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09-09 投稿



distanced 发音

英:[?d?st?nst]  美:[?d?st?nst]

英:  美:

distanced 中文意思翻译



distanced 短语词组

1、socially distanced ceremony ─── 社交距离仪式

2、socially distanced walk ─── 社交距离步行

3、socially distanced shows ─── 社交距离节目

4、socially distanced ─── 社会距离

5、socially distanced chat ─── 社交距离聊天

6、socially distanced selfies ─── 社交距离自拍

7、socially distanced selfie ─── 社交距离自拍

distanced 词性/词形变化,distanced变形

动词过去式: distanced |动词过去分词: distanced |动词现在分词: distancing |动词第三人称单数: distances |

distanced 相似词语短语

1、distended ─── v.(使)膨胀,肿胀(distend的过去式和过去分词)

2、distained ─── v.(使)变色;将……弄脏;伤害……的名誉

3、distuned ─── 不协调的

4、disentranced ─── vt.使清醒;使从迷惘中觉醒

5、distasted ─── n.厌恶;讨厌;vt.厌恶;不喜欢;vi.不喜欢

6、distance ─── n.距离;远方;疏远;间隔;vt.疏远;把…远远甩在后面

7、instanced ─── v.以(事实、案例)为例;引证(instance的过去式及过去分词)

8、outdistanced ─── vt.超越,大大超过;把……抛在后面

9、distances ─── n.[数]距离;间距(distance的复数)

distanced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and Bell, as if ashamed, quickly distanced himself from the telephone monopoly bearing his name. ─── 并且贝尔,好像是因为羞耻心作祟,很快就离开了冠上自己大名的电话垄断行业。

2、5. Voters have been distanced from the party by adverse publicity. ─── 选民受到反面宣传的影响,对这个政党冷淡了.

3、There are no prospects for breaking this impasse on the immediate horizon, even though the US has recently distanced itself from the fissile material issue over verification issues, said a senior non-US diplomat. ─── 一名非美国的高级外交官说,当前没有任何可以打破这种僵局的迹象,尽管美国已经自己将裂变材料话题引伸到了进行核查的方面。

4、Ternana starlet Luis Jimenez has distanced himself from reports linking him with a move to Juventus. ─── 特拉纳新星路易斯?希梅内斯同那些把自己和转会尤文图斯联系在一起的报道拉开距离。

5、The Wave team deliberately distanced itself from Google's headquarters, choosing to be based in the company's Sydney office. ─── Wave小组刻意同Google总部保持距离,他们选择以Google悉尼办公室为基地。

6、Sometimes compassion cannot be embraced until the karma is complete, and one has distanced oneself from the painful dance enough to embrace the other as a fellow human being; ─── 有时候,直到业力完成时同情才能融入,而一个人将自己从痛苦之舞中保持足够的距离,以至于无法将他人作为同伴来包容。

7、Prominent athletes, such as boxer Muhammad Ali and basketball star Charles Barkley, deliberately distanced themselves from the earlier ideal of the athlete as a model figure. ─── 杰出的运动员们,例如拳王阿里、篮球明星巴克利,都刻意使自己远离先前"做一名为人表率的运动员"这一理想。

8、Clough felt he'd become too distanced from his fans. ─── 拉夫觉得他变得太疏远他的仰慕者们。

9、France, Guinea's traditional ally and former colonial power, has distanced itself from him, cutting military ties and decrying his “savage” treatment of the protesters. ─── 几内亚的传统盟国和前殖民国家法国已疏远了几内亚,在军事上切断和几内亚的关系并谴责它对抗议者实行残酷的镇压。

10、If we define the publicness of his works with references to those who interferes the public spaces, he seemed to be distanced from the real life. ─── 如果以介 入公共空间的创作来定性他作品的公共性的话,似乎他与现实生活隔了一层。

11、They are too often highly theoretical in their outlook and too distanced from the nitty gritty of managing a company. ─── 他们的观点往往具有高度理论性,与管理公司的细节相去太远。

12、It was grievous to think that Mr. Slope should have so distanced him. ─── 想到斯洛普先生竟然把他这样远远地甩在后面,这是很令人伤心的。

