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09-09 投稿


vacuity 发音

英:[v?'kju??t?]  美:[v?'kju?ti]

英:  美:

vacuity 中文意思翻译



vacuity 短语词组

1、vacuity definition ─── 真空度定义

2、vacuity define ─── 真空度定义

3、vacuity means ─── 真空意味着

4、vacuity tank ─── 真空罐

5、vacuity defined ─── 真空度定义

6、vacuity gojira ─── 戈吉拉真空

vacuity 词性/词形变化,vacuity变形

名词复数: vacuities |

vacuity 相似词语短语

1、vacuate ─── vt.在…中造成真空,抽空

2、vacuities ─── n.空虚;空白;思想贫乏;无聊之事

3、viduity ─── n.守寡

4、biscuity ─── adj.(在质地,香味,颜色等上)像饼干的

5、vacuists ─── 空的

6、facundity ─── 传真

7、fatuity ─── n.昏庸;愚昧;愚蠢的言行

8、acuity ─── n.敏锐;尖锐;剧烈

9、vacuist ─── 真空度

vacuity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Relationship Between Surface Brightness of the Parts and the Furnace Vacuity ─── 真空热处理零件表面光亮度与真空度的关系

2、Bertha thought it disconcerted him by rendering evident even to himself the vacuity of his mind. ─── 伯莎认为这对他不利,这种情况甚至清楚地向他自己证明了他心灵的空虚。

3、Judgement and Analysis on Vacuity of Arc Extinguish Chambers in Vacuum Circuit Breakers ─── 真空断路器灭弧室真空度的判定及分析

4、antorbital vacuity ─── 眼前窝

5、Therefore his innate state is one in which he has no selfish desires in his mind, or as Chou expresses it, one of vacuity in quiescence. ─── 因此,他固有的状态,是心中没有私欲的状态,或如周敦颐说的“静虚”状态。

6、foaming vacuity ─── 沫化真空度

7、Vacuum foaming behaviour and test method of foaming vacuity of an impregnating resin ─── 浸渍树脂的真空沫化特性及其沫化真空度试验方法

8、In either case, he is motivated by secondary selfish thoughts and thereby loses both his original state of vacuity in quiescence and the corollary state of straightforwardness in movement. ─── 不论是哪一种情况,他都是受“第二私念”即转念所驱使,因而丧失了固有的静虚状态以及随之而有的动直状态。

9、Distribution Characteristic of Kidney-yang Vacuity in a Three-Generations Family ─── 祖孙三辈肾阳虚在家系中的特征分析

10、Language today, always figured according to a universalizing logic as national language, is both instantly ideological and a witness to the vacuity of its own referent. ─── 也就是说,我们站在其中,无法完全加以物件化。这既不是超时空的伦理命题,也不是经济控管上的技术问题,而是在此星球上人类进行空间收编的过程中所引发的严重危机。

11、Abstract:Vacuity tester has the features of easy to use, simple to install, and reliable to measure the vacuity of arcextinguishing chamber of a highvoltage vacuum circuit breaker. ─── 摘要:真空度测试仪在测试高压真空断路器真空灭弧室真空度时具有操作及安装简便、测试结果可信等优点。

12、"Gossip Girl" reversed course and found a way saucily to make a virtue of vacuity and viciousness. ─── “绯闻女孩”颠倒是非,用另一种方式填补你的空虚和小邪恶。

13、vacuity degree ─── 真空值


15、He felt a little boring and walked into the garden in order to avoid the vacuity. ─── 他开始觉得无聊了,他跑到了花园中游玩。

16、When I is together with him, I feel very vacuity because he haven't the sense of humor. ─── 当我和他在一起时,我觉得很无聊,因为他没有幽默感

17、But I don't would like to believe love is dissipation when vacuity and a game when blankness; ─── 但我不愿意相信爱情仅是无聊时的消遣、空虚时的游戏;

18、the vacuity of expression ─── 缺乏表情

19、It is amazing to learn English so well while she is just fall in vacuity and repeat the same action,watch.Why we can not do the same thing! ─── 为什么我们有学习的需要和认识,反而不能成功呢?

