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09-09 投稿


chord 发音

英:[k??d]  美:[k?rd]

英:  美:

chord 中文意思翻译



chord 短语词组

1、chord head ─── 和弦头

2、chord organ ─── [电] 一弦风琴

3、chord book ─── 和弦书

4、conjugate chord ─── [计] 共轭弦

5、chord line ─── 弦线

6、chord wire ─── 和弦线

7、angle of chord ─── [机] 弦角

8、Zero Lift Chord ─── 零提升弦

9、Mean Avoiding Chord ─── 意思是避开弦

10、vocal chord ─── 声带

11、chord force ─── 弦向分力,平行于基准线的力

12、Mean Aerodynamic Chord ─── [航天]平均气动弦长

13、power chord ─── 强力和弦

14、seventh chord n. ─── 七和音

15、sixth chord ─── [音乐]六和弦, 转位三和弦

16、common chord ─── 公弦

17、touch a chord ─── [网络] 触动心弦

18、strike a chord ─── 引起共鸣

19、bottom chord ─── [化] 底弦

chord 词性/词形变化,chord变形

动词过去分词: chorded |动词过去式: chorded |动词现在分词: chording |动词第三人称单数: chords |

chord 相似词语短语

1、bichord ─── 比丘德

2、chore ─── n.家庭杂务;日常的零星事务;讨厌的或累人的工作

3、chorded ─── 弹奏;上…的弦;调和(chord的过去式和过去分词)

4、chorda ─── n.腱;[解剖]索

5、chords ─── n.[数]弦(乐器上的,chord的复数);和弦

6、chordal ─── adj.弦的;和弦的;脊索的

7、cord ─── n.绳索;束缚;vt.用绳子捆绑;n.(Cord)人名;(法)科尔;(英)科德

8、chordae ─── n.索;腱(等于chorda);带

9、chard ─── n.可供食用的甜菜;n.(Chard)人名;(英)查德

chord 习惯用语

1、strike a responsive chord ─── 打动对方的心弦

2、touch the right chord ─── 触动情绪; 扣人心弦

chord 特殊用法

1、chord of curvature ─── 曲率弦

2、focalchord ─── 焦弦

3、chord of a foil ─── 叶弦, 翼弦

4、lower chord ─── 下弦, 下弦杆

5、horizontal chord ─── 平弦

6、chord of arch ─── 拱弦

7、dorsalchord ─── 脊索

8、minor chord ─── 小三和音

9、supplementary chords ─── 补弦

10、curved bottom chord ─── 曲线形下弦杆, 弧形下弦杆(桁架)

11、standard mean chord ─── 标准平均弦长

12、compression chord ─── 受压弦杆

13、parabolic chord ─── 抛物线弦

14、chord of contact ─── 切弦

15、common chord ─── 公弦

16、major chord ─── 大三和音

17、noncentral chord ─── 非中心弦

18、quarter chord ─── 四分之一弦(长)

19、bottom chord ─── 底弦, 下弦

20、upper chord ─── 上弦(杆)

21、semifocal chord ─── 半弦(翼型)

22、aileron chord ─── 副翼弦[长]

23、windward chord ─── 上风弦

24、curved top chord ─── 曲线形上弦杆(桁架)

25、conjugate chord ─── 共轭弦

26、aerodynamic chord ─── 空气动力弦

27、top chord ─── 顶弦, 上弦杆

28、side top chord ─── 上侧梁

29、zero-lift chord ─── 零升力翼弦

30、mean chord ─── 平均翼弦

31、constant chord ─── 固定弦

32、blade chord ─── 叶(片)弦

33、inclined chord ─── 斜弦杆

34、occipital chord ─── (人)枕矢状弦

35、pistillar chord ─── 花柱道

36、tension chord ─── 拉弦杆

37、longitudinal chord ─── 纵弦

38、parallel chords ─── 平行弦

39、camel-back top chord ─── (桁架的)驼背上弦杆

40、airfoil chord ─── (机)翼弦

41、base chord ─── 基线

42、gambrelling chord ─── (吊挂胴体)插棒处的(跟)腱

43、tapered chord ─── 不等弦

44、frontalchord ─── (人)额矢状弦

45、parietal chord ─── (人)顶矢状弦

chord 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But music made of works up to climax and ceases. The Grand Canyon is all climax, a chord echoing into eternity. ─── 人类的乐曲渐入高潮,止于无声,而大峡谷则高潮迭起,是永远回荡不止的和音。

