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09-09 投稿



navigated 发音

英:[?n?v?ɡe?t?d]  美:[?n?v?ɡe?t?d]

英:  美:

navigated 中文意思翻译



navigated 词性/词形变化,navigated变形

动词第三人称单数: navigates |动词现在分词: navigating |动词过去式: navigated |动词过去分词: navigated |

navigated 短语词组

1、navigated by touch ─── 触摸导航

navigated 反义词


navigated 同义词

fleet | sea force | sea | aircraft | USN | US Navy | carrier | dark | midnight blue | argosy | ink blue | lazuline | United States Navy | blue | service | ink | squadron | force | forces | destroyer | defense |flotilla | merchant navy | marine | merchant | navy blue | task | midnight | task force | battleship | naval | dark blue | armada | convoy | merchant marine | aircraft carrier

navigated 相似词语短语

1、levigated ─── vt.把…磨细,把…混合;澄清;adj.[植]光滑的

2、unnavigated ─── 不活跃的

3、navigate ─── vt.导航;航行,驾驶;找到正确方法(对付困难复杂的情况);(在互联网上)浏览;(艰难地)走过;(尤指穿过人群)带人找路;vi.导航;(在互联网上)浏览

4、castigated ─── vt.严惩;苛评;矫正;修订

5、navigates ─── 导航;找到正确的行进方向;航行;绕过

6、fatigated ─── 疲劳的

7、aviated ─── vi.飞行;驾驶飞机;vt.用飞机飞行

8、cavitated ─── v.在……成穴;形成空洞(或泡)(cavitate的过去式及过去分词)

9、navigator ─── n.航海家;领航员;驾驶员

navigated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Additionally, content can be navigated to by using one of the following overloads of the Navigate method ─── 此外,也可以使用Navigate方法的以下重载之一来导航到内容

2、A new approach to brain mapping: navigated TMS with EEG ─── 大脑成像新方法:导航经颅磁刺激与脑电图结合

3、Interfaces should try to minimize the amount of text that must be read in order to navigate the interface successfully: After a user has navigated to something interesting, he should be able to read details if appropriate. ─── 界面应该尽量少使用文本,从而减少阅读量,这样才能保证界面导航的顺利进行。 在浏览完一些感兴趣的内容之后,如果必要,他应该可以阅读到具体的细节。

4、He navigated the ship to a safe port. ─── 他将船驶进一个安全的港口。

5、He then slowly navigated through the downtown streets toward the Spokane River, as the mother waddled behind and kept her babies in sight. ─── 然后他慢慢地从市中心的街上往Spokane河边走,而鸭妈妈蹒跚地跟在后面,保持小鸭们在她的视线内。

6、He navigated his way through the shelves, toward the rear of the massive expanse, and stopped at a black metal door. ─── 他沿着书架,巡视着,朝着后面巨量的书籍走去,在一扇黑色的金属门前,停了下来。

7、The earlier queries included XPath or XQuery expressions that navigated through a specific document hierarchy in which Client was the root element and email was a sub-element. ─── 之前的那些查询包括XPath或XQuery表达式,这些表达式在一个特定的文档层次结构中导航,而在这个结构中Client是根元素,email是一个子元素。

8、After the eight kilometres of Qutang Gorge are safely navigated, the dark lowering clouds and mist vanish in a flash. ─── 右面峰顶上一片白云象白银片样发亮了,但阳光还没有降临。

9、We report the first cases of navigated femoral nailing using noninvasive registration of the contralateral uninjured leg to determine the patient's anatomy. ─── 我们报告了第一例股骨髓内钉术中无创性记录对侧完好腿导航确定患者的解剖位置。

10、It navigated the crisis best of all the investment banks and does not run itself as if it is bound to get bailed out. ─── 高盛是在危机中表现最好的投行,经营方式也没有给人以自恃无恐的感觉,就好像它一定会得到政府纾困。

11、Comparison of initial outcomes between navigated and conventional total knee arthroplasty ─── 计算机导航辅助人工全膝关节置换与常规手术的早期疗效比较

12、Control has navigated to a new document and has begun loading it. ─── 控件导航到新文档并开始加载该文档时发生。

13、Error Analysis of Position Detection of Mobile Robot Navigated with Ultrasonic Net ─── 超声波网络导航中移动机器人的测位误差分析

14、Because of this, the overview area should itself be persistent; its content is dependent on the data being navigated. ─── 因此总体视图区域本身应该是持久的,其内容应该取决于正在导航的数据。

15、Somehow I navigated myself through Norwich during the busy lunchtime shoppers and begun to head in the direction of the city’s central park ‘Chapelfield gardens’. ─── 不知怎么我在午餐时间匆忙购物的人群里穿过诺威奇航行,开始向城市的中心公园“掺谱菲尔德花园”方向前进。