13、He distanced himself from his former wife. ─── 他疏远了他的前妻。

14、John McCain has always stood for limited, principled government, and has distanced himself throughout his career from the religious ideologues that have warped Republicanism. ─── 麦凯恩一直以来都支持自律的有限政府,并且始终和扭曲共和主义的宗教意识形态人士保存一定距离。

15、This is a nonchalant story of decent folks living in an isolated "new" town distanced by poverty. ─── 这是一个淡淡然而又感动、振奋人心的好人好事的故事。

16、He distanced himself from the pack in the final lap. ─── 在最后一圈时他已经把其他人远远得甩在后面。

17、In his move towards the centre, he has distanced himself from his radical past and has vowed to provide macroeconomic policy continuity if elected. ─── 在他竞选的过程中,他不再是从前的激进分子并且发誓如果竞选成功会不断提供宏观经济政策。

18、Timid colleagues tried to avoid me and apple-polishers rather distanced me. ─── 胆小的同事不敢与我往来了,见风转舵,拍马屁的小人更是远离我而去。

19、I was thinking how could I lure you to be near me...my zampakutou couldn’t affect the distanced objects. ─── 之前我一直在考虑该如何使你接近我...我的斩魄刀不能作用到远处的东西。”

20、McCain again distanced himself from the economic policies of President Bush, and noted that Americans want change. ─── 麦凯恩再度与布什总统的经济政策保持距离,并且表示美国人希望改变。

21、Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distanc from those I mistrust. ─── 母亲经常告诉我要好好利用宝贵的时间,远离那些我不信任的人。

22、Claude Makelele has today (Sunday) distanced himself from remarks attributed to him by a national Sunday newspaper. ─── 马克莱莱今天(周日)反驳了星期天日报关于他的。

23、In keeping with that, McCormack distanced himself from a European Union statement that in their conversation Thursday, Rice and Solana endorsed the creation of Kenyan national unity government. ─── 为了与上述做法保持一致,麦科马克与欧盟的说法保持距离。欧盟说,在星期四的电话交谈中,赖斯和索拉纳支持肯尼亚建立一个民族团结政府。

24、But anyway if our relationship hadn’t been so good, it would have shown on screen, and we would have distanced ourselves from each other. ─── 但是无论如何,如果我们的关系没有那么好的话,银幕上就会显示出来,而且我们会同对方保持距离。

25、Javi Martinez has distanced himself from speculation linking him with a move to the Premier League. ─── 哈维-马丁内斯已经向众多媒体猜测表态他不会转会到英超。

26、The distanced between the mountain and the sea is 7.5 kilometers, and the Great Wall impenetrate north to south, the Shanhaiguan town is tightly clutches the pass mouth. ─── 在高山大海相距7.5公里之间,长城纵贯南北,山海关城紧扼隘口。

27、One historian called it “the age of negligence”, as the clergy distanced themselves from the congregation and absented themselves from their pastoral ministry. ─── 一位史学家将这个时期称之为“失职的时代”,因为牧师越来越脱离信徒、无心传教。

28、It has been reported that the orignial article has been blocked from viewing or taken off the site. Also, official media agencies distanced thenselves from that claim. ─── 任泽众:不同立场而已,走自己的路让他笑去吧!难道欧美国家的中国军事威胁论会因为中国人的舆论就停止吗?这只是一种手段。

29、Barcelona starlet Javier Saviola has distanced himself from links with Juventus. “I want to stay here,” he said. ─── 巴塞罗那的小个子前锋贾维尔.萨维奥拉已经将自己和尤文图斯拉开距离."我想留在这里,"他说.

30、Many people have distanced themselves from the Triad, but not Fabio Capello. ─── 许多人都疏远他们,但是卡佩罗没有。

31、Julie Gerberding distanced herself from the report and acknowledged potential flaws in the study that included people with health problems who tend to weigh less. ─── 自此,中心主管朱力各不丁对报告持保留态度,她承认研究中可能存在瑕疵,被调查者中包括了患有疾病却想减肥的人。

32、Egypt has distanced itself from the Palestinian president’s demand that Israel stop settlement building in the West Bank before a resumption of talks. ─── 巴勒斯坦总统要求以色列停止在西岸建设定居点的活动。在谈判恢复之前,埃及与巴勒斯坦总统的要求划清了界限。

33、The Psychological Diathesis From Qualified Personnel Under the Moder distanced Education ─── 现代远程教育培养的人才应该具备的心理素质

