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09-09 投稿


pineapple 发音

英:[?pa?n?p(?)l]  美:[?pa?n?p(?)l]

英:  美:

pineapple 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 菠萝



pineapple 短语词组

1、find the pineapple ─── 找到菠萝

2、Pineapple bun ─── 菠萝油包

3、pineapple juice ─── 菠萝汁

4、Pineapple Parota ─── 菠萝鹦鹉

5、pineapple bran ─── 菠萝皮渣, ─── 菠萝糠

6、pineapple wilt ─── 凤梨纤维; ─── 凤梨萎蔫病; ─── 凤仙花枝蚜

7、pineapple tests ─── [医] 波萝试验(检胃酪酸)

8、pineapple aldehyde ─── [化] 凤梨醛(俗称); 己酸烯丙酯

9、pineapple plant ─── [网络] 菠萝植物

10、del monte gold pineapple ─── 德尔蒙特金菠萝

11、pineapple weed ─── 香甘菊

12、pineapple bagasse ─── 菠萝蔗渣

13、die with a pineapple ─── 和菠萝一起死

14、eat pineapple ─── 吃菠萝

15、pineapple guava ─── [网络] 凤梨芭乐;凤梨番石榴;菠萝番石榴

16、pineapple fiber ─── 菠萝纤维

17、Pineapple Sage ─── 菠萝鼠尾草

18、pineapple family ─── 凤梨科

19、Pineapple Army ─── 菠萝军

pineapple 词性/词形变化,pineapple变形


pineapple 常用词组

pineapple juice ─── 菠萝汁;凤梨汁

pineapple 相似词语短语

1、pineal ─── adj.松果体的;松果状的;n.松果腺;松果体

2、cider-apple ─── 苹果酒

3、preapply ─── 预涂

4、bake apple ─── n.云莓干

5、bakeapple ─── n.云莓干

6、pineapple tree ─── 菠萝树

7、bakeapples ─── n.云莓干

8、pineapples ─── n.[园艺]凤梨,[园艺]菠萝(pineapple的复数)

9、pineapple weed ─── n.香甘菊

pineapple 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The new type of pineapple looked more yellowy-gold than green. ─── 和原有的品种相比,新品种的菠萝看起来更加呈黄金色,它的表层果肉稍有点软,里面有很多的果汁。

2、Host: I heard that Ai hate to eat pineapple. ─── 主持人赵宁:我听说高桥爱最讨厌吃凤梨。

3、Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in pineapple. ─── 凤梨中含有的锰元素可以预防骨折及骨质疏松。

4、We should quarter a pineapple. ─── 我们应该把这个菠萝分成四等份。

5、Fresh fruit of pineapple, kiwi, honeydew, papaya and watermelon assorted, with spicy yogurt seasoning. ─── 凤梨、奇异果、哈密瓜、木瓜、西瓜。佐五香优格酱。

6、Inside 5 office divisions that close relatively, still put have humidifier and pineapple skin. ─── 5层相对封闭的办公区内,还放有加湿器和菠萝皮。

7、If like,sweetmeats can have caramel pineapple group. ─── 假如喜欢甜品可以吃焦糖菠萝圈。

8、Chop pineapple, raisins, and cherries. ─── 将菠萝、提子干和樱桃剁碎。

9、Ay ! No play ! You cannot find ape in the pineapple field ! ─── 喂!不要开玩笑了!凤梨田里,怎会有猩猩!

10、Pineapple farmers in Ghana are using PDAs and bar coding technology to facilitate transport and increase crop yields. ─── 加纳的菠萝种植农正使用掌上电脑和条码技术来促进运输和增加作物产量。

11、Add the pineapple cubes, and then the brown sugar. Fry until brown. Add the rum. ─── 加入波萝块,撒上红糖。炒到变为棕色,加入朗姆酒。

12、A pineapple is different in shape from an apple. ─── 凤梨和苹果形状不同。

13、Davidoff cool water EDT Top Notes: luscious aquatic, cool Citrus, Honeydew Melon,Quince, Pineapple, Lotus and Lily. ─── 前调:芬芳水,冷却柑桔,蜜瓜,木瓜,菠萝,莲花和百合。

14、What about a few strawberries and a pineapple as well? ─── “再种一些草莓和菠萝,怎么样?”