20、Spleen vacuity or spleen coldness is more common. ─── 尤以脾虚、脾冷为多见。

21、The Abbot had not come back, we could not open the door, so what I only did was leaning on the doorsill for killing the time with vacuity. ─── 主管钥匙的主持出门未回,我只有倚在门槛上无聊的打发时间。

22、vacuity measurement ─── 真空度

23、During the high-loading period in summer, the vacuity of condenser in No.2350? MW unit of Sanhe Power Generation Company was low so that the spare vacuum pump was taken into combined operation. ─── 三河发电公司2号350mw机组在夏季大负荷时,凝汽器真空度低,甚至造成备用真空泵联动。

24、The experimental research on the apparent conductivity of pearlite in different particle sizes and different vacuity is reported. ─── 实验测定了不同粒径珠光砂在不同真空度下的表观导热系数。

25、“Gossip Girl” reversed course and found a way saucily to make a virtue of vacuity and viciousness. ─── “绯闻女孩”颠倒是非,用另一种方式填补你的空虚和小邪恶。

26、He felt a little boring and walked into the garden in order to avoid the vacuity. ─── 他开始觉得无聊了,他跑到了花园中游玩。

27、Results: The BMD of every part measured of the women had a continuously declining trend. The score of kidney vacuity increased in each year. ─── 结果:100例受试者所测各部位骨密度均有进行性降低趋势,肾虚证症状积分逐年增高。

28、Conclusions: XYP capsule is a effective prescription to the patient with yin vacuity due to yang hyperactivity of the essential hypertension. ─── 结论:血压平胶囊是治疗阴虚阳亢型原发性高血压的有效方药。

29、suborbital vacuity ─── 眶下窝

30、I hereby extend my warm congratulation and heart feeling sympathy to you for the vacuity of your life, oh sorry, you probably don't have one. ─── 在此,我向你表示热烈的祝贺!我也很同情你,因为你的生活是如此空虚,或者,你并没有一个“生活”;你只是“活着”而已。

31、I wake up in my coffin, dark, vacuity and silence. ─── 我在自己的棺材中醒来,黑暗、真空和寂静。

32、vacuity of governmental function ─── 政府功能空白

33、Results: It was found that Peikun Capsules could reduce the oxygen consumption, raise the pain threshold, lower the body temperature and increase water intake of mice with kidney yin vacuity. ─── 结果:实验显示,培坤胶囊可明显改善肾阴虚模型出现的症状,使小鼠耗氧量降低、痛阈升高、体温降低、饮水量减少。

34、Effect of oral medicinal liquid of turtle shell on spleen vacuity mice ─── 乌鳖口服液对脾虚小鼠的影响

35、People with no belief, when his hands holding prosperous , mood will become vacuity. ─── 没有信仰的人,当他手中握住繁华,心情就会变得荒芜。

36、Perhaps some infatuated swain has ere this mistaken insensibility for modesty, dullness for maiden-reserve, mere vacuity for sweet bashfulness, and a goose, in a word, for a swan. ─── 有些着了迷的情郎瞧着心爱的女人样样都好;她麻木不仁,只说是端庄;她痴呆混沌,只说是姑娘家腼腆贞静。总而言之,明明一只呆雁,偏要算是天鹅。

37、XELI takes use of the vacuity plating technology to ensure every product will be the single Perspective.Provide a mobile private space to you and makes you more safety. ─── XELI采用真空溅镀技术,确保产品具有一流的单向透视性,为您提供一个流动的私人空间,同时增加您车内财物的安全性。

38、Keywords allergic dermatitis;maximus yhenar dermatoglyphic patterns of palm;kidney vacuity physical capacity;physical sign; ─── 变应性皮炎;大鱼际掌纹;肾虚质;体征;

39、manifesting red face constitution of Liver/ Kidney Yin vacuity. ─── 表现为面色发红,肝肾阴虚的体质特征。

40、Clinical Study on Connection of Gerontal Diabetes of Yin Vacuity and Axis of Hypophysis-Thyroid ─── 老年糖尿病阴虚类证候与垂体-甲状腺轴关系研究