34、Voters have been distanced from the party by adverse publicity. ─── 选民受到反面宣传的影响,对这个政党冷淡了。

35、For many years, I've distanced myself from certain queers, naming drag queens, transsexuals, and flaming gay activists as freaks or Other to bolster my sense of normalcy. ─── 这些年来,我都与那些同性恋者、反对同性恋的激进分子以及支持我找回正确的性取向的人们保持距离。

36、Today, most of middle distanced tourist have arrived at the tour destination.Every tourism city and main scenery have reached the top of reception. ─── 今天,多数中远程旅游者到达旅游目的地,各旅游城市和主要旅游景区均进入接待高峰,不少景区创同期游客接待量的历史新高。

37、You can use a virtual coordinate system and keep your program distanced from the hardware, or you can use the device coordinate system and snuggle right up to the hardware. ─── 你可以用虚坐标系统并且保持你的程序与硬件的距离,或者你可以用设备坐标系统而完全依赖于硬件。

38、John McCain has always stood for limited, principled **, and has distanced himself throughout his career from the religious ideologues that have warped Republicanism. ─── 麦凯恩一直以来都支持自律的有限政府,并且始终和扭曲共和主义的宗教意识形态人士保持一定距离。

39、But he distanced himself from Mr Chen's confrontational policy towards the mainland. ─── 同时,他刻意同其前任对抗大陆的政策保持距离。

40、Dior had distanced itself from Stone's remarks. ─── 迪奥将自己同斯通的言辞划清了界限。

41、When I was younger I was used to walking long distanced, but now I'm out of practice. ─── 在我年轻的时候,我习惯于长距离步行,但是现在我缺乏锻炼。

42、Each router that the packet encounters along the way is called a hop. The hop count is the distanced traveled. ─── 沿著此径封包进入的每个路由器被称为一个跳跃,跳跃数是行经的距离;

43、As Clinton became more deeply entangled in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Gore distanced himself from his long-time political partner. ─── 随着克林顿深陷莱温斯基性丑闻之中,戈尔也与这位长期的政治盟友拉开了距离。

44、However, Domenicali has not distanced Maranello from the technology. ─── 然而,多梅尼卡利还没有拉开距离法拉利的技术。

45、He pursued his course with the usual jaunty swagger which distinguished his steps, so that he and his companion were speedily distanced by Pen and Miss Fanny. ─── 他跟在后面,仍那么大摇大摆,斯斯文文的,因此他和他的同伴马上拉下了一大截路,跟潘和芬妮分开了。

46、This article followed the current the media technology principle and the characteristic embarks,unifies some to discuss the class media technology using the practice in the distanc... ─── 本文从流媒体技术的原理和特点出发,结合一些应用实践探讨了流媒体技术在远程教育中优势,并提出了自己的看法。

47、Each router that the packet encounters along the way is called a hop. The hop count is the distanced traveled. ─── 沿著此径封包进入的每个路由器被称为一个跳跃,跳跃数是行经的距离;

48、He is also interested in FPGA reconfigurable computing, embedded network computing, VLSI design and testing, modern intelligent instrument and virtual instrument, remote testing and distanced experiment technology. ─── 研究兴趣涉及FPGA可重构计算,嵌入式网络计算,数字系统设计与测试,现代智能仪器与虚拟仪器,远程测试及远程实验技术。

49、super-short distanced feeder ─── 超短距给煤机

50、After the abbot publicly distanced Shaolin from the Olympics inOctober, Chinesebloggers and athletes began to suggest the monks arejust scared they wouldn't win. ─── 在少林寺方丈公开表示不会派人参加奥运比赛后,有博客作者和运动员暗示少林寺是因为怕输而不愿参赛。

51、I feel I'm distanced by him in every respect. ─── 我感到自己在各方面都赶不上他了。

52、Since then, Shanghai Tang has revamped and distanced itself from traditional qipao designs and classic tangzhuang jackets. ─── 自那之后,“上海滩”一直在转型,脱离了传统的旗袍和唐装设计。

53、Corradi has struggled to make his mark since joining Valencia last summer and fears his presence in La Liga has distanced him from the Italy squad. ─── 据意大利四台报道,罗马主帅布鲁诺.孔蒂一直对本赛季队中缺少一名中锋感到烦恼,他希望科拉迪能够在下个赛季加盟球队。