15、Pour gin into glass and add equal parts orange juice and pineapple juice. ─── 入金酒,入橙汁及凤梨汁

16、Add onion, pineapple into soup first, then add tomato and bacha. ─── 先于汤中加入洋葱及菠萝,再加入番茄及白霞。

17、Cut yourself some pineapple . ─── 你自己切一些菠萝吃吧。

18、Flavor characteristics: Apple, pear, citrus, melon, pineapple, peach, butter, honey, vanilla, butter scotch, spice. ─── 口味特征:苹果,生梨,柑橘,甜瓜,凤梨,桃子,黄油,蜂蜜,香草,苏格兰黄油,辣味。

19、We often do not eat the pineapple. ─── 我们不经常吃菠萝。

20、Add pineapple, young ginger, green and red bell peppers. Stir-fry for a while. ─── 加入菠萝、子姜、青红椒炒片刻,下调味料炒匀即可。

21、Extracts of Ginseng, Pineapple, Chamomile, Yarrow Flower, St. John's Wort. ─── 人蔘萃取、凤梨萃取、洋甘菊萃取、蓍花草萃取、圣约翰草萃取。

22、Mother cut the pineapple in half and each child had an equal share. ─── 妈妈把菠萝分成两半,二个孩子均分。

23、You will taste the rich content of French cherries, almonds, California nuts, pineapple, orange peel and lemon. ─── 你将品尝到丰富的法国的樱桃,杏仁,加州的坚果,凤梨,桔皮和柠檬。

24、The juice from pineapple Bromelain extract can reduce inflammation caused by asthma. ─── 从菠萝的果汁中提取的菠萝蛋白酶,可以减少因哮喘引起的炎症。

25、Can you put this pineapple on your head? ─── 你能把菠萝放在你的头上吗?

26、Mom said, my little name pineapple. ─── 妈妈说,我的小名叫凤梨。

27、Buy: package, canned fruit cocktail, canned pineapple,juic ... ─── 巴基斯坦公司求购包装材料,水果罐头2007-03-13

28、The only pineapple you'll get right now is in a can. ─── 你现在能买到的就是菠萝罐头了。

29、"The most welcome still is butterfly orchid and pineapple, good-looking, good raise, florescence is long also. ─── “最受欢迎的还是蝴蝶兰和凤梨,好看,好养,花期也长。”

30、Good. Pineapple juice. Would you like your coffee now or later? ─── 好的,菠萝汁,您是现在要咖啡,还是等会儿?

31、I haven't a single pineapple, Son. ─── “孩子,我没有菠萝。

32、Graeme Revell - pineapple chase (a.k.a. ─── thLRC歌词,边听边学唱.

33、Leaf bases from the suckers of pineapple(Ananas comosus (L. ─── 以菠萝(Ananas comosus (L.

34、Maybe someone was growing a pineapple. ─── 也许会有人种菠萝。

35、The spader can preserve the edible part of the pineapple to the utmost extent. ─── 它能够最大程度上地保留菠萝的可食用部分。

36、So foliar spray of amino acid contributed more to aroma of pineapple. ─── 喷施氨基酸处理更有利于菠萝的香气。

37、The sapidity flows into an acid crispness, finishing in an intriguing aftertaste of mature pineapple and peach. ─── 入口后,果酸清爽宜人。回味中展现出成熟的菠萝及桃子的香甜余韵。

38、The other day she had pineapple between her teeth and held her mouth open so I could floss it out with a stick. ─── 前些时,她的牙缝里塞了点菠萝,她就一直张大嘴,这样我好帮她用牙签剔牙。

39、There's not a pineapple to be had just now. ─── “这里现在没有菠萝。

40、Cut yourself some pineapple. ─── 你自己切点菠萝吃吧.

