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09-09 投稿



executorship 发音


英:  美:

executorship 中文意思翻译



executorship 词性/词形变化,executorship变形


executorship 短语词组

1、executorship account ─── 遗嘱执行人帐户

executorship 相似词语短语

1、coeditorship ─── n.合编者(coeditor的变形)

2、electorship ─── n.选举人,选举团成员

3、hectorship ─── 赫克托

4、lectorship ─── n.大学讲师教职(等于lectorate)

5、precentorship ─── n.领唱人(precentor的变形)

6、spectatorship ─── 观看;观众;旁观者

7、executors ─── n.[法]执行者;[法]实施者;[法]遗嘱执行者(executor的复数)

8、preceptorship ─── n.校长;教师;指导医师(preceptor的变形)

9、rectorship ─── n.教区长之职位及任期

executorship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、proxy executor ─── [法] 代理执行人

2、One Executor model of handling the middle code generated by one Compiler subsystem of active mechanism researched inanother paper is proposed. ─── 对于另文研究的主动面向对象系统中编译子系统所生成的中间代码的执行,提出了基于外部过程的主动机制执行模型。

3、They ask a trustworthy friend of theirs to be the executor ─── 他们让一个值得信任的朋友当遗嘱执行人

4、There is no business of any executor or tax collector in the future ─── 将来的一切都用不着遗嘱执行人和税收人过问了。

5、It doesn't matter if your Executor stands to benefit from the Will. ─── 你的遗嘱执行人是否支持遗嘱无关紧要。

6、During the mass exodus of Yavin to Hoth, Admiral Griff miscalculated his task force's hyperspace jump, bringing the three Destroyers out on top of the Executor. ─── 在大批飞船从雅汶到霍斯的转移中,格瑞夫上将算错了他任务力量的超空间跳跃,将三艘歼星舰弄到了执行者号的上方。

7、If additional high point vents and low point drains are required, they shall be installed by the Executor after obtaining Engineer's approval. ─── 如需要增加排气口和排污口,执行者必须得到工程师的许可后进行安装。

8、When you are using a custom executor that is based on the Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor class. ─── 当您使用基于Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor类的自定义执行器时。

9、While attempting to rescue Kerrigan from the zerg planet Char, Raynor encountered protoss there and gained the respect of the valiant Executor Tassadar. ─── 在试图从虫族控制的查尔行星中救出凯瑞甘时,雷纳巧遇神族并得到了勇敢的神族执政官塔萨达的敬重。

10、Customer and/or the personal representatives, heirs, executor, administrator, trustee, legatees, legal representative, successors and assigns of Customer. ─── 执行人,遗产管理人,信托人,受遗赠者,法定代表人,继任者和受让人有约束力.

11、3. The training teacher, whois required a very high morality standard and adept technology capability, is the organizer and executor of the practical training course. ─── 反思不仅是沟通教育理论与实践行为的桥梁,更为重要的是它使一个教师从技术的奴役者演进成教育“思想者”,引导教师走向解放与专业自主的大道。收藏指正

12、Life comes first; the poet is the executor of life. ─── 先有行为;诗人是人生的实行者.

13、It is most important to appoint at least one Executor when you make your Will. ─── 在你立遗嘱的时候,指定至少一名遗嘱执行人是至关重要的。

14、law executor ─── 执法者

15、dative executor ─── [法] 法院指派的遗嘱执行人

16、They ask a trustworthy friend of theirs to be the executor. ─── 他们让一个值得信任的朋友当遗嘱执行人。

17、During that time, Zhou Yang, as the authoritative interpreter and firm executor of the Party's literary policy, inevitably took a part and played some roles in the activities. ─── 同时,周扬作为党的文艺政策的权威阐释者和坚定执行者,自然难免要参与批判活动之中,发挥作用。

18、executor de son tort ─── [法] 无权的遗嘱执行人

19、a literary executor ─── (遗嘱上指定的)遗嘱保管人


21、Maneuvering behind the scene, he contacted the ultimate executor of a conspiracy, a man called Tony, who asked for 4 million dollars to get the job done. ─── 他完全可以躲在背后掌控一切。他先和一位名叫托尼的人取得联系。对方出价4百万美元。

22、The New Executor of Corporate Communication: Marcom Manager ─── 企业传播新主体:营销传播管理者

23、As the Executor of the remaining Protoss forces, you must now attempt to reunite your beleaguered people and save them from the ravenous Zerg who still roam mindlessly across the blackened fields of Aiur. ─── 作为残余神族势力的执行长,一个艰巨的任务摆在你的面前:你要重新集结那些历经艰险的神族同胞们,并将他们救出仍旧被虫族残余势力肆虐的艾尔星球。

24、Scrooge was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign, his sole residuary legatee, his sole friend and sole mourner. ─── 他是马瑞遗嘱唯一的指定执行人,唯一的财产指定管理人,唯一的财产让渡人,唯一的遗产继承人,唯一的朋友,也是唯一的送葬人。

25、He was named executor of his brother's will. ─── 他被提名做他兄弟的遗嘱执行人.