54、Apparently straightforward, yet subtly shading things to his advantage, he distanced himself from real responsibility, even as he confirmed the record in every particular. ─── 他不喜欢绕弯子,但会很巧妙地把事情说得对自己有利,以摆脱干系,甚至每次确认具体事实都忘不了。

55、Milan have distanced themselves from the rumours linking them to Sao Paulo defender Diego Lugano. ─── 有传言将米兰和圣保罗的后卫卢加诺联系在一起,米兰却和他保持了距离。

56、None of these hawkish pundits openly advocated violence, and all have (for the most part) distanced themselves from Breivik's act. ─── 这些鹰派学者没有一位公开呼吁暴力,并且所有人(至少是多半)都跟布雷维克的行动划清了界限。

57、higher distanc education ─── 现代远程高等教育

58、Last week Real distanced themselves from any association with the 24-year-old but, since then, star striker Raul has injured himself and Cassano has entered the reckoning once more. ─── 上星期皇马还否认与这位24岁的前锋有过任何性质的接触,但是当他们的劳尔受伤以后,卡萨诺再次进入了他们的视野。

59、So,even prior to the Internet's widespread popularity,folks were already becoming distanced from their extended families and neighbors. ─── 所以,甚至在因特网普及之前,人们就已经开始远离他们的大家庭和邻居了。

60、Your donation will light up the hope of life of the cataract patients living in distanced areas. ─── 你的捐款,为居于偏远地区之白内障病人重燃人生希望。

61、Your donation will light up the hope of life of the cataract patients living in distanced areas. ─── 你的捐款,为居于偏远地区之白内障病人重燃人生希望.

62、China's venture capital industry has grown rapidly to become the worlds second largest investment volume, yet far distanced from the United States. ─── 尽管美国的风险投资行业依然遥遥领先,但中国已经迅速崛起为风投数额世界第二的国家。

63、The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book. ─── 作者在他的书里对某些评论淡然处之。

64、Distanced from the real world below, his eyes become sharper, and he can discern objects more clearly. ─── 和这一切拉开了距离,他的眼睛反而看得更清晰了。

65、As some Internet users spent too much time online, they have become distanced(distant) from their families, relatives, neighbors and colleagues. ─── 有些网民由于花费了太多时间上网,他们与家人、亲友、邻居和同事变得疏远了。

66、He has distanced me from my brothers, completely estranged me from my friends. ─── 他使我的兄弟离弃我,使我的知己疏远我。

67、Both the Blackburn manager and Wigan's owner distanced themselves from a move for the England striker and Owen, 29, believes they will realise they were wrong. ─── 布莱克本经理和维根老板都对签下欧文没兴趣,29岁的欧文相信他们会发现自己错了。

68、How long have we been distanced by the reality? ─── 现实又让我们疏远了多久?

69、and Bell, as if ashamed, quickly distanced himself from the telephone monopoly bearing his name. ─── 并且贝尔,好像是因为羞耻心作祟,很快就离开了冠上自己大名的电话垄断行业。

70、He distanced himself from his former wife. ─── 他疏远了他的前妻。

71、For the past two years, I escaped to another land and completely distanced myself from issues of stray animals, animal rights and welfare in Taiwan. ─── 这两年我离开了台湾,不再去管台湾流浪动物的事。

72、That stupid quarrel has distanced us. ─── 那一场无谓 的争吵使我们的关系疏远了.

73、This was partially due to my personal development efforts, as I distanced myself from the crowd to work on myself. ─── 一部分归结于我自身的发展成果,因为我的努力,与喧闹的人群保持了适当的距离。

74、The maximum distanc between the under surface of the slipper and the surface of the working platform ─── 滑块下平面距工作台面最大距离

75、Despite the more distanced, more fragmented, and less nuanced description of each area, this is still an amazing account, few of which can match living in the world today. ─── 儘管更加疏远,更加支离破碎,不细緻描述每个地区,这仍是一个了不起的帐号,其中的一些可以比拟生活在今天的世界。

76、Just as significantly, Liu established the erhu as a solo recital instrument and distanced it from its traditional associations with village music groups and itinerant musical beggars. ─── 更具历史意义的是,刘成立了专门的二胡乐队,单独演奏,使它从传统的乡村音乐协会和巡回音乐团体脱离开来。

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