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09-09 投稿


trout 发音

英:[tra?t]  美:[tra?t]

英:  美:

trout 中文意思翻译



trout 网络释义

n. 鳟鱼,鲑鱼

trout 常用词组

rainbow trout ─── [鱼]虹鳟鱼

trout 词性/词形变化,trout变形


trout 短语词组

old trout

1. 讨厌的婆娘

She's a real old trout.


1、trout-coloured a. ─── 白毛黑花的, 红棕色花的

2、speckled trout na. ─── 斑鲑 [网络] ─── 斑点鳟; ─── 斑鳟; ─── 斑点鳟鱼

3、mackinaw trout 【 ─── 鱼类】麦基诺鲑;湖红点鲑(Salvelinus namaycush =lake trout)

4、trout net ─── 鳟鱼网

5、salmon trout n. ─── 一种似鲑的鳟鱼

6、trout-cod ─── 鳟鱼-鳕鱼

7、lake trout n. ( ─── 北美湖中所产的)湖红点鲑

8、trout liver oil ─── [化] 鲑鱼肝油

9、trout lily ─── [美国英语]【植物】 = dogtooth violet

10、brook trout ─── 溪红点鲑

11、trout fly ─── [医]诱饵

12、trout-perch ─── 鲑鲈

13、trout-colored a. ─── 白毛黑花的, 红棕色花的

14、cutthroat trout ─── 割喉鳟;切喉鳟

15、spotted sea trout ─── [网络] 云纹犬牙石首鱼

16、rainbow trout n. ─── 虹鳟鱼

17、brown trout ─── 褐鳟, 斑鳟, 鳟

18、trout oil ─── [化] 鲑鱼油

19、sea trout n. ─── 海鳟

trout 相似词语短语

1、grout ─── n.水泥浆;薄浆;v.灌浆;用薄泥浆填塞;n.(Grout)(美、法、英)格劳特(人名)

2、strout ─── n.(Strout)人名;(英)斯特劳特

3、troat ─── v.(雄鹿)吼叫,叫春

4、crout ─── n.(Crout)人名;(英)克劳特

5、trouts ─── 鳟鱼

6、rout ─── n.溃败;溃退;聚众闹事者;嘈杂的人群;捣乱分子;盛大晚会;v.彻底击败,打垮;(使)溃退;(动物)用鼻子拱;在(木料或金属表面)刻纹;n.(Rout)(美)劳特(人名)

7、tout ─── vt.兜售;招徕;刺探赛马情报;vi.兜售;招徕顾客;拉选票;n.侦查者;兜售者;n.(Tout)人名;(英)陶特

8、Prout ─── n.(Prout)人名;(英)普劳特

9、trouty ─── 多鳟鱼的;似鳟鱼的

trout 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A male salmon or sea trout during or shortly after the spawning season. ─── 在产卵期间或期后的雄鲑或雄鳟

2、obsessed by the beauty of the rainbow , a trout steals it from the sky in an animation that features a brilliant mosaic - like presentation. ─── 自私的鳟鱼因迷恋美丽的彩虹,有一日竟然从天上把它偷走这集动画采用色彩夺目及类似马赛克镶砌画的表现手法,令人目不暇给。

3、After the annual stocking, the pond was alive with trout. ─── 在一年的放养后,池塘满满的都是鳟鱼。

4、Osmanli aquiculture, main in the past give priority to in order to breed fish of the carp of fresh water, trout. ─── 土耳其的水产养殖,过去主要以养殖淡水的鲤鱼、鳟鱼类为主。

5、We camped at Trout River which is located in the southern tip of the park.Due to the park's huge size and curvaceous roads, we were not able to explore as much as we'd liked. ─── 因公园之大和弯弯曲曲的车路,从一个点到另一个点往往要开上几个钟头,因此许多景点都没去。

6、He goes angling for trout during the summer. ─── 他夏天去钓鲑鱼。

7、Thy entry is a pleasant field, Which some mossy fruit trees yield Partly to a ruddy brook, By gliding musquash undertook, And mercurial trout, Darting about. ─── 入口是愉快的田野,那里有些生苔的果树,让出一泓红红的清溪,水边有闪逃的麝香鼠,还有水银似的鳟鱼啊,游来游去。

8、They're playing Schubert's 'Trout' Quintet. ─── 他们正演奏着舒伯特的《鳟鱼五重奏》.

