pertinency of consumer services are too strong to incarnate consumer service level embedded. ─── 网络管理系统的开发往往滞后于业务开发的步伐,客户服务针对性不强,不能够深入地体现出大客户服务的服务水平。

56、Study of Form Pertinency in Products Design ─── 产品设计中的形态相关性研究

57、Policy pertinency ─── 政策相关性

58、pertinency ratio ─── 查准率

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