41、Like nectarine, orange, Chinese flowering quince, peach, pineapple, orange and decadent sleeve. ─── 如油桃、橙子、木瓜、桃子、菠萝、橘子与黄色袖子。

42、Natasha only desisted when she had been told it was to be pineapple ice. ─── 当人家告诉娜塔莎,快要摆上菠萝冰激凌时,她才不再纠缠了。

43、Mr. Williams: This is a pineapple. ─── 威廉姆斯先生:这是一个菠萝。

44、Sailors returning home stuck a pineapple or two on their gateposts to tell the community they were back and welcomed visitors. ─── 回家的水手在自己家的门柱上插上一两个菠萝,告诉大家他们回来了,欢迎来客。

45、We have fresh fruit in season such as strawberry, pineapple, banana and so on. ─── 我们有新鲜的时令果品,如草莓、菠萝、香蕉等。

46、After why eating pineapple honey cannot honey eat immediately? ─── 为什么吃菠萝蜜后不能立刻吃蜂蜜?

47、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with pineapple slice. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,用菠萝角和红樱桃装饰。

48、George took a tin of pineapple from the bottom of the basket and rolled it into the middle of the boat. ─── 乔治从篮底拿起一罐菠萝罐头然后把它滚进了船中央。

49、Eat our pineapple-- -Help me! Not so hard. ─── 吃掉我们的菠萝。-救命啊!轻一点。

50、Bukidnon is Cowboy Country with its cattle ranches and pineapple plantations. ─── Bukidnon以她的大牧场和菠萝种植园而被称为牛仔之邦。

51、All you had to do was skin and core a pineapple. ─── 你所要做的就是把菠萝去皮然后挖出果心。

52、The effectiveness of pineapple juice in enzymatic browning inhibition of banana slices and puree was studied. ─── 对菠萝果汁抑制香蕉片和香蕉果浆的酶褐变效果进行了研究。

53、Dennis: Sometimes I eat star fruit, banana and pineapple. ─── 丹尼斯:有时我会吃杨桃、香蕉和凤梨。

54、Many of these had "fruit" names (e. G. "Pineapple") to indicate to the initiated that they were Apple II clones. ─── 其中有许多种的名字都与水果有关(例如"凤梨")以表示它们是Apple II的复制机。

55、We have ice cream of all flavours such as vanilla, double flavour, red bean and pineapple sundaes. ─── 各种口味的冰淇淋我们都有,例如有香草雪糕、两色雪糕、红豆和菠萝圣代等等。

56、Hawaiians, perhaps predictably, developed a pizza with a pineapple and ham topping. ─── 夏威夷人,或许一想就知道,发展出一种上面覆着凤梨和火腿的披萨。

57、She and her father went up North Shore to get a pineapple. ─── 她和她爸爸去海边摘菠萝。

58、BBQ fresh pineapple goes well with spice chicken meat. ─── 心得烧烤时,新鲜菠萝与微辣的鸡肉非常配。

59、Your pineapple looks like a skunk. ─── 你画的菠萝像一只黄鼠狼。

60、George took a tin of pineapple from the bottom of the basket and rolled it into the middle of the boat. ─── 乔治从篮子下面拿出一罐菠萝汁,把它滚到小船的中间。

61、And more to come this Sunday.....one of my fav - Pineapple tarts!!! ─── "无论你有多麽不好,也许还是有爱你的人。

62、Pineapple is my favorite fruit. ─── 菠萝是我喜欢的水果。

63、However, many fruits such as persimmon, hawthorn, almond, pineapple and so can not be an empty stomach to eat. ─── 但是,很多水果如柿子、山楂、杏仁、菠萝等都不能空腹吃。

64、One pineapple juice, one hard-boiled egg with toast and tea to follow. ─── 一杯凤梨汁、一份煮熟的蛋,再加上吐司和茶。

65、Can you put the pineapple on your head ? Yes, I can. ─── 你能把这个菠萝放在你的头上吗?是的,我能。

66、Which kind of juice would you prefer, pineapple or orange? ─── 您喜欢哪种果汗,菠萝汁还是橙汁?