9、We caught four whopping trout. ─── (我们抓到四条巨大的鲑鱼。

10、Q: You catch Golden Trout? ─── 你抓金鳟鱼?

11、Boys named Trout and Pony, Lizard and Oyster, now they’re all called Dirk.Girls named Buttercup are all called Dominique. ─── 你的法式漆丝美甲染上治不好的趾甲癣将是迟早的事。

12、Trout Lake Farm is the largest organic herbal farm in North America. ─── 9?鱼湖农场是北美洲最大的有机草本农场。

13、By then he was fishing with reel and barbed artificial minnow, but he never worked up to trout fishing with flies. ─── 那时,他已经使用线轴和装有倒钩的仿真米诺鱼来钓鱼,他从不用苍蝇钓鳟鱼。

14、Do you like to eat the trout? ─── 你喜欢吃鳟鱼吗?

15、"Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk. ─── “有一些实例具有强烈证明力,如同当你从牛奶中找到一条鳟鱼。”

16、He reeled in a big trout. ─── 他绕起钓丝,钓起一条大鳟鱼。

17、She's a real old trout. ─── 她真是个叫人讨厌的老婆子。

18、Mayflies in streams where trout were released now forage at night to avoid the fast-swimming predators. ─── 在鳟鱼野放后,溪流中的蜉蝣改在夜间觅食,以避开游动迅速的掠食者;

19、Unlike other Pacific Salmon, rainbow trout and steelhead do not necessarily die after spawning (they may spawn as many as four times). ─── 不像其它的太平洋鲑类,虹鳟和刚头产卵以后并不死掉。

20、So reads the tombstone of downtrodden writer Kilgore Trout, but we have no doubt who's really talking: his alter ego Kurt Vonnegut. ─── 因此,读取压迫作家基尔戈特劳特墓碑,但我们毫不怀疑谁是真正在谈论:他改变自我库尔特冯内古特。

21、A trout took the fly and ran upstream. ─── 一条真鳟咬住假蝇向上游快速游去。

22、This list includes titles by such well-known authors as Michael Porter, Jack Trout, Tom Peters, John Maxwell, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, and Peter Senge, plus other top authors. ─── 可喜的是,大部分的图书我都已经拜读过中文版,有些还陈列在自己的书架上。当然,不足之处是这30本图书在我看来并不真正的具有代表性。

23、But the upshotwas the same: fewer trout, and confirmation that oestrogens are very bad newsfor fish, even at low concentrations. ─── 在由于缺乏雄性交配而造成总量锐减之前,珍珠鱼数量三年保持不变。

24、Products: Fugu obscurus Abe, sturgeon, rainbow trout. ─── 主要产品:家化暗纹东方豚、彩虹鲷、鲟鱼。

25、A little brook trout took the fly, and I held it so my client could see the blue rings around the bright orange spots. ─── 一 条 小 鳟 鱼 咬 了 钩 , 我 抓 住 它 , 好 让 我 的 客 户 看 清 鱼 身 上 桔 色 斑 点 周 围 的 蓝 圈 儿 。

26、But the upshot was thesame: fewer trout, and confirmation that oestrogens are very badnews for fish, even at low concentrations. ─── 但结果是一样的:鲑鱼数量减少了,并且更加确定雌激素对鱼类有害,哪怕只是微量。

27、Here you can enjoy fresh specialty rainbow trout, the trout, sturgeon, salmon and other fish, whether it is barbecue, or Qingdun sashimi, braised will leave you good memories. ─── 在这里您可以品尝到新鲜的特产虹鳟鱼、金鳟鱼、鲟鱼、三文鱼等各种鱼类,无论是烧烤、刺身还是清炖、红烧都会给您留下美好的回忆。

28、You can swim with dolphins, gambol with newborn lambs, whale-watch at sea or go fishing for trout in pristine streams and rivers. ─── 你可以与海豚同游、与新生羊羔嬉戏、在海上观鲸,或是在纯净的溪流中垂钓鳟鱼。

29、we have trout for dinner? ─── 我们正餐吃鳟鱼好吗?