2、ANGLE OF INCIDENCE, The acute angle which the wing chord makes with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. ─── 安装角,飞机的纵轴与机翼弦线所形成的锐角。

3、Roman numerals do not form a part of the normal figured bass, but may be used in analysis to indicate the root of a chord. ─── 罗马数字通常不是数字低音的组成部分,但可用来分析和弦的根音。

4、The particular teakettle shown has a melodic whistle on its spout, so it blows a harmonious steamy chord when ready to serve. ─── 图内茶壶的壶嘴里附有音乐汽笛,所以只要水一煮好,茶壶便会冒著蒸汽,发出悦耳的和音。

5、You can practice this exercise with any riff, solo, or chord change. ─── 你可以在任何即兴小段、独奏或和弦变化中实践这个练习。

6、He struck a chord on the guitar. ─── 他在吉他上弹出一个和音。

7、Your voice can never touch the chord of my life;and my language may never reach your heart. ─── 你的声音永远触碰不了我生命的弦,我的语言永远达不到你的心灵。

8、Designating a cadence or chord progressionfrom the dominant to the tonic at the end of a phrase or piece of music. ─── 完全终止的在乐章或乐曲结尾指出由第五音到主音的和声或和弦的。

9、Her speech struck a deep chord in my heart. ─── 她的话深深地拨动了我的心弦。

10、The chord AC subtends the arc ABC. ─── 弦 AC 正对弧 ABC.。

11、The portrayal of worthless rather than worthwhile work strikes a chord. ─── 对那些没有意义的工作的描述让观众和读者产生了共鸣。

12、These may be interpreted from waveform or vocal chord vibration patters. ─── 它可以用音波特性或声调振福节拍作翻译。

13、An augmented triad is a three-note chord with a major third added over the root, and a major third added above that. ─── 增三和弦是根音上加一个大三度的三音和弦,其上加一个大三度。

14、Obama struck a similar chord on NBC's Meet the Press program. ─── 在NBC的会面新闻人节目上也强调了相同的论调。

15、Keep the spinal chord and the neck straight. ─── 保持脊椎和颈椎的挺直。

16、He struck a chord on the piano. ─── 他在钢琴上敲出和音。

17、Participants wore lyrics and chord guides on the backs of their shirts to aid the players behind them. ─── 参与者们穿着背上写有歌词和音符的衣服,站在表演者的背后帮助和支持他们。

18、Her speech struck a sympathetic chord among business leaders. ─── 她的演说在企业领袖们中引起赞同共鸣。

19、For more than a thousand years, Zhang Ji's poem about midnight bells has struck a responsive chord deep in the hearts of all his readers. ─── 张继的“夜半钟声”,回响千载。

20、Enter Sophie Fisher (DREW BARRYMORE), Alex's beguilingly quirky plant lady, whose flair for words strikes a chord with the struggling songwriter. ─── 但机会突然再现他的眼前,深受乐迷欢迎的小天后高歌娜邀请他为她作曲,条件是须于几日内完成。

21、Relating to or consisting of a harmonic chord. ─── 和弦的与和弦有关的或由和弦组成的

22、Because they are based on medieval chord patterns, with alternating verse and chorus, they share a distinctive and recognizable sound. ─── 因为它们是基于中世纪弦模式,交替韵文和合唱团,他们都有一个鲜明的和可识别的声音。

23、Take, for example, a simple chord: a construction of notes being struck, strummed, plucked or hacked a certain way can represent a state of mind. ─── 例如,拿一个简单的和弦:一个音符的组合物来进行乱打,乱弹,乱拉或乱砍来找一个确定的能表现思想状态的方法。