26、7 When fluctuation of stock market has no influence on him, the executor of shepherd plan hold tightly the reliable stock that is promising and developable. ─── 一个养羊计划的执行者,当他不受股市涨跌的影响,始终坚守住他所认为有前景、有扩充性、同时也值得信赖的公司股票时;

27、The accuracy analysis of 2-PRR parallel machanism is expatiated on, and the interactional equations are established that both linkage rod and rotating pair gap are relative to endmost executor. ─── 对2-PRR并联机床主运动机构进行了详细精度分析,建立了杆长误差和转动副间隙对末端执行器的影响关系。

28、A person shall not, by reason only of his being an executor of a will, be incompetent to be admitted a witness to prove the execution of such will, or a witness to prove the validity or invalidity thereof. ─── 任何人不会仅因为身为遗嘱执行人?而没有资格获接受为见证人以证明遗嘱的签立?或证明该遗嘱具备或不具备效力。

29、The executor tried to comply with the intent of the testator ─── 执行人尽量遵照立遗嘱之人的意图

30、Under the principle of disclosure prior permission, can effective rate model, the patentee and balanced iso standard executor multi-stakeholder, etc.It is a good prospect for the plan. ─── 事先披露原则下的总许可费率模式,能够有效的平衡标准化组织、专利权人和标准实施者等多方利益,无疑是一种具有良好适用前景的方案。

31、The executor of the document must be present at the close of the deal. ─── 在这笔交易签署时,文件的执行者必须在场。

32、executor of small estates ─── 小额遗产的遗嘱执行人

33、Since Mrs Su believes that a good planning must have a good executor and can stand up to verify in order to attain the desired results! ─── 因为苏洪莲女士认为一个好的策划必须要有一个好的执行者也必须要经得起验证,而得到预期的结果!

34、Much of this is revealed in detail in Andrew Lycett's biography and in a selection of Doyle's letters edited by (among others) the present executor of the Doyle estate. ─── 其中许多细节在安德鲁.莱希特的传记和由道尔遗产现任执行人(与别人一道)编辑的道尔书信辑中有所披露。

35、The executor tried to comply with the intent of the testator. ─── 执行人尽量遵照立遗嘱之人的意图。

36、Civil servants are the subject of government management, the executor of government decrees and the creator of government authority. ─── 公务员是政府管理的主体,政令实施的执行人和政府权威的塑造者。

37、statutory executor ─── [法] 法定遗嘱执行人

38、At the same time name an executor who is capable and willing to undertake the duties involved in the administration of your estate. ─── 同时也选定一个有能力及愿意为您的“遗嘱”进行管理的遗嘱执行人。

39、"The executor . . . is allowed to pay himself first, by retaining in his hands so much as his debt amounts to" (William Blackstone). ─── “遗嘱执行人可以先自己支付,但需在手上保存有与自己的债务相当的钱” (威廉·布莱克斯通)。

40、substituted executor ─── [法] 代位执行人

41、The next step is to run the program, which requires some kind of executor. ─── 下一步工作是运行程序,这需要某种执行器。

42、The relatives of the dead were very angry when they discovered that her executor had appropriated the Rolls Royce to himself. ─── 当死者的亲属发现她的遗嘱执行者已将“劳斯莱斯”名贵轿车据为己有时,都非常愤怒。

43、main executor ─── 主要执行者

44、They provide safe deposit, credit and cheque cards, executorship service. ─── 他们提供保险箱、信用卡、支票卡、遗嘱执行服务。

45、1. Scrooge was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign, his sole residuary legatee, his sole friend and sole mourner. ─── 他是马瑞遗嘱唯一的指定执行人,唯一的财产指定管理人,唯一的财产让渡人,唯一的遗产继承人,唯一的朋友,也是唯一的送葬人。收藏指正

46、To serve as an inspector, liquidator, bankruptcy administrator, or executor of a will, or in any other fiduciary capacity. ─── 充任检查人、清算人、破产管理人、遗嘱执行人或其他信讬人。

47、Executor Design and Realization for a Protocol Conformance Testing System ─── 协议一致性测试系统中执行器的设计与实现

48、Even though such God-centered activities may be half-finished, they are still good for the executor because they will guarantee him a human form in his next birth. ─── 就算这些以至尊主为中心的活动只完成一半,对履行者来说也是好的,因为这保证了他在下一生中会得到人体的生命。

49、As the executor of compensation voltagecommand, DVR inverter influences the performance and the cost of DVR in great degree. ─── DVR逆变单元作为电压补偿指令的执行环节,在很大程度上影响甚至决定了整个DVR系统的性能和硬件成本。