30、He certainly was not by the trout stream, so it was no good going back there in search of him. ─── 他肯定不在钓鲑鱼的溪流旁,所以回到那儿去找他是毫无用处的。

31、The catch included resident rainbow trout, juvenile chinook?salmon, bull trout, coho salmon, steelhead and sculpin. ─── 他们的渔获包括当地的彩虹鳟鱼、幼年王鲑、公牛鳟鱼、银鲑鱼,鳟鱼和杜父鱼。

32、Swallowed whole活吞Arainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet ofanorthern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙0惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片.

33、A rainbow trout swims out of the pond into a cool stream. ─── 一只彩虹鳟鱼从池塘游到比较冷的小溪。

34、Other research indicates that Krill, added to the diet of salmon and trout broodstock, has a direct effect on healthier eggs and offspring, reducing losses and fungal diseases. ─── 其他研究还表明,在鲑鱼和鳟鱼的饲料中加入磷虾,可以直接促进它们产卵和繁衍后代的健康进行,减少死亡率和真病菌。

35、The composer Johann Nepomuk Hummel has a quintet with the same instrumentation, and the Trout was actually written for a group of musicians coming together to play Hummel's work. ─── 与一般五重奏不同之处是,这首五重奏是一首由钢琴、音大提琴、提琴、提琴及小提琴一起合奏的乐曲。一般的五重奏并没有低音大提琴,但有两个小提琴。

36、Alongside the village lies the Irish Republic's largest lake, Lough Corrib, known to fishermen around the world for trout and salmon. ─── 在村庄的一旁,是爱尔兰最大的湖泊,科里布湖。对于全世界捕鱼为生的渔民来说,它是盛产鲑鱼和三文鱼而著称。

37、Gunner talked like a peacenik but Trout knew “Plutonium Jack” would never hesitate to pull the nuclear trigger if he had to. ─── 刚纳说起话来真很像那帮成天搞反战示威的人,但陶特清楚,只要需要,这个"钚杰克"绝对会眼也不眨地按下核按钮。

38、Here salmon and sea trout are caught on their migration from the Baltic to Lake Malaren.Among the more humble species to be hooked are perch, pike, zander and Baltic herring. ─── 在鲑鱼和海鳟从波罗的海到马拉伦湖洄游时捕渔,同时还能钓到其他种类更为一般的鱼,如河鲈、梭子鱼、梭鲈和波罗的海青鱼。

39、A little brook trout took the fly, and I held it so my client could see the blue rings around the bright? orange spots. ─── 一条小鳟鱼咬了钩,我抓住它,好让我的客户看清鱼身上桔色斑点周围的蓝圈儿。

40、Nutrilite's Trout Lake Farm is in the Cascade Mountains in Trout Lake, Washington, around 80 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon. ─── 健尔力鲑鱼湖种植场位于华盛顿鲑鱼湖城的喀斯客特山脉,距离俄勒冈州波特兰巿东北80里。

41、High-quality specialty: the delicate trout succulent, delicious taste and high nutritional value, and fish in iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin volume, high carotene content. ─── 名优特产:金鳟鱼肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养价值极高,鱼肉中铁、锌、钙、维生素总量、胡萝卜素含量极高。

42、Their food is mainly fish of the trout variety, but also eat young ducks, muskrats and even birds on rare occasions. ─── 主要食物为不同的鳟鱼,也以鸭雏,麝鼠为食,偶尔捕捉飞鸟。

43、The farm supports many local community projects, including the Trout Lake Fair, the local youth association baseball league, the area arts council, and the local public schools. ─── 农场支持当地社会的多项计划,包括鲑鱼湖展示会、当地青年篮球联盟会、地区艺术委员会以及当地公立中小学。