24、The injective numerical results showed that the injection of upstream near the rotor leading 30% axial chord edge can suspend the stall. ─── 喷气数值计算结果表明,转子上游约30%轴向弦长处的喷气推迟了失速的发生。

25、When he pointed out their means of vengeance, he struck a chord which never failed to thrill in the breast of an Indian. ─── 当他指出他们报仇的方法时,那可真是击中了绝对会让印第安人颤动不已的心弦。

26、Introduction of one note of a new chord before the previous chord is resolved. ─── 在前一个音未结束之前一个新的音符已奏出的音阶序曲。

27、Something they said to my wife, Joan, and me struck a chord. ─── 他们告诉我太太琼安和我的一些事情,刚好触动我的心弦。

28、Chord: a line segment that joins two points on a curve. ─── 弦:将两点用曲线连接起来的曲线段。

29、In himself, too, he knew that it was vibrating at last, that chord hitherto dormant and unsuspected. ─── 在他自己心里,他也知道那根弦终于在颤动了,那根弦一直蛰伏着,不曾被察觉。

30、We also consider some generalizations on the Arnold chord conjecture to the non contact manifolds and prove some existence results. ─── 另外 ,也把阿诺德弦猜想推广到非切触流形并证明了一些结论

31、How many chords are involved in this chord change, and are they changing at a regular or irregular rate? ─── 这次和弦转变一共用了多少和弦,它们的变化率是规则还是不规则的?

32、To solve this problem,these musicians began using European chord structures as the basis of their music. ─── 为了解决这个问题,这些音乐家们开始使用欧洲的和音结构作为他们音乐的基础。

33、The main truss chord block and side of the positioning accuracy is the overall precision control beam core. ─── 主桁块体和边弦杆的定位精度是钢梁整体精度控制的核心。

34、The area bounded by a chord and the arc of a curve subtended by the chord. ─── 弓形,扇形由弦正对的弦和弧线的弧所成的区域。

35、Designating a cadence or chord progression from the dominant to the tonic at the end of a phrase or piece of music. ─── 完全终止的在乐章或乐曲结尾指出由第五音到主音的和声或和弦的

36、It could be a chord, a progression, a lick, a melody, a sound effect, a whole sonata, or just a single note. ─── 它可能是一个和弦,一个进阶,一个小段,一段旋律,一种声音效果,一段完整奏鸣曲,或者只是一个单独的音符。

37、The dominant seventh chord pattern consists of the dominant, leading tone (leading note), supertonic and subdominant. ─── 属七和弦模式包括属音,主音,上主音和下属音。

38、The anticipation of a dissonant tone by means of its introduction as a consonant tone in the preceding chord. ─── 准备调将不和谐音作为和谐音引入前一和弦以此来调和该不和谐音

39、To solve the problem, a new P2P system is proposed to improve the Chord system. ─── 为此对Chord系统进行改进,提出一种新的P2P系统.

40、Kucinich later told me that Addie Polk's predicament had struck a particular chord with him. ─── 其后,库辛尼奇向我讲到艾迪·布尔克的困境令他产生特别的共鸣。

41、Most wings have a different chord at different positions along their span. ─── 大多数机翼在他们跨径的不同位置有着不同翼弦长度。

42、Music To cause (a tone or chord) to progress from dissonance to consonance. ─── 使变和谐:使(音调或和弦)从不和谐向和谐发展

43、Your left hand controls the articulations of the notes or chord begin played. ─── 你的左手在演奏中必须能准确清晰的按出单音或者和弦。

44、There's a chord progression performance to match every human experience that ever was or ever will be. ─── 会有一个弦进行的演奏匹配于每个人的经验,曾经是或希望是。

45、His appearance struck a chord but I couldn't remember his name. ─── 他的相貌我很熟悉,但我记不起他的名字。

46、Hit the background lonelily,sing the chord lonelily,the death makes the end tone.Although the life. ─── 寂寞打背景,孤单唱和弦,绝望拨主律,死亡做尾音.虽然一生.