67、Five kilos of tropical fruit such as bananas and pineapple costs a lot here. ─── 五公斤的热带水果如香蕉、菠萝等在我们这里值很多钱。

68、Split the pineapple before peeling it. ─── 先把菠萝切开,然后削皮。

69、Yes, sir. Which kind of juice would you prefer, pineapple or orange? ─── 好的,先生。请问您喜欢哪种果汁,菠萝汁还是橙汁?

70、Pineapple is composed of the fruit of many small flowers grown together. ─── 凤梨是多花果,由许多小花密生在一花序上长成。

71、Roasted with ham and pineapple. ─── 加菠罗,火腿烘烤,喷香润滑.

72、How much does this pineapple weight? ─── 这个菠萝有多重?

73、Mango and pineapple are yellow. ─── 芒果和菠萝是黄色的。

74、Cut tomatoes and pineapple into pieces. ─── 将蕃茄及菠萝切件。

75、She drank a cup of pineapple juice. ─── 她喝了一杯凤梨汁。

76、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into glass. Top with soda water. Garnish with a pineapple slice. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,加入少量苏打水,再用菠萝角装饰。

77、A crown is the tuft of leaves at the top of the pineapple, you dork. ─── “王冠就是菠萝顶部的一簇叶子,小傻子。”

78、The pineapple tastes very sour. ─── 这菠萝尝起来很酸。

79、Anger hated foreigners, yoga, whales, speed limits and pineapple on pizza;he liked flogging, electrocutions and beer. ─── “愤怒埃迪”憎恨外国人、瑜珈、鲸鱼、限速和比萨饼上的菠萝,他喜欢鞭苔、电刑和啤酒。

80、Succulent salmon covered in sweet, luscious, tangy fruits and baked in a pineapple shell. ─── 多汁的三文鱼在菠萝中煎烤,点缀着酸甜,清爽,回味无穷的水果。

81、You turn off your brain for a night, and all your left with the next day is a bad hangover, a sprained ankle, and a pineapple. ─── 你只是放纵大脑一个晚上,第二天早上伴随而来的就是强烈的宿醉,扭伤的脚踝还有一个菠萝。

82、Spicy Chicken Combo and two pineapple pies. please. ─── 一个麦辣鸡腿套餐和两个菠萝派.

83、If is a love, make it bringing about the bar 1.1 drop, I don't want to do pineapple can, that would be overdue. ─── 如果是爱,把它一点一滴酿成酒吧,我不要做凤梨罐头,那会过期的。

84、We let the cameraman following us hardly share the delicious pineapple together. ─── 我们也让辛苦跟随我们的摄影师一起分享这美味的菠萝。

85、And the wine contains rich citrus junos, bananas, pears, pineapple and thyme flavor. ─── 并且该酒蕴含浓郁的香橙、香蕉、梨、菠萝和百里香味道。

86、Mountain Of Crushed Ice makes the Vahine Delight! Check out that pineapple! (Still thirsty? See Liqurious)... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏#1047-查看全文昨天13:08:26

87、Shirley: No way! I like sweet bean, but the pineapple ones are my favorite! ─── 想都别想!我喜欢甜豆口味,不过菠萝也是我的最爱!

88、Mr. Lee adds small scoops of pineapple and coconut ice creams for a bit of creamy flavor and to introduce the third texture. ─── 随后Lee加了几小勺菠萝椰肉冰激凌,以增添些许奶油味,这就是第三层味道。

89、A pineapple is a multiple fruit. ─── 凤梨是杂交水果。

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