16、Sabrina just doesn't cope with change and loss this well and I cannot believe that I am such a fabulous, brilliant parent that I have singlehandedly navigated us past this without a single sob. ─── 塞布丽娜完全不能适应变化,她会打破这种平静,我不能相信自己就是有着如此惊人杰出能力的家长,能独自一个人引领着我们航行,一次啜泣也没有地度过难关。

17、To change this recommendation method, click by how the current user navigated the site, select a different recommendation method, and click Save. ─── 要更改推荐方法,单击按当前用户如何浏览站点,选择不同的推荐方法并单击保存。

18、The HATS display terminal allows you to see host screens as they are navigated while running the HATS project. ─── 通过这个HATS显示终端,可以看到主机屏幕,因为这些主机屏幕在运行这个HATS项目时就被导航了。

19、This is why we sought the advice of some folks who have all navigated the choppy waters of dating after a big breakup. ─── 这就是为什么我们会在一次重大分手之后向一些有过很多复杂的分手经历的人求教。

20、When you navigate down the site hierarchy, breadcrumb navigation appears on the page to which you have navigated. ─── 在网站层次结构中向下导航时,痕迹导航将显示在转到的页上。

21、When content is navigated to, Frame records the navigation as an entry in navigation history. ─── 导航到内容后,Frame会将该导航记录为导航历史记录中的一个条目。

22、Anyone who has navigated their way through the grocery store recently knows that there are always new items attracting shoppers to try new, and hopefully better, products. ─── 任何人谁也驾驶自己的方式通过杂货店最近知道,总会有新项目吸引顾客尝试新的,希望更好,产品。

23、Alternatively, content can be navigated to by using one of the Navigate method overloads that accepts an object ─── 或者,也可以使用接受对象的Navigate方法重载之一来导航到内容

24、We navigated along the Danube. ─── 我们乘船游览多瑙河。

25、Gets and sets the CustomContentState object that is associated with the back navigation history entry for the page being navigated from. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

26、Surveillance system of concrete agitating lorry navigated by satellite position-setting ─── 混凝土搅拌车卫星定位导航监控系统

27、If the jump specified in link_location does not exist or cannot be navigated, an error appears when you click the cell. ─── 如果在link_location中指定的跳转不存在或不能访问,则当单击单元格时将出现错误信息。

28、As provost of Stanford University, over the vocal opposition of many faculty and students, Rice navigated difficult fiscal waters. ─── 她当斯坦福教务长时,在许多师生的反对声中,她如履薄冰地操作着财政改革。

29、The result set contains rows and columns to hold the requested data elements, and it is navigated with a cursor. ─── 结果集包含一些行和列,用于保存请求的数据元素,并使用游标对其进行导航。

30、He and his wife navigated their car around fallen trees and other debris to get to Kerri's home. ─── 他和他的妻子开车绕过被风卷倒在地的大树,穿过一片片废墟,前往凯丽家。

31、For that whole day, I navigated in this beneficail community, and made many sincere friends. ─── 还记得那一整天,我徜徉于这个受益匪浅的家园,结识到很多真诚的朋友。

32、How can something so complex be understood and navigated. ─── 如此复杂的东西又怎么可能理解和顺利通过呢?

33、Grid-based design can be extraordinarily useful in creating sites that are predictable, easily navigated, and visually appealing. ─── 基于表格的网页设计因为其良好的可预见,可操控和易用性使得其非常适用于建立网站页面。

34、navigated with difficulty through the crowd. ─── 在人群中坚难行进。

35、A hydroplane navigated over the lake. ─── 一架水上飞机从湖面上飞驰而过。

36、A few men navigated the damaged road and bought rice cakes and dried plums at a small store. ─── 几个人顺着受损的道路从一个小商店买来米饼和李子干。

37、This man, so lonely in his hour of triumph, so ungenerous in some of his motivations, had navigated our nation through one of the most anguishing periods in its history. ─── 这位成功时如此孤寂,在有些事情上动机如此偏狭的人,领导我们国家度过了历史上最令人痛苦的时刻之一。

38、When you navigate down the site hierarchy, content breadcrumb navigation appears on the page to which you have navigated. ─── 将网站结构层次向下导航时,内容Breadcrumb导航将显示在转到的页面上。

39、Who first navigated the Atlantic Ocean? ─── 是谁首先横渡大西洋?