47、The connection of CHS T-joints with fold chord subjected to in-plane bending moment can be simplified as rigid joint. ─── 在平面内弯矩作用下,弦杆为折杆的T型圆钢管节点计算可以简化为刚接节点模型。

48、Thirdly, we should capitalise on our strengths, be innovative and creative, and forge a national identity that strikes a chord with the people. ─── 三、要革旧创新,扬长避短,共塑人民的新加坡。

49、So the secret is: use the suitable language or combination of languages to strike the right chord. ─── 因此秘诀就是:使用适当的语言或不同语言的结合以便和对方达到共鸣。

50、It rang such a chord in Ginny's memory that she almost swung her head around to see if Aunt Peg was standing there behind her. ─── 这味道简直拨动了金妮记忆中的某根音弦,她差点要转过头去看看佩格姨妈是不是就站在她身后。

51、The particular teakettle shown has a melodic whistle on its spout, so it blows a harmonious steamy chord when ready to serve. ─── 图内茶壶的壶嘴里附有音乐汽笛,所以只要水一煮好,茶壶便会冒著蒸汽,发出悦耳的和音。

52、Simultaneous combination of notes in a chord. ─── 和弦一根弦上的音节同时发生的组合

53、Bach's chord progressions and melodies are the most beautiful things ever written. ─── 干干净净得小房子简直就是在风景挂历里过日子的呀。

54、Chord:a combination of three or more usually concordant tones sounded simultaneously. ─── 和弦:三个或三个以上听起来同时奏出的通常为谐和的音调的结合.

55、Some would argue this is merely a 2 chord (or a “9 ”),but the effect is more of a spacey, happy group of notes. ─── 一些人争论说这只是一个二和音,但结果是有更多更大的巧妙的音符组。

56、Feather every fire, passionate, he may to look for a chord sound to bustle about the entire afternoon. ─── 就像海泉写下的歌一样,他的心里也一直有这么个角落存放诗的灵魂,“现在也坚持写些随笔。

57、They do not see the significance of the mother tongue and Chinese culture does not strike a chord with them. ─── 对母语的重要性无法认同,对中华文化没有共鸣。

58、The idea of "social entrepreneurship" has struck a responsive chord. ─── “社会企业家”这一想法得到了人们的回应。

59、But music made by man works up to a climax and ceases;the Grand Canyon is all climax,a chord echoing into eternity. ─── 人类创作的乐曲逐渐进入高潮,但也有终止的时候,而大峡谷则高潮迭起,是永远回荡不止的和音。

60、You touched some chord of emotion or sense of responsibility that they have to respond to. ─── 你触动了他们的心弦或激发了他们的责任感而使他们不得不响应。

61、If one chord holds twice as long or only half as long, then we have an irregular harmonic change--irregular rate of harmonic change. ─── 如果某一个和弦持续的时间是两倍或者只有一半,那我们就有了不规则的和声改变——和声改变的不规则比率。

62、Her story may strike a chord for other women in the same situation . ─── 她的故事能拨动那些有同样遭遇的女人们的心弦。

63、His words struck a familiar chord. ─── 他的话听来耳熟。

64、Load up Band in a Box, enter the progression above with each chord taking a full measure, and choose a “blues” style. ─── 安装好“盒子里的乐队”,将这里的进行式输入,每弦一音节,并选择“布鲁斯”风格。

65、He has never shared his thoughts about chord sequences or the like. ─── 他从来不和别人分享对弦演奏或诸如此类的想法。

66、No knowledge of notate, chord names, keys etc. are required. 1. ─── no知识notate ,共鸣的姓名,按键等是必需的。

67、You’ve got to know enough about the person you are boasting to.Otherwise, you’ll make a bungle of it and fail to touch a chord in his or her heart. ─── 吹牛也要认清对方的,不然的话,必难打动他或她的心弦,那么就失掉吹牛的功效了。

68、The clime They claimed victory went when the pro-Thaksin in government was forced out by chord of ruina court ruling. ─── 在前他信政府被法院宣布解散后他们宣布行动胜利。

