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09-09 投稿



dagoba 发音

英:[['dɑ:g?b?]]  美:[['dɑ:g?b?]]

英:  美:

dagoba 中文意思翻译



dagoba 相似词语短语

1、dagobas ─── n.(印度的)舍利塔;佛骨堂

2、dagos ─── 是

3、dagoes ─── n.外国佬(对意大利人、西班牙人、葡萄牙人的蔑称);n.(Dago)人名;(法、西、不丹)达戈

4、Nagoya ─── n.名古屋(日本本州岛中南岸港市)

5、aroba ─── 阿罗巴

6、dagabas ─── 达加巴斯

7、dagaba ─── n.舍利子塔

8、agora ─── n.市场;集会;n.(Agora)人名;(法)阿戈拉

9、dagga ─── n.印度大麻

dagoba 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The temple is famed for the dagoba which houses the Buddhist relics of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. ─── 该庙是著名的舍利塔的房屋佛教文物的释迦牟尼,佛教的创始人。

2、YongAn Temple leads up the southern slope of the hill on the same north-south axis as ShanYin Pavilion and the White Dagoba. ─── 永安寺位于山南的斜坡上,于白塔、善因殿同位于一条南北中轴线上。

3、Rather than go back to the countryside, he would even be willing to stand guard over the white dagoba in Beihai. ─── 就是让他去看守北海的白塔去,他也乐意;就是不能下乡!上别的都市?

4、So it makes sense that Kublai Khan would set about building a large dagoba in Beijing after selecting the city as the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. ─── 如此它有忽必烈可汗会设置关于修造一大舍利塔在北京在选择城市以后作为元朝的资本的道理。

5、On the Island erects the white Dagoba built in 1651. It is 35.9 meters high. ─── 琼岛东北部有“琼岛春阴”碑,为1751年建立,附近风光秀丽,过去是燕京八景之一。

6、Sitting on top of the hill on Jade Island, the famous White Dagoba is a 16th century masterpiece of Buddhist art. ─── 座落子琼华岛的山顶上的白塔是16世纪杰出的佛教艺术形式的建筑。

7、Exit from the White Dagoba from the north side and descend the Northern Slope of the hill. ─── 从白塔北面的出口出来,顺着山从北坡下来。

8、Now, he was free to look around, but he found the scene somewhat frightening. That ashen cold ice, those gently stirring trees and the deathly white dagoba were so desolate that he felt they might suddenly let out a shriek or leap up madly. ─── 现在,他可以自由的看一眼了,可是他心中觉得这个景色有些可怕:那些灰冷的冰,微动的树影,惨白的高塔,都寂寞的似乎要忽然的狂喊一声,或狂走起来!

9、It was hoped that the dagoba would symbolize the regime’s divine power and keep the nation at peace. ─── 预期, 舍利塔会象征政权的神的力量和会保留国家在和平。

10、Exit from the White Dagoba from the north side and descend the northern slope of the hill. ─── 从白塔北面的出口出来,顺着山从北坡下来。

11、Above towered the white dagoba, its chalky paleness casting a chilly gloom on all around so that the three lakes, despite their man-made adornments, revealed their full northern bleakness. ─── 白塔却高耸到云间,傻白傻白的把一切都带得冷寂萧索,整个的三海在人工的雕琢中显出北地的荒寒。

12、Then glancing ax the white dagoba, she sighed and walked off toward the west. ─── 说完,她掺了白塔一眼,叹了口气,向西走去。

13、A ticket is required for YongAn Temple and ShanYin Pavilion.The White Dagoba can be reached in other ways but this route is recommended. ─── 永安寺和善因殿是需要另买票的,当然到达白塔寺还有其他的路,但我们推荐您走着条路。

14、The lotus-like halo was initially built with iron and could contain oil to light the lamp, and then converted to a brick dagoba until the Qing Dynasty. ─── 莲瓣初建时是用铁制,可以注油燃灯,清代重修后才改成砖塔。

15、At the four cross roads a dagoba should be erected to the Tathagata. ─── 在十字路口,应该有一个舍利塔为如来建起来。

16、Finally, the paper decided the regularity of plane, vertical and shape of the heshi dagoba according to the data of FEM analysis. ─── 最后根据有限元计算数据,对合十舍利塔结构平面、竖向和体型的规则性进行了判断。

17、The four-gate tower, built in 611 AD, is of high quality in ancient Buddhist architectures and is the earliest single floor stone tower.It is also the place where the earliest dagoba was found. ─── 景区内四门塔是古代佛教建筑的精品,建于隋大业七年(公元611年),是我国现存最早的单层石塔,也是中国最早发现舍利的地方;

18、The White Dagoba in BeiHai Park is 35.9 meters high. ─── 白塔高35.9米,用砖、石头和白灰砌成。

19、In the mean time, District Government of Huanggu will engage in improving the surroundings to restore the original environment of Dagoba. ─── 皇姑区政府同时改造舍利塔周边环境,恢复塔寺原始风貌,重现盛京八景之一“塔湾夕照”。

20、If Mom is a chocoholic, treat her to the delicious, unique flavors of Dagoba Chocolates made from sustainably-grown organic cacao. ─── 如果妈妈是个巧克力迷,请她吃由可持续种植的有机可可制成的美味,独特的Dagoba巧克力。

21、Continue up the hill towards the White Dagoba. ─── 朝着白塔继续向上,穿越“龙光紫照”牌楼。

22、The White Dagoba as we see it today was rebuilt in 1741. ─── 我们今天看到的白塔寺是在1741年重新修复的。

23、A dagoba differs from the more well-known pagoda in shape. ─── 这个舍利塔不同于以往我们所见过宝塔的样子。

24、A dagoba differs from the more well-known pagoda in shape. ─── 这个舍利塔不同于以往我们所见过宝塔的样子。

25、The Tibetan style White Dagoba, built in 1651, on Jade (JiongHua) Island is a landmark of both BeiHai Park and Beijing. ─── 藏式白塔寺是1651年建在琼华岛上的,着对于北海和北京来说都是件具有划时代意义的大事。。

26、In times of danger, flags could be hoisted and lanterns lit around the White Dagoba to summon the imperial troops into battle. ─── 在危急时刻可以升起旗帜,点燃灯笼以便召集御林军迅速进入作战状态。

27、In times of danger, flags could be hoisted and lanterns lit around the White Dagoba to summon the imperial troops into battle. ─── 在危急时刻可以升起旗帜,点燃灯笼以便召集御林军迅速进入作战状态。

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