40、WindowTitle can also be used to generate the name of the navigation history entry for a piece of navigated content. ─── WindowTitle还可用来生成某个导航内容片段的导航历史记录条目的名称。

41、The cub navigated some rocks and gave the world a sniff. ─── 这只幼熊玩转着几块石头,给世界带来了惊喜。

42、He navigated the plane through the clouds. ─── 他驾驶飞机穿越云层。

43、Who first navigated the Atlantic ? ─── 是谁首先横渡大西洋的?

44、This liquor is developed in memory of 600 anniversaries of Cheng Ho’s expeditions to western oceans (He found out American continent and navigated around the earth) and the research fruit of Menzies. ─── “垆邸随棹月,旌樯舞斜阳”。

45、if the command line represents a URL, your web browser will be started and the corresponding URL navigated to. ─── 当你全部填写完毕后,单机确定,退出配置对话框,这个时候“工具-附加项”就会显示你所需要的条目。

46、The new technology is a non-invasive brain scanning and stimulation system called navigated brain stimulation (NBS). ─── 这种非侵入性的脑扫描新技术叫做导航脑刺激(NBS)。


48、The operation itself was navigated easily enough, even if some of the side-effects were demeaning and the recovery slower than I had hoped. ─── 虽然一些副作用令我难堪而且恢复速度也没有我期望的快,但手术本身非常顺利。

49、A navigator whose name is Williams navigated on the ocean and found the island. ─── 一个叫威廉姆斯的航海家在海上航行时发现了这个岛。

50、When clicked, the page is navigated to. ─── 单击一个按钮时,将导航到相应的页面。

51、Yu C, Sun YH, Li H, Dai KR, Wang W.Computer navigated internal fixation with cannulated screw for femoral neck fractures.Zhonghua Chuangshang Guke Zazhi(Chin J Orthop Trauma), 2004, 6:1089-1091. ─── [10]俞超, 孙月华, 李华, 戴克戎, 王伟.计算机导航下空心钉内固定治疗股骨颈骨折.中华创伤骨科杂志, 2004, 6: 1089-1091.

52、Lateral Predictive Fuzzy Logic Control for Wheeled Mobile Robot Navigated by Machine Vision ─── 视觉导航轮式移动机器人横向预测模糊控制

53、3. If your username and password is correct, you will be navigated to homepage. ─── 如果您输入的用户名和密码正确,将被引导哈佛管理大师在线学习平台的首页。

54、Our page is navigated with same kind of informaiton about restaurants, shops, stores, all types of companies. ─── 另汇集饭店,商铺,各类店铺,各类公司等转让,租售,求租,求购信息资源导航。

55、However, when you navigate down the site hierarchy, this breadcrumb appears above the name of the page to which you have navigated. ─── 但是,沿网站层次结构向下导航时,痕迹导航便会出现在已经导航到的网页的名称上方。

56、However, critics raise the arguments of the longer overall duration of surgery and higher costs against the routine use of computerassisted, or so-called navigated, knee replacement9. ─── 然而,批评家挑起了针对手术期限延长和较高手术费用的争论,并举计算机辅助手术即所谓膝关节置换导航为例.

57、The boat navigated the Monongahela, then followed the ohio to Cairo, Illinois, where it joins the Mississippi ─── 该船经过莫农加希拉,然后沿着俄亥俄河行驶到伊利诺伊州的凯罗,在这里它进入密西西比河。

58、How the current user navigated the site ─── 当前用户如何浏览站点

59、However, when you navigate down the site hierarchy, this breadcrumb appears above the name of the page to which you have navigated. ─── 但是,沿网站层次结构向下导航时,痕迹导航便会出现在已经导航到的网页的名称上方。

60、It looks as if it will continue to deteriorate for most of 2009,” said Mr Dimon, whose bank has navigated the turmoil better than most rivals and is due to discuss its 2009 outlook today. ─── 现在看来,2009年的大部分时间里,经济形势似乎将继续恶化。”在这场金融危机中,摩根大通的表现比大部分竞争对手都要好。摩根大通定于今天讨论对2009年的展望。

61、We all know that ships must be navigated in the ocean finally, therefore the investigating of ship"s seakeeping should combine the actual ocean environment. ─── 我们知道,船舶最终是要航行在大海中的,因此,考察船舶的耐波性能应该结合其航行的实际海洋环境,主要考察它在实际的海洋环境中的性能。

62、The site can be navigated to locate species using text classification or a graphical tool, both linked to the evolutionary tree of life. ─── 网站可以利用文字或是图形方式将读者引导至物种页面,并连结到相关的生命演化树。

63、For some time the German bombers had navigated largely by radio beacons. ─── 有一个时期,德国轰炸机主要是靠无线电定向信标来导航的。

64、Statistical numerical recognition for vision navigated vehicle ─── 用于视觉导航自动车辆的统计数字识别方法

