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09-09 投稿



debouche 发音

英:[['d?ba??]]  美:[['d?ba??]]

英:  美:

debouche 中文意思翻译



debouche 短语词组

1、debouche cake ─── 德布奇蛋糕

2、debouche toilette ─── 淡香水

3、debouche in english ─── 德布切英语

4、debouche def fr ─── 脱模

5、debouche wc ─── 德布切厕所

6、debouche walla walla wa ─── 德布切瓦拉瓦拉瓦

7、debouche en anglais ─── 英语脱口秀

debouche 相似词语短语

1、debauchee ─── n.浪荡子

2、debouches ─── vi.(河川向广阔处)流出;进出于(广阔地方);vt.使出来;使流注

3、debouched ─── vi.(河川向广阔处)流出;进出于(广阔地方);vt.使出来;使流注

4、babouche ─── n.平底拖鞋;无后鞋跟的套鞋

5、debauches ─── vt.使堕落;使颓废;n.放荡;vi.放荡;诱使做不道德的事

6、debouch ─── vi.(河川向广阔处)流出;进出于(广阔地方);vt.使出来;使流注

7、debauched ─── adj.堕落的;放荡的;v.使堕落;放荡(debauch的过去分词)

8、debaucher ─── 放荡者

9、debouchure ─── n.河口,河流的出口;谷口,山谷的出口

debouche 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Based on Trias Chang6 delta sandbody in Ordos basin as simulation antetype, physical simulation of formation process in distributary channel and debouch bar of delta is conducted. ─── 文中以鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长统长6三角洲砂体为模拟原型,对三角洲前缘水下分流河道及河口坝形成过程进行了较深入研究。

2、Detailed architecture analyses of debouch bar in Shengtuo Oilfield, Jiyang Depression ─── 河口坝砂体构型精细解剖

3、Keywords endoscope of accessory nasal cavity;rupture surgery of membrane in the debouch of canalis nasolacrimalis;neonatal dacrocystitis; ─── 关键词鼻窦内窥镜;鼻泪管开口破膜术;新生儿泪囊;

4、rupture surgery of membrane in the debouch of canalis nasolacrimalis ─── 鼻泪管开口破膜术

5、Through the contrast analysis of result of numerical simulation, then it is got influential factor and distribution pattern of remaining oil of debouch bar.We get three results. ─── 通过对数值模拟结果的对比分析,得到了点坝剩余油的影响因素及剩余油分布模式。

6、Subsequently, a distributary may again change course to debouch its load near the mouth of its older, abandoned channel. ─── 后来,分流可再次改变河道,把它的负荷沉积在原来废弃的较老的河口附近。

7、Objecctive To study the diagnostic value of ultrasonic image and color Doppler ultrasonic examination used in ec-topic debouch of ureteral orifice. ─── 目的探讨超声显像和彩色多普勒技术在输尿管异位开口中的诊断价值。

8、Methods To analyse the acoustic image of fifteen cases of eclopic debouch ureteral orifice and and then comparde with other examinations. ─── 方法将15例输尿管异位开口合并症的声像图特征综合分析判断,间接诊断此症,并与其他检查进行对比分析。

9、In debouch bar, heterogeneity in bar side is the most serious, and that in bar host is more serious, and that in bar top is middle. ─── 其中在河口砂坝内,侧缘储层的非均质性最强,坝主体次之,坝顶部则呈中等非均质性。

10、Keywords debouch bar;Shengtuo Oilfield;architecture;hierarchy interface;high-resolution sequence stratigraphy; ─── 河口坝;胜坨油田;构型;层次界面;高分辨率层序地层学;

11、debouch bar ─── 河口坝

12、 双语使用场景

13、All the past we leave behind,We debouch upon a newer mightier world, varied world,Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march,Pioneers! ─── 所有过去我们忘记,我们流出在一个更新的更加强大的世界,各种各样世界,新鲜和强我们占领的劳方世界,世界和行军,先驱!

14、Methods Methylthioninium Chloride was infused into the lactiferous vessel from debouch of nipple discharge and followed a wire guide inserting,the galactophore was resected under the double-guide. ─── 方法经乳头溢液孔注入亚甲兰,同时插入金属导丝两种方法同时引导手术切除病变乳腺管。

15、Subsequently, a distributary may again change course to debouch its load near the mouth of its older, abandoned channel ─── 后来,分流可再次改变河道,把它的负荷沉积在原来废弃的较老的河口附近。

16、Keywords Ureteral orifice;Ectopic debouch;Ultrasonic examination;Diagnostic; ─── 输尿管;异位开口;超声检查;诊断;

17、More than that, if an army controls the passes, it can march up and down their length and debouch almost at will onto the plains against an unsuspecting enemy. ─── 只要守住险关隘道,便可纵横来去,更能随时下山袭击不备之敌。

19、Treat neonatal dacrocystitis with rupture surgery of membrane in the debouch of canalis nasolacrimalis under endoscope of accessory nasal cavity ─── 鼻窦内窥镜下鼻泪管开口破膜术治疗新生儿泪囊炎

20、Writer suspected that there are 5 levels in architecture of debouch bar of this block.The 3rd and 4th level are the most important in the architecture studying. ─── 研究认为:本区河口坝构型可以分为5个级次,其中第3和第4级次是构型研究的重点;

21、The army debouch from the mountain into a wide plain. ─── 军队从山里开出,进入宽阔平原。

22、The Americans did not have the dams upstream, so they dared not debouch down into the valley. ─── 美军未能夺取上游堤坝,所以不敢进军峡谷。

23、Reservoir Heterogeneity and Remaining Oil Distribution of Debouch Bar Reservoir ─── 河口坝砂体储层非均质性及剩余油分布

24、As getting incision of underwater distributary channel in different period,debouch bar keeps short time and low-development. ─── 由于受到不同期水下分流河道的切割,河口坝保持时间较短而欠发育。

25、It should clean the tunica intima of cyst,not injury debouch of pancreas,and ensure unobstructed pancreatic fluid flowing. ─── 囊肿远端在保证胰液引流通畅、不损伤胰管开口的基础上,尽量切净囊肿内膜。

26、Keywords Reservoir heterogeneity;Remaining oil distribution;Debouch bar reservoir.; ─── 储层非均质性;剩余油分布;河口坝砂体;

27、This day he reached a lot of places, visited a few museum, debouch each are big bazaar, went again in the evening theater. ─── 这一天他到了许多地方,参观了几家博物馆,进出于各大商场,晚上又去了戏院。

28、From serious to weak, the mirofacies are in turn distributary interchannel,levee, far bar distributary river course and debouch bar. ─── 按照非均质性的强弱,这些微相依次为分流间湾、天然堤、远砂坝、水下分流河道和河口砂坝。

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