41、But the vacuity and load-bearing of the offshore platform is limited,so it is very hard to adopt this injection distribution system. ─── 而海上平台的承重和空间均有限,如果照搬目前陆地油田的配注工艺将会使海上平台出现占地面积紧张、承重过大等一系列问题。

42、Analysis of the Causes of Vacuity Descent Fault of Condensers and the Prevention Measures ─── 凝结器真空度下降的原因及预防措施

43、There is a great prosperity of material wealth in modern society, whereas there is a vacuity of people's mental world. ─── 现代社会,随着物质财富的丰盛,换来的却是精神资源的贫乏。

44、Keywords Evacuated powder;Insulation;Activation;Weld joint;Vacuity; ─── 真空粉末;绝热;活化;焊接接头;真空度;

45、Some pharmacological effects of qi-supplementing medicine in curing lung vacuity, spleen... ─── 具体介绍了"补气类"中药对"肺虚证"、"脾虚证"和"寒证"的部分药理作用。

46、In model checking a new method is proposed on checking whether a system property represented by a computation temperal logic (CTL) formula is vacuity. ─── 摘要在模型检验中建立了一种新方法:检验可计算时态逻辑(CTL)公式描述的系统属性是否为空属性。

47、It is good for the disappearance of university students` superiority and stance .There are attitudes of self-contempt ,fickleness and vacuity without detachment。 ─── 天之骄子的高傲姿态消失,是好事,但取而代之的不是平衡心、平常心,而是一种自卑、浮躁和茫然。

48、This paper introduces the working principle and blockdiagram of impulse magnet controlled discharge method that is used in the vacuity tester. ─── 真空度测试仪在测试高压真空断路器真空灭弧室真空度时具有操作及安装简便、测试结果可信等优点。

49、vacuity detection ─── 空属性探测

50、A nondestructive measure system of can vacuity by means of sound frequency testing isdeveloped, Its principle and circuitry are presented。Its performance is analysed。 ─── 本文给出一种新的声频法测试罐头真空度的无损检测系统,介绍其检测原理和检测电路,并对其性能做了分析。

51、Incidence of gastric cancer is associated with six excesses,seven emotions,over-strain,and dietary irregularities,and its main pathological mechanism includes vacuity,phlegm,blood stasis,and toxin. ─── 胃癌的发病与六淫、七情、劳倦、饮食等有关,虚、痰、瘀、毒是其主要病理机制。

52、I wake up in my coffin, dark, vacuity and silence. ─── 我在自己的棺材中醒来,黑暗、真空和寂静。

53、Temperature and vacuity rising can enhance osmotic flux visibly. ─── 升高温度和降低膜下游压力可明显提高膜的渗透通量。

54、a vacuity of emotions ─── 激情的缺乏

55、pubo-ischiatic vacuity ─── 坐耻窝

56、Vacuity contrast group was not treated. ─── 空白对照组不作处理。

57、A look of vacuity on my face, blotto, vague in acuity, biting the asses that brush by me. ─── 在对面的钟楼上,那个驼背在用一支金槌敲钟,鸽子闻声惊叫起来。

58、Feiyin xu zao lung yin vacuity dryness ─── 肺阴虚燥

59、The main self-psychologi cal stress consisted of anxiety, depression, vacuity, mental dependence,curiosit y and peacockery. ─── 焦虑、抑郁、心里空虚、精神依赖、好奇、攀比是主要的自身心理状态;

60、the vacuity of mind ─── 心灵的空虚

61、,did you avoid vacuity? did you finish your task? and did you plan your tomorrow well? ─── 任务完成了没有?做好明天的计划了吗?

62、"the crew, being patient people, much given to slumber and vacuity" (Washington Irving) ─── “船员是有耐心的,大多数时间不是睡觉就是无聊地度过”(华盛顿·欧文)

63、Great Vacuity and Changes of Material Force ─── 太虚气化

64、Starting FWG all alone, checking the vacuity achieve the rated value whether. ─── 单独启动造水机,检查其真空度能否达到规定值。

65、Kidney- yin- vacuity ─── 肾阴虚模型

66、Effects of Er-Xian Decoction on Gene Expression of ACTH in Pituitary Tissue in Kidney-Yang Kidney yang Vacuity Two Immortals Deficiency Rats ─── 二仙汤对肾阳虚大鼠垂体ACTH基因表达的影响