65、Tabbed panes include a level of navigational excise and potential for user disorientation because they obscure what was on the screen before the user navigated to them. ─── 标签窗格带来了一定导航负担和潜在的方向混乱,因为用户在导航时,它们盖住了屏幕上已有的内容。

66、Two German cargo ships have successfully navigated from South Korea to Russia's western Siberian coast unaccompanied by icebreakers, Reuters reported Saturday. ─── 据路透社12日报道,两艘德国商船在没有破冰船的帮助下,已经从韩国航行到俄罗斯的西西伯利亚北部海岸。

67、The underwater vehicle with USBL can be navigated by a single transponder moored on the sea floor. ─── 摘要布放于海底的单只应答器能够为安装有超短基线的水下潜器定位导航。

68、That's because the modern infosphere is both organized and navigated through hyperlinked pages of digital text, with the most-linked pages rising to the top of Google Inc. ─── 这是因为现代的信息领域是通过超链接的数字文本页面来组织和浏览的。

69、Discussion on the Influence and Academic Contend for"Zheng He First Navigated round-the-world" That is the New Theory of Gavin Menzies ─── 孟席斯"郑和首先环球航行"新说的影响和学术之争

70、Torre liked how Nieves worked with Mike Mussina last week in Texas, and the battery again navigated the Rangers' lineup with ease. ─── 结果,这对投捕搭挡昨天果然顺利解决了游骑兵的打线。

71、Our truck navigated the enemy lines. ─── 我们卡车顺利地穿过了敌人的防线。

72、G.), both of whom had broad expertise in primary and revision conventional and navigated knee arthroplasty, evaluated the clinical relevance and plausibility of the findings. ─── G.)评估了临床相关性和研究结果的可能性,两人对原始或改良的常规膝关节表面置换术和膝关节表面置换术导航均有丰富的专业知识。

73、Consider a recent study by psychologists at Curtin University of Technology in Australia, who found that the level of “all or nothing” thinking predicted how well perfectionists navigated their lives. ─── 考虑到一项近期澳大利亚Curtin科技大学心理学家们的研究,他们发现对于“完全或一点也不”程度的想法预示了完美主义者如何驾驭他们的生活。

74、He navigated the plane through the low cloud. ─── 他驾驶飞机穿过低低的云层。

75、Acoustically Navigated Geological Underwater Survey ─── 声学制导水下地质探测

76、Navigated spin echo diffusion-weighted imaging; ─── 导航自旋回波弥散加权威像;

77、Along the way, we navigated the rough seas of the sudden death of one of our four teens. ─── 有时耗尽我和太太的精力,使我们心力交瘁。

78、WindowTitle can also be used to generate the name of the navigation history entry for a piece of navigated content. ─── WindowTitle还可用来生成某个导航内容片段的导航历史记录条目的名称。

79、A hydroplane navigated over the lake. ─── 一架水上飞机从湖面上飞驰而过。

80、Development of Intelligent Highway Sensor Navigated by Magnetic Markers ─── 磁道钉导航的智能公路传感器研制

81、Because of this, the overview area should itself be persistent;its content is dependent on the data being navigated. ─── 在网页上,任何超出两个导航区域和一个内容区域的页面将会难以导航。

82、navigated the river and its inlying tributaries. ─── 在这条河上和其内部各支流航行

83、1 We navigated the river until sunset. ─── 我们在河面上航行一直到太阳下山。

84、Luo Jing and the Liu Jihong boat of marriage already navigated the nearly 20 years, their sentimental world steady warm. ─── 罗京与刘继红的婚姻之舟已经航行了近20载,他们的感情世界平稳温馨。

85、Liquid cargo was probably carried by a majority of the cargo ships that navigated the Ramian Sea during that period. ─── 在那个时期航行拉米曼海的大部分货船可能都装载着液体货物。

86、The gringo engineers navigated in rubber boats among drowned mattresses and dead cows. ─── 洋鬼子工程师划着橡皮艇,在浸透水的床垫和死牛尸体之间游弋。

87、To make themselves feel at home, the Ugnaughts have constructed many labyrinthine tunnels throughout the city, which can only be navigated by their kind. ─── 为了让自己居住适宜,乌格瑙特人在整个城市中建造了许多迷宫一样的通道,这些通道只有他们同类才能通过。

88、In addition, most church sites have a lot of content that needs to be displayed and easily navigated. ─── 此外,大多数教堂网站有很多的内容需要显示和容易的引导。

89、However, the phenomenon of college polarization decided by social gap indicates that society has navigated college instead, rendering it to be a vulgar minimized community. ─── 可“社会分层决定校园分层”的现象表明,大学不仅未能引导社会,反而被社会“引导”了,成为一个俗气十足的“小社会”。

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