44、At first sight, it looked as if the reason was that the chub were being eaten by trout introduced for sport fishing in the mid-20th century. ─── 初一看,好像是因为弓背鲑被20世纪中为了钓鱼运动而引入的鳟鱼大量吃掉了。

45、You can fish for trout in this stream. ─── 你可以在这条小溪钓鳟鱼。

46、They always have dark spots on their heads, backs, bellies and across their dorsal fins and caudal fins, a famed attribute of true trout. ─── 它们身上头部、背部、腹部到背鳍、尾鳍总是遍布深色的斑点,一个真鲑的显著特征。

47、Salmon and rainbow trout are two different fishes. ─── 三文和虹鳟是两种不同的鱼。

48、There's also swimming and trout fishing. ─── 在这里你可以游泳和钓鳟鱼。

49、Any fisherman will tell you that it’s unlikely to catch perch, walleye, trout, salmon, and bass using the same bait or lure. ─── 任何渔夫都会告诉你,不可能用同一种鱼饵或诱饵去捕捉河鲈鱼、大眼鱼、鳟鱼、鲑鱼和鲈鱼。

50、Years ago I read a book on advertising by Jack Trout and Al Reece called Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. ─── 团契生活包括无私互爱,真诚分享,实践服事,牺牲的付出,同情安慰和所有新约圣经中有关彼此的命令。

51、The trout's very good, madam. ─── 太太,这儿的鲑鱼很好。

52、Add the red mullet, trout, snapper, seabass and squids and fry. ─── 加入红头、鲑鱼、加吉鱼、鲈鱼和鱿鱼轻微煸炒。

53、Trout is delicate fish in my opinion. It is cold water fish. It has tender texture and mild flavor. Especially good when bake with herbs or grill with lemon &garlic. ─── 在我看来,鳟鱼是很特别的冷水鱼。鱼肉细腻滑嫩,鱼腥味很小。鱼刺不多也不少。配柠檬大蒜和烹调香料,很适合烤箱烘烤或者明火烧烤。

54、She’s been studying PFOAactivity in trout, a surprisingly good model for testing the chemical’shuman cancer risk (SN Online: 5/21/08),and in human cells. ─── 她一直在研究全氟辛酸铵活动鳟鱼,出人意料的好典型测试化学品的人类癌症的风险(序号在线: 5/21/08 ),并在人类细胞。

55、We did not run at all short of fresh trout at the excellent meals. ─── 在我们丰盛味美的饭餐中,从未缺少过新鲜的鳟鱼。

56、A special note with regards to those who live in the Pacific Northwest: salmon and trout can carry the rickettsia organism responsible for salmon poisoning. ─── 对那些住在西北太平洋的人,有一件需要注意的事情:大马哈鱼和鲑鱼身上可能带有病菌。

57、He would fish trout with his father. ─── 他(以前)常常和他父亲在一起钓鳟鱼。

58、I turned around and cast right at the head of the riffle, and nailed what was to be the first of many beautiful trout I caught that day. ─── 我回头在龙头的铸造权浅滩,钉什么是第一次陷入那天我许多美好鳟。

59、On his fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold. ─── 他去钓鱼,钓回了三条鲑鱼和一场感冒。

60、He fished the stream for trout . ─── 他在溪中钓鳟鱼。

61、He is interested in the cultivation of trout in ponds. ─── 他喜欢在池中养鲤鱼。

62、You can fish for trout in this stream. ─── 你可以在这条小溪钓鳟鱼。

63、What's the best way to cook trout? ─── 鳟鱼怎么做最好吃?

64、English: You must lose a fly to catch a trout. ─── 中文:你们有人看到太特蕾西的内裤吗-她的内裤?