50、original executor ─── 原遗嘱执行人

51、general executor ─── [法] 一般执行人

52、I know who the executor is. ─── 我知道谁是遗嘱执行人。

53、real-time executor ─── 实时执行程序

54、A citizen may,by means of a will made in accordance with the provisions of this Law,dispose of the property he owns and may appoint a testamentary executor for the purpose. ─── 公民可以依照本法规定立遗嘱处分个人财产,并可以指定遗嘱执行人。

55、Galen lived in constant fear of his master, who kept the boy locked up within the bowels of his starship, the still under construction Executor. ─── 伽伦被师父锁在他的太空船,当时仍然在建造的“执行者”号的深处,生活在对他持续的恐惧之中。

56、The role of the executor is to load the program (copy it from disk into memory) and make the computer start executing the program. ─── 执行器的作用是加载程序(将程序从磁盘中拷入内存之中),并使计算机开始执行程序。

57、After her death her son-in-law Mathur became the sole executor of the estate. ─── 她死后,女婿马图尔是财产的唯一执行者。

58、The characteristic and application of RK-Z intelligent electric executor ─── RK-Z系列智能电动执行机构性能的特点及应用

59、Design and Implementation of Executor subsystem in Active Object-Oriented System ─── 主动面向对象系统中执行子系统的设计与实现

60、"No, merely his testamentary executor. ' ─── “不,我只是他的遗嘱执行人而已。

61、the party appointed by a probate court to distribute the estate of someone who dies without a will or without naming an executor. ─── 一个被遗嘱检查法庭任命来负责分发没有留下遗嘱或没有指定遗嘱执行人的死人财产的人。

62、Design scheme of electric executor without servo function ─── 不带伺服功能的电动执行器设计方案

63、Customer and/or the personal representatives , heirs, executor, administrator, trustee, legatees, legal representative, successors and assigns of Customer. ─── 遺囑執行人、遺產管理人、信託人、受遺贈者、法定代表人、繼任者和受讓人有約束力。

64、If a witness is the executor/trustee under the Will, then any clause within the Will entitling the trustee to charge professional fees in addition to executor remuneration will be void. ─── 如果见证人是遗嘱里的执行人/受托人,遗嘱约定执行人/受托人有权收取除执行人/受托人酬金外专业服务费的条款无效。

65、A Case Study of the Indirect Executor ─── 从一案例谈间接实行犯

66、Other aspects of the Humphrey's Executor reasoning, however, have been roundly criticized in subsequent years. ─── 但是,“汉弗莱的遗嘱执行人”案的其他方面的论证在随后的若干年受到严厉的批评。

67、limited executor ─── [法] 有限制的遗嘱执行人

68、Swing Reason Analysis and Treatment to Bernard ST6 Executor for Pulverizing System ─── 制粉系统BernardST6执行器摆动的原因分析及处理

69、The Law Executor's Opinion on Las from the comparative Prospect of Perciful and Merciless Officers in Tang Dynasty ─── 从循吏与酷吏的对比看唐代执法者的法律思想

70、He was appointed to act as the executor. ─── 他被指定为遗嘱执行人。

71、The robot car controller is a "brainless" executor, the motion controller includes all kinds of action functions, and different decision schemes are collected in the organizing level. ─── 小车控制器构成“无脑”的执行器,运动控制器中集成了各种各样的动作函数,组织层则融合了不同的决策方案。

72、The role of the executor is to load the program( copy it from disk into memory) and make the computer start executing the program. ─── 执行器的作用是加载程式(程式从磁盘中拷入内存之中)并使电脑开始执行程式。

73、The Italian majority mother can the Italian surface and the m.s.g which rolls in Sunday executor, and waits when the winter uses. ─── 意大利大多数的母亲会在周日做手擀的意大利面及调味酱,并留待冬天时用。

74、subituted executor ─── 代位(遗嘱)执行人

75、executor dative ─── [法] 管理人, 指定的遗嘱执行人

76、a personal representative with legal standing (as by power of attorney or the executor of a will). ─── 在法律上的个人代表(如委任书或遗嘱人的意志)人。

77、A fuzzy synthetic evaluation method on ERP executor ─── erp实施商模糊综合评价方法研究

78、The managers at intermediate level are nominated by the chief executor and appointed by the board of executors after discussion. ─── 中层管理人员由理事长提名,经理事会讨论后决定任用;

79、We know this decision by Peoria in accordance with the Stalin commissioned to make the arrangements, is the executor of the House Committee. ─── 我们才知道有关这一决定的问题,是由贝利亚根据史达林的委讬作的安排,内务委员会是执行者。

80、You must present your demands to the executor. ─── 你必须将你的要求告诉遗嘱执行人。

81、"A citizen may, by means of a will made in accordance with the provisions of this Law, dispose of the property he owns and may appoint a testamentary executor for the purpose." ─── 公民可以依照本法规定立遗嘱处分个人财产,并可以指定遗嘱执行人。

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