67、But after a second though, I found the standpoint of this saying is possession, which leads to the mutrual tragedy : pain caused by unsatisfied lust for possession and vacuity by satisfying it. ─── 但仔细玩味,发现这话的立足点仍是占有,所以才会有占有欲未得满足的痛苦和已得满足的无聊这双重悲剧。

68、Bertha thought it disconcerted him by rendering evident even to himself the vacuity of his mind. ─── 伯莎认为这对他不利,这种情况甚至清楚地向他自己证明了他心灵的空虚。

69、Only music are the buddy of soul,the voice of violin becoming a little sorrow,the gentle of the rhythm react abjection and vacuity. ─── 唯有音乐是心灵的伙伴,小提琴的声音让空气变得有些哀怨,轻柔的节奏反应着一种落迫无聊感。

70、parasphenoid vacuity ─── 副蝶窝

71、This study takes qi vacuity patients as its object, and applies sound analysis methods to understand the objective changes observed in the listening examination. ─── 本项研究以气虚患者为对象,借助语音分析技术,对患者的声音加以分析,以瞭解闻诊辨症的客观变化。

72、Objective:Establish animal model about Qi vacuity and phlegm turbidity syndrome for angina pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease. ─── 目的:建立冠心病心绞痛气虚痰浊证动物模型。

73、In addition, it confines some readers to fill up vacuity variously about those literatures that the TV play borrowed from. ─── 同时电视剧对文学作品的“借用”,又会制约部分读者填补文学作品“空白”的多样性;

74、Work drives three ghosts away: vacuity, backslide and poverty. ─── 2工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。

75、However people found that the plant had the actions of invigorating spleen and stomach, and supplementing lung and kidney, and was suitable for treating spleen vacuity and diarrhea, etc. ─── 后来人们发现,这种“山遇”不但能象粮食一样滋养人,还健脾胃,补肺肾,主治脾虚、泄泻等症。

76、Method: The animal model with kidney - yang vacuity was adopted, the swimming time in the low temperature, viscera s coefficient and blood testosterone s content were observed. ─── 方法:采用常规肾阳虚症动物模型,观察低温游泳时间、脏器系数、血浆睾酮含量等指标。

77、Gan yu pi xu liver depression, spleen vacuity ─── 肝郁脾虚

78、Keywords Pidgeon process;calcinations;hydrate activity;steam ejection purmp;reduction;vacuity; ─── 皮江法炼镁;煅烧;水化活性度;蒸汽喷射泵;还原;真空;

79、Such as print, machines for some time, you have to check the air pump) the adequacy of the vacuity; ─── 如晒版机械用了一段工夫,不离给查抄一下气泵的假空度是否不足;

80、interpterygoid vacuity ─── 翼间窝

81、Clinic Therapy on Sensorineural Deafness in Kidney Essence Vacuity. ─── 肾精亏虚证耳聋的临床治疗。

82、post-orbital vacuity ─── 眶后窝

83、His vacuity was a handicap in these debates. ─── 思想贫乏是他在这些辩论中的一个弱点。

84、Chaotic menstruation differentiated between blood vacuity and kidney vacuity. ─── 经乱区分为血虚和肾虚。

85、Keywords external heating vacuum furnace;control system;temperature control precision;Working vacuity; ─── 外热式真空炉;控制系统;控温精度;工作真空度;

86、Methods: The Kindney yin vacuity model was made with thyroid hormone. ─── 方法:用甲状腺激素制造肾阴虚模型。

87、about a puppy-dog innocence verging on vacuity, prey to vulgarity and vacuum-packed with egotism. ─── 是近乎愚蠢的小狗般的无知,是充满自高自大的粗鲁和空虚行为的猎物。

88、spleen vacuity with inability to astringe, and spleen and stomach steaming heat. ─── 中医认为流口水的病因主要分两大类(一)脾虚不歛,(二)脾胃热蒸。

89、Type of fire heat and type of yin vacuity stirring fire often occurred in ITP. ─── 2.原发性血小板减少性紫癜临床以实热和阴虚火旺型多见。

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