65、Steelhead populations and rainbow trout populations can and do interbreed at different levels. ─── 刚头种群和虹鳟种群可以杂交,实际上也发生不同水平的杂交。

66、'If you become a fish in a trout stream, ' said his mother, 'I will become a fish man and I will fish for you. ' ─── “如果你变成一条凉凉小溪中的鱼儿,”他的妈妈说,“我就变成一个渔夫,我会抛下鱼饵等着你。”

67、Nearby rivers teem with salmon, and upland lakes provide unrivalled sport for trout fishermen. ─── 去打渔时,游客们可以只身前往;或者乘上当地的船只同船员们共同前去。

68、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish& amp; Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)族馆的图片。

69、Three thumping tigers are tickling trout. ─── 三只大老虎正在逗笑鳟鱼。

70、He fished the stream for trout. ─── 他在这河里捕鳟鱼。

71、We cast a line for fat trout from the bottom of the vineyard and the wild rabbit and thyme aren't hard to find. ─── 奥塔哥中部地区是一个不可预知的,在葡萄酒酿造地区的边缘-在盛夏受到太阳烘烤和深冬刺骨的寒冷。

72、In summer, people enjoy boating on the lake - on pleasure boat tours, cruisers and motorboats, or they fish for rainbow trout or go scuba diving. ─── 夏天,可以乘坐观光游览船和游艇、汽艇等在湖上观光,还可以钓红鳟,或者背上呼吸器潜水等。

73、North American freshwater trout; introduced in Europe. ─── 北美洲淡水鲑鱼;移栖欧洲。

74、Linolenic acid, the marine source, can be found in certain fatty fish such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon. ─── 亚麻酸、海洋来源,可以发现,在某些脂肪如鲭鱼、湖鳟、鲱鱼、沙丁鱼、鲑鱼、长鳍鲔。

75、She's not the pilchard sort of little slip of a girl, she's a Bonny Scotch trout. ─── 她并不象那瘦小的沙丁,她是动人的苏格兰白鲈鱼。”

76、I'll have hors d'oeuvres followed by trout. ─── 先上冷盘,再上鳟鱼。

77、The guide pointed out the best places to fish for trout. ─── 导游指出了捕鳟鱼最好的地方。

78、Or try it with dishes such as lemon chicken, dover sole or barbecued rainbow trout or wall-eye. ─── 同时这款酒也是和三五好友在闲暇之余一同享用的绝佳选择。

79、In decades past, people nearly fished out Yellow Stone's cutthroat, but in the 1980s, trout were protected, and like the bears, they, too, began to recover. ─── 在过去的几十年中,人们几乎捞光了黄石的山鳟,但在上世纪八十年代,鳟鱼受到保护,而且就像熊一样,它们也开始恢复。

80、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish & Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。

81、Depending on the time of year, fish species such as cutthroat trout, chum and coho salmon and steelhead can be found in the lake. ─── 像所有的 湖和湿地一样,这个地区吸引著广泛与多样的水鸟。

82、His father's shop in the Venezuelan city of Merida serves over 700 ice cream flavours, including spaghetti, trout and garlic. ─── 他父亲的冰淇淋店位于委内瑞拉的美利达,供应700余种口味的冰淇淋,其中包括意大利面味、鲑鱼味和蒜味冰淇淋。

83、Potassium was higher in golden trout than in Japanese eel(P

84、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish &Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。

85、Order Online from a Master florist with fast nationwide delivery service in Trout Lake New York . ─── 在线订购,从硕士花店快速在全国范围内派递服务的鳟鱼湖新的纽约.

86、Whilst staying at Perryville House, you have an extensive choice of activities with sailing, horse riding, and salmon and trout fishing. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日6天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订的总价。

87、You can eat delicious rainbow trout in Huairou. ─── 在怀柔可以吃到鲜美的虹鳟。

88、Trout Lake Farm has 712 acres (288 hectares) of farmland where it produces up to one million pounds of herbs each year. ─── 共有712英亩(288公顷)农地,每年能生产达100万磅草本植物。

89、A male trout instinctually responds to the following stimuli: a female trout ripe for copulation, a nearby worm, a predator approaching from behind. ─── 一条雄性鳟鱼会本能地对下面这些刺激因素做出反应:一条已经到了交尾期的雌性鳟鱼,一条游到附近的虫子,一个从身后袭来的捕食者。


















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