69、Incredible is that he is a master cook, he cut a fine from the cabbage evenly, but ran a deep chord was struck, this man is most worthy of love. ─── 不可思议的是,他做饭也是一把好手,他切出的白菜又细由均匀,然然的心弦被深深地拨动了,这样的男人,是最值得爱的。

70、The third tone in a diatonic musical scale, determining the major or minor quality of the tonic chord. ─── 中音大小音调中的第三音阶,其决定注音和弦的主音色或次音色

71、Most structured P2P networks are based on distributed hash tables(DHT), for example, Chord, CAN, Pastry and Tapestry. ─── 大部分结构化P2P网络都基于分布式哈希表(Distributed Hash Tables,DHT)技术,比如著名的Chord、CAN、Pastry、Tapestry等。

72、In general, however, a chord may be described as the simultaneous sounding of any number of notes more than one. ─── 和弦通常被定义为一个音以上的任何数量的音同时发声。

73、He is replacing the broken chord of his violin. ─── 他正在更换小提琴上那根断了的弦。

74、It may be a chord, a song, an effect, or whatever, but think in terms of expressing it on your guitar. ─── 它可能是一个和弦,一首歌,一段效果,或别的什么,但想像你在吉他上表示它的条件。

75、He did not know how many years ago, that in the summer, he's a warm greeting, smile, or a clean heroic performance, the vibration of a personal chord. ─── 他不知道几多年前,那个青涩地夏季,他的一次温馨的问候,莞尔一笑,又或者一次干净利索的英雄表演,振动了某个人的心弦。

76、Once activated, that region partitions the deviant chord as a different segment with distinct boundaries. ─── 一经触发,该网络会将那个不协调的音符归于带有明显边界的另外的片段中。

77、Chord:a line segment that joins two points on a curve. ─── 弦:将两点用曲线连接起来的曲线段.

78、A method of measuring diameter of column through measuring the chord high was introduced. ─── 介绍一种通过测量柱体横截面的一段弦高,来换算出柱体直径的方法。

79、But music made of works up to climax and ceases.The Grand Canyon is all climax, a chord echoing into eternity. ─── 人类的乐曲渐入高潮,止于无声,而大峡谷则高潮迭起,是永远回荡不止的和音。

80、Possibly some people might suspect him of a degree of underbred pride, I have a sympathetic chord within that tells me it is nothing of the sort. ─── 可能有人怀疑,他因缺乏教养而有点傲慢无礼,我内心深处却产生了同情之感,认为他并不是这类人。

81、And the criticism strikes a responsive chord among many Americans. ─── 他的批评引起很多美国人的反应。

82、A chord consisting of a root with its third, seventh, and ninth. ─── 九和弦由第三、第七和第九三个基础音组成的和弦

83、Karunesh does not stray far from beautiful, lush pads of resonant synth strings and Western-friendly scales, melodic lines, chord fills, and harmonies. ─── 就在他正在滔滔不绝的时候,他注意到他的茶杯已经满了,老者却还浑然不觉继续倒茶,满出的茶水已经浸湿了他的衣襟。'

84、Her words struck a sympathetic chord in her audience. ─── 她的话拨动了观众的心弦

85、Similarly the subdominant, as part of the dominant seventh chord, has a tendency to move to the mediant. ─── 下属音也是如此,下属音作为属音七和弦的一部分,倾向于移向中音。

86、He used the higher notes of a chord as a melody line and made other changes. ─── 他运用更高音调的和弦音作为旋律线并做了其它的修改。

87、IMG_ARC_NOFILL indicates that the arc or chord should be outlined, not filled. ─── IMG_ARC_NOFILL指明弧或弦只有轮廓,不填充。

88、Use the first mouth shape to play single notes and the second one to play chord with tongue block. ─── 吹十孔口琴一般都是用第一种,吹和弦或者使用舌堵法时就要用第二种口形了。

89、Guitar tablature arrangements of every song from the album, complete with melody line, lyrics and chord symbols. ─── 吉他琴谱安排每首歌来自专辑,完整的旋律线,歌词与和